Talk radio king Rush Limbaugh stunned his 20-million member audience Monday with the announcement he’s been diagnosed with “advanced lung cancer.”
The 69-year-old conservative talk pioneer closed his broadcast with the grim news, saying he will be leaving his golden EIB microphone for treatment, but hopes to return later this week.
“This day has been one of the most difficult days in recent memory, for me, because I’ve known this moment was coming,” Limbaugh said. “I’m sure that you all know by now that I really don’t like talking about myself and I don’t like making things about me… one thing that I know, that has happened over the 31-plus years of this program is that there has been an incredible bond that had developed between all of you and me.”
The radio icon then told his audience that his job has provided him with the “greatness satisfaction and happiness” of his life.
“So, I have to tell you something today that I wish I didn’t have to tell you. It’s a struggle for me because I had to inform my staff earlier today,” he said. “I can’t help but feel that I’m letting everybody down. The upshot is that I have been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer.”
Limbaugh told listeners that the disease will keep him off the air on certain days when he’ll receive treatment. He said two medical institutions confirmed the diagnosis since he first realized something was wrong on Jan. 12 when he experienced shortness of breath.
“I thought about not telling anybody,” he said. “It is what it is. You know me, I’m the mayor of Realville. This has happened and my intention is to come here every day I can, and do this program as normally and competently and expertly as I do each and every day because that is the source of my greatest satisfaction professionally, personally.”
“I told the staff today that I have a deeply personal relationship with God that I do not proselytize about, but I do, and I have been working that relationship tremendously,” he said. “I am, at the moment, experiencing zero symptoms.”
Limbaugh said he will undergo further testing and planned to “push ahead and keep everything as normal” as he could.
“I felt that I had to tell you because that’s the kind of relationship that I feel like I have with those of you in this audience,” he said. “Over the years, a lot of people have been very nice, telling me how much this program has meant to them but, whatever that is, it pales in comparison to what you all have meant to me.”
The radio veteran — widely considered one of the most powerful voices in conservative media — said he “can’t describe” the feeling but he’s aware his audience understood him.
“The rest of the world may not,” Limbaugh said. “But, I know that you do.”
Limbaugh called his listener base one of “the greatest sources of confidence” that he’s ever had in his life.
“I hope I will be talking about this as little as necessary in the coming days, but we’ve got a great bunch of doctors, a great team assembled, we’re at full speed ahead on this,” Limbaugh said. “It’s just now a matter of implementing what we are going to be told later this week.”
He said he “hopes” to be back on Thursday.
“If not, it’ll be as soon as I can,” Limbaugh said. “Every day I’m not here, I’ll be thinking of you and missing you.”. . .
(Excerpt from Fox News. Article by Brian Flood.)
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I wrote Rush a long letter in the wrong place. I am not sure if it is lost.
I will check here tomorrow to see if it can be found.
In short, our son, Rick got us started listening to you when he, his wife and two sons moved to California for a job that was a pig in a poke, as they say.
He introduced us to your radio show when we visited.
You were a hoot❣️
I have been listening to you many years and still do.
My husband had retired after working 37 years. We took an extended six week vacation and when we got to California our son introduced us to you and your radio show and I am still listening to you.
My husband passed away with silent heart disease at age 63.
I was very sad when you told us you had terminal cancer in both lungs.
Then I was absolutely delighted when I heard you accepted God as your personal Lord and Savior. The best decision you ever made❣️
Love, Admiration and Prayers,
Jehovah raffa we ask for healing for your servant. We bind and rebuke in the name of Jesus all the power that has come against him.
Our Father, Rush has always said “I’ll tell you when to get worried” he is not worried, he is trusting in You, his Divine Healer, God, Jehovah Rapha. We praise Your Holy Name asking in faith to heal deliver Your Friend Rush Limbaugh in this hour, Amen
God you are the giver of all life and you came out of glory and put on flesh and it is by your strips Lord Jesus that we can stand in the gap for Rush Limbaugh now. It is a finished work at Calvary. Give Rush eyes to see and ears to hear you Lord. We the saints of God speak life over him and declare your GLORY! Nothing is impossible for you Almighty God. We declare your Faithfulness! Thank you Jesus!
So interesting that you referred to Rush as a Voice in the wilderness. I also had that thought but didn’t want to equate the President with the Messiah. And in reading your comment it hit me that if Rush is the equivalent of John the Baptist in our day, then he is simply preceding the coming of the Messiah. Just talking out loud. May God buoy our Rush Limbaugh in the days ahead to strengthen him and give him endurance to finish his race without discomfort or even symptoms if it be God’s will. amen
Life is a gift. Live it! Live it the best we can, no matter the circumstance! TREASURE every breath of air in this beautiful Earth. The best is yet to come! Be at PEACE. GOD loves you and will care for you, no matter what. ASK and you will RECEIVE. JESUS, we trust in YOU.
JESUS, we trust in YOU.
JESUS, we trust in YOU.
Most Holy God, we thank you for your servant Rush, a voice crying in the wilderness. Thank you for all the insights, strength, courage that he has poured out in this world for such a time as this. Now we call forth your warring angels to fight this battle. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, cause every aberrant cell to be cast out of his body. Breathe new life into him, that he can come back stronger than ever. Comfort and strengthen him, Katharine, his family, medical team and all whom he holds dear. We look forward expectantly to full healing for Rush, that your Name is magnified. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.
So interesting that you referred to Rush as a Voice in the wilderness. I also had that thought but didn’t want to equate the President with the Messiah. And in reading your comment it hit me that if Rush is the equivalent of John the Baptist in our day, then he is simply preceding the coming of the Messiah. Just talking out loud. May God buoy our Rush Limbaugh in the days ahead to strengthen him and give him endurance to finish his race without discomfort or even symptoms if it be God’s will. amen
Cancer did not come from GOD. So I pray that Rush’s body will absolutely reject it! It was wonderful to see him honored by the President–The shock on his face as the First Lady fastened the medal around his neck, was wonderful to see! Praise The LORD! GOD honors those who honor HIM. Get well soon, Rush!
Hallelujah to the Most High King, Your Light was obvious in Rush’s face at the SOTU,. Strengthen him as he battles the enemy of his soul, send help from Your host of angels to assist him. I ask You to heal his body and I declare life over him and that more abundantly.
Daniel 11:32b the people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits. May he continue to be a voice for Truth and Freedom for many years…
Father God, We pray for Your supernatural miracle over and into Rush’s body to complete a perfect healing miracle. We pray for Your team of intercessors to lay hands on him, so that Rush can be healed and can use his prophetic microphone to proclaim Your Glory, Mercy and Power over the live airwaves and triumph over the mountain of media! Let the voices of the naysayers be forced to acknowledge and ponder the miracle in front of them and step down from their pretended seats of authority before a Mighty God’ miracle making power. We decree Your Name over all 7 mountains and for a tidal wave of repentance in this country. Lord, we lift you up and Praise You and decree that You shall have Your way in this country. Amen.
We are praying for you with love and gratitude. In the past few weeks I have remarked about your optimism in the midst of a very stressful time in our nation. I would listen and feel hopeful, assured and greatly encouraged. Praise the Lord that faith rises and Jesus gives us the victory. Our prayer is that you continue victorious in the midst of this difficult and stressful time. Amen
Rush Limbaugh has been our voice for truth and now we lift our voices to The Father to pray for his healing. May a God breathe Life into your lungs. Our prayer group is praying and believing for you. We need you here!
O Father God! We come before You to appeal for our brother, Rush. He has the prayers of millions of people who love him and are interceding for him during this hard trial he is undergoing. Gird him with Your courage, strength, healing, and lovingkindness. We pray that You would be glorified in and through this ordeal. We pray that You would make Yourself known to Rush and his lovely wife, in a deeper way than ever before. We pray that You would put Your divine touch upon this man and reveal Yourself to him. We know that You work all things for good to those who love You and are called to Your purposes. We lift this beloved man up to You now and ask for Your touch. Were we living in Jesus’ time, we would all be up on the roof, cutting a hole in it to lower Rush on a pallet before You, Jesus, to heal him so he could pick up his pallet and go on his way, praising You and testifying of Your amazing grace! We ask in the name above all names, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen
Lord Jesus,
I pray for Rush. You know how much he means to me & to millions of others. I pray that you will heal his body & give us all many more years of insight & wisdom through this great man. Help him now Lord & lift him up. And give his dear wife strength for her & for Rush. In the name of Jesus, AMEN!
Father, You are Jehovah Rapha and you have Your Bride on an intense training course to better walk in our authority to heal the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead! Surround Mr. Limbaugh with those who know You in our authority to heal. We speak now – with one voice – Be healed in the name of Jesus! Cancerous cells shrivel and die! Life and light be released into his lungs, into his immune sysyem and and his whole body even now. We pray, YOu will live and not die and declare the praises of God! Reveal Yourself to Rush in a whole new way in this season. Raise him up off his ‘deathbed’. Amne.
Dear Father,
We pray for healing for Rush. He has been bold to speak truth to our nation, and he has upheld your moral principles. He has given you credit for his success. You have healed him or enabled him to overcome other serious problems in his life; we ask you to do that again. We pray that this attack on him will fail, and that what the enemy has meant for evil, you will turn to good according to Genesis 50:20. Please bless his wife, family, and co-workers. We believe you can use Rush and this entire situation to bring many souls to Christ in the days and weeks ahead. So we wait with great expectation to see what you will do, and we give you glory in Jesus’ s name. AMEN!