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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, give us effective intercession and may we be intentional with our prayer. Help us to truly pray without ceasing.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Derek Prince, Mike Bickle, Dick Eastman, Yonggi Cho, Lou Engle all come to mind when I think about the inspirational prayer leaders who influenced my life. There’s one more who may not be as well-known but he’s up there in the Prayer Parthenon and radioactive to the enemy. Bob Perry is a former missionary for 12 years in Eastern Europe whose passionate prayers mingled with multitudes to miraculously see the Berlin Wall suddenly come down! He’s a 40-year friend and his “sweet spot” is helping people be effective and consistent in the practice of prayer. God put him on a path taking him to 55 nations studying prayer and he’s been mentored by some of the finest on the planet. Coming to his place of convergence in ministry decades ago, God has strategically placed him in incredible situations to instruct and inspire Christians in prayer.

• Leading chapel services prior to national college championship games.
• Praying together with believers on Air Force One and being nicknamed “The Praying Priest.”
• Overseeing behind the scenes prayer for our outreach to 82,000 fans at Bonnaroo music festival.
• Engaging as an American ambassador with over a million intercessors at a national prayer gathering in Africa.
• Or how about his regularly participating with clusters of two or three to gather and agree in prayer in the Name of Jesus?
Having just finished our year end Intercessors for America board meeting, the urgency and explosion of intercessory prayer was still fresh in my mind when I sat down with Bob to glean insights on effective prayer for this article and embedded podcasts. Amidst the chaotic time in which we live and scores struggling, weary and even demoralized, Bob’s passion for prayer is just what our Divine Physician ordered to encourage us and freshly ignite our faith. “And let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not give up” (Gal.6:9).

Going from Discipline to Delight

Lean in and listen to Bob as he shares on the podcasts with his infectious enthusiasm. Learn and then receive divine impartation when he concludes with fervent prayer on all our behalf.
Bob Perry is relatable because he lays out his journey from Catholicism where he knew rote prayers and religious exercises but lacked a dynamic relationship with Jesus. He was genuinely born again when someone was faithful to reach out to him and share the gospel. It didn’t take long for him to develop a God-given burden for prayer when he noticed how lacking it was in the church.
Initially prayer was drudgery but in time this man of God saw his commitment to be disciplined in prayer develop into delight. He’s convinced that humility and hunger are the “currency of heaven” and foundational to a consistent prayer life. “I humbled myself and simply asked God to help me develop a genuine hunger for communion with Him in prayer. Jesus told us His ‘yoke is easy and His burden is light’ (Matt.11:30) so in childlike faith I simply took Him at His word and yielded to Him.”

Don’t Doubt God

This minister of prayer has an abundance of personal stories to build our faith in line with the Word of God. He states “the greatest tragedy about unanswered prayers are that they’re never asked! Be bold. Be persistent like the widow with the unjust judge. Be in the Word to know His will and be sensitive to His Spirit trusting He will in His perfect timing and way do “exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or imagine” (Eph.3:20). “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much” (James 5:16). Whether the need is for spiritual, emotional or mental healing; financial breakthrough; guidance in a major decision; God‘s plan for one’s mate; or, the supernatural restoration of a prodigal son or daughter, God is more than able and always faithful. The Perrys saw God undertake for their wayward daughter when she drifted off course in her late teens. They persevered in prayer and witnessed her hit rock bottom till on her 25th birthday she landed in a rural jail where a jail mate had written scriptures on the wall and told her “I’ve been here for a year waiting to share the gospel with you!” The prodigal came home.

Seven Practical Suggestions

Growing in the practice of prayer is a process. Some additional suggestions that Bob and I share from our journey are the following.
1. Discover and maintain right priorities based upon sacred scripture.
2. Remind yourself of the benefits of prayer and the consequences of its neglect.
A consistent prayer life enables us to experience God‘s Presence; delights the heart of our Heavenly Father; affords opportunity to receive daily guidance; gives us a chance to daily “cast cares upon Him”; enjoy spiritual cleansing from worldly contamination and develop greater discernment to avoid deception.
3. Learn to pray the Scriptures echoing prayers given by Jesus, Paul, Peter and
writers of the Psalms.
4. Maintain a right perspective of being motivated by grace and not by legalism. We pray not as a “have to” but a “get to” knowing our relationship with God is not based upon our sins, shortcomings or service but His unchanging covenantal love set upon us!
5. Find a quiet spot without distractions even as Jesus “went out and departed to a solitary place. And there he prayed” (Mk.1:35b).
6. Schedule permitting, be intentional in retiring and rising early enough for a quality time of prayer. “In the morning, rising up a great while before sunrise, He went out…there He prayed” (Mk.1:35).
7. Endeavor to establish order for your prayer life to avoid wandering thoughts. Take time to reflect and ask God to search your heart to keep a clear conscience. “Enter His gates with thanksgiving” (Ps.100:4). Meditate upon scriptures to build faith and focus on the spiritual realm. Consider having some background worship music. Have a flexible order of prayer where you intercede for governing authorities, family, the lost, special needs, etc.

Here’s the deal: The disciples never asked Jesus to teach them how to preach but  they did ask Him “teach us to pray” (Lk.11:1). They observed His life and knew His power came from His personal bond with Father God. Outstanding servants of God like Bob Perry inspire us to grow in prayer and there’s never been a time when it’s more important than right now.

Note: if you’re interested in discovering resources to help you in prayer and to see what is Bob’s current assignment, check out how he and his prayer team are making an impact on the marketplace at https://workplaceprayer.com/.

(Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

Share your thoughts on these secrets to successful prayer in the comments below!

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Seth-Benoit NIYUKURI
June 23, 2023

Thank you so much! I am blessed and encouraged in the faith as I have a burden in my heart to pray for! God bless you! Greetings from Rwanda/Africa

Sharon Williams
January 5, 2021

I can’t tell you how long I’ve been seeking information on how to increase my prayer life and success in praying. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of instructional information out there. I’ve always known it to be a privilege and indeed a great spiritual weapon but I never knew how to wield it with acuity. I thank you for this publication in this article. It has been a tremendous help to me in jump-starting the increase of prayer in my life and I’m so glad I took the time to read it. I appreciate what you are doing, Mr. Perry, and thank you for helping me to become skilled in prayer. I look forward to greater prayer times in my life.

Gail Segars Rainey
January 4, 2021

Because prayer is a privilege and our greatest spiritual weapon, it is probably one of the most studied essentials to the life of a Christian. I have had and still have many mentors teaching about prayer. Too many to name, but one I shall mention: Germaine Copeland, because she is a live spiritual mother who mentored me in a group for about four years and I purchased and shared many of her books on prayer: PRAYERS THAT AVAIL MUCH. May I say I am still learning and Intercessors For America is a wonderful organization of pray-ers. Also, enjoying intercession with Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation and Dr. Billye Brim in the Ozark Mountains of Branson, Missouri. So many of God’s people to learn from! I thank God for each one and too many to mention here.

Laura Dominick
January 4, 2021

What a wonderful word to us – thank you!!! I loved the sentence: “He’s convinced that humility and hunger are the “currency of heaven” and foundational to a consistent prayer life.” I just looked at the comments and see that it spoke to others as well. Also, thank you for the Scripture: “Enter His gates with thanksgiving” (Ps.100:4). Just as I read this, the music I am listening came to a beautiful crescendo – I could picture Heaven’s gates being opened wide for us to enter with hearts and lips of thanksgiving to our great and awesome God! Hallelujah!

January 4, 2021

Excellent article and needed.
Like many, I have often struggled with the discipline of a good Prayer life. Sometimes I have felt that I am all over the map when it comes to prayer. But like anything in this life, if we want to progress in maturity, we need and have to find both discipline and the passion that accompanies such discipline. While discipline sounds like legalism, it isn’t. It’s anything but that and especially when it comes to the importance of prayer. I think of it as “the lifeline to heaven and back”.
Lord, teach us continually how to pray with our hearts and not our heads. Thank you for being patient with us Lord as we learn your ways Father. Amen.

January 4, 2021

Thank you, Larry, for a thought-provoking article. It points to our need to seek the Lord’s face first and foremost. Asking the Holy Spirit for help in our prayer life is essential for me . I fervently pray that our prayers would be effectual and pleasing to God. In Jesus’s name.

Jim Lorch
January 4, 2021

Larry Tomczak, thank you for sharing this article. When I was introduced to IFA several months ago I admit I was unsure how to effectively pray (I too was raised Catholic). One of the many values I have found with IFA is not only praying for our nation, but teaching people how to pray so the network of believers that are praying continues to grow covering our nation and the world in effective prayer allowing Gods will to be done. .

    January 4, 2021


    I too grew up Catholic. Thank God for His mercy and grace. Once I received the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, my whole life changed. My view of the world changed as my mind is continually renewed. I spoke and acted differently and God has used me down through the years to bring others to Christ. I’ve seen so many prayers answered. I am in a Church that teaches the Word of God so that I can continue to mature in faith. It’s so good to hear that others have similar testimonies. God is certainly using the prayers of the righteous to avail much change in the earth at this time. Continue in your walk of faith!

January 4, 2021

Amen to this! Humility and hunger are the “currency of heaven” Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thess 5:16-18 and following verses are great too!


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