I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for healing for Christopher Monzon. As we get closer to the midterms, protect canvassers across the nation from violence, Lord.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

This is another instance of politically motivated violence in our nation. Let’s pray for peace, especially as we get closer to the midterms.

From The Christian Post. Two men have been arrested in connection to an assault Sunday of a Republican political canvasser in Florida, alleging that one of the defendants tried to order his dogs to attack the victim.

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Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., announced on Twitter Monday that “one of our canvassers wearing my T-shirt and a DeSantis hat was brutally attacked by 4 animals who told him Republicans weren’t allowed in their neighborhood in #Hialeah #Florida.”

According to the senator, the man “suffered internal bleeding, a broken jaw & will need facial reconstructive surgery.”

One picture accompanying the Twitter post shows the canvasser lying on a gurney at the scene of the incident in Hialeah, with blood running down his face.

police report obtained by the Miami New Times provided additional details about the incident.

“Units responded to 140 East 60 St in reference to an assault. Upon arrival [Victim] 1 stated that he was walking around the neighborhood handing out fliers when he came across the defendant who was blocking the sidewalk. Defendant confronted the [victim] and stated that he could not pass through the sidewalk in front of his residence.”

“[Victim] proceeded to walk towards the street to avoid the defendant at which point the defendant stated to the [victim] ‘You can’t pass by here this is my neighborhood,'” the report added.

“[Victim] then stated to the defendant ‘this is public property and I can be here if I want to.’ The defendant and the [victim] then began to have a verbal dispute at which time the defendant rushed towards the victim to grab him and proceeded to slam him against the floor.”

While the report noted the arrest of 25-year-old Javier Lopez for “battery” and “great bodily harm,” it added that at least one other person “who fled the scene prior to police arrival kicked the defendant on the right side of his face.”

“The defendant [subsequently] began to strike the [victim] multiple times with closed fists on the [victim’s] face causing him to have a severe swelling on the right side of his face and his right eye being completely shut from the damages caused by the defendant,” the police report states.

The defendant continued to strike the victim in his mouth, which caused “severe swelling and bleeding.”

The report didn’t provide details about the nature of the fliers the victim handed out.

On Tuesday, authorities arrested a second suspect in connection to the attack, 26-year-old Jonathan Alexander Casanova. He was charged with aggravated battery.

According to a police report, Casanova kicked the victim in the head and was eventually pulled off the victim by a witness. Casanova allegedly went to his vehicle, retrieved two German Shepherds, walked the dogs to the victim lying defenseless on the ground and ordered them to attack. It is unclear if the dogs followed the order.

Neighbors broke up the altercation.

In a sworn statement to police, the victim claimed that Casanova said he could not pass through the neighborhood “because he was a Republican.” The victim claims Casanova threatened to shoot him if he continued to walk in the neighborhood. Police say surveillance video corroborates the victim’s account of what happened.

The second police report indicates that the victim suffered a broken orbital bone and “nasal/sinus” fractures.

The police reports didn’t include the victim’s name, but local news outlet WSVN identified him as 27-year-old Christopher Monzon. …

Hialeah Mayor Esteban Bovo, a Republican, issued a statement in English and Spanish on Monday condemning the attack.

“On Sunday evening, on the East side of Hialeah, a political canvasser was brutally beaten,” he said. “Freedom of speech is the bedrock of our democracy, and cowardly acts such as this should be condemned by all regardless of individual political affiliation.”

“I have spoken to the victim’s family, and have pledged a thorough investigation by Chief George Fuente and the Hialeah Police Department in order to bring those responsible to justice,” he added. “The investigation will continue until all of those responsible are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.” …

Hialeah is a heavily Hispanic city in Miami-Dade County, the state’s most populous county. During the 2020 presidential election, Miami-Dade was reportedly crucial to Donald Trump winning the state.

Rubio seeks a third term in the U.S. Senate against Democratic challenger Val Demings. As of Wednesday morning, the RealClearPolitics average of polls shows Rubio leading Demings by 7.5 percentage points.

The upcoming midterm elections will decide the fate of 35 U.S. Senate seats, including Rubio’s, all 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives and 36 governorships, in addition to multiple state and local offices.

How are you praying against violence and the suppression of free speech? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Used with permission. By Ryan Foley from The Christian Post. Photo Credit: Lacie Slezak on Unsplash)

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Peter Idusogie
October 28, 2022

I invoke the resurrection power of God that was in Christ Jesus our Lord, and deploy that power into Christopher Monzon body right now in Jesus name. Let this mighty power quicken and make alive, whole and healthy his mortal body through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit’s power in him. I decree and declare Romans 8:2 that the spirit of the law of life in Christ Jesus has set him free from the law of sin and death. He shall not die but live to declare the mighty works of GOD.

Peter Idusogie
October 28, 2022

You know, we serve an extraordinary powerful and mighty God. The God of the Hebrews and the father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Hebrew, we call him El- Hargadol(A Great God). So, this young lad will recover fully in Jesus name. The gates of hell shall not prevail in Jesus name. I am along with millions of Americans deeply saddened on the plight of all Americans affected by politically motivated violence. Most especially, the ones GOD SEES- Jehovah EL- ROI. that the media hides from its followers. The Woke media hardly mentioned the brutal and vicious attack because it was a republican canvasser who was attacked. Now Mr. Pelosi-the Speakers husband was attacked and this too was unacceptable and wrong, yet look at the media coverage? I strongly condemn both attacks but in the same breath decry the double standard by the press. In my own opinion, the main press is single handedly responsible for the division in America today. In 2020, I said judgement was coming from Heaven on the press. Since then, there has been many replaced in CNN and other woke news channels. The seismic shift is coming. Satan is using the press to divide our country. MSNBC blamed Donald Trump for the attack on Mr. Pelosi. Can you imagine. They spent their entire news channel tying this attack to Trump. I hardly watch them and I just happened to turn to their channel to see whether what they say about them by Trump supporters is actually true. I was shocked to hear and observe their new reporting is nothing short of an existential arm of the dangerous left, the far left, the intolerant left and the extreme left. I invoke Nahum 1:1-8 on them. Heavenly Father, Abba Father, Sovereign LORD,- Adonai, Almighty and All- powerful GOD, disappoint the devises of the crafty in the government and media that they would not be able to perfom their evil hand of enterprise against the righteous and against the principles that has held America as a beacon of hope to all nations of the world in Jesus name. Oh God of Elijah, chariots of Israel and the horsemen thereof, arise and scatter the enemies of righteousness and justice in America. Remember you said in your word Psalm 89:14 the throne room of heaven is anchored on two strong principles, righteousness and justice. Remove obstacles of progress to drawing closer to you in America from our midst. We cover this election in November with the Blood of Jesus and bind any vote rigging by either party in Jesus name. Amen & Amen Hallelujah

Kathy Emahiser
October 28, 2022

Father, you said in your word “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1″ We continue to stand on this premise regarding the freedom you instituted for this nation. Continue to give us boldness to stand for righteous freedom and carry out your will. We thank you in Jesus’ name. Amen

Herb Johnston
October 28, 2022

Apparently not all of the Spanish-speaking Community is voting republican, as we have been led to believe. Even though the reports were in this article that previously this area, – Hialeah and surrounding area voted for Trump, last election.
I guess there’s just not enough prayer coverage because the Lord has seen it fit to allow this poor man to have the bones around his eyes broken. Thank God the dogs apparently did not attack him.

So Lord as I have just prayed for the physical healing of Christopher Monzon, I continue to pray Lord that your mercy will flood his body and all of his facial bones and his internal wounds in his torso-, will be completely healed, and there will not be a mark of this beating on his body- but he will only retain the memory of your Holy Spirit filling him, and bringing him peace, Lord..that he would know your Son Jesus as Savior. Lord I pray that this area of Hialeah,..would be flooded with your Holy Spirit and guardian angels, Lord,as a witness unto your glory,that all the pass through there, Lord would know your son Jesus as Savior-,and that the presence of your Holy Spirit would be so overwhelming that people would not be able to be unaware of it.

In Jesus Name, Amen

Darlene Estlow
October 28, 2022

Father, only you can change hearts and bring peace to our nation instead of the hatred that exists. Thank you for the revival that is starting across our country. May it cover every part of our country.

Priscilla Meyenburg
October 28, 2022

All of this violence points to one source, pushed by motivation of Control wanting to be The head god. Because of deep sin and rebellion and the demonic spirits that are inside of a person creates blinders. God has called to many people to repent and they say NO. Prayer is the key to unlock the Evil Agenda but sometimes people reject the voice of Jesus. I hate the stories of people being hurt or killed. Great leadership in homes, churches presents Gods love and the Bible shares many stories of why sin is not good but evil. Satan will never gain any kind of leadership of good, but all his plans are EVIL. These two men need to answer 100% for the damage they did to Christopher M. The life they chose is detestable and could be a drug issue also. Father God I pray for Christopher to be healed from the beating of hate filled men. I also pray a protection to anyone who is working in the election Nov. 8 and prior to this date. God send your warring angels to protect them. All these people are doing is trying to get voters out to vote to Save America and they need protection. Father I call down help from heaven to get voters out. I call down the votes to be red, I call all fraud activity to be exposed. I ask in Jesus name for fear to be removed and boldness to prevail over all voting polls. I ask for justice to be present. God keep your hand close and open the eyes of the sinful so they can see and repent. Jesus is Lord and we praise him!! 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️✝️☝️

October 27, 2022

The democrats voted to remove all mention of GOD from their party platform and they are becoming more and more demonized! Their thinking is skewed to darkness! They are becoming more and more like satan their father! “He was a liar from the beginning and the truth was not in him,” saith GOD! In the absence of GOD and good, is satan and evil! This began with evil obama. I believe it was during his first time of nomination that GOD was removed from the platform. Since then the democrat party has hated everyone that doesn’t think like them, and they will get violent with them. FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to surround and protect all Republicans, patriots, and those that disagree with the democrat party! Open the eyes of democrats and let them come to the knowledge of just how evil their party is. Please deliver them and set them free in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Sharon King
October 27, 2022

This account of a brutal attack on someone just because they belong to a different political party, clearly shows how many people do not know how to exchange ideas/thoughts but would rather lash out and do harm to them in order to either “silence them” or provoke fear to their opposing political alignment!

Almighty God, Oh how we need hearts of humility, love, compassion; towards one another. May we learn to give You are frustrations, and anger; in exchange. Help us each to examine ourselves, forgive us if we are holding any contempt or ill-will towards someone. Let us be more “Christ-like” in our actions and response to one another. Shield us from the “evil” that is all around us!
In Jesus Name,

Janice Rhodes
October 27, 2022

Dear Lord,
Protect the canvassers all across the US. We bind the spirit of violence and of fear. We loose the truth,,…Jesus…to all election areas. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind. We command bone healing and swelling to resolve on Christopher Monson. All internal bleeding to stop and for the doctors and nurses to have wisdom as they care for him. May all his health care expenses be covered and compensation for loss of work. Embolden your people to stand strong and not back down.

Luisa Rodriguez
October 27, 2022

Precious Father God, thank You so much Lord that we can come to You knowing You are working on our behalf and You desire that we bring all of our concerns before You. So Father I ask for healing and restoration for Christopher Monzon. I ask that You pursue him if he does not know you and if He does know You, that this situation will draw him to You and that You may be glorified in it all.
Father-God, I also want to pray for the assailant and that justice would be done and in that process that he may meet You Lord whether it is apprehend him to save him or bring justice, only You know the deep heart of this man and because You offer salvation to all.
Father-God I also want to thank You that although poor Christopher was attacked, this also reveals where the enemy is and his workings, so that Your people can specifically pray to send Your warrior angels to overtake those territories for Your glory. I ask these things in the precious name of Jesus my Savior. Amen.

Laura K
October 27, 2022

Lord I pray You will bring righteousness back into this area of Hialeah and others like it.
Bring justice and recompense and comfort for the victim Christopher Monzon
Bring total healing for his face and his mind and memories.
Let the residents be appalled at what has happened and have an impact on the way they vote and that they would vote as You call them to vote and not be suppressed in going to the polls.
Lord send Your mighty angels to wage warfare in the heavenly places.

October 27, 2022

I have prayed for C. Monson, and have prayed daily, usually multiple times, for this nation to get God back into out country and get rid of evil politicians. I have a group at my house once a week who pray also.

October 27, 2022

Prayers for the victim and the cruel people hurting them. May they come to the saving name of Jesus.

    Robyn ONeal
    October 27, 2022

    Heavenly Father, we speak words of healing over Christopher by the power of Jesus’ resurrection life. Mighty currents of Your healing love flow through his body making him whole and healthy and restored. Guide surgeon’s hands to restore his face. Renew in him a healed heart not oppressed by PTSD trauma memories. Thank-You for working for good what Satan meant for harm. Send Your ministering angels and human laborers into that battlefield to bring John 3:16 living waters to all who thirst. Bring conviction of sin to the perpetrators and may godly sorrow work repentance unto salvation. Bless the ones advocating for justice. Bring Your light and life to the root cause of Man’s inhumanity to men and set the captives free. Having lay these pitiful crimes at the foot of the Cross, help us go boldly into the throne room of grace, with hearts of worship and praise, to ask for help in time of need. Raise Christopher up, Almighty God, into a godly man of faith who knows You more and the power of Your love, redeemed from the law of sin and death, encountering a fuller measure of Your forgiveness in his every breath. In Jesus’ Name we pray to You.


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