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Lord, we pray for courage for our leaders to resume their responsibilities to lead our nation. Give them guidance.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called the Senate back in session, beginning Monday, May 4th, citing the “important work” of the Senate as a reason to resume in-person work in Washington, D.C.  Of course, work conditions will be altered to accommodate safety precautions for social distancing, sanitization of workspaces and facilities, and Senate support staff will still be working remotely. One of those important tasks of the Senate is the confirmation of Senator Ratcliffe as the Director of National Intelligence, as well as other appointments. (See coverage below provided by Just the News.)

The House, however, has remained in recess indefinitely, as decided by Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  As of now, there is no set date to bring House members back to Washington, D.C..  House leadership shared that there is committee work being done remotely by the House Appropriations Sub-committee on the topic of coronavirus, led by Rep. Rosa DeLauro of CA. Her sub-committee will attempt to meet in person for a hearing about the White House’s response to coronavirus.  Reports are that the Democratic-led House is pursuing additional impeachment charges against President Trump, some stemming from his handling of the coronavirus situation in our nation. It is noted, that no other committees are meeting to tackle other topics and issues such as the annual defense policy bill and spending measures–nothing other than this single issue.

Speaker Pelosi has been pursuing proxy voting for the House. Politico reports, “Pelosi has vowed to plow ahead with a rules overhaul to temporarily allow proxy voting, with or without Republicans in the coming weeks. [Minority Leader Kevin] McCarthy, meanwhile, has rejected the idea, expressing concern that a single lawmaker could vote on behalf of 200 representatives.”

No bi-partisan agreement has been forged as of yet for the House return, with Speaker Pelosi calling for longterm remote working accommodations for House members, and Minority Leader McCarthy calling for a return to the Capitol to resume sessions in person.


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Cindy Gillespie
May 6, 2020

Father, good government is your will. Thy will be done. Lord, I cry out to you. Please intervene now to stop the assaults, the hammering of evil intentions against those working for good government. I ask you to remove every obstacle and shut down the lying voices. Be merciful O Lord and strengthen our godly leaders and raise up even more. May all those who claim to belong to you suit up, rise up and show up and be your body on the earth.


Darlene Estlow
May 6, 2020

Father, may our Congress work glorify you. Foil the evil plans of those who want to undermine the President. Bring a love of our Constitution to each member of the House and Senate. May they cease persecuting the President and move on to important issues that need to be taken care of.


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