A few months ago, as riots were breaking out in the streets, it was becoming clearer to Americans that our country was facing a pivotal election. I wanted to hit the situation head on as a church, so I asked my pastor if we could gather weekly to pray for the nation and the election. As the head of our new Church Prayer Council (less than a year old), I had been working closely with our pastor and our Council to engage our people in prayer, particularly congregational prayer.
Our pastor immediately agreed, and said that he himself would lead as many as he could. With that I began to work on the first outline.
The Word says: āMy house shall be a house of prayer for all.ā God calls His Body to pray. Our gathering together in prayer as the body of Christ is critical to His moving among and beyond us. God responds to the prayers of His people. At this critical time in America, we knew it was important to gather weekly to cry out to God for our nation and the upcoming election.
It seemed to me that we should pray according to a simple pattern: A-C-T-S (Adoration ā Confession ā Thanksgiving and Testimony ā Supplication). We would begin by praising God. We would then confess our sins as individuals and a nation. When it came time to give thanks, God laid it on my heart to remember and give thanks for specific ways in which God has led and been involved in our nation throughout its history ā this is also testimony. Throughout the Scriptures the people of God remembered and gave thanks for Godās mighty acts ā particularly the miraculous parting of the Red Sea. God has moved mightily and miraculously throughout the forming of our nation and its history. We decided to remember His mighty wonders as we gave thanks.
Then we would pray for our nation; our system of government, our leaders, our culture, the church, our people ā including us, and our critical upcoming election. Each week our prayers would have a different focus. Throughout the history of the United States of America, God has responded to the prayers of His people. Like many others, we wanted to be counted among those who cry out to God for such a time as this!
Each week, as is commanded throughout the Scriptures, we remembered the mighty acts of God ā but in our own nation. Then we prayed, asking God to intervene again. We began the first night by giving thanks for the Mayflower Compact, specifically taking note of their intent as stated here:
Having undertaken, for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the Northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents, solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil body politic; for our better ordering, and preservation and furtherance of the ends aforesaid; and by virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal laws, ordinances, acts, constitutions, and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general good of the colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience.
There written into their text was their desire for the Glory of God, and advancements of the Christian faith.
Ā Even after that very first prayer meeting, I noticed a particular joy on our people from having been in the Presence of God together. But there was something more stirring as we remembered who God has been to the United States.
We went on to remember Godās mighty hand in the Puritansā leadership and preaching, particularly giving thanks for the way God worked through Rev. Thomas Hooker, who is considered the father of democracy and who penned the Connecticut Constitution.
We took time to remember Godās working in the early beginnings of our institutions of higher learning and national thought leadership. 106 of our first 108 colleges had aĀ Christian heritage. We were surprised and encouraged. We gave thanks for this and specifically for these words from Harvardās Rules and Precepts:
Harvardās āRules and Preceptsā adopted in 1646 included the following essentials: āEvery one shall consider the main end of his life and studies to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life. Seeing the Lord giveth wisdom, every one shall seriously by prayer in secret seek wisdom of Him. Every one shall so exercise himself in reading the Scriptures twice a day that they be ready to give an account of their proficiency therein, both in theoretical observations of languages and logic, and in practical and spiritual truthsā¦.ā
Week by week we revisited the facts of our beginnings as a people and rediscovered God right there in the midst of our history. It was thrilling to see the facts of His hand on us and we praised Him. We gave thanks for His sovereign move in our nation during the First Great Awakening as He poured out His Spirit beginning with the preaching of Jonathan Edwards, āSinners in the hands of an angry God.ā We prayed through a small excerpt of the sermon. We then marveled, giving thanks for the way He united the 13 original colonies through the preaching of George Whitfield and began to form a national mindset around the value of the individual and the right to freedom. It was a mindset based on Godās love of every individual and the freely and equally offered ānew birthā of the Gospel.
It was after that fourth prayer meeting that a weighty thought settled on me: āWe have not given God His rightful place of honor in the founding and sustaining of our nation. We have monuments to many of our founding fathers, but God is our pre-eminent Founding Father. He deserves honor above all.ā I grieved and repented in my soul.
During that fifth prayer meeting we repented of this and continued praying and giving thanks; this time for the writing of the Declaration of Independence with its famous preamble.
āWe hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.ā
We consistently prayed from the Scriptures, sometime using the very Scriptures that moved our ancestors such as:
āIt is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.ā (Gal 5:1 NIV)
We continued by thanking God for raising up and protecting George Washington ā His man for leading our forefathers through their fight for independence and the establishing of our new nation. We noted His divine protection of Washington even back to the French and Indian War. We marveled at His divine providence in leading a ragtag group of colonists to defeat the greatest army of its time and secure our independence. The Word says: āI will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.ā (Ps 77:11) We did.
Each week, as we gathered to meet with God at our Congregational Prayer Meeting, our numbers grew (to almost 200) and so did our peopleās knowledge of Godās role in our founding. We saw afresh the centrality of Godās activity, through His people, to the creation of our nation. Our Constitution, steeped in nearly two decades of Puritan faith and thinking, could not have been penned without an understanding of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and manās true nature. At the time of this writing we will next pray and give thanks for the Bill of Rights.
God is blessing our remembering as we pray from the Scriptures; and out of our own history, which contains innumerable mighty acts of God. Our country is truly unique and our heritage of Godās hand upon us is deeply inspiring. It is a blessing we must remember as we seek Him in our perilous times.
The Scriptures say: āRemember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.ā (Is 46:9)
I want to encourage Your church to pray and linger in Godās Presence together. I want to encourage you to take time to remember who we are as a nation, to give thanks and pray. At this critical moment in our history, nothing is more important than Godās Presence with us. Our God has not changed. He is a covenant-keeping God who made a covenant with our ancestors. God worked through His people throughout our history; and as we ask Him to work in our nation today, we can expect that it will be through us, His people.
We must step up, pray and act.
Click HERE for the outlines we used for the first 8 prayer meetings. They were written for our congregation but could be adapted to any group. Perhaps they will help you to remember all that God has done for America.
(Cynthia Scott was a business owner for 20 years before concentrating on prayer and revival ministry both locally and nationally. She is particularly focused on Godās people growing closer to Him through congregational prayer.Ā )
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Thank you for doing this!!!! If our country is to survive it is because of His prayer warriors. I’m praying for Him to hear all the prayers and to please show us mercy and victory. Only He can do this. Praying for a revival for our country too. To Him be the glory.
God bless all of you.
Cynthia, thank you so much for sharing your notes!! I also am leading a prayer meeting as we lead up to Nov elections. I read through your notes and was so blessed with the interweaving of history with our current national needs. We will certainly be using your notes and format in future prayer times. Thanks again, I can see it involved lots of preparation!
Father, may we also repent of the national sin of robbing You of the glory of Creation.
Our schools routinely teach young people(at least strongly infer) that all living things resulted from natural selection and other natural processes, mutations, and genetic possibilities. Natural selection probably does influence minor evolutionary changes, known as microevolution. But naturalistic processes could never produce the beauty, order, balance, complexity, and incredible design found in nature. The glory for a planned, designed act of Creation is reserved only for the true Creator.
Jesus revealed how He felt about giving glory due to God to another in Matthew 12:22-32. When Jesus healed a demonic-possessed man who was blind and mute, the Pharisees who witnessed this amazing miracle told those around them that Jesus was only able to cast out demons by Beelzebub, the prince of demons. They tried to give credit and glory to Beelzebub for an amazing miracle Jesus performed. The warning Jesus gave the Pharisees for this was severe.
Father in Heaven, lead Your people to repent of not giving You all the glory for Your incredible Creation.
It is most interesting to me that the Mayflower Compact states specifically “…for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith…” We made a covenant with God to advance Christianity. Yet somehow in our Constitution we have stated “freedom of religion” which includes all religions, not just Christianity. We must repent of this error as a Nation. Although people of all faith’s should be welcome to settle in the U.S., it is exclusively the Christian faith, and in particular the acceptance of Jesus Christ as our acknowledged Lord and Savior, that was our covenanted promise to the glory of God! Almighty God and Father, please forgive us for this error and allow Your Church to make this right; even if that means we must settle in a specific region of these United States (or wherever You send us) to fully live for Your glory and to worship Jesus Christ and acknowledge Him as the only way to salvation. Father God, only You know how to make this right. We repent before You. We will do whatever You ask us to do. May Your Holy Spirit give us wisdom and direction, in Jesus’ name! Amen!
Prayed that our church would gather- at this much needed time of intercessory prayer-as well
Sadly no effort has been a made by our staff to do so u ser the fear of quarantine
Not even distancing
Sadder still the majority of them believe it’s ok to support this democratic ticket
Yes, those birth pangs are beginning
Prayers for our churches and its leaders
If God is for us…
Lord we have written this in our declaration and yet we have fallen short of its claims. Allow us to stand for this declaration knowing that this is your heart. May we serve these words as a nation.
āWe hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.ā Lord God allow your kingdom principles be set in the hearts of all those who want a hand in ruling this nation. Let your will be done and your kingdom to explode in those who wish to rule. Set apart the ones who will follow your ways in Jesus name.
In answer to Paula F’s inquiry: is just one of several sites who is very committed to the truthful history and foundation of this country and constitution. They give free classes (donations are always welcomed of course) including such classes as Constitution 101 – a required subject to all who enter by online or over the steps. I have taken many classes through them. And there are classes and when some of the principles started to be changed. Enormously informative.
I would love any book recommendations for further reading about the Christian founding of our country.
Hi Paula, put some info in the comment box above yours. Wrong place. My bad. š Blessings
“Original Intent: The Courts, The Constitution, and Religion” by David Barton
Thank you, Cynthia, for your insights and sharing your resources. We will use some of this in our congregation. God bless you for blessing us!
Lord God we pray for a fair and honest election, I bind any agenda of manipulation of false ballots, may all Christians turn out to vote, give us wisdom to know the truth about the ones we vote for, I pray for the ones being elected into Senate and House of Reprehensive, I pray they will be people of integrity, I also pray for elections of Governors, and Mayors of every state in America, men and women who will build our Nation according to the Constitution as it was written, with Godly principles. I pray in Jesus name amen.
I am impressed. Beyond all measure, I am impressed. Over the years there has been such a fight by the church to even acknowledge these facets of our history. The church left the building for the most part. Some are gone completely – they turned coat and ran. But the Church is now rising again, by the way not just here but in many, many countries. I guess the saying of you have to lose (or almost lose) before you fight … Our country is SO rich in Godly History. But we have lost the ability to fight. LORD, grant us the ability to fight again and may it not be too late. I don’t believe in too late where God is concerned. But even if He gives us back our chance to cherish this country and all she stands for, we have to continue the fight. Freedom in all areas is not free and are we willing to fight to hold on? Huge question … Huge commitment. I pray that this evil that we are suffering and fighting has Awakened the Sleeping Giant – the CHURCH of our most Wonderful High GOD! May she never go to sleep again. May her quest for souls and moral, ethical life bless this nation again. Not just because she is in danger now but because God has give a gift of the highest value and gatekeepers and watchmen on the wall must stay the course so she remains safe until the true owner returns for His People. Forgive us Dear God, Father of our Nation, and help us to truly live for You once again – only better. In the Precious Name of Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus the Christ. Amen
Amen and Amen – let us remember – so many have no idea and most have forgotten our. Wonderful HIStory
Amen and many blessings to the remembrances of gratitude for our spiritual roots!!!
May God be praised for his wonderful works to the children of men!