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Father, forgive us for allowing this great sin in our land. We ask that Roe be overturned and that you heal and restore the torn fabric of our nation.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In briefs we have filed with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the state of Mississippi’s quest to protect children from abortion, we are standing up not only for the unborn children…but for the mothers and fathers, grandparents, siblings, communities of color and others who are impacted every day by a 48-year-old ruling that was wrongly decided…

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In the case known as Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, Mississippi is defending a state law that would protect babies from abortion beyond 15 weeks’ gestation. It has also asked the Court to overturn Roe v. Wade…

Priests for Life, which Father Pavone serves as national director and Alveda King as pastoral associate, has filed an amicus brief in which we assert that “This fateful decision has no legitimate foundation in law, it continues to tear at the fabric of our nation, and it has corrupted our judicial system. It is time for it to go.”…

In another brief to which Ms. King is a party, the experience of millions of African-Americans and Latinos is highlighted, as those communities are relentlessly targeted by an abortion industry whose systemic racism has only recently been acknowledged…

There can be no denying that children torn from the womb are the primary victims of abortion…

But others, too, are deeply wounded. No mother who chooses this kind of death for her child remains unchanged. Fathers, whether they coerced or acquiesced, come to regret abdicating their role as protectors…No sector of our collective lives is not impacted by the shockwaves of abortion.

Roe v. Wade created a nation of victims, which is not the unforeseen consequence of a just ruling…

If a new group of justices – including a majority who do not believe the Court should invent new rights – have the courage to overturn their predecessors’ manipulative jurisprudence…it will return to life-loving states like Mississippi, Alabama, Arkansas, and many others the right to protect all of their citizens, born and unborn…

Do you see evidence of the ways that abortion has torn the fabric of our nation? Share your prayers for healing and restoration below!

(Excerpted from The Washington Times. Article by Father Frank Pavone and Alveda King. Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images).

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Susan CC
August 2, 2021

This has been on my mind all morning and in my prayers….as it is every day.

So many have lost their way and countless more have never known the way. In prayer, I was reminded of Saul, who met Jesus on his way to Damascus. Saul’s intention was to destroy those who belonged to The Way. His zeal for God during this time was intense BUT “our God is a consuming fire!” Those plans were incinerated after he met his Savior… Jesus said, “I AM THE WAY — and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through me. Saul did not ask for salvation but he received it and in a HUGE WAY. This is mercy. This is grace.

Apart from our faith in Jesus Christ, we are ALL unworthy. In this faith alone, I ask for mercy. Father God, mercy to those who seek and promote abortion and in any way that brings Glory to You, Father. “ I am confidently approaching Your Throne from where You give grace, so that these who have lost their way, may receive mercy and find grace in this GREAT time of need.” May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen

Hebrews 12:29, John 14:6, Hebrews 4:16, 2 Corinthians 13:14


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