Pray for sound reasoning for all of our elected officials.
“Counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have insight, I have power.” (Pr 8:14)
Much has been said, and written, about Senator Dianne Feinsteinās prejudicial questioning of Notre Dame Professor Amy Coney Barrett in her nomination hearing for 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. But Senator Al Frankenās line of questioning was also disconcerting. Franken used Southern Poverty Law Centerās (SPLC) definition of hate to characterize her as extreme. SPLC has designated the work of many Christian organizations as hateful, including Alliance Defending Freedom, with which Barrett was affiliated. ADF has argued many court cases at all levels of our judicial system to protect religious freedoms. The Senator insinuated that Barrettās speaking engagement at an ADF event shows that Barrett is irresponsible. He wasnāt concerned about Barrettās commitment to precedent, nor her personal liberty of religious belief. No, Franken was concerned because Barrettās beliefs are different from his understanding of todayās mainstream, liberal culture.
Franken put the SPLC definition of hate above the protection of religious freedom found in our Constitution. This is why we need to pray to uphold the Constitution.Ā Click HERE to download your free resource as you pray. Watch the video exchange with Franken (D-NM) HERE. Senator Barbara Feinstein (D-CA) attempted to discredit Barrett also, attacking her as a fellow woman.Ā Watch the video exchange HERE.
Now is a critical time to pray about our judiciary and the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Judiciary Committee hosts hearings almost every week while in session. President Trump had over 120 federal court judgeships to fill when he was inaugurated.Ā This is significantly more than the previous administration and presents an opportunity to appoint judges who will protect religious freedoms and our Constitution and change the landscape of the federal judiciary.
- Pray for your senators, that they would conduct nomination hearings and debates with humility and fear of God. I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers,Ā intercession and thanksgiving be made for all peopleāĀ for kings and all those in authority,Ā that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godlinessĀ and holiness. (1 Timothy 2:1-2)Ā To share your prayers with your senators, follow this link:
- Pray for specific court nominations–may God appoint judges who support the Constitution, the rule of law, and religious freedoms. Blessed are those who act justly, who always do what is right. (Psalm 106:3) Check out the latest list of nominees HERE.
- Pray for President Trump to choose wise judges to dispense true justice in our country and protect our Constitution. Download the free prayer guide, Pray to Uphold the Constitution. This is what the Lord Almighty said: āAdminister true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another.ā (Zechariah 7:9)
Reverend David Kubal is the President and CEO of Intercessors for America (IFA).
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Diane Feinstein has been a menace for years. We need to pray for our laws about being able to serve more then 4 years in office. Term limits is the way to end a lot of our problems.
Father I thank you for our God given rights to practice our Judeo Christian faith, the government has no right or outhotity over us not to practice what God has given us, we need to stand up for what is rightfully ours and pray daily for the protection of all true bwelievers
Lord, we ask that the effort of the 48 Christian Organizations that have sent a joint warning to media outlets regarding the SPLC’s “hate list”, that it is false and biased, would be heeded. Again Lord, we ask that every lie and act of slander would be exposed in your light. We ask again for funds for Liberty Council and other organizations fighting for our liberty. Bless then Lord and protect them, in Jesus name, Amen
Lord we lift up Liberty Council that is in a law suit due to SPLC. We ask you protection on them, already much funds have been “stolen” by this un just suit. We lift up all other organizations that stand For You Lord and the freedom You gave us here. Lord raise up your children to be salt and light in this darkness, help us to find our voice and may we raise it in prayer before you and with our vote and our partnership with these organizations that have been busy holding back the tide that would destroy our Republic altogether. Father forgive us for caring more for our temporal lives here and all it’s trappings than being the Ambassadors of your Kingdom you have called us to be. We thank you for these Warriors of faith, and ask your intervention on their behalf. We ask that the rhetoric lies of SPLC would be exposed and your truth Lord would be known. Draw those confused to truth, and may they find you Jesus. In Jesus powerful name i pray, Amen.
Thank You Lord for this country that you have given us and for the Constitutional rule of law that is based on your Word. Revive us again to the Biblical principles that this country was founded on. And in particular I pray for the Judicial Committees that interview the potential candidates for Judgeships around our Nation. I ask you, Dear Lord, to soften their hearts and thinking to help them look at the founding Fathers of our Nation and emulate their several differences, coming from divergent backgrounds, but working together for the common good of all. Let your Spirit reign in their interrogations and give great considerations for those that they are interrogation that you may be reflected in all that is done. May you be the One getting the glory for choosing or absenting those that are selected on the Senate’s Judicial Committee, in Jesus Name. Amen.
We, the people, are responsible for the mess we find our nation in today. When WE become more concerned for our children’s spiritual wellbeing than for whether or not the coach gave them playing time; or whether or not they were scolded by the teacher–when we are willing to get our rears to church every Sunday, as a family, turn off the TV and have corporate family prayer and Bible study every night, and monitor child cell-phone use, monitor their friendships, and say a resounding “no” to any place they wish to go which would put them into a doubtful situation, and until our children see nothing but decency, honesty and integrity coming from us, this nation will only grow worse. We must change this nation by changing ourselves and our families, otherwise, as Ronald Reagan said, “we will be a nation gone under.” Whether or not we voted for the man, that saying of his is truth. May God melt the hearts of all of us, His people, and cause us to seek Him and His agenda, humbly and sincerely, taking our own sins, failures and shortcoming before Him first: then humbly submitting ourselves to Him on behalf of our nation and our families, each one of us being willing to do whatever He asks of us.
Pray that Dianne Feinstein, democrats, & SPLC’s religion of atheism no longer has the ascendancy over Christianity. Christians have a 1st amendment right to freedom of religion without being subject to the state’s religion of atheism. The USA was founded on Christianity, and should be the predominant religion of America, even our constitution is based on Christianity. It is not legal for foreign religions of Atheism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Muslimism, Taoism, & Platonic thought; supplant the foundation of the USA which is belief in Jesus.
When will the so-called “leaders” of this nation get it through their heads that the majority of people in this nation are fed-up with Congressmen and Senators who flout our Constitution and our bill of rights, and the writings of our Founding Fathers? Either they have never read them at all;have no least idea of what this nation is about;or are deliberately ignorant, because they wish to exact their own agenda upon the populace rather than do the will of the majority of tax payers who hired them, in which latter case, they are blatantly dishonest and need to be removed from office.
Pray that Dianne Feinstein, democrats, & SPLC’s religion of atheism no longer has the ascendancy over Christianity. Christians have a 1st amendment right to freedom of religion with being subject to the state’s religion of atheism. The USA was founded on Christianity, and should be the predominant religion of America, even our constitution is based on Christianity. It is not legal for foreign religions of Atheism, Muslimism, & Platonic thought, supplant the foundation of the USA which is belief in Jesus.
It is very disappointing to be forced to realize that those whom we-the-people have hired with our tax dollars. And have put in place to govern, having trusted them, are not to be trusted at all. Obviously they know nothing concerning the Founding Fathers, nor do they know anything concerning the principles upon which this nation was founded, nor do they understand the bill of rights, and if they have ever read the Constitution of the United States, either they are subversives or they are incapable of understanding it either, because their teachers never taught them to “read” what they read. No so-called senator or congressman has any right to judge a person’s ability to fill an office based on their religious affiliation.