Recently my daughter and son-in-law were involved in a lawsuit. Almost three months after the ruling, the judge reversed his decision after the lawyer from the other side went to him behind closed doors. How can a lawyer have access to a judge after a decision has been rendered in the courts and get him to privately reverse a decision? And yet that is exactly what happened.
The result? My daughter and son-in-law were then instructed they had to pay part of the legal fees of the other side.
Download our special report prayer guide on our courts and
President Trump’s judicial nominees:
There was nothing just or legal about what happened. Worse, there was no recourse except for them to demand the case be reopened and retried which would mean they would have to spend even more money to go back to court with what appeared to be a corrupt judge. It was easier and less expensive to just pay the money and move on. But it was 100% wrong.
The Word says, because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. (Mt 24:12)
Discouragement descends upon people when unjust judges rule. When it appears there is no hope for a just judgment, when lawlessness and wickedness go without punishment, people grow weary. When we vote and then have the vote overturned by an unjust judge, who tramples on the will of the people, hopelessness prevails. We have seen that occurrence happen routinely over the past ten years, especially with judges in California and New York where some have made their own rules as they “interpret” the law to their political ideology.
As law-abiding citizens, it is infuriating. Many have said, “appeal!” But to what? The unjust judge?
This scenario occurred again this week as a federal judge in San Francisco blocked the Trump administration from enforcing a new rule that would help weed out migrants who try to enter the U.S. claiming “political asylum” but are simply seeking American benefits.
Don’t miss our August First Friday Prayer Conference Call, this Friday! Pray about recent encouraging developments in Supreme Court cases with David C. Gibbs, Jr. As a young attorney, David C. Gibbs, Jr. could hardly believe his ears as the pastor relayed how his church was being sued by the state for operating its ministry. As he reviewed the legal documents, Dr. Gibbs was astonished that such a thing could happen in modern America. From that very first case through the present day, God has blessed Dr. Gibbs’ commitment to legally help churches, pastors, and Christians free of charge. The ministry has grown substantially through God’s blessing over the last 40 years as attorneys, legal assistants, and other ministry workers have joined our team of “legal missionaries.” Call (712)775-7430 (no code needed), or join us on Facebook LIVE
President Trump has faced this time and again as Democrat-appointed judges reverse his decisions to enforce their political agenda.
So how are they overstepping their bounds and what is the role of judges and justices in our land?
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the role of a justice is: “the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments.
According to, “The integrity and independence of judges depend in turn on their acting without fear or favor. Although judges should be independent, they must comply with the law and should comply with this Code. Adherence to this responsibility helps to maintain public confidence in the impartiality of the judiciary.”
We have seen repeatedly liberal-leaning judges react to rulings with partiality, ignoring the law of the land and re-interpreting them to their partisan bias. Because of this, a vast majority of the public has lost confidence.
Since President Trump took office two and a half years ago, there has been a quagmire in the judicial nomination system to intentionally slow the process of the review and approval of justices that Trump has recommended to replace liberal-leaning judges.
I saw this personally when a Tulsa nominee, who was supported by our two senators and had passed extensive FBI and DOJ background checks, was targeted by a committee of the liberal American Bar Association to intentionally keep him from filling the position because he was conservative. We learned that when calls were made in the review process to those who gave positive references for him, the calls were quickly ended. It was clear that the review team was not impartially searching for information, but for what they wanted to hear to derail his appointment. It was the same public defamation we saw against Brett Kavanaugh as liberals worked to keep him off the Supreme Court. This type of behind the scenes attack is happening across our nation at almost every level to keep conservative judges off the bench. And so justice and a just system has remained out of reach.
This has gone on for far too long. So what can we do?
We can join together to declare and call forth a change across our nation at the city, county, state and federal levels.
Lord, we pray that you would take away the wicked from before President Trump and that his administration would be established in righteousness. (Prv 25:5)
That the dishonest scales that have been allowed to exist in our justice system would be removed and replaced with accurate weights that find favor with You. (Prv 11:1)
Lord we speak to the the nomination review process which is rife with “differing weights and differing measures.” We pray that it would undergo cleansing and removal of partiality and bias. We declare that the systematic disqualification of qualified and honorable conservative nominees would come to a halt and that the intentional delays in the approval process to keep conservative judges off the bench will be stopped now and that they can be seated. (Prv 20:10)
The Word says that evil men do not understand justice. We pray that evil men in positions of authority or justices will be removed from their judgeships and replaced with men and women of integrity and honor. (Prv 28:5)
We ask that the righteousness of the blameless will smooth the way for right-standing nominees and that the strongholds that have tried to prevent their nomination will be removed. We declare that wicked judges will be removed and will fall by their own wickedness as corruption and prejudice are exposed. (Prv 11:5)
Lord, we declare that even as the unjust judge gave the widow woman justice so how much more will You give justice to your children? (Lk 18) We cry out for justice across our land and that there would be right and fair scales of justice in America. We declare that no longer will there be partiality practiced because of political persuasions, but instead that we can have confidence in those who sit as justices at every level of our courts. That they will either act with righteousness and the fear of the Lord or they would be removed.
Karen Hardin is an intercessor, author, minister and literary agent. Her work has appeared on USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma,, The Elijah List, etc. For additional information you can contact here at or
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If the time limit has not lapsed, I would urge them to appeal to a higher court. All parties are to be properly noticed in court cases. When a judge reverses a decision behind closed doors, he has violated his oath of office.
There is a Code of Conduct for judges and this judge needs to be removed from the bench.
…and in our school systems as well!!
Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm corrupting our justice system. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground, in Jesus name, Amen.
Appeal to Heaven! It always works.
Thank you Lord that when the enemy comes in like a flood You raise up a standard of righteousness against
him. Remove unjust judges O Lord, as only you can. Pour out your Spirit and revive this land.
Amen, Alan! I stand on His word in agreement with your prayer. Where two or three agree as touching anything….it shall be done! Matthew 18:19