Responding to God’s Controversy with Us
Responding to God’s Controversy with Us
By Jim Kohlmann, IFA Florida State Director
Fifty-six years ago the United States, through seven U.S. Supreme Court justices, told God to leave our public schools. Jesus said, “Bring the children to me” (Mk. 10:14; Luke 16:18), and these men said “No, the government will have them for itself and You can get out.” God, His divine Majesty grievously offended, withdrew, and now three generations of young Americans have spent roughly 30 hours a week, for twelve years of their lives, in a place where there has been no official practice of prayer or Bible reading. Truth, as represented in the written Word, has left. There are subjects useful to the state, but almost nothing about character or morals. The result of this is evident in our streets and the manifest corruption of virtually every aspect of American popular culture.
Other than the obscene and callous disregard for human life through the willful abortion trade, nothing represents more urgently the need for God’s forgiveness than this horrible sin. Furthermore, this was done as millions of Christians said and did nothing about this God-rejection being foisted upon the nation. While some did vigorously protest, the vast majority stayed silent. We have done what ancient Israel did, and God’s Word is as relevant to us today as it was when God spoke to them through Moses, “And He said: ‘I will hide My face from them, I will see what their end will be, for they are a perverse generation, children in whom is no faith. They have provoked Me to jealousy by what is not God; they have moved Me to anger by their foolish idols…” (Deut 32:20-21). The entire chapter is instructive for us today.
Serious Christians will see this event and its aftermath as a major root cause of our current social agony. From young people who live totally without discipline to random acts of violence to the rise of Islamic terrorism striking unarmed Americans, the withdrawal of God’s active presence from most of our government’s policies and much of our culture becomes more and more evident. Even basic sexual and gender identity is becoming unnecessarily confused, though God’s plan and purpose are clear from both design and logic.
There is only one remedy: we who are believers must repent with remorse, weeping, and fasting as though our very lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren depended on it. Our nation — including some portions of the visible, organized Church — have committed the equal of spitting in God’s face, as the clear directives and commands of His Word have been ignored for so long. God does not forget such things. If we Christian believers do not seek God’s face and turn from our own wickness and what we have allowed culturally, the consequences of our neglect will be far worse than what we have already experienced. Let us therefore seek God’s will above all else, repent of our great national sins, and find His forgiveness, along with the redemption and reclaiming of our nation for righteousness’ sake.
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