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Lord, guide us with your Spirit of truth and discernment. We need you, and are trusting that you will guide us to see what is right in your eyes. May you take back the education system in America. Amen.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In May 2020, we asked you to pray this about schools: Father, we come to you in the Name of Jesus and ask for a revival in America’s local communities. Give Your people a voice in their local schools as they take their place as the leaders You called them to be. Let those who stand for righteousness not back down but grant them larger platforms to declare your freedom for the children in their local public schools. Across the country, parents have been inspired to challenge and unseat school board members. Here is why it is vitally important.

The battle to win control of school boards from the clutches of racial indoctrinators is high stakes. Lose, and a generation is lost.

The outcome will determine whether our children learn to see themselves and other people as individuals, instead of merely members of racial groups. Parents of all ethnicities who never thought they’d get involved in politics must step up.

Under the critical race theory pushed in schools, white kids are shamed as racists and oppressors. Black kids are taught to think of themselves as victims. And the nation’s history is being presented as something to despise.

When parents object to this brainwashing, school administrators respond with double-talk, insisting schools just want to be inclusive and diverse.

That’s why it’s time to shift from complaining to fighting for control of local school boards. These boards hire superintendents, set policies and have the clout to stop CRT. Except in large cities like New York, school boards are where the power is.

In Loudoun County, Va., parents are organizing to recall a majority of the school board. They’re distressed that teachers are being required to learn about “systemic oppression and implicit bias.” One of the recall organizers explains that Loudon schools are focusing less “on individuals” and “more on identity groups and putting everybody into an identity box.”…

In Oregon, Sonja McKenzie, vice president of state’s School Boards Association, says she is disturbed to see board races becoming hotly contested political events. “School-board work is not political work. It’s community work.”

But there is help on the way. Last week, a national political action committee called the 1776 Project announced it will be supporting school-board candidates battling critical race theory. That could even the playing field somewhat against unions.

In many places, the fight for school boards actually started with parents frustrated that teachers’ unions wouldn’t allow schools to reopen. In Eastchester, NY, Jonah Rizzo-Bleichman never thought he would run for political office. But seeing that “hybrid learning” was “a disaster” for his daughter, he concluded, “someone had to step up to fight for reopening the schools.”

Now schools are open, but the stakes in the school-board wars are even higher. Of course, schools should teach about America’s past failures, along with its triumphs, and probe racial injustice where it still exists. But of paramount importance, young people should learn that their character and deeds matter more than their race.

It is time for parents to step up and take action. Please share your prayers about this in the comments below!

(Excerpt from the New York Post. Article by Betsy McCaughey. Photo by Maja Hitij/Getty Images)


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Margaret Macon
June 6, 2021

Father God thank you for the Laudon, VA school parents organizing to address CRT. Bless them for standing up to truth. Give other parents in all school districts to be encouraged to make a difference for their children.

June 3, 2021

At no time in history has it been more important that believers get involved with their school boards and get on their school boards! Our children and grandchildren’s schools are being filled with a Socialists/Marxist agenda. This is not hyperbole! Parents can and should step up and put a stop to this. Our children deserve to be protected from the “brainwashing” that is going on in way too many schools! May the Lord guide and direct each one of us to be His voice for the children.

Toni Kushner
June 3, 2021

Lord, Hear our cries for the minds and hearts of our children. May parents across this land rise up and let their voices be heard. Return to the teaching of our children and not the pushing of political agendas. May we teach our children to love, act justly, love mercy and to walk humbly before the Lord Our God.may You raise up a generation who will know our God and know the wonders of Our God.We look to You, Lord for the battle is great and we need You.

June 3, 2021

Lord God,

Thank You for moving in the hearts of many parents to get involved in the educational system. Please continue to motivate us to pray and participate in these very important local elections. Empower parents and grandparents and Christian teachers and administrators to stand for TRUTH and what is right. Lord, let us not be complacent or lazy but active and prayerful! Grant our children protection, discernment and courage. Keep us focused on Christ knowing He is faithful to complete what He began in each of us (Phil 1:6). We love You, Lord and we trust in You alone! May You be glorified in all we do! In Your Name, Jesus, we pray! Amen

    Skye Alison
    June 3, 2021

    I am very encouraged to see this! Praise God, this is an answer to prayer and it coincides with the biblical mandate in Deut for parents to be extremely engaged in the education of their children – which goes beyond being just a political and indeed is a fundamental social issue. Children belong to parents, and the responsibility for the education of our children chiefly belongs to parents, not to the state.


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