Several intercessors have called our office this week urging prayer and praise to battle in the heavenlies about healthcare. Pray for God to clear confusion and provide a divinely inspired solution. Pray for all those who are unable to pay mounting medical bills and premiums.
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace (1 Cor 14:33 KJV)
”Two more Republican senators announced opposition to the party’s healthcare bill Monday evening, prompting GOP leaders to abandon the effort. . . . ‘Regretfully, it is now apparent that the effort to repeal and immediately replace the failure of Obamacare will not be successful,’ said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. President Donald Trump quickly declared on Twitter Republicans should repeal Obamacare now and begin working to replace the law at a later date. ‘As I have always said, let Obamacare fail and then come together and do a great healthcare plan. Stay tuned!’ Trump tweeted Tuesday morning. Republicans hold only 52 Senate seats, and they would need 60 votes to repeal Obamacare completely. McConnell now wants to bring back a 2015 reconciliation bill Republicans passed but President Barack Obama vetoed. The 2015 bill defunds Obama’s Affordable Care Act but does not remove its regulations. If passed, lawmakers would have two years to pass a healthcare replacement.”(Excerpted from World News, reporting by Evan Wilt.)
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Almighty Creator, we come before you in thanksgiving for your grace and many blessings. We ask for your assistance in bringing forth a Health Care Bill that is according to your will. In Jesus name, Amen
Dear Lord, help congress to find a fair and reasonable way to fund healthcare , help them to refuse big money from those who want things there way, have mercy on the poor, and reasonable to the others, help them to get along, and quit playing politics, help them to get this done quickly as possible as many lives are at stake, and many peoples livelihood, move on their hearts to do the right thing for the American people, amen.
Father God in psalm. 72: 2-4 says, Let him be honest and fair with all your people, especially the poor. Let peace
and justice rule every mountain and hill. Let the king defend the poor, rescue the homeless.
Heavenly Father, You have placed Your hand on our country and have directed our founders to call on You to guide us in our decisions to bring You into it all. Today, I call on You to help us as Your people to humble ourselves, and pray and seek Your face, and turn from our wicked ways, then You will hear from heaven, and will forgive our sin and heal our land. I pray this in Your Precious Son’s Name.
Let him be honest and fair with all your people, especially the poor. Let peace and justice rule every mountain and
hill. Let the king defend the poor, rescue the homeless.
I have read and agreed with all those wonderful prayers!!
May the Lord intervene for us re. this bill.
May our legislators put their differences aside and get this
healthcare bill put together and approved and lets move on
to the tax package!!
Blessings on you all!
I bind the principalities, powers, darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness over the U.S.A. and WASHINGTON D.C. IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! I command that your power be impudent in Jesus name! We strip you of your power to keep us from repealing and replacing Obama care, enforcing immigration. We tell division to leave Congress so bills can be passed for the good of our country. We speak to all of this in the name above all names, JESUS CHRIST! LORD have mercy on us ! Bring people to you that your will be done. Thank you, Lord!
We Worship You Lord in the beauty of your holiness, for you are The Great I Am. You have called America to display your glory. Great I AM we glorify You, honor and extol You alone. You open doors that lead to freedom and righteousness. There is none like you. Man’s wisdom is foolishness to you. Our ways and thoughts are not your ways, Yours are so much higher. But you call us to Unity and the power of oneness by which you are glorified. I ask you to display your glory through our leadership in the Senate to reflect the power of ONE. Knit their hearts together in the bonds of peace and unity. Give them revelation of righteousness and pour out wisdom that is from above- pure and unadulterated. Bring down pride and every lofty thing that exalts a man. Cause our leadership to be mission minded, so your highest and best is executed for your name’s sake. Raise up kingdom warriors to undergird your purposes. I hear you say there is a man with a kingdom key that will open the grid lock. Promote him into position by your Favor. Give his voice audience to those in authority. Give them ears to hear your oracle. Let your assignment for America in this hour come to fruition. Almighty Father you are good. Thank you for hearing our petitions. IN JESUS NAME.
As I read the prayers of others I see the unity of spirit and the same desire for mercy and justice. It seems that the members of Congress lose connection with the American people, even those who do seem aware of this serious need and are concerned. What strikes me is the lack of urgency and seriousness. Why does it matter so much to many in Congress – they don’t even have the “healthcare” plans that many Americans have. I think that if the individual states come together, the need for prayer should be obvious. This healthcare attempt has been a man made effort, independent from the direction of God.
Dear Lord, we pray Your will be done for health care provision in our nation. We pray that Senate legislators desire honestly to do Your will, to serve our nation, not themselves.
Holy Spirit, touch the hearts of our leaders, give them boldness to do what’s right for the people; we pray that not fear govern their decisions, but faith in You.
Open the eyes of our senators to Your Truth.
In Jesus mighty Name we pray, amen.
Dear Heavenly Father,
Almighty God, We praise you for your amazing power. You created our universe from nothing, and scientists are constantly discovering more about how awesome the universe is.
Lord there is doubt and confusion we need Your intense and blessed involvement with the Healthcare Bill Collapse. You and only You Lord know what is best for your people.
Please here our prayers and answer and send Your Holy Spirit Lord over our leaders. Amen
In the same way the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s will. And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose ,for them.In Jesus name!For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. Our welfare is not in the fleshly realm, it is not against flesh and blood. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal , they are not bombs, guns, or tanks, but they are mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. In Jesus name!
Father GOD, thank you for your love and mercy! We understand that a solution to the Healthcare Bill has not been established because it is not the of YOUR will. We ask that you open the minds and hearts of the Senators/Congress and give them the WISDOM to COMPILE, DEBATE AND PASS a Healthcare law that takes care of your Children without filling the pockets of the greedy. We ask this in Jesus name, AMEN.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the United States of America! Thank you for men and women who bravely stand up to face forces of darkness with bravery and honesty. In Yeshua’s name, I bind up the spirits of deception, witchcraft, and confusion around the house and the senate. I pray the blood of Messiah over the governing houses so that our leaders will have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. I pray for wisdom and courage for the Legislative body and for protection as they continue to work on this health care bill.
Thank You Lord- we speak Your word over the Health Bill. We know You are not the author of confusion. We pray that You are Lord over this health bill and You will put it through though no one else knows what to do. You know all things. We come unto the One who knows all things and commit this to You Dear Lord. We cover these requests with the blood of Jesus!
Lord Jesus, we pray for a revival like no other in the USA Senate. Strip these servants of all things them, of every influence that has evil motives, of everything that thwarts the will of God. We pray for You to speak to them Holy Spirit and revive the clarity of truth. Let every evil plot against this country be thwarted as You, Lord God, by the power of Your Holy Spirit move in power among these servant leaders of the Senate, those You have purposefully placed in authority for a time such as this. Father God, send Your warring angels to fight for truth to come to the light, dispense and shatter the darkness of deceit, send forth clarity, breathe it into the minds of these USA Senators. Jesus may the power of Your heel step on chaos and confusion and crush it in the lives of these Senators, speak what is true to their hearts in a still small voice that they cannot ignore. Let it be so Jesus. Let Your Will for this Health Care bill be heard and done. Amen.
I think Senator Graham had a great suggestion: Give the appropriate allotted financial amount to each state, and let each state work our their own health plan, specifically crafted for their needs. Perhaps God is working toward that solution? I note that the senators who had previously been state governors are planning to meet. My prayers are in that direction. That way, no one could point the finger at either party. Each state would be responsible for their residents — not a national political party.
Amen Paula, Jana, Harold, Delores. God is surely piling up Your Spiritual Treasure where moth and rust,and thief (Matthew 6:19) cannot diminish it ! No matter the outcome, your path is beautiful and Your prayers never, never forgotten !!! Remember the difference that prayer has made in the past, although all seemed lost for a long time ! Remember William Wilberforce and the Clapham prayer group, who prayed fervently for 20 years with little to show for it ? Then in one day (so it seemed ) the Slave Trade ended (1807) ! Then more prayer and amazingly British Empire ended slavery completely 1834 as did the French Empire so complete abolition in 1838 August 1 and even though slavery continues IT IS ILLEGAL ! Thus there are more tools to continue to bring it down ! ! THIS WAS DUE TO PRAYER ! Let us pray again ! Lord end the evil embedded in our Healthcare ! May Congress pray again as they did at the Constitutional Convention at the behest of Benjamin Franklin with great effect (1789).
Father, we are again in need of “divine intervention” in resolving an issue. This time it is the Health Care issue. Everyone is at a loss as to what to do! It is chaos in Congress. These Scriptures tell us where to find help: Psalm 33:20 He is our help and our shield; Psalm 46:1 God is a very present help in trouble; Psalm 63:7 Thou hast been my help; Psalm 94:17 Unless the Lord had been my help; Psalm 121:1 the hills, from whence cometh my help; Psalm 146:3 trust not in man in whom is no help; Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need! I pray that our President, Senators, and those in the House that know You will come boldly to the throne of grace begging for mercy and grace to help us in our time of need! It also says in the Word to “rejoice in tribulation”! This is not the time to be downcast. It is the time to pray more with others–“where two or three are gathered in my name, I will be there with them” He says!
Father, please bring unity and order to this health care dilemma! Draw the Republicans together to think clearly and wisely about what we need, and to write and produce a healthcare bill that is simple, succinct, and satisfactory. You are the author of wisdom, and the God of peace. Our lawmakers need a healthy dose of both along with the understanding that millions of people are waiting on them to do the right thing! Give them a sense of mission, and bind away from them all confusion and disunity. I pray for the right number of Democrats to come alongside and join them, so that this issue can be solved and the people appropriately served! Thank You, Abba!
Lord Jesus, thank you for your gracious hands upon this Bill now under the care of these lawmakers. Touch each of them making them realize the responsibility given them by the American Voters. Lord, examine each of their hearts and whatever is not of you my Lord, BREAK IT UP.
Darling prayer partners, You are a “Royal Priesthood” and with such prayer there is great hope and belief that
God will DO it ! In Jesus we claim His victory!
Oh Lord, surely this stalling is really about out enemy’s desire to kill more babies in the evil called abortion. Thus we beg of You, Sovereign Lord, with fervor& presistence, as it says in James 5:16 that You will make a way where there seems no way to allow the Godly members of Congress or those who, at least, desire good, both House and Senate, to pass a Healthcare Bill where we are not doomed to pay for this evil and You can begin to heal our land. We pray conviction on each member of Congress such that their concern would be what YOU, Oh Lord, are concerned about. And yes enable it to be financially viable, but mostly we pray that we will be in YOUR will as it is done in Heaven ! in the Holy Name of Jesus. Amen
Abba Father, I pray for You to open the eyes of the Republican’s working so hard against our POTUS their own President to do what is right in your eyes. You have a plan and purpose for us, the American
people. I pray for your Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus mighty name we ask. Amen 🙁
I pray that a few more rational Dems will join with reasoning republics to do what is necessary to allow our health system to function as well as possible, realizing that a perfect bill will be impossible to pass.
We are so upset with the Republican Party, they don’t care about the middle class citizens. God please help america.
It has been obvious our government does not care because none of them have Obamacare and never plan to be on it. The people of America need to vote in officials who care about the masses who make up this great country . We matter and good affordable health care should be an essential , like clean water. Yes we deserve as good as health care available to us as our government officials have!!!!
In Jesus name I break the power of sabatouge over this health care bill. I say let God arise and His enemies be scattered. May our leaders stand in the counsel of the Lord and hear His voice! Holy Spirit hover over this bill until it is written the way You want it written in Jesus name!
our government has no idea how they are affecting USA citiznes, Not passing this healthcare bill is astoundingly stupid. Seems like for years our government has no idea on what We The People do want. They do not care. I believe the democratic party is losing all respect from the citizens of the country. They are suppose to hear, but they refuse to hear. The republicans refuse to work with this President, think they no ALL, they no nothing. God has an agenda, we must pray government leaders will have eyes to see ears to hear, & a desire to do what is right.
Amen Pray pray hard! Ridiculous shows what frauds Dems&GOP are God help us!
I add my Amen to that, Jana.
Just repeal obamacare, democrats will get over it. Amen!