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Father, we pray for these two women, and many others like them, who have found that chasing the transgender lifestyle has left them empty. May these women and others searching to fill that emptiness will find Jesus.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

More and more parents are stepping out, admitting that their children “identify as transgender” and wanting to do something about it. Schools encourage gender confusion, and doctors reportedly won’t even run preliminary tests if a child asks for life-altering “treatment.” But before you sign your kids up, listen to the real-life stories of people who deeply regret their “transition.”

“I am a real, live 22-year-old woman, with a scarred chest and a broken voice, and five o’clock shadow because I couldn’t face the idea of growing up to be a woman, that’s my reality,” admitted Cari Stella in a deeply personal YouTube video. She objected to transgender journalist Julia Serano’s insistence on calling her “transgender.”

“Gender was done to me, gender was traumatizing to me, I don’t want anything to do with it anymore,” Stella declared. She admitted that “when I was transitioning, I felt a strong desire — what I would have called a ‘need’ at the time — to transition,” but her transition only hurt her more. “It can be damn hard to figure out that the treatment you’re being told is to help you is actually making your mental health worse. Testosterone made me even more dissociated than I already was,” she said.

Another de-transitioning woman, Carey Callahan, accused [pro-transgender journalist] Serano of “erasing” her, by insisting that because people like Callahan had transitioned, they were still transgender. “If self-definition is a human right, I don’t know how much louder we can shout to the world we’re not trans,” Callahan said. “And for me, if you say that I’m on the transgender spectrum, what you’re doing is you’re erasing everything I’m telling you about my life and my story.”

“I had trauma that led to me disassociating from my female body, and … the longer I chased that disassociation — the more I asked people to call me special pronouns, the more I tried to change my body, the more I ensconced myself in a community that would affirm a trans identity, the worse I felt, Callahan admitted.

She argued that Serano’s insistence that people like her are still transgender is unfair and dishonest. “It’s a central story in my life, and you’re erasing it to make me fit into your ideology.” Callahan added, “Your set of ideas of how the world works is not worth acting like I don’t exist, or acting like you get to define my gender for me. No, that’s not how that works. I’m a real person, and you have to deal with my existence.”

Callahan attacked Serano’s suggestion that people who de-transition are driven by transphobia and that they are somehow made up by conservatives. “I am not conservative. I have always voted Democrat except for the time I voted for Nader.”

“I’m not trans. Transphobia was not the context when I de-transitioned,” Callahan declared. “It sucks to be an inconvenient person, but it’s very instructive to see how willing people on the left are to act like inconvenient people don’t exist.” Chillingly, she concluded, “watching how the left accepts shutting down critical thought on these matters has creeped me out.”

(Excerpted from PJ Media, article by Tyler O’Neil.)

[There will be more of these people–those who have followed the path to becoming transgender and have found that their confusion and emptiness is still just as great–if not greater.  Pray that at the point of searching, these people would be open to the truth, the meaning and the healing of Jesus. As a generation becomes disillusioned with what the world is promising them is the answer, may we show them the real answer, which is Christ–be ready!]

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August 29, 2019

Lord, thank you for these courageous women who are speaking out against those who are assuming to set the standards for all trans. Come against those who are assuming to know what it best and drawing more and more young people in who have no idea of what is ahead for them. This truly is satan and his followers roaming around like a roaring lion seeking those whom they can devour. Give a stronger voice to those harmed Lord and open the eyes and hearts of those being deceived. We cry for your mercy Lord.

debra blair
August 28, 2019

Father God in the name of Jesus i pray that all that are confuse with who they are that you will put laborers in their path to help them get free the lies of the enemy who is satan the fater of lies. and they will learn the truth which is only in Jesus who says I am the way and truth and life,

Ken Budz
August 28, 2019

Lord please help these lost souls find You. People are lost in a world of confusion and now they are getting hurt by people who are willing to hurt them. Please Lord open up eyes and ears to You and open up hearts and minds to You. I pray this in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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