I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we continue to pray that all the truth would be revealed.
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Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said Tuesday that he plans on completing his panel’s investigation into the FBI’s probe of now-debunked collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia and release a public report on the findings ahead of November’s presidential election.

“I want to do it before the election — I want to get all the information out there,” Graham told reporters, according to CNN.

“I’m trying to explain to the American people what happened in Crossfire Hurricane,” Graham said, referencing the bureau’s codename for the Russia counterintelligence investigation. “I gave Mueller all the space he needed to do his job. He’s done his job, we got the Mueller report, we’re going to do this by October.”

On Monday, Graham announced that his committee plans to vote June 4 on a subpoena authorization to solicit testimony and investigate documents from top Obama-era officials as part of his probe into Crossfire Hurricane as well as FISA abuse. The subpoenas will cover fired FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, and former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper.

Last week, Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (I-AI) released a declassified list of Obama officials who had requested names, such as former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, to be “unmasked” between November 8, 2016, and Jan. 31, 2017. The list included Clapper, Brennan, along with former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power, former White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, and former Vice President Joe Biden. . .

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Joshua Caplan.)


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Linda Hanratty
May 23, 2020

Father we thank you that everything hidden in darkness is being exposed in a timely way. No weapon fashioned against those who are righteous shall prosper and any word that has risen against them, You will condemn. We ask Lord that you would guide the investigative committee to find the root / and people responsible for the problems and expose them. We pray for divine intervention in our nation to bring restoration and truth to the American people. We repent for that which has been called Good was evil and what was evil was called good… we ask that this mindset be overturned and that the hearts and minds of the American people would align with your truth for what is righteous. Give us divine discernment. We ask the deceiver be bound over the news media and Lord, that the media would begin to proclaim the truth. We pray conviction and exposure of the media where they have been in collusion with darkness. We repent for the leadership of media and Hollywood for making pacts with the demonic forces, to bring about their own agenda of socialism and communism. We repent for bribery and immorality at the top, and we asked Lord that you would renew a right spirit within them. We ask that you wash our government leaders, (present and past) and our and media with the blood of Jesus and bring healing and restoration as everything hidden in darkness is exposed. Lord we ask that the swamp be drained in every state and every community. We repent for them and we repent for those who have attempted to bring down this president who honors your name. We denounce their strategies and ask they come to nothing. Finally, we lift up our government and media and request that whatever is good, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is of good report, Let them dwell on these things! Let the love and truth of our Savior flow through this nation and through all of its mountains of culture! We thank you Lord that you have commanded us to speak to the mountains that are in front of us to be thou removed and cast into the sea, and we do this without doubting and our heart it shall be established! Thank you Jesus! We say to the mountains of corruption, in Fidelity immorality and deception to be cast into the sea to never rise again! We release truth righteousness and Justice! Hallelujah! Cause them to grow and flood this land with the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. In the Name of Jesus we pray Amen!,

May 23, 2020

Thank GOD for those members of Government who are decent dedicated people.
This painstaking investigation must be so stressful.
May GOD grant that every lie at every level be exposed, so that the Truth would be known and told.
“Be sure your sins will find you out.”
Thanking GOD for His promise that HE will give justice to all who are unfairly treated.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

Darlene Estlow
May 22, 2020

Father, we pray that the truth would come out. May evil be destroyed.


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