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Father, Your word tells us You are judge of all (Hebrews 12:23). Bless these earthly judges with Your wisdom as they serve in their appointed positions looking to You for Your will.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The U.S. Senate confirmed President Trump’s 150th judicial nominee Wednesday, helping to fulfill the president’s campaign promise to remake the federal bench with a conservative bent.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham called the number of confirmations a “historic milestone.”

“These conservative judicial appointments will impact our nation for years to come,” the South Carolina Republican said.

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Six district court nominees won confirmation Wednesday, bringing the president’s total number of appointed judges to the lower federal courts to 105. Mr. Trump has also appointed 43 circuit court nominees and two Supreme Court justices since taking office.

The pace has far outdone President Obama, who only saw 20 circuit court nominees and 74 district court judges confirmed during the same period of time. Mr. Obama, though, like Mr. Trump had two Supreme Court appointments within his first three years.

Liberal advocacy groups said the 150th judicial confirmation is alarming, stressing the need to make judicial nominees and the courts a 2020 campaign issue. “As of today’s confirmation votes, Trump and McConnell have confirmed 150 judges to the federal bench — a group that can overwhelmingly be described as narrow-minded and elitist, favoring corporations and the powerful over the interests of all Americans,” said Marge Baker, executive vice president of the People for the American Way.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Alex Swayer.)

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Helen P
September 15, 2019

Hallelujah, our God reigns! You are a God of mercy and judgment and Your justice prevails. Lord, thank You for establishing Your Justice in America’s courts. Amen

Marie Williams
September 14, 2019

PRAISE THE LORD for President Trump! “GOD gives justice to all who are treated unfairly”. May the good that President Trump has done for this country return to him in spades and may GOD scatter his enemies. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Donna Nelson
September 14, 2019

Praise the Lord for President Donald Trump. How the enemy is nashing his teeth and looking for an opening to bring him and the righteous leaders down, BUT God. Goats butt and we know God is doing a separation between the sheep and the goats. We (I) pray confusion into the enemies camp, and an increase in their stuttering. Open the eyes of your people Lord to discern the truth and to cling to scripture. You are our Rock and firm foundation! Thank you for your army of angels that take your word as we proclaim it, they perform it. Psa. 103:20! We do this act (palms of our hands up and the Hebrew word we say is HAFOOK. We state the problem with our hands open to God with the problem on our hands and then say Hafook and turn our hands over declaring that God is going to turn our problems down and no weapon formed against ? will prosper in Yeshua’s name. Amen and amen!

Jane Apter
September 14, 2019

O LORD, JUDGES 2:18 says that when You raised up judges, You were with them. Please be with all these judges, who I believe You have raised up under President Trump, because in PSALM 33:5, it says that You love righteousness and justice. Use these new judges to bring righteousness and godly justice back into our courts.

    September 14, 2019


    September 14, 2019

    Yes LORD, confirm and make this prayer be manifested throughout our land. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Darrell Chilson
September 14, 2019

President Trump’s opponents are right about the courts being a major issue for the 2020 campaign. I pray for and declare in Jesus’ name the continuation of God’s restoration of our courts to lawfulness and justice, now ant in the next presidential term.

    September 14, 2019

    Amen and Amen!

      Jane Apter
      September 14, 2019

      Rochelle, I tried to reply to your Powerful response to my prayer. But it disappeared. I agree with your prayer! O Lord, bring righteousness and godly justice into every courtroom across America. I pray this in Your Mighty Name, Lord Jesus. Amen

Maria Walker
September 14, 2019

To God be the Glory!!!
Praises Praises Praises to our Almighty God!!!!
Psalm 33:11
But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of His heart through all generations!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for Your Great Plan of Redemption first and foremost!!
Thank You Father for Your Son Jesus Christ and ALL that JESUS wrought for us that Day at Calvary!!!!!
Thank You Father that Jesus is Head over everything for the church which is his body the fullness of him who fills everything in every way!!
That’s us the Body of Christ!!
Thank you Father that President Donald John Trump is a part of the Body of Christ!!
Hallelujah!! Glory to God!!!!
Ephesians 2:10
For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do!!!
Thank you Father for Your Holy Written Word!!!!!
Thank You Father for the Living Word Your Son Jesus Christ!!!!!
Acts 17:28
In Him we live, move and have our being!!!
Spirit of the Lord help us to focus on the ONE in whom we live, move and have our being
JESUS our King!!!!!

This I pray for all of us in Jesus Name!!! Amen!!!

Nancy P.
September 14, 2019

Micah 6:8 He has told you, humanity, what is good, and what Adonai is seeking from you: Only to PRACTICE JUSTICE, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. (MFJB) God’s words-enough said.

September 14, 2019

Praise the Lord. this is a good talking point for Christians who don’t believe Trump is a good person or favored by God but want to vote for justice. Father, help turn the mindset of our citizens towards righteousness and justice for the unborn and the unfairly prosecuted. helps us to discern between right and wrong and let our courtrooms be beacons of light that shine throughout the world.

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