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Satanists are people just like us!  That is what Time Magazine, and  other media would have you believe.  Now that we seem to have our arms open wide to all kinds of beliefs that would have raised red flags a generation ago, the Satanists are now jumping on board and coming out as just the “guy next door.”  There is something wrong in our nation when a person such as this has no problem running for public office, and there is no outcry as to his association with the Satanic Temple.  The Satanists have shared they have additional plans to back even more Satanist-affiliated candidates for public office in the future. The enemy is no longer needing to be sly, hidden and stealthy–we as a nation are accepting openly anti-God laws, leaders and worldviews without any pushback from our citizens.  And the world is telling us there is no harm.

Avowed Athiest, Satanic Temple member and State Senate Candidate Steve Hill
Avowed Atheist, Satanic Temple member and State Senate Candidate Steve Hill

From Time Magazine:

Steve Hill in many ways is a typical candidate running for elected office in California. He’s a former U.S. Marine looking to reform public schools, reduce the state’s mass incarceration rates, and create jobs. But a couple things are holding him back: He’s an avowed atheist and Satanic Temple organizer.

Hill is a Democrat running for the state Senate in California’s 21st district, and probably the only candidate in the country who embraces both atheism and the tenets of modern-day Satanism. But Hill, who ran unsuccessfully as a write-in candidate last year during a special election, said this year he’s getting shunned by the Democratic establishment largely because of views the party believes are too extreme.

“I’m a Satanist as far as trying to get people to understand that I don’t believe in the devil any more than I believe in God,” Hill said in an interview. “All of it is stupid. But if I have to tell people I’m the devil to get them to listen, then, OK, I’m the devil.”

Hill, who also works as a stand-up comedian in Los Angeles, is currently helping organize an L.A. chapter for the Satanic Temple, a nationwide Satanic activist organization. Hill said he identifies with the temple’s mission, which he described as a “humanist approach that raises levels of consciousness.”

“I don’t go worship Satan and pour milk on me,” he said. “But [Satanism] would influence me greatly because I could deal from a different perspective, as a regular human being.”

Doug Mesner, a Satanic Temple leader and spokesman who also often goes by the name Lucien Greaves, said he doesn’t know of any members who are elected officials in the U.S., but added that “every day, we’re being told of new plans for credible people within our membership to make a run for various public offices.”

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