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By Jim Kohlmann, IFA Florida State Director

Righteous government is simply public policy of which God approves and the election to public office of those who have that agenda.  It is easy to say.  The hard part is doing it.  A sincere person who loves both God and his country must do three things to prove that this is genuinely important.  The Bible speaks: “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked bear rule, the people mourn.” (Prov. 29:2)

The three things are these: 1) Register to vote in the political party where you believe God would be pleased to have you register.  2) Learn the truth about every person whose name will appear on your ballot as a registered voter.  3) Vote at every legal opportunity.  To register is easy, to vote a bit more bother.  But to learn something about those who would hold the power to govern?  This is where all too many Christians simply refuse to go.

For many it is just too much trouble.  They think it pleases God that they are ignorant of the things in the world and that they have chosen to disdain the rights which so many bled and died to give them.  This is serious error.  Millions around the world would give all they possess to have such rights – those who languish under dictators, kings, emperors and radical religious leaders.  Because most of us paid nothing for these rights, we may esteem them lightly.  What if they should be taken away?

God is not mocked.  In a republic like ours, we get the government we deserve.  Either those who have some understanding of righteousness will prevail, or control will be seized by others who have regard neither for God nor for righteousness.

There is a fourth thing.  We must, if we are serious, first pray according to I Tim. 2:1-3 for our leaders at every level.  Today’s city council member may be tomorrow’s senator.  And if we are true to the spirit of the Word of God, we will pray this way: “O Lord, You perfectly know the hearts of all men. Among our civil leaders and those who would be so, raise up the righteous and cast down the wicked.  You know who they are.  Thank you for hearing our prayer.  Amen.”

What if every church service, every Bible study, every prayer meeting and every time of personal devotion began with that entreaty to the Most High?  What would our country look like then?

Jim Kohlmann, long-time intercessor, is IFA’s State Director in Florida. Here, he shares a practical perspective. First, intercede for elections, calling on God to raise up candidates who will lead in the fear of the Lord. Second, take time to learn candidates’ positions on vital issues and then vote accordingly. Those who will not vote forfeit the right to complain about results.


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