I Prayed have prayed
Father God, thank You for stirring people to stand up for rights and for the nation's children. Thank You for Sen. Johnson and other leaders who are boldly defending the rights of parents.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sen. Ron Johnson ripped the Department of Justice probe into schools, saying it appears evident to him that the real focus is on parents who are protesting the introduction of controversial materials like critical race theory and sexually explicit books in school libraries.

“What the attorney general is doing … is outrageous. It is such a violation of people’s constitutional rights to petition their government, to free speech,” the Wisconsin Republican said Sunday during an interview on “Cats Roundtable” with billionaire New York grocery magnate John Catsimatidis on WABC 770 AM.

Johnson’s comments follow a memo from Attorney General Merrick Garland instructing U.S. attorneys and the FBI to look into alleged threats against school board members and teachers made by officials with the National School Board Association, who sent a letter earlier this month to President Joe Biden. . . .

In his interview, Johnson ripped the directive and said that, increasingly, Democrats are using the term “domestic terrorists” to describe anyone who questions liberal orthodoxy on issues like COVID-19 and that the Justice Department memo is just a “method of intimidation.”

“[Garland] is saying [the parents] are intimidating school board members. No, it is the attorney general of the United States that is intimidating people exercising their rights to free speech and the right to petition their government,” said the Wisconsin Republican who has yet to announce whether he’ll run for reelection next year.

The senator went on to press parents to continue pushing back against school boards that seek to implement CRT and other divisive materials.

“I hope Americans are paying attention. The good news is that it seems that parents are paying attention … They’re running for school board. I tell people in Wisconsin if you don’t want critical race theory, if you don’t want the 1619 project taught to your children, don’t let it be,” he told Catsimiditis.

Show up peacefully. Be respectful. But be insistent. Demand that the school boards follow your wishes. Not the wishes of Joe Biden and his cast of characters,” he added.

What do you think of what Senator Johnson has to say about the Attorney General intimidating Americans? Share in the comments . . .

(Excerpt from Biz Pac Review. Picture Credit: Getty Images.)

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October 22, 2021

Thanks much Sen Johnson—–“Let God arise and the enemy be scattered!!!

Enough already!!!

Stephanie Moore
October 22, 2021

God Bless you Senator Johnson, and thank you for using your God-given influence and power to protect the innocent children.
Lord, please raise up more parents who will protect their children by respectfully and wisely challenging a corrupt system – a satanic system committed to destroying young hearts, minds and bodies in order to dominate the world of the future.
Jesus alone is The King of Kings and The Prince of Peace. Fear not. Follow Him, dressed in Holy
Armor. Faith in Him is The Victory that overcomes the fallen world.
In His Name, we pray.

October 21, 2021

I saw Senator Johnson several weeks ago at a townhall in Wisconsin. He is correct to call out the unconstitutional actions at the Justice Department as well as HHS. Covid was a big topic that day as well as so many other government actions that are contrary to law and the Constitution.

Parents are not terrorists. They love and want what’s best for their own children. For decades America has tolerated less than excellent results from public educators. Some teachers are great. Others are militant and use their time with a “captive audience” to go “off script” and insert their own bias.

It’s time for school choice for all!

I pray Senator Ron Johnson will consider to run for a third term. He loves America and stands up to the bullies for ALL Americans.

Carrie W
October 21, 2021

Sen. Johnson is correct. We have to stand up for what is right and not let them intimidate us or control us and push us around to do or agree to do what they want. I just read this week the COVID vaccine requirement by Biden has not even been approved yet and here thousands of businesses have fire people who are not willing to be vaccinated. That control is horrible. Government in the USA has nor right to try to control us or take away our Constitutional rights and privileges by forcing us to violate our conscience or spiritual beliefs. Whoever is controlling Biden needs to be stopped and tried for treason. We suspect who it is. but someone in authority position needs to stop this person(s) and have them brought to Justice. Follow the money, the person($j greedy for power and control and you will find the culprit(s).
God, raise up right fighters who can facilitate changes and arrests and convictions, and who with Your help and power, can get You restored s head of this country and peoples’ hearts. Save those You know can be saved, remove the rest. Expose the evil that is hidden and it’s perpetrators with Your Light and Presence. Restore righteousness and deliver us from evil. Reveal whatever needs to be revealed quickly so everyone will know what has REALLY been happening to our country behind the scenes for years. Thank you Fathwr, I pray, in Jesus.holy name.

October 21, 2021

Thank you, Senator Ron Johnson, for telling it like it is!! He is right, this administration, on the whole, is about intimidation!! This Attorney General, has a “conflict of interest,” because his daughter’s husband is part owner in “Panorama Education,” which is putting out the CRT and other filth that is in schools! Garland is compromised and needs to STEP DOWN!
Keep standing up, parents, keep running for school Boards! Americans, we have to take our schools back and take our country back! We are not, and never will be, domestic terrorists! We LOVE our God, our children and our grandchildren and we love America, that’s who we are!!

October 21, 2021

I say, thank God for people like Sen. Johnson who have the integrity to stand up for what is right. It takes courage to stand up to the liberal agenda. I pray that God will use all of the governmental officials who are willing to stand against the ungodly tyranny of the liberals/radicals/Socialists who are trying so hard to impose their will upon America. Please, Lord Jesus, remove these mislead, evil people from office. Please do this before they are able to ruin this great nation. In Jesus’ name.

October 21, 2021

Father bless and protect senator Johnson and his family.Give him boldness,encouragement,and strength to fight the battle he has been assigned.Give him supernatural wisdom,favor,and discernment in his journey.Help him kill the giant that is attacking our schools across his state and our nation.Let him be a light house for other states to join forces and defeat the giants that are trying to destroy our children’s minds,their identity,and lives.Thank you Abba Father we turn our eyes to you and your protection of the innocent in our nation.In Jesus name I pray!

Michele Baxter
October 21, 2021

Thank you senator for having the courage to speak up when it’s so hard to do with so many political leaders being so secure in their positions. Getting backlash from the left is challenging to say the least. May God direct you in all that you do and say. May you influence other Republican leaders to do the same and even change the minds of those who are on the fence. God bless.

Dawn Beth
October 21, 2021

Thank you Senator Johnson for standing up for the rights of parents all over our nation.
Father I thank you for Senator Johnson, I thank You for Your Spirit of boldness that rests upon him, use him to ignite that same Spirit in his peers as they represent “we the people” in their realm of influence. I pray Your hand of protection over him and his family, I ask for a fresh anointing of Your power to rest upon him and favor, Father, favor with both you and those he meets with daily.
Father, I pray that his voice mailbox, his email box, and his snail mail box would be flooded with letters and words of gratitude and encouragement. Words that would lift him and refresh him in the work that You have called him to do. Father may Your hand guide everything that he does for the state of Wisconsin and May his stand embolden many other senators to speak up and stand up for our basic and inalienable rights, not given by government, but divinely ordained, through Your great love and mercy.🙏🙏

October 21, 2021

Heavenly Father, thank you for appointing Senator Ron Johnson for this time and for anointing him. Thank you for giving him boldness and wisdom to stand for righteousness. Lord of hosts, thank you for protecting him, his staff, his entire family from attacks of the evil one. Darts may fire but shall return to the sender as they deflect from the shield of faith.
Most loving and gracious Lord, You are Truth, Life, Light and I praise you for sending revival/awakening to America. Jesus, you deserve the glory!

Rebecca Berube
October 21, 2021

Thank you, Senator Johnson for defending the rights of parents. God bless you & your family!🙏😊


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