We are less than a month away from an election that will set the course of our country for the next four years. The stakes are high. More than ever, we must step back and “not judge a book by its cover”. And even more than that, we must PRAY – the kind of prayers that bring us to our knees, the kind of prayers that compel us to fast. We must pray that the Lord will show us clearly how to navigate these days.
I will be the first one to say we should never allow a man on the throne above our Lord Jesus. His is the name above all other names. And it is to His standard, and His standard alone, that we as the Church need to bow. If we are looking at our choices as the world looks, we could perceive the face of foolishness. But I urge you Church to look at the record of what each of our candidates has done. Do the research, dig deep, know the facts. The public faces that we are looking at in each of our candidates makes it fuzzy and gray. So, I think we need to step back and consider two things. One, we need to go back and look at what each of these political platforms represents. And after that, we go and look at the records of these men and woman that are representing those platforms.
Church, I believe we have a mandate to vote on the side of the Lord and holiness. I feel we are walking in error when we decide that the Church and politics are meant to be separate. The moment we want to suggest that our God has no place in the public square, is the moment that we have turned our eyes and focus away from him. There is a present-day “interpretation” of the separation between church and state, but it is in no way the intention of our founding fathers. It wasn’t a separation to invoke silence. It was set up to ensure that people could worship freely, without concern of government oversight. In every way they believed that the church should influence the culture and government. We need only look at the Constitution for evidence of this.
“(A) government that seeks to use secular moral reasoning alone will soon find itself adrift amid the sea of ever-changing public opinion. A transcendent moral law is needed which can ground the human and political rights that we cherish today. This is, ultimately, the reason why we allow our political conscience to be properly informed by our faith.” -Neil Hardin, “What does “separation of Church and State” actually mean?”
Church, please, I urge you to pray and fast in these days remaining until the elections. There is so much more at stake than a name that will represent the state of this nation and the picture of our presidency. The moment we put a presidency over the sanctity of life (ANY life), we have lost our way. Holiness is our standard as believers. When our vote goes contrary to that – in order to make public-square ideologies separate from our Christian faith, we have gone astray.
“What do you want – a mob, a mindless crowd or an ekklesia?” -Tomi Arayomi
The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all. Ps 103:19 NIV
Rise up Church! Lay all your idols down for there is only ONE God, only one LIVING God – Yahweh. And it’s on His throne that His Kingdom shall be established. Church – push aside political correctness, seeker-sensitive movements that water-down the Gospel or facilitate lukewarmness… Your call, your mandate – is one of holiness, a counter-cultural movement that shifts the tide of how this nation is moving. A movement that causes blind eyes to see, deaf ears to hear, and turns hearts back towards the One who knew each one before the creation of time, calls each one by name, and loves each with such fervor and intimacy that He allowed His only Son to suffer death so that we might live! THAT Church is our call!
But you are God’s chosen treasure—priests who are kings, a spiritual “nation” set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience his marvelous light, and now he claims you as his very own. He did this so that you would broadcast his glorious wonders throughout the world. 1 Pt 2:9 TPT
“What we face has more to do with who we are as a Church and less to do about a president. Ultimately, we are not in a war of political parties, but a war of principles and values. What we must rightly discern is the mission of the Church and the specific values we hold most dear. Until we recognize and deal with the growing gap of ideological differences and Kingdom perspectives, we will never come together as the Church toward a common goal. Until we come together on common ground, our prayers will be limited and our authority diminished.”
-Wanda Alger, Moving from Sword to Scepter
Pray! Pray like you never have before. Pray as though your lives depend on it. Pray for a move of God such as this world has never seen. Pray for His glory to flood our homes, our Churches and this nation. Pray for revival!
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Jas 5:16 KJV
The list of strong Christian leaders coming out of “switching sides” seems to be daily mounting. This highlights the need, more than ever, to be in PRAYER heading up towards this election! There is a spiritual battle going on for the soul of this nation, and I argue, even for the soul of the Church. Continue to pray for the Church, as it is called to be the LIGHT of a city on a hill, not a dim ember burning in a corner. Our Kingdom principles should infiltrate society!
If you are not confident on who to vote for, if you feel the choices are confusing or pushing you in a direction that is contrary to your values as believers in Jesus Christ, I urge you to fast and pray – and not move (decision-wise) until you hear clearly from the Lord. The matter is THAT important!
“And give us clean hands
And give us pure hearts
Let us not lift our souls to another
Oh, God let us be
A generation that seeks
Who seeks Your face, oh, God of Jacob…”
-Chris Tomlin, “Give Us Clean Hands”
(Author Suni Piper is a prophetic intercessor who blogs at A Surrendered Life. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
We’re very much impressed to discover your Ministry and your good teachings of our Savior Jesus Christ that you give to your saints for an effective and comprehensive Christian faith-based.
And on behalf of KINGS PROPHETIC CHURCH I send a prayer request to consider us of receiving your Ministry’s printable teaching materials for our spiritual growth and welcoming you to visit us as well as to conduct a seminar in our fellowship / communities here in Kenya.
We are a young independent Christian fellowship that is so interesting on spreading the truth from the Bible to unreachable souls who’re many, again do reach the house to house to the widows, physically & mentally disabled and needy children who need spiritual needs,
We really need a spiritual leader and guidance for the Spiritual growth as it is written in the Holy Bible. We do meet and share the Holy word of God from the Holy Bible for strengthening our faith to our only Saving Lord Jesus Christ…
God is a great and powerful God, and He is able to supply all the needs of His people according to His riches in glory. He certainly does bless those who love Him and keep His commandments.
God has got something good in His own store for you there to share with us here in Jesus’ Name we believe and trust! May God of grace and love lead you when you go out and come back from His Holy Ministry work there in Jesus name we believe and trust. We pray to read from you when the Lord our father allows you! Welcome!! God bless you.
Yours in His Holy service,
Ministers Tom Chacha
Praying that those Christians in our country would see that our Christian values cannot be separated from our voting responsibilities. It is more important now than ever that we as Christians be responsible in reading and understanding the candidates positions, especially on issues of life and the direction of our country.
Amen. We should look to the Word of God for our guidance. I fear that the Church wants too much to be
“politically correct” that we do not want to do “what thus sayeth the Lord.” Jesus Christ has given us all the power we need, the Holy Sprit, to live in this world as salt and light, but we are looking to man, mammon, and pride as the objects of our worship. “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” (Exodus 20:3). “For the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7).
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they be of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” ( 1 John 4:1). America has become so divided: Republican against Democrat. We, as the Body of Christ, have fallen into that same trap until we have become impotent. A house divided against itself cannot stand. If The Church would stand together, think of the impact we would make.
GM Father-God:
Thank You for the privilege to pray. Thank You for IFA and what they’ve done since 1973. Bless them with what You have in store for them from David Kubal and his staff. Protect them and their family from any physical or spiritual harm.
Grateful to know who You Are, Father. You’re an Omnipresence, Omniscience, and Omnipotence God.
Thank You Jesus for willing to die on the cross for humanity. Thank you Holy Spirit for living within the heart of each believer.
Please let us, the Church remember that the same POWER who RAISED JESUS from the DEATH is the same POWER who lives within us. Help us to focus on YOU so that we are not being shaken around by situations. Let us remember that YOU ARE BIG but not complicated. PEACE BE within the Church, let the Church be united with the common understanding that JESUS is the LORD. Please allows all the leaders of these churches to die to self and let Jesus reign not only by mouth but by deed. No more DOUBT, WORRY and all the fruit of the flesh. Let the Church draw closer to You. Let the Church pray without ceasing as the salt and light for this generation and to live in love with YOU so that we can show YOUR love to others. Let the Church lights up to force away darkness.
Father-God, we also asking for all the parents and family of those young people who are part of the BLM or ANTIFA or other group to reach out to these young people. I pray also those children will be ready to accept their family council. Please allow wisdom to penetrate in these people heart. Please allow PEACE BE with them and their family.
Please ignite and mobilize all Christians all over USA to vote Your value i.e. Vote for LIFE.
Please allow President Trump to win all 50 states, a landslide victory for Electoral and Popular Votes so that NO ONE, NOTHING need or want to contest it. PEACE BE all over United States of America after the election and on ward.
Please shut all the mouth of all who divide such as Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, CNN, MSNBC etc…etc. Let them know and understand it is not their will be done but IT IS YOUR WILL BE DONE on EARTH as IT IS in HEAVEN.
Please also let the DARK MONEY donors know and understand that their money and power cannot overthrow what YOU WANT BE DONE in the USA as a country under GOD ALMIGHTY.
Please allow the next 4 years be a full Republican Senate and House of Representative so that they can undo what we as a country done wrong in the past.
Please surround President Trump with people who are walking their life according to Your value in his administration. So that his administration will be light in the dark dc swamp and gently lovingly undo all what we as a country had done wrong. Let the Holy Spirit roam all over USA.
Please help and allow the Church to love the LGBTQ to pray for them and help them when they’re ready to accept what God has planned for them when He created them in His image.
Please allow the Democratic Party to go back to You, Father God. Please allow its members who are still up holding what is right raise up and dare to speak out the truth.
Please allow NO MORE ABORTION and NO MORE SEX CHANGE for all 50 States funded by Tax Payer $.
Please let us as a country unite and understand that MARRIAGE is sacred and it is only between man and woman as YOU have created to be.
Please allow 10 COMMANDMENTS be displayed in all schools and PRAYER be brought back to school.
Please allow us to progress for green new deal but NOT AT THE EXPENSE of LOSING JOBS and PEOPLE LIVELIHOOD.
Please draw President Trump and his administrations close to YOU so that whatever they do, they’re clear that You guide them.
Please help President Trump to do what You want for America, Israel and the rest of the world.
Please help President Trump to have peace with China, North Korea, Iran and Russia.
Please help President Trump to make America Safe Again. To make America a law and order country.
Please help President Trump to stay humble and give glory to You.
I’m asking for all these in Jesus’ Name but ultimately it is Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father,
In reading Mel’s prayer above, and in response to it, I agree with him 100% with all prayer points that he has made. But further, I also ask in Jesus’ name and pray under His precious blood for Your will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven for these issues to be done. Thank you, Lord God, in Heaven above, for hearing our petitions to You.
A hearty AMEN to what Mel Teoh posted! We all need to pray the areas that are mentioned — every day!
I bind the spirit of religion from your people, Lord. I release them to put in place “trust the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path” regarding who to vote for. A religious spirit would have a statesman go by the list for elders in the church. But our President is not under the Elder requirements. Silence religious leaders that would lead your people astray at this crucial hour, Lord God. I release your people from the soul tie the churches have been in with the State through the 503C, release them Lord by Your Spirit and may You be their God and no other. And if the American church abandons your choice for President, then Lord, raise up a people You have yet to know, You did it before. May Your will be done in this election, Lord God. I lift these request to You and may the power of the blood of Jesus make it so. To You be the Glory our God and King. Amen.
Thank you Suni for this powerful and anointed article! I say yes and amen! The time is urgent! Thank you Father for all my fellow Intercessors, we are fighting in this battle together! Thank you for your powerful and effective prayers, that I also pray!
This!! 🎯🙏☄️💥💓
Lord we your people need to stand for righteousness, give us your wisdom so that we may be lead by you. Let us seek you whole heartily and pray with your attention. We need you Lord God we need to hear you in all the noise open our eyes to see you.
Father God,
I listened to a pastor last night speak on Brokenness. He reminded us that You take our broken messes and through them bring us to the message of Christ who is our living Hope. We belong to You through the blood of the Lamb! Help us to walk by faith and not by sight. Strengthen us through the power of Your Holy Spirit that we would Trust in You alone and lean not on our own understanding! Lord, that we would acknowledge Your greatness and surrender completely to Your will. Jesus, we love You and we pray that more hearts would be drawn to Your love and that many would be released from the bondage of sin and death! Be with us this day. Remind us that Your mercies are new every morning GREAT IS YOUR FAITHFULNESS! in Jesus Name I pray!
But I, O Lord, have cried out to You for help, And in the morning my prayer comes before You.
– Psalm 88:13 (NASB)
I prayed, really really prayed…
Heed the word!Do it! Stand firm when we don t know what to do. God, show us& be with us!
Dear God our Father, The bowls of heaven are laden with prayer, tears and contrite should crying out for restoration of Gods values and principles in the hearts of everyman, woman and child in America and the world. We see the battle and we bow our minds and hearts to you. Straighten our thinking, may it line up with yours. Give us strength and back bones of steel. May you fight with us.
For your glory
Amen!!! It’s all out war!!! And it takes drastic measures to win!! I mean by that prayer and fasting!! This is one that only God can win!!! Like Gideon, David, Joshua, and many others, when it looked dim, they looked to God from whom their help came. We must be a people who have our hearts FIXED on Jesus!! He is our ONLY hope!!
Amen Suni!
Father , in the name of Your Son our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ , I humble myself under Your mighty name …I give You all praise and honor and glory ! I seek Your will for me , my family and my country. I pray Father You would open the eyes of our understanding as a nation founded on Your principles . Forgive me and this entire nation for serving other gods . Father , I humbly ask Your forgiveness . Draw us back to You and Your Son our precious and Holy Savior . In Jesus name . Amen