The darkness of the Halloween season. Witchcraft on the rise. Curses called out on President Trump. Many Christians are also experiencing personal attacks on themselves and their families. You can reverse the curse! How? Download our prayer guide: Praying to Reverse the Curse on My Family, on our President, on the Nation.
We would like to suggest that this Halloween, when witchcraft activities are high and our spiritual adversary tries to advance, we not only pray through Halloween, but praise through Halloween! We believe our collective voices lifted in praise to the Most High God has power to nullify every curse, hex, and demonic assignment levied against the people of God.
We are inviting intercessors to SING and PRAISE the Psalms from noon on October 30th until noon on November 1st. Over this 48-hour period, we are inviting intercessors to open their Bibles as much as they can to sing psalms and hymns located in God’s Word. Besides the 150 recorded Psalms, there are great songs of deliverance in Exodus 15, Deuteronomy 32, and 2 Samuel 22. We believe that our corporate songs of praise have great power to confuse the enemy, nullify demonic schemes, and clear the way for the King of Glory to come in!
We believe that as we stand together against the darkness, breakthrough will come! Share your stories–email [email protected] or leave a comment.
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Thank you, Father, that you watch over your Word to perform it!
Matthew 12:18 New International Version (NIV)
18 “Here is my servant whom I have chosen,
the one I love, in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him,
and he will proclaim justice to the nations.
Isaiah 54:17 New King James Version (NKJV)
17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,”
Says the Lord.
It is so. May it be so. It has been so. It will forever be so. Praise our Heavenly Father, Praise be to his son, Jesus Christ, our Savior, and through the Holy Spirit, Amen!!
He who dwells in the shelter of the Lord will abide in His shadow for life. Say to the Lord my refuge, my rock in whom I trust…and He will raise you up on eagles wings…make you to shine like the sun and give you peace forever…Amen Amen…for our president and His family this day and throughout this year.
Psalm 32:7 English Standard Version (ESV)
7 You are a hiding place for me;
you preserve me from trouble;
you surround me with shouts of deliverance. Selah.
Lord us to put on the full armor of God especially the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. Lord I pray Psalm 119 over all believers. Psalm 119:114 You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your Word. V175 Let my soul live and praise you, and let your rules help me. Lord please help! In Jesus precious name. Amen
Father God,
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Thank You Lord for Your hand of protection on our President and his family! We praise Your name and give You our thanks!! Amen
Amen and amen! God be glorified today & in the days yet to come🙏🙏
Praise God this has finally made the headlines so the church at large will pray….this has been going on since Trump was elected. God has flushed out the enemy so he is in full view and exposed for the Church to hit him with the kill shot. Glory to God!!
We decree: The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our God. In Jesus’ Name we bless President Trump. May he prosper and be full of joy. May the LORD give him wisdom and strength and a greater revelation of Jesus Christ as LORD. We call forth mighty angels to bring help from the sanctuary delivering the surpassing greatness of the power of God over President Trump, triumphing over all the power of the enemy. We decree it is written; for this cause Christ was manifest to destroy and undo the works of the devil. We decree, in the authority of the Name of Jesus every word out of the witches’ mouths is undone, powerless and nullified. We pray for every witch to have a rude encounter with the power of God and be brought to repentance and salvation delivered out of the kingdom of darkness. We send the angels to them tracing every spell like a laser marking a bullseye for an awakening with the majesty and might of the living God. May the fear of the LORD enter their hearts in Jesus’ Name Amen
Psalm 91 for protection and healing for yourself and family.
Isaiah 54/17 to reverse the curse.When you plead the Blood of Jesus over yourself,your also protected.
this does not reverse the curse: the way you reverse the curse, is you pray that it returns on the witches that sent it, until they repent and get saved, and when they come to get saved then the cure will lift off. We need to put a stop to the cursing once and for all not have to go through this next year again.
Witches are the most volnurable right now, because they are cursing together, and full of pride ,because they are rebellious, controlling, manipulating, and pride comes before destruction.
Pray for Trump, Pompeo Rudi AG TG GS JE complete protection including secure finances& family;w/Marriage harmony/unity& prosperity
Psalm 31 Lord I trust You, You ARE the hiding place for President Trump. Be his strong shelter. His life is in YOUR hands, deliver him from those who persecute him. Mute their lying lips,for they are arrogant, filled with contempt and conceit. You Lord protect and perverse those who are loyal to You. Fill the atmosphere over our president and his family with you singing angels. Thank You Lord Almighty. Amen
Greater is He that is in me …than he that is in this world! Father we all come to you this day of people celebrating evil of this world. Lord, this is totally against who we are and only you Lord can intervene and cast out all the evils and change the peoples hearts and minds and open their eyes to you Lord for you are the one True God. Protect your Children Father for we are in your arms for comfort and your Love is stronger than any evil that is in this place. In Jesus’ name I Pray….AMEN
Lord open the eyes of the church about celebrating the evil of this day. boomerang any curses by witches on Trump and his family and follower back to the source it came from.I will be praying in hymn and psalms for the next 24 hours.
Exodus 22:28 Living Bible (TLB)
28 “You shall not blaspheme God, nor curse government officials—your judges and your rulers.
Amen, May God surround you and your Family with protection and keep you safe in your walk with Christ….
TY and ur family as well
Holy Holy Holy is the only true God which was and is and is to come. Nothing and no one can compare to Him! El Gibbor (Mighty God); El Olam (Master of the World, Everlasting God); El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty); El Kanna (jealous God); Lord of Sabaoth (Lord of Hosts) He fights our battles when we praise Him. He is the Commander of Heavens Armies.
Ps 69:30 I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving..
2 Chronicles 20:15-22 is an awesome testimony of victory in battle when we Praise the Lord; for His mercy and loving kindness endure the forever
Lord God Almighty we trust You to dispel the darkness of Halloween as we Praise and give Thanks to You. May Your Truth and Light shine in our homes, neighborhoods, cities and our nation.
Father, I ask You to forgive our hard hearts, stopped up ears and eyes blinded by the world. Open our ears and eyes to hear and see Your mighty works! I love You LORD. I pray this in Yeshua’s name.
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground, in Jesus name, Amen.
As I go and come from my neighborhood there is a blow up ghoulish figure that is in a yard by the busy street, lit up in purple light. It vexed me, so I prayed, O God pierce that figure and deflate it….thinking how Gideon restored the altar of God and their idol Dagon was on its face before the God of Israel! So how joyful I was when I came back past their later that night and the figure was bent over with its ugly face down! I rejoiced that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is LORD. I noticed that someone had fixed it yesterday, but I believe the power of the evil one in my neighborhood is broken…I fully expect that today it will be beyond repair….not by my hand but by the “greater than” power of prayer of the believers of our Lord Jesus!
I have prayed! I will SING! and……I am forwarding this to everyone on my email list and will share it with everyone who calls me today. In the Book of Psalms, WE are told to SING 116 times!
Thank you, thank you for acknowledging the truth about this season and targeting the source of what has been coming against us. Thank you for pointing us to the answers we have in the Word of God .. so many in the church seem to just ignore that we are in a spiritual battle. Father, I ask you to reveal truth to your people and unite us to take our stand against the works of darkness in Jesus ‘ name!
Amen. It has been a prayer burden for 10 years that those even in the church realize this IS NOT A DAY OF INNOCENT FUN. Life and death can be disguised so cleverly. So Praise or Redeemer