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Republican lawmakers in South Carolina introduced a bill that would make it illegal for employers to ask for vaccination status.

The bill’s author said the legislation is needed because unvaccinated individuals are suffering consequences.

“We have people in South Carolina that are losing their jobs because they have to report to their employer that they’re unvaccinated,” the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Mike Burns, told Fox News. “We also have people who are having their insurance rates put in a different category. They’re charging up to an extra $100 a week more than the vaccinated people. It is absolutely insane to do this kind of thing…”

“I’m our employer, and I asked you if you’re pregnant, I can’t do that,” Burns said. “I can’t ask you if you’re thinking about getting pregnant. I can’t ask you if you got STDs or HIV. I can’t ask any of those private medical questions, but somehow it’s alright to terminate people’s employment because I didn’t take this emergency-use-only vaccine. This is ridiculous…

The bill makes asking vaccination status a misdemeanor with a fine of up to $14,000 and/or one year in jail.

What do you think?

(Excerpt from Human Events. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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JoAnne Shiner
May 23, 2022

AMEN! I didn’t know S.C. did this. Kuddos to them for standing up to peoples Constitutional Rights! They know what the Constitution and Bill of Rights say. The state needs to do a little more, with the Senators standing against the W.H.O. and Biden using emergency powers. There is no emergency and if people would wake up and stop fearing, WE The People Could Stop This!

Laura irwin
January 29, 2022

Thank you for this outlet of news and prayers, this is wonderful and wonderful to be able to contact our Congressional representatives too. I don’t remember how I even got to this site, but I will be back.
Concerning SC, bravo for them. All states need to stand up for our freedoms and especially those that have to do with medical privacies.

Rose Rocha
January 28, 2022

Thank you Father that this bill being sponsored. The insanity has to stop. We need to get back to business and schools without any mandates.

Abigail Hicks
January 28, 2022

I’m logged in and when I press the ‘ I prayed’ icon it doesn’t change

C and C Nelson
January 28, 2022

More state lawmakers need to do this. States must draw the line in the sand because the present administration is so drunk with power and control that they have lost all restraint.


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