I Prayed 396 have prayed
Lord God, help us to humble ourselves, pray, and seek Your face as we ask You to hear from heaven and heal our land.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The festivities were over. The crowds had gone home. Israel had just celebrated the grandest event in its history, the dedication of the temple built by Solomon.

It was now evening, and the king was pensive, reflecting with quiet pleasure on all that had transpired. His highest hopes had been fulfilled. The ark had found its rightful home. Fire from heaven had consumed the offering. The glory of the Lord had filled the temple. God’s presence even brought awe-filled priests to a standstill and peoples’ faces to the pavement in worship.

Now God, who had thundered in the temple, whispered in the night. He had more to say to Solomon. The temple would indeed be his dwelling place, but sustained obedience by his people was his greater desire. Knowing well the heart of man to ease off and return to business as usual, he spoke these memorable words:

If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin an heal their land.

God continued by warning of the consequences if his people turned aside, especially by serving and worshiping other gods: “I will pluck you up from my land that I have given you, and this house that I have consecrated for my name (will become a byword).” We know from Israel’s history that they failed, and this happened.

Two conclusions from the dedication of the temple and its aftermath: God’s presence is more important than place, even a magnificent temple; and, lifestyle practices among his people are more important than one-off events—or as Eugene Peterson describes—our following a “long obedience in the same direction.”

2 Chronicles 7:14 was a pivotal passage as Intercessors for America was established in November 1973. Throughout that year, which began with the fateful Roe vs. Wade decision, it seemed as though this verse was being “discovered” for the first time. God’s people were awakened to its relevance and began taking it seriously. It was the stuff of sermons, even a musical, “If My People” by Jimmy and Carol Owens. It helped frame priorities: humility; prayer; seeking God and repentance. It held specific promise: God would hear, forgive and heal—even a nation!

Today, 46 years later, 2 Chronicles 7:14 is still the priority of God’s people who seek national renewal and restoration. Living its truth is still the principal means by which we will avert the disaster he could well bring upon us.

God never pronounces without giving hope. If is accompanied by then. He is sovereign but has also made us gatekeepers. Thank you, fellow intercessors, for walking humbly, persevering in prayer, seeking God’s face, and setting an example by your moral, righteous conduct. It all counts!

John D. Beckett served as chairman of the Board of Directors from 1988 to June 2010 and as president of Intercessors for America from 1976 to 1988. He is an original board member. He is also the chairman of R.W. Beckett Corp, a worldwide leader in the manufacturing and sales of engineered components for residential and commercial heating. A 1960 graduate from M.I.T., he joined his father in the small family-owned business in 1963 and became president in 1965 after his father’s death. The company, with its affiliates, currently has sales exceeding $100 million and more than 700 employees. Mr. Beckett also is a founding board member of The King’s College in New York City, serves on the Board of Campus Crusade for Christ, International, and is a director of Graphic Packaging Corporation, a NYSE-listed manufacturing company. He has long been active in church and community-related activities and an advocate for integrating faith into the workplace. He has written two books about the subject, Loving Monday: Succeeding in Business Without Selling Your Soul (published in 1998 and currently available in 14 languages) and Mastering Monday: A Guide to Integrating Faith and Work (published in 2006). He has been named “Christian Businessman of the Year” by Christian Broadcasting Network (1999) and manufacturing “Entrepreneur of the Year” by Ernst & Young (2003). Mr. Beckett has also received an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Spring Arbor University (2002) and The King’s College (2008). He and his wife, Wendy, reside in Elyria, OH and have six children and fifteen grandchildren. Visit beckettcorp.com.




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October 8, 2019

There’s also a song called ‘Heal our Land’ by Michael Card about this same verse.

Timothy Bunn
October 8, 2019

Studying the OT and the prophets, along with the other books of the OT I became amazed at the time the Israelites, including Judea were sent into exile. Sometimes different books tell the same saga continuing over and over with additional messages of their exiles. Then these people were captured; exiled to others for captivity.
One thing is certain, they worshiped Idols, and killed their children as an offering or sacrifice. Are we any better as a nation of many different cultures? How much worse will it be for our country since we know Jesus Christ.
As the prophets have spoken, I know everything they said will come true, then and now. I was reminded of America all through the book of Isaiah the first time I read it. So I am not surprised anymore when I start to read these books again with a deeper appreciation and understanding what is yet to be reavealed to me.
But, we are certainly overdue for his wrath in this country. But with so many Christians praying, maybe He will relent, but only for a short time.
I believe Lord, please help my unbelief.

Darlene W
October 8, 2019

With all of the atrocities(abortion,human trafficking) that are coming to light this scripture has taken on more meaning.All of creation groans for the sons of God to be manifested.We need God to heal the land.

Cherie Nelson
October 8, 2019

So thankful that God continues to call intercessors to stand on the wall. This Sunday, October 13th, Christians from across Oklahoma are meeting at our state capital for Oklahoma Prayer Fest to pray for unity. I am so excited to be a part of “ …people called by My name, will humble themselves and pray…”

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