I Prayed have prayed
Lord, continue to give our president and other government officials wisdom and discernment against this evil going on. Do not let our nation be blinded to this sin anymore, let the scales fall off and may our nation see clearly as You see.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Satanic Temple admitted proudly Wednesday that, in their belief system, killing an unborn baby in an abortion is a religious ritual similar to communion or baptism for Christians.

ā€œThe Satanic Temple is proud to announce its Religious Abortion Ritual, a ceremony rooted in our deeply-held beliefs,ā€ the group said inĀ a video announcement on YouTube. ā€œThyself is thy master. Hail Satan!ā€

The disturbing announcement is part of the cultā€™s new plan to overturn pro-life laws using a religious freedom argument.

ā€œMany states have laws that interfere with our membersā€™ ability to practice their religious beliefs,ā€ said Satanic Temple spokesperson Jane Essex. ā€œNo Christian would accept a mandatory waiting period before they can partake in communion. No Christian would tolerate a law that insists state counseling is necessary before someone can be baptized. Our members are justly entitled to religious liberty in order to practice our rituals as well.ā€ . . .

They said it involves two tenets of their religion involving bodily autonomy and adherence to ā€œbest scientific practices.ā€

This is how the Satanic Temple described its ā€œritualā€ for slaughtering unborn babies in surgical abortions:

Prior to receiving any anesthetic or sedation, look at your reflection to be reminded of your personhood and your responsibility to yourself. Focus on your intent. Take deep breaths, and make yourself comfortable. When you are ready, say the Third Tenet and Fifth Tenet aloud. You may now undergo the surgery. After the surgery is completed and any anesthetic has worn off, return to your reflection and recite your personal affirmation. Feel doubts dissipating and your confidence growing as you have just undertaken a decision that affirms your autonomy and free will. The religious abortion ritual is now complete.

The satanists said they believe in ā€œabortion on demandā€ in the first trimester ā€“ meaning without regulations, restrictions or informed consent.

Are you surprised by these satanist’s views on abortion? Share with your friends. . .

They oppose laws that require abortion facilities to show mothers the ultrasounds of their unborn babies or have them listen to their unborn babyā€™s heartbeat. They oppose waiting periods that ensure mothers have time to consider informed consent information prior to going through with the abortion. And they want to be exempted from laws that require abortion facilities to bury or cremate the remains of aborted babies.

The cultā€™s plan is to challenge the pro-life laws based on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which ensures the government does not unnecessarily interfere with peopleā€™s religious freedom. . . .

ā€œBy saying abortions in the first trimester are a religious ritual for their members, any states that have their own RFRA laws ā€” and most anti-abortion states have them ā€” would theoretically have to show why their ā€¦ restrictions should override the Satanistsā€™ religious freedom.ā€

So far, all of the Satanic Templeā€™s lawsuits against pro-life laws have failed. In June,Ā a federal appeals court rejected their latest attempt at challenging Missouriā€™s informed consent law. In 2019, the Missouri Supreme Court dismissed another one of the Satanic Templeā€™s lawsuits. But every time they lose, they try again with a new approach.

The Satanic Temple is heavily involved in abortion activism in the U.S.Ā Breitbart once described its work as a ā€œpro-abortion crusade to come to the aid of Americaā€™s largest abortion provider,ā€ Planned Parenthood. . . .

Years ago, former satanist Zachary King toldĀ the Lepanto InstituteĀ thatĀ the cult performs satanic rituals inside abortion facilities. King said participating in abortions is particularly important for satanists because it is considered the best way to give an offering to Satan.

He explained: ā€œIn Satanism, killing something or the death of something is the most effective way of getting your spell accomplished. As far as trying to get Satanā€™s approval, to give you something that you want, killing something is the best way to go. Killing something is the ultimate offering to Satan, and if you can kill an unborn, that is his ultimate goal.ā€

(Excerpt from Life News. Article by Micaiah Bilger. Photo from Flickr.)

Are you disturbed by the Satanic Temple’s view on abortion? Share your comments and prayers.

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Daniel Schrƶder
September 5, 2020

I find the reactions to the invention if the Satanic Aportion Ritual quiete amusing, but I also understand why it is highly confrontational.

I am very new to the TST, but as a non-spiritual atheist that values life – born and unborn -, I would still be glad to answer questions about the ritual or about The Satanic Temple in a friendly and honest manner. šŸ™‚

I would suggest to ask away or at least read through the tenets and FAQ of The Satanic Temple. We do not believe inba literal Satan, are not theists in any way and largely do not believe in magic or other things. Satanism to us is about metaphor and ideas.

    September 9, 2023

    but then whats the point of the “abortion ritual”? according to this article, killing an unborn baby is the “ultimate offering to satan”- i thought they didnt worship satan or believe in him? so why are they killing to make him happy? also, its quite interesting that satanists think satan likes them. satan DESPISES them. he hates humans because they are made in the image of God which means even if u worship satan, satan still hates u. hes the ultimate deceiver. the fact that u think the reactions to the satanic abortion ritual amusing just means that u are evil just like the satanic temple.

      Daniel Schrƶder
      September 9, 2023

      Most modern satanists (and especially TST folks) do not believe in the existance of supernatural beings, like a god or satan. šŸ™‚

      I wrote that in my comment before, please read carefully what I write and take it at face value.

      An abortion ritual is thus NOT an offering for a satan. It is however an affirmation of one’s owns values.

      Check out their description of the abortion ritual:

      You will see that satan as a figure doesn’t even get mentioned. šŸ™‚ It is all about the health, integrity and values of the person invoking the ritual.

      More general and interesting information is available on their website:

      I am not evil at all, by the way. šŸ˜‰ Neither by your (irrelevant) biblical rules, nor by the far more senisble moral rules of modern society, which are largely secular and science-based.

      You don’t even know me at all. I think these accusations say far more about you than about me. Think again: you’re calling somebody evil who does not share your religious belief without knowing them personally at all, and without knowing how they act towards anyone and what they do in life. Is this Jesus’ way?

Virginia Blakeman
August 11, 2020

Father, I remember Your words to me, “There is not a pit deep enough that I cannot dig a person out of.” We call forth those who have dug a deep pit for themselves into Satan worship to come out of darkness into Your marvelous light and out of the kingdom of Satan into the kingdom of God through faith in Jesus Christ, You Son, Who purchased their redemption with His precious blood. I pray, Father, as Your Father’s heart beats for those who were wounded, scared and deceived into darkness’ stronghold that Your light would so come to turn these individuals minds and hearts to the Father from whom all fatherhood takes its name and the God of perfect love who gave so freely to set each one free, heal and deliver them from eternal destruction. I pray these scorners and mockers become so enraptured in the light of Your love that many will follow suit and come into Your kingdom through the witness of Your divine love for them. You once told me, once a person is touched by Your love they they will never again be satisfied by another touch like Yours. I know You don’t desire any to perish but all come to the saving knowledge of the Son of Your love. I pray Your light so dispel the darkness around them that they become torch bearers for Your kingdom. To whom much is forgiven, they love much. Let Your heart beat for those who have strayed the furthest be magnetize by Your love this hour, in Jesus Christ precious name. Thank You for the miracle of salvation being delivered to them spirit, soul and body deliverance.

August 11, 2020

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for exposing the enemyā€™s plans. May everyoneā€™s eyes be opened to Satanā€™s plan to steal, kill and destroy. Itā€™s horrific what has been lawful in America. And, with this new exposure I pray that there will be an outcry from your people Lord. A cry for LIFE! A cry to Worship you alone, the one true God! A cry from Christians to stop this murder of babies! And, to see everything clearly… that in fact the abortion industry has satanic worship at its core! Theyā€™ve killed babies for almost 50 years as Worship to Satan. They make Blood Covenantā€™s with the Devil. And now we have it exposed! I pray that all mankind has to realize the travesty and repent. Repent for what weā€™ve allowed to continue on our watch. Lord Iā€™m the first to repent! I havenā€™t done enough to say this is enough. Please help me Lord know what youā€™d have me do to help stop abortions aka satanic worship in the United States of America. Lord help us. We desperately need you!
In Jesus name I ask all these things. Amen.

August 11, 2020

What I don’t understant is, if killing something is the ultimate offering to Satan, why isn’t killing yourself the ultimate offering to Satan? If one is a Satanist, THIS should be the offering, not the cowardly taking of someone else’s life (an unborn life). I don’t follow that logic, and I don’t see how that would stand up in court. Since the law of the land prohibits killing, I would think this is a moot point, not a “religious right”.

Of course, my prayer is that Truth and Light will overcome Satan’s power so that Satan’s grip would be loosened over all who worship him.

    Daniel Schrƶder
    September 9, 2023

    Whatever this “King” person said:

    most modern satanists (including vortually everone in the TST) does NOT believe in the existence of a higher, supernatural veing like god or satan. Hence, the difference between a regular abortion and following an abortion ritual is merely about the affirmation of one’s own values.

    So, in short: satanists do not offer anything to a satan, neither literally nor figuratively.

    Satanists usually do NOT believe in a real satan.

    Satanists are uniformly against killing in general (!). Murderers who claim to act in satan’s command are mentally ill and delusional ā€“ modern satanists do not claim to hear satan’s voice or feel compelled to any action by some supernatural being.

    We have no evidence for souls whatsoever, hence we regard human embryos not as people or persons, but rather as life which is intrinsically valuable and worth protecting, but NOT more important than your bodily autonomy. No other life has the right to feed on your body if it is not a person yet (which embryos are not).

Susan Bernhardt
August 11, 2020

Yes, I am disturbed about this issue. I was unaware of the Satanic temple, and that they are the ones going to court to fight pro life. Thank you for opening my eyes to this evil.

August 11, 2020

Precious Father, Give us strength to put on your full armor and stand against Satan, his demons, and those who serve him. May his work be demolished by the Sword of the Spirit-Yoir Holy Word. Amen

    Virginia Blakeman
    August 11, 2020

    Father, I thank You for the ultimate authority and truth of Your word that ruling spirits are loosing their grip on the world. I pray such a presence of Your Holy Spirit surround those taking a stand for life and Your angelic armies so encompass these areas that neigh sayers are undone by Your glorious presence. Hallelujah! Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.

Carole Ann Neve
August 11, 2020

The Satanists are through hiding it seems. They better fear the wrath of God. I pray for a heart change in these Satanic worshipers, to turn to Jesus as their redeemer and friend, and repent and turn from their evil ways.

Linda Sanchez-Suwaneh
August 11, 2020

Father, I rebuke anything that would hender and destroy babies lives. Lord please stop this in the name of Jesus. The devil is a liar. I Declare & Decree this in Jesus name.

August 11, 2020

I am pro-life. I just prayed that the scales would drop from this young manā€™s eyes and that he would repent of his actions. I also prayed that he would renounce his ties to this satanic group and accept Jesus as his Saviour, in Jesusā€™ most Holy name.

Sharon McCall
August 10, 2020

Satan is out to kill, steal, and destroy (John 10:10). That’s what he does, that’s what he loves to do. But Jesus came that we may have life, and have it to the full. That’s what Christ does, and that’s what He loves to do. We speak life over our nation and over our families in His powerful name! We are not intimidated by the enemy. We stand for life.

August 10, 2020

I wish I could say that this is a shock to me, but sadly, I know that nothing is off the table with the enemy of our souls. This is truly sickening, disturbing, and so evil. How the Lord looks on the depravity of the human race and doesn’t completely destroy us is the ultimate act of mercy? We must pray for those ensnared in these cults. We must call them into the kingdom of God. We must ask for forgiveness on behalf of these people. No matter how deceived they have become they are still people, people who are truly lost, in bondage to the “forever loser.”

Lord of all creation, we ask that the veil be ripped from their eyes; and the fallow ground of their hearts be softened by the mighty conviction of Holy Spirit. Jesus, we implore you to come to the foot of their beds and initiate encounters with them. Father, draw them into Your kingdom that this horrific practice would come to an end forever. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

Roseann Davis
August 10, 2020

The Lord Messiah Yeshua rebuke you satan! Amen

Nancy P.
August 10, 2020

This fight reminds me of an old song/video of Carman, the Christian singer/ composer who had an invitation to a warlocks house. In the end-Carman very distinctly and vividly characterized the warlocks demise and horrifying death and afterlife. These satanists are duped and sadly defeated. I pray God will change their hearts before itā€™s too late or them and I pray most of all that He will rescue the precious babies before theyā€™re killed! Father hear our prayers for these unborn souls-Your most precious of creations in Jesus Name amen.

    Nancy P.
    August 10, 2020

    Note-I did not mean sad that the satanists are defeated-I meant sad theyā€™re on their way to hell if theyā€™re not repentant. Just to clarify my comment. Thank you.

August 10, 2020

Father thank you for the enemy exposing himself regarding abortion. Now we pray for full worldwide exposure of abortion as a satanic ritual and the selling of fetal tissue for abominable experiments by broadcasting through all the news media sources and grassroot person to person proliferation. Let Your grace open the eyes of all the peopleā€™s hearts to the evil purposes of abortion. Let there be worldwide repentance from abortion and moral outcry against abortion. I declare that the satanic temples and Planned Parenthood cease their abortion practices. Cause lawsuits and appeals against them succeed and let all public funding of abortion I completely cease by overturning all the evil laws that allowed it.. And once defunded via public outcry cause new laws to be enacted to prosecute and punish all those who continue participatIng in abortion practices. Let America and Israel lead the way in sanctifying life and honoring You. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. In Jesus name. Amen.

Sue Ann Fisher
August 10, 2020

I have no words to describe the lengths to which Satan will go to to kill, steal, and destroy. We, the church are stronger, through the power of Almighty in the indwelling Holy Spirit. But we are asleep in the light, the warmth, the abundance in America – we need to wake up and BE the light and the salt we are called to be.We must climb out of our comfortable bubble and put o the armor of God piece by piece, moment by moment, and day by day , and be about the work God has for us to do. Please pray for me to be strong, and willing to stand firm for Jesus, as I will pray for you.

    Nancy P.
    August 10, 2020

    I pray God will strengthen you and equip you for such a time as this! Me. Too. Thank You Father!

      August 10, 2020

      I standing agreement with Alma’s prayer in Jesus Powerful Name!


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