I Prayed have prayed
Lord, help our justices as they hear arguments in this critical case. Give them wisdom, and may their decision honor You.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In late April, the Supreme Court will hear arguments for whether Trump can face charges related to January 6.

From SCOTUSblog. The Supreme Court on Wednesday agreed to decide whether former President Donald Trump can be tried on criminal charges that he conspired to overturn the results of the 2020 election. In a one-page unsigned order, the justices ordered a federal appeals court to continue to keep on hold its ruling rejecting Trump’s claims of immunity from prosecution, and they fast-tracked the case for oral argument in late April. …

Who is praying on the wall?


U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan originally set a trial date of Mar. 4, 2024, for Trump’s case. But in early February, she threw that date out and indicated that she would set a new one “if and when” Trump’s immunity claims are resolved. …

On Feb. 6, the D.C. Circuit unanimously upheld Chutkan’s decision and rejected Trump’s claims that he cannot be prosecuted for his official acts as president and that a former president cannot be prosecuted unless he has first been impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate. …

Trump came to the Supreme Court on Feb. 12, seeking to have the D.C. Circuit’s ruling put on hold to give him time to file a petition for review of that decision and, if possible, reconsideration by the full D.C. Circuit. …

In an unsigned order, the justices agreed to decide whether and to what extent a former president is immune from prosecution for conduct that allegedly involves his official acts during his time in office.

Stressing that it should not be regarded as any sign of the justices’ views on the merits of Trump’s claims, the justices instructed the D.C. Circuit to keep its ruling on hold until the Supreme Court issues its decision.

The court indicated that the case will be argued during the week of April 22 — the second week of the court’s April argument session, and the last week in which the court is scheduled to hear arguments in its 2023-24 term. Trump will have just under three weeks to file his opening brief; Smith will then have just under three weeks to file his response. …

Share this article to encourage others to pray for the Supreme Court ahead of the week of April 22.

(Excerpt from SCOTUSblog. Photo Credit: Adam Szuscik on Unsplash)

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Annette rousseau
March 2, 2024

Please, people need to be writing to SCOTUHONORABLE SUSAN R. BOLTON
United States District Court
Sandra Day O’Connor U.S. Courthouse, Suite 522
401 West Washington Street, SPC 50S
Case to allow illegals in Arizona to vote, No voter ID, no citizenship, mail in OK.

Write to and every single judge that is siding with the lies. Prayers are great. We need to be proactive.
Judge Scott McAfee, Georgia Fanni Willis case. Please write him.
[email protected]
Write him and pray for him he judges correctly. He is only 38 years old. Very young.

Sandra Day O’Connor U.S. Courthouse
401 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85003

Above look up document for all Judges in the state of Arizona. Please start writing them. I usually write one letter, save and edit for whoever is the next judge. I use lots of scripture. Please write these people.
God bless. Annette R

March 2, 2024

I call upon the Spirit of Truth to rest on the justices of the Supreme Court in order to bring complete Order to every case involving President Trump. I command the veil of darkness to be pulled back and declare that the justices see with clear eyes the path they should take in order for all the injustices perpetrated against this man Be stopped. Come justice, come righteousness, come mercy, come kingdom of God, come will of God. In the Name of Jesus, so be it!

    March 2, 2024

    I am afraid they have already been bought, or coerced by covert threats and intimidation by the NWO puppet masters. Why else would they recently rule against reasonable attempts to curtail the flood of the assaultive invasion at our southern border?

    Carole Mckeown
    March 4, 2024

    Amen open the eyes of the bind Lord let them search their hearts and seek your face for the answers so that they will not be on the wrong path as your words says not all will enter the Kingdom of Heaven you will say you do not know them

Linda Rice
March 2, 2024

And his crime?

Brian Lynch
March 2, 2024

Lord Jesus, this is a vitally important ruling that the SCOTUS will be making regarding President Trump. While I personally believe that he should receive immunity, Your will is what is the final say. Therefore, it is my prayer that the decision that SCOTUS will make the week of April 22 will be reflective of your will. You alone know what is best for our nation.


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