I Prayed have prayed
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Ask God to give our leaders wisdom in responding to the evil in the world. Pray for Sean Spicer, a fellow believer in Christ, to be directed by God in carrying out his duties.

The wise in heart are called discerning, and gracious words promote instruction. (Pr. 16:21)

“It’s time to applaud and thank President Trump and his administration – Spicer included – for taking decisive action in Syria to save Arab life. . . .

Hitler is the godfather of all modern genocides and all those who attempt the extermination of an ethnic group are Hitler’s ideological stepchildren. . . . Spicer is right to point out Assad’s relationship with Hitler since the Syrian butcher is attempting a genocide of Sunni Muslims in Syria carried out by Alawite militias, Shia Iran, and Hezbollah, which is also Shia. All of this has been aided and abetted by Russia and its President, Vladimir Putin. Spicer is correct to point out that the use of nerve agents against one’s own people is a unique form of evil from which Assad can now never escape.

Assad should be removed because no man who gasses his people must ever be allowed to stay in power.

Where Spicer was absolutely wrong was when he said that Hitler had not used chemical gas against his own people, given that Hitler murdered something in the region of 200,000 German Jews during the Holocaust, not to mention the millions of others who were gassed at Birkenau, Belzec, Treblinka, Bergen-Belsen and so many other camps. . . .

Spicer was wrong, though, because all of Europe was a battlefield during the war and the gas chambers where 1.5 million Jewish children met their end was history’s most horrible use ever of chemical agents in war.

Spicer apologized and, it seems, he did so sincerely, much regretting his mistake. He deserves to be forgiven and we should move on.

Those who wrote blogs calling Spicer an antisemite are guilty of character assassination and debasing the term. The Jews have real enemies in the world. Sean Spicer has used his pulpit at the White House to repeatedly defend the Jewish State and condemn genocidal Iran. He should be considered a friend of the Jewish people. . . .

President Donald Trump and his people may not have found all the right words in defending their attack on Assad. Spicer certainly did not. However, when it comes to combating genocide, words are trivial and action is everything. I am grateful to Sean Spicer and the members of the Trump team for taking action to give value to innocent Arab life. . . .

It’s time to applaud and thank President Trump and his administration – Spicer included – for taking decisive action in Syria to save Arab life. Because only action, and not words, are that which will ensure that Never Again means Never Again.” (Excerpted from The Jerusalem Post, commentary by Shmuley Boteach.)

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Lucille McIntosh
April 24, 2017

If all the past and present leaders and the governing body of America and the leaders of churches should gather together at a strategic area such as the White House grounds or the Capitol Hill, and repent to God for the sins of this nation, America would enjoy protection, prosperity and peace because God would give us victory over our enemies every time and America would be great again. I hope repentance will be the main focus on May 4 as we celebrate the next National Day of Prayer.

Robert Toth
April 22, 2017

Lord: Thank you for Mr. Spicer’ s love and respect for You.
The attacts are relentless against him.
Guard his coming in and going out and set a hedge of protection about him.
Give to him wisdom above his own natural capabilities tempered by a realization that Your hand is upon him and he is nothing of himself.
I pray that he will call to You and You will show him great and mighty things of which he does not know.
Silence his critics O Lord in the name of Jesus Amen.

Gabriela Luevano
April 21, 2017

Father your are the one who raises up kings and brings them down, fall riches, power, glory, wisdom, and honor belong to you who sits on the throne. I pray over Spicer and his family that you would give him infinite wisdom, teach him, instruct him, give him prudence, knowledge, and understanding, and that you would guard his mouth and may he speak what you would have him to speak. I pray that all the public would receive what he would have to say with an understanding heart, that you Lord would give the public eyes to see and ears to hear through the work of the holy spirit. Lord I pray for protection, strength, courage, and influence over Sean Spicer, may you give him a platform to defend the Jewish people, the land of Israel, and all that is just. In Jesus name Amen.

April 21, 2017

Lord God we pray that those in this administration would put a Watchman on the doors of their lips, and that they would have the mind of Christ. We ask You to guide them with wisdom that is pure and unadulterated, that comes from above. May they speak the Oracles of God. Lord we ask that you put a hedge of protection around our leaders, that they become saturated in your presence that they might know and do that which they are instructed by you. Let your Super be upon their natural. I may the gifts of God with which are without repentance be active in this Administration. And may salvation through Christ be upon this nation, making God great in America once again, in the name of Jesus.

Susan Sisneros
April 21, 2017

Lord, I pray that our leaders will humble themselves before you and seek YOUR answers to these situations. May they truly be praying for YOUR will to be accomplished and listen to YOUR voice and respond accordingly, in unity. Please help us Lord. In Jesus name.

Jeanette Boyd
April 21, 2017

I pray for our leaders but they continue to lie and it is so disgusting. As Christians, we do have a standard and our standard is the example of our Lord and the Word of God. We should be encouraging them to seek truth and wisdom. We are not perfect but we must all be honest and of good character. I am working on myself and those in the cabinet should do the same. It is not complimentary at all that they are constantly corrected while just lying…over and over and over again.

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