These excerpts were written by Ted Baehr in his article online at Charisma News. To read the entire article, CLICK HERE.
Revival breaks out in the least likely places and few were the result of some charismatic leader…
…Hungary is in the midst of revival. More than 60 percent of the members of Parliament there are Christian. The prime minister, who was once a typical European leftist, who started out a Communist Youth leader, came to Christ and is on fire for God. Members of the cabinet are pastors and leaders in Reformed and other Hungarian churches.
Besides speaking at the conference that brought me to Hungary, World Congress of Families, I got the chance to speak in the largest Christian church, 60,000 people, one of the largest churches in the world. That church owns the biggest news network in Hungary, reaching 2 million people.
What makes all of this so exceptional is the history of Hungary.
The first king of Hungary (from 1000 AD until his death in A.D. 1038), King Stephen, brought so many people to Christ that he’s called St. Stephen. Hungary was so Christian that it produced many of the people who fought to protect the Holy Land from the cruel Islamic invaders. However, the Islamic invaders eventually conquered Hungary and for 140 years slaughtered the Christians. When they were driven out by the Germans, Swedes and other groups, there were only about 7,000 Christians left in Hungary. However, Christianity flourished once more, but after World War II, Stalin crushed Hungary and destroyed many of the buildings and churches. The Hungarians tried in 1956 to throw off the boot of Soviet communism, but, after several months of freedom, were cruelly oppressed and persecuted by the Marxist socialists.
When the Soviet Union fell, Hungary like its neighbors was a collapsed culture with destroyed churches and buildings. God has moved, Hungary has reclaimed the faith and the churches have been rebuilt, so the international socialists are angry and are trying to destroy Christianity in Hungary once more.
Why is this story so important?
First of all, because revival breaks out in the least likely places. In 1857, America had become very secular. The territories west of the Allegheny attracted young men who threw off morality and Christianity and indulged in all the vices the new territories offered, as later immortalized by Mark Twain and in plays like Showboat. At the very darkest hour on the verge of the Civil War on the day when a Supreme Court judge said America is no longer a Christian nation, revival broke out in the most unlikely place, on Wall Street, where a handful of stockbrokers were praying daily and weekly for revival, which led to the Wall Street Revival. Within six months, 10,000 businessmen were gathering together for prayer every day in New York, and within two years, a million converts were added to the churches.
The second reason this story is important is that God is never finished with us. He is never defeated. He is still omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent, and He moves wherever people’s hearts are open. The Hungarian hearts were opened after the oppression of the communists ended. The hearts of the men on Wall Street were opened and the flame of revival broke out in the United States.
The third reason is that few past revivals were the result of some charismatic leader. At the beginning of the 20th century, for example, the Welsh Revival broke out among the miners visiting saloons, the least likely places. The tough miners, who were so rebellious that the police could not keep order, suddenly repented and the lawbreakers turned themselves over to the police for major and minor infractions. The Welsh Revival of 1904-1905 resulted in over 150,000 people converted and added to churches in Wales. Their lives were transformed, their lifestyles were changed, families were healed and churches were packed and on fire with fervor and zeal. Revivals broke out in the Hebrides off the Scottish coast in the 1940s, in Lapland, in South Korea and in many more unexpected locations. Of course, there were revivals that came as the result of wonderful people like St. Patrick, but many occurred as the result of the sovereign move of God in the hearts of ordinary people.
Lord Jesus, we humbly come before you, declaring our hunger for more of Your Presence and power to come and revive our hearts (Psalm 69:32). Even in the midst of uncertainties and calamities, we ask that you would revive us in order to display your glory (Psalm 71:20-21). Awaken our hearts, show us your steadfast love and grant us salvation. We thank you for using even the simple and foolish things of the world to confound the wise and show forth your glory (1 Cor. 1:20). We pray that this nation would become a footstool where your presence can rest (Isaiah 66:1). Move upon this land to change hearts, transform cities, and reveal the splendor of Your majesty. In Jesus’ name! Amen.
- Wanda Alger, IFA Field Correspondent
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We praise You Lord for what You are doing in the world today. Though we may not understand… Your ways are not our ways…. I do believe You are moving and shaking loose the evil and it cannot stand against You. You are our refuge.
I pray for revival, many have been praying for revival. Solomon’s prayer has been prayed over and over…”If my people….”. Lord You do hear the cries of Your people. Revival will come and in the most unusual places. I pray for revival in the congress, and indeed all of Washington DC among the secularist, liberals and any politician or lobbyist who make themselves a god. They are not. I pray for revival among a media that is filled with slander meant to offend and cause gossip and in turn division. I pray for revival among nominal Christians who have been deceived by lukewarm messages of compromise. I pray for revival among your chosen people, the Jews, who have given up their faith for decades to follow the secular path. I pray for the comfortable Christians who are settled in their faith. I pray you will light a fire in their hearts that will burn and yearn for a deeper more satisfying relationship with You.
We don’t know the hour or time You will return, but we know Your word is true and You will return. I pray that the upcoming eclipse can be a catalyst to repentance instead of a cause for a pagan party and revelry. Oh Lord we truly need you more now and I pray as people begin to see the depravity, the ugly and the immoral that they fall down on their faces and cry out to You for mercy and grace as they repent. May Your grace once again shine down on Jesus name. Amen
Come. Come like You promised. Pour out Your Holy Spirit on all flesh. Turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers. Cover the earth with Your glory like the waters cover the earth. Change our hearts O God and cause us to walk in Your statutes and to be carful of Your ordinances. Be glorified among Your people. Be glorified among the nations. Come today with Your kingdom. Let Your will be done.
On 8/19/2017 11:47 AM Carol Carr, Lakewood Colorado wrote:
Occupy Wall Street did not bring revival to Wall Street, but prayer did.
George Soros funding violent protest in Hungry did not work, instead revival broke out in Hungry. With the violent protests funded by George Soros & stolen tax payer money during Presidential Election 2016 & in Charlottesville, VA, PRAY!
What the enemy means for evil, GOD can create good instead.
Dear God, You said,”If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal the land.” (2 Chronicle 7:14 NIV). Lord, forgive our acts of self-righteousness, self-centeredness, selfishness, and self-indulgence. We have grown to become indifferent and insensitive to You. Let us come to You with a repented heart, please forgive our wicked acts of drunkenness, debauchery, adultery, fornication, witchcraft, lying, love of money, murder, love of the world. We know that repentance from a true repented heart will bring forth revival. Hallelujah!! In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal the land. {2 Chronicle 7:14 NIV}. Lord, forgive our acts of self-righteousness, self-centeredness, selfishness, and self-indulgence. We have grown to become indifferent and insensitive to You. Let us come to You with a repented heart, please forgive our wicked acts of drunkenness, debauchery, adultery, fornication, witchcraft, lying, love of money, murder, love of the world. We know that repentance from a true repented heart will bring forth revival. Hallelujah!! In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.
May all who call upon the Name of the Lord humble themselves under the mighty hand of God; may every true disiples of Jesus Christ deny himself, take up his ross and follow Jesus; may the weak say, I am strong in the Lord Jesus Christ; may the brokenhearted be comforted and consoled by the Holy Spirit; may the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, those who are reviled for Christ’s sake, be blessed. May God arise and scatter His enemies.
Lord God, new believers in Jesus come here from Iran seeking refuge, only to return to the persecuted church in Iran because they find American churches “dead”. I pray for revival here Lord, especially amongst our youth. Lord as you fell on the Catholic churches in the ’60’s which led to the 70’s revival, I ask you to fall on our country yet again, so that the zealous new believers might light a holy fire under the churches here. Dr. Vernon Mcgee taught that the church would go underground here and its persecutors would be the denominational churches. Lord, I pray against this in my time, and i ask that religion would be bound and that relationship with Jesus would be loosed here, i ask this in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
All the glory be to El Shaddi the God who is more than enough. Thank You Jesus!
Thank you Father God for your mighty hand that hoovers the whole earth. I speak the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth over the Prim Minister and people of Hungary.
May the Vibration of life and light manifest in a way that the world is not familiar with on earth as it is in Heaven. Glory to God!
Jesus went about doing Good and healing all who were oppressed of the enemy.
Oh how encouraging Praise God !!!!
To God be the glory…great things He has done! Thank God for what He has done and is now doing in Hungary. Thank you for passing this info own to those of others like myself and may God richly bless you and all of those who are praying.
Amen! Dear Lord, have mercy upon us and pour forth Your Spirit to revive us as individuals, families, churches, communities, and as nations that fear You that Your glory might shine forth!
May Your Son be exalted and Your gospel go forth with power.
In His name, and by His blood we plead.