I Prayed have prayed
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Thank God for Florida clearly and unequivocally protecting the right of students to pray in public schools. May the children of Florida use this freedom to intercede powerfully for our nation.

Jesus said, ā€œLet the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.ā€ (Mt 19:14)

ā€œFlorida public school students will have added protection for expressing their faith on campus during the upcoming school year, thanks to a new law that went into effect July 1. Supporters say the bill just reiterates existing constitutional protections for religious liberty by listing specific practices with which educators cannot interfere. Opponents say the bill goes too far and could unleash a rash of lawsuits.

The Religious Expression in Public Schools Act forbids school districts from discriminating against students, parents, or staff members for their religious views or expression. It specifies students are free to refer to religion in their schoolwork, pray without interference, and wear religious symbols without fear of punishment.

The Florida House passed its version of the bill unanimously, but Republicans in the state Senate insisted on adding a provision that would require schools to allow student-led prayers during the school day and at school-sanctioned events, like sporting events and assemblies. It passed mostly along party lines.ā€ (Excerpted from World News, reporting by Leigh Jones.)

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July 16, 2017

Praise you Lord Jesus for this victory. We pray for all the children in our land, that they would not be brain washed into denying their innate understanding that you are God and that they are not. We ask that you would protect this piece of legislation in Florida, and Lord we ask that it would be adopted by every state in the Union. Lord we continue to ask that you would set the captives free in this country, binding the spirit of deception, and releasing them to the liberating truth of your gospel. And may the little children lead them, In Jesus name, Amen

David W. Locke
July 16, 2017

Sad this law is even needed in the “land of liberty” but indeed, I thank The Lord, the Florida State legislature & governor for securing protection against anti Christian zealots.

May The Light shine on those darkened & Spirit filled students, May they usher in needed revival through all our schools!

In Jesus’ Precious Name

July 14, 2017

I love good news. I love it when God divinely breaks through, using people who are standing on the side of His Truth, fighting the good fight of faith. So grateful for the leadership in Florida, who are voting and changing things up for God, advancing His Kingdom. Praise God.

Thelma whitehead
July 14, 2017

To all the above, I say “thank you” in the name of Jesus.
Our Father in heaven, we delight in this answered prayer! Father, I pray now that all states will follow Florida. We must continue to pray for our children! So many have been raised not knowing Jesus. Father, we thank you for this victory! May we, as your children, serve as your hands and feet to get the message of Christ to all. Amen

Marlene Babb
July 14, 2017

Praise God…!!! Jesus rule and reign in our school…let God be God…!!! Pour out your spirit upon all students. Call forth a Holy Ghost revival…no one can deny. Fill them with your spirit..all will know they are christian by your love…!!!

Randolph ("Randy") A. Malone, III
July 14, 2017

God is so faithful to answer our prayers! Here is a great example of “… then I will hear from heaven and heal their land.” (2 Chr. 7:14) I trust the healing is beginning. Last year we heard Franklin Graham call on Christians to begin praying at 9 PM each night. We began then and have continued. God has blessed us so much as a family since then, and we are seeing God raising up a standard against the evil we have so passively allowed in our country. God is in control of our country, and every minute of His people!

Diane Morgan
July 14, 2017

Praise God’ keep praying all the states do the same.

Diane Morgan
July 14, 2017

praise God keep praying all the states will do the same It’s about time all the true Christians stand up & say we have the same rights as everybody else and start standing up,for what belongs to us we are a Christian Nation Jesus is Lord over America.

kat picasso
July 14, 2017

Father in the name of Yeshua we pray. We thank You for this victory in Florida. May their state be blessed and bloom for bringing You back into their public schools. May their students flourish and may Your Name and witness be proclaimed. May the rest of the nation see Your blessing on Florida and desire it too.

Father, we want our youth back from the clutches of the enemy. We ask that their minds would be healed from the ravages of Hollywood and the music industry. We ask for our colleges and universities to be cleansed and purged from professors and teachers who push socislism and sedition. We ask for our youths to be given clarity of thought and moral excellence as well as self control.

We are grateful for all that You are doing and we give You the glory.

July 14, 2017

Glory to God!!! Christians,pls keep praying. God hears and able to turn this United States of America great again. Let’s not be complacent but proactive! If we persist , we’ll see great result! Keep praising and thanking our Jehovah- nissi! Victory is ours,
if we don’t quit ,God won’t quit!

Stella A
July 14, 2017

Our Nations roots coming back alive. In faith we pray, we seek, we ask, we knock we we knock and Heaven is on the move. May the few against God be silenced & displayed as our True Gods triplets for all to see as darkness itself is on the run.

Beatrice Norman
July 14, 2017

WOW! I live in Florida and have grand children in the public schools. Thank you so much to those who heard and obeyed God! May our Lord bless you ! We are on the offensive now. He hears our cries ! Thank you Jesus!

Deborah Cheeseman
July 14, 2017

Way to take it all the way Florida! Great example!

July 14, 2017

Thank you President Trump. You kept your promise. We will keep praying for you!

Pat Earnest
July 14, 2017

This is awesome! I have family who live in FL and they’ve been concerned for quite some time about how liberal the State was leaning. Very encouraging news. He’s still on the throne and He’s still in control.

Michele Hay
July 14, 2017

It is not only a religious freedom issue it is a speach issue.

Kay Lake
July 14, 2017

Thank you for all those who stood up and insisted on allowing student-led prayers and activities to be allowed on school campus. This is a very big victory!

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