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Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. (2 Chr 20:15)

On Nov. 4, the group “Refuse Fascism” will host nationwide rallies in 14 different cities for its mission, which is quite simple: “The Trump/Pence regime must go” — and by any means possible.

As expected, the mainstream media continue to hype the coming protest as a marker for when the Left will raise a united moral front against the Trump presidency. But the truth is far more sinister. Refuse Fascism positions itself as a big-tent movement from “many different points of view” that is looking out for the best interests of America. But that’s hardly the case. The reality is that it is an extremist outfit that seeks to overthrow the principles that this country was founded upon.

Its namesake is the ultimate irony. Over the past year, Refuse Fascism has shown itself to be a fascist group. The Antifa-linked group has taken pride in shutting down speakers from across the political spectrum, often declaring anyone even a smidgen right of the far-left as a “neo-Nazi” who should not — and cannot — be heard.

While quite transparent about its goals, the organization has taken several measures to hide its operational backings. Its website reveals no details about the people behind the coming Nov. 4 rallies. (Excerpted from Conservative Review.)

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