Thank God for the army of intercessors who tirelessly seek the Father on behalf of this nation. We at IFA thank God for you!
I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. 1 Cor. 1:4
Intercessors for America (IFA) recently surveyed thousands of supporters, asking for an evaluation of President Trumpās performance. Like you, we hear the mainstream mediaās reporting that the Trump presidency is a failure. We wanted to know what IFA intercessors think about the Presidentāafter interacting personally with thousands of you over the years, we know you are an intelligent, up-to-date, spiritually sensitive group of people. Now the results of nearly 1,000 responses:
When asked how you would rate the President on a scale of 1-5 on Spiritual/Moral Issues, Domestic Issues, International Issues, Budgetary Issues, and Legal/Rule of Law Issues, you rated him in all categories between 4.3 and 4.5.Ā Not much of a surprise.Ā I knew that you as a group would have an objective view of his performance, rather than a view formed by the press.
Here are a few of the comments:
āTrump has never been a politician so he is learning the ropes. But he brings much needed business acumen to the table and I think that is the best asset.ā
āHe has everyone against him from Liberals, communists, deep state, and even the republicans…ā
āI keep hoping the President will have a better brain filter. He’s creating some of his own criticism from his choice of words and actions. I’m a Republican and want him to succeed but he needs to slow down, not be so critical of the media and Democrats. He needs to bring our country together and that can’t happen if he’s always on the attack. He needs to be thicker skinned, more presidential acting. I don’t want him to rush into a new healthcare. The changes I’m hearing do not sound better.ā
āI believe God has empowered Trump for this time, and He will guide the man as he leads the nation. DJT has mentioned the name of God more often in a few months than the previous president did in eight years. He is a strong yet flexible negotiator, and will do good for the land.ā
The survey then asked intercessors how they are praying for the President.Ā I was deeply touched by many of the prayers. Here is a sampling:
āThe Lord is directing me to pray for Trump’s & his administration’s safety, for Truth to prevail & for a return to our country’s Christian ideals. I pray for love of God to fill the hearts of these people who seek to tear us down & that God keeps a hedge of protection around our nation while guarding us from the shadow government within & without.ā
āPraying that he asks God for wisdom in every decision he has to make! I pray that he is humbled, I pray that he is influenced by Mike Pence as well! I also am praying for his daughter to be closer to God and seek God!ā
āI pray for him to build the wall and to move the embassy to Jerusalem and drive out The Muslims and destroy ISIS.ā
āI have in particular been praying that President Trump would be surrounded by those who have a keen ear to hear and heart to obey our Lord.ā
āI pray daily that God would protect, lead and guide President Trump, his family and administration. Lately, I have also asked the Lord to help President Trump to quickly come into a place of Godly maturity.ā
The third question asked:Ā As you look forward, what issues do you believe are most important for the Lord to guide President Trump and his administration?Ā Here are your responses, with the issue chosen by most respondents as most important first.
First, Filling Judicial Appointments. This is not what I thought would be the intercessorsā first response (I thought media), but I believe this is the most important.Ā The judicial appointments will guide our country for decades to come.Ā Great discernment!
Second, and closely third, Religious Freedoms and Leaks/Moles. Once again, I agree with your conclusion.Ā The Church needs to be free to be the Church. Government should not be infringing religious liberty. Our national security depends on stopping the intelligence leaks.
The next highest response was āOther.āĀ Here is a sampling of the things on your minds:
āStay off twitter.ā
āKeeping God’s promises made to the American people.ā
āHolistically righting wrongs that have been set from previous administration.ā
The last survey question asked you to rate President Trump on his first trip abroad.Ā You gave him a very high rating: 4.6.Ā Many of you commented:
āI think he was very rude in pushing some man aside in Brussels??? He needs better manners.ā
āIf he had better etiquette, he would be so much more liked. However, I like his principles.ā
āI liked Trump’s speech to NATO!ā
āI am very pleased that he took the role of being a strong leader. That he told the Arab leaders, to their faces, that they need to purge their countries of the radicals; that he was not afraid and prayed at the Western Wall, sending a clear message to the Muslim world; and publicly putting some of the members of NATO in their place for not paying their 2% GDP share for defense. Looking forward to what he has to say at the G7 Summit!ā
āHe spoke with dignity, not judging but wanting unity against tyranny and terrorists.ā
I hope these responses encourage you.Ā It is amazing to me to hear the how discerning you are as a group of intercessors.Ā You are full of faith, discernment and the power of the Lord.Ā Keep up the prayers. (By David Kubal, President/CEO of Intercessors for America.)
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I will please him with a long life.And I will show him My saving power. The fear of the Lord makes life longer, but the years of the sinful will be cut off.Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding , and in all your ways acknowledge the Lord and he will make your path straight. You have made your souls pure by obeying the truth through the Holy Spirit. This has given you a true love for the Christians. Let it be a true love from the heart. But whoever loves his brother is in the light. And there will be no reason to sin because of him. Dear friends, let us love each other, because love comes from God. Those who love are God’s children and they know God. Those who do not love do not know God because God is love. God will make your enemies be at peace with you. My children, let us not love with words or in talk only. Let us love by what we do and in truth. In Jesus name! Casting down imaginations, and every lofty and high things that exalt itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. In Jesus name!
Our family has been praying for President Trump, long before he was elected. My prayer for him is that he will stop being worried about whatever others think about him. Yes, he has to be proactive where it concerns his safety, against obstruction of justice and also take people to task for slanderous remarks which is a crime.
My prayer for him, since he is a new Christian, is that God will surround him completely by men of God and men of integrity, and that he will have good Scriptural teaching to help him grow in his faith. We firmly feel that God has appointed him for such a time as this.
We are very thankful for this prayer group. Every day several times a day I am prompted to pray. Such a priviledge for us for such men , whom we believe God has placed. I was very pleased with the results, knowing well that they need to be presented to our President and Vice-president. We are also praying for media. As they seem to have strayed from the truth. So we go on together praying not only for those in Washington D.C. but all over our land and abroad. Also praying that eyes will be opened to truth and ears to hear that truth, then acceptance of truth.
Thank God for President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence as Leaders of our Country.Let us pray more than ever for our Leaders,all the States and all the churches as we look forward to the greatest REVIVAL in history.
Thank you very much! Keep up the good work of Intercessors.
President Trump is already a wonderful President. I know he loves America and the American people. He wants to change our country for the better. He wants jobs for our people, he does not back down when he know he’s right; he’s got a back-bone; and he stands for religious liberty ~ not like the last administration. I pray for him daily~for his protection and that of his family and administration; I pray Psalm 91 over him, and for wisdom. I believe nothing the media says about him ~ ever. We prayed and God put Donald Trump in the White House. Praise be to Thee Father; Thank You Jesus!!!
I love Mr. Trump. Thank you Jesus
I know in my heart President Trump was called to save our nation from demise. He is not perfect. It he was called for such a time as this. He knows how to talk the languages they understand. The President does hear from the Lord or the battle wouldn’t be so great. As we intercede for President Trump God will reveal the straddagies for the battles he faces each day. We are the Aaron’s holding his arms so he doesn’t become weary from the battle. He is going against the prince of darkness. We need to pray that God will reveal who he can trust.
We need to pray God will. Cercumcise his ears that he will only hear the voice of the Lord ! In Jesus Name, Amen
The President’s statement that he would be “Honored” to meet with the N. Korean dictator, “under the right circumstances” was a clear rejection of the Western world’s political posturing using instead, the ancient Eastern tradition of complimenting one’s enemies in order to put the ball in their court, so to speak. If we, as Christians, would remember the Biblical admonition to do good to our enemies in order to make them uncomfortable, those who were upset by the statement might see the reasoning behind the word, “Honored”. Pres. Trump has met with many world leaders in these first days of his administration, and will meet with many more. To include, in those potential meetings, the leader of a possible threat to our country’s safety gives that leader a position of equal standing, opening the door to negotiation and effectively forces that leader to justify any aggression on his part to something other than the animosity of America.
This in no way demeans America, quite the opposite, it raises us above a “School Bully” reputation and puts us on the path to true diplomacy, something that is rare these days.
I truly pray that our politicians, the press, and all those rebellious students who have yet to learn what life is like outside of the schoolroom, will sit back and give the man a chance to show how a business is run; be it a small company or a great nation, the basics are the same, and the right man will have the guts to know when to smile and compliment and when to stand tall and draw the line.
I am so encouraged by all these wonderful comments you all are leaving .!!!
I echo the sentiments of praying our President Trump seeks God’s wisdom & the Godly men around him!!! We, as a nation, were founded on Christian principles & I pray we find our way back to God. I pray our ,President does not have the need to comment/tweet on all the nonsense out there, and looks to the Lord to keep him focused on the important issues for the American people!! I think he is doing a good job, and more importantly his heart is wanting to do the right thing for our blessed country!!! āļø
I am thankful for God’s sovereign will that set up Donald Trump as POTUS. He is a sinner just like the rest of us, but God is using him to hold back the forces of judicial legislating, illegal immigration, terrorism, and immorality. If he weren’t being successful, liberals wouldn’t hate him so much. The forces of darkness are upon us because they know their time is short. I pray for President Trump and his family to be surrounded with a hedge of protection, for him to know he is accountable to God and seek His will. I pray the same for VP Pence and his family. I pray the Psalms against the forces of evil, that God will cut off them off and bring truth to light in every circumstance. I pray for revival to break out among us Christians, that we will turn from the amusements of life, confess sin, and fulfill His purposes in our lives.
I am gratified that there is so much unity and discernment among the Intercessors. This speaks volumes that we do, indeed, though not always perfectly, have the mind of Christ and are praying at the Spirit’s direction. I, too, believe that President Trump and VP Pence are God’s men for this time. I am reminded that there is only so much mere men in the executive branch can do and we MUST be praying for our Congress and Judiciary in order to effect real and hopefully lasting changes to once again be “One Nation Under God”.
There is also a need for prayer for the Church in America. In many ways, our sorry state in this country is a result of the apathy and disobedience of the Church. The theme of “give America back to the people” is somewhat chilling. Are the people prepared to take it back? I pray that God will prepare the people to take it back and live responsibly and morally.
In my opinion, this great country and all the freedoms we enjoy were, at least in part, that we would use that freedom to evangelize the world. The Church has failed miserably. We serve a God of second chances. I believe this is it for the Church in America. May we not miss the opportunity.
The survey was really good. I do like that he uses twitter. In the main stream media there is so much #FalseNarrative that I look for his tweets to know the truth. I believe he is at times “painfully” truthful and that is hard for people to receive from a politician who always has a political sway in the direction of party when they talk and this diffuses the strength of real truth. Actually, we need to really pray it up about the false narrative, it is truly hurting our country and we are beginning to reap the hatred of it throughout the country. Thanks for the survey.
I, too, am pleased with the results of this survey! I’m, especially, pleased with the time he’s spent on filling judicial appointments. I believe that God has chosen Donald Trump for such a time as this! Yes, he needs a bit of refinement just like the rest of us, and I believe that it will come quickly.
Lord, I give you all honor, glory and praise, today and every day! Lord, please continue to mold President Trump into the man that You want him to be. May he seek you first, in and through all things, for with You all things are possible! Allow Vice President Pence to be an example to him! I pray Your will be done through this administration, not only nationally, but internationally! May Your peace, that surpasses all understanding, fill every heart and mind of those who have the power to bring about change!!! In Jesus name……. Amen!
I would like to encourage this Intercessor group to send encouraging Birthday wishes to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, celebrating our Commander in Chief & our flag this coming June 14th
I thank God for President Trump for how he has spoken the truth in love. I do pray that President Trump will demonstrate graciousness when he speaks about the Left and the media. I believe that’s why President Reagan was such a great communicator because he was gracious when he had to be and he spoke the hard truth in love when he had to. I pray God will use President Trump to help the church have her rightful place in our American life and to unite America.
I pray for wisdom and Gods guidence in our government and other governments worldwide. I pray for our enimies to be inlightened by Christ love and hearts softened
I pray that President Trump , & Vice President Pence Look to the Lord for guidance and to put God Back into our country
I’m pleased with the survey. I don’t think our president meant to be rude and I don’t think it was a shove. I know why he uses Twitter. He wants people to hear first hand and not through the media as they will twist things around to suit them. America is a great nation that has been torn apart and divided over the last 8 years and I believe our president is determined to turn that around. I salute him and our flag.