Protesters were out in force in a Minnesota city this week, upset over the city council’s decision to stop reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of their meetings.
The decision was announced by the St. Louis Park City Council after a unanimous vote on June 17. The amendment to the council’s rules was characterized as an effort to serve a more ādiverse community.”
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āWe concluded that in order to create a more welcoming environment to a diverse community weāre going to forgo saying the Pledge of Allegiance before every meeting,ā Council Member Tim Brausen said ahead of the vote. . . .
The council’s meeting to reconsider the controversial change was held on Monday, as nearly 100 citizens waved American flags and chanted “USA!” in a bid to convince the council to reverse course before the change goes into effect next week. . . .
St. Louis Park is a suburb of Minneapolis and is represented in Congress by Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar.
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Father, Please help us in this day to know how to speak up on behalf of this beautiful nation. Lord, Help those who voted this way to realize that if someone is offended by the Pledge they probably shouldn’t be here as citizens in this country. It is incredible to me that we allow them to become citizens and then they try to make our country what it is not. Please reveal the under current of what is causing this. Help those who are in that community to stand for what is right in a spirit of love. Give them wisdom to speak what needs to be heard.
Lord, I pray for Ilhan Omar. She has devoted her life to serve her god and bring others to faith in him. Open her eyes to see the love of Jesus that she has never known. Let it confound her and cause her to question her own faith. Bring your followers into her life to show her the love of Jesus and tell her the truth that will set her free. I cover her with your blood and claim her soul for you.
Under Mathew 18:19 I pray in agreement.
Oh, God! Give us people with spine! In our local, state, and national levels of government.
Farce is a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations.
Lord God this is what I see happening in too much of our society! Lord help me love you enough to do your will; even that of a Living Sacrifice of doing Matthew 5:44
Thank you God for this time of choosing and knowing what is right and wrong because of your word and experiences and wisdom you have given unto us. Help us Jesus as a nation to see this problem of Rebellion and evil destruction opposed upon us. Lord we clearly see the problem and Lord let us stop it. Lord let an anointing fall in this country let it come from the churches and from the righteous core of Prayer Warriors and believers to instruct us in righteousness and obedience. Let the Holy Spirit be enabled to be strong within our hearts and our minds and our souls at the spirit of God will overtake this nation and Crush all wickedness and Evil because of love and understanding we have by the power of Christ within us. Hope is Jesus to realize the value of our freedoms Liberty and faith to be one nation under you and your sovereignty and by the faith invested in this country and our US Constitution will be utilized and all corruption will be humiliated and removed because what is illegal in Heaven is Everlasting and definitely illegal on Earth. help with Jesus as our wisdom seems to be growing dim revive us Lord God so that we might be the nation who is overcome Satan’s tactics and purpose. Thank you Lord for your ways and your victory. Amen
May the Holy Spirit renew the face of the Earth and may it start with the Country you founded. May we once again be “The Country Under God”.
On that day My anger will burn against them, and I will abandon them and hide My face from them, so that they will be consumed, and many troubles and afflictions will befall them. On that day they will say, ‘Have not these disasters come upon us because our God is no longer with us?’Deuteronomy 31:17
God’s word stands true forever. They will not listen, they will not hear and they refuse to see. America is following in the footsteps of every great nation that once was great but now has ceased to be.
It’s not too late to pray for our nation. It’s not too late to beg God to forgive our transgressions. It’s not too late to “Cover” our country with a mantle of prayer and repentance.
I believe God is using Rep. Omar for good. Remember God can use everything even evil for good.
Her being elected and speaking out is stirring the hearts of many Americans to look at their beliefs and fight for America.
I am of the mind that the entire American Left may be being used in this way. What some see as the creeping in of the inevitable fall of America, I see as (possibly) the beginning of a spiritual and political rebirth.
CNN’s ratings have plummeted since the Mueller report’s release. The Democratic debates revealed a depraved and maniacal mindset on the part of the Left. AOC’s “Green New Deal” was recently revealed to be a ploy for a socialized takeover of the country.
What I think I am seeing — and certainly praying that I am seeing — is an implosion of the neo-pagan Left.
You are so accurate.
While I pray against the evil, I find more & more I am praying for revival which is the answer.
God bless
Amen! Revival is what we need.
Come Holy Spirit and renew the face of the Earth… and let it begin in The United States of America. One nation under God. Revival is our saving grace. PRAY.
Amen! thank you for writing my thoughts on our country’s current situation. It appears that the enemy is fighting hard knowing that his end is in sight.
Pray. Vote. Do whatever you feel so led to do that is consistent with scripture.
O Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm pitted against the purity in our nation. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground, in Jesus name. Amen.
Lord I pray for a heart change for the city represented by these council members. This initiative is representative of the council’s beliefs and agendas in general so I’m asking for a shift in the spiritual atmosphere of the region. May Your warriors, no matter how few, rise up and take Kingdom authority over the evil and usher in righteousness, by the name and authority of Jesus.
Amen! We come against territorial evil spirits in St. Louis Park. Holy Spirit envelop their meetings with Your Grace and Power to melt the stoney hearts and speak to their hearts, let revival fall on them, confounding their minds and hearts to know God Almighty guided the formation of this nation and He is Lord, in Jesus name we pray Amen
This country is a diverse group of people~ brought together in unity by the Alligence to The USA!šš»šŗšø
Exactly. Amen. One country under God.
We would not have this country had God not directed our path. May ALL prayer warriors alive and in heaven lift their prayers to our Almighty Lord. Send down your holy angels to aid us in our prayers.
Diversity?? If the community is made of Americans, where is the diversity? This council has lost itās way. This is a council in an American town. The pledge is appropriate. If the citizens are complaining about the pledge being said in an American town, at a meeting of American government officials, the citizens need to assimilate or leave.
Exactly! This is what America was founded on that made it a great nation and why people wanted to come here. Now, people are coming with ulterior motives of taking over and doing it by changing us to fit them. If they want to be here, then they change to fit us! We are a country founded on the principles of God first.
In Biblical times, when Rome was conquering many cities, they did so not by killing everyone and destroying all that there was. They did it through infiltration. This is what is happening to America today. The Chinese said they don’t have to go to war with us to take over America, they just have to buy our land. If you look at California real estate, much of it have been bought out by the Chinese and priced to sell an amounts Americans can’t afford. So we have infiltration in this country by many groups and now we have the problems at the boarder which we have always had.
I would like to comment about one more thing. Last Christmas I was invited for desert at a neighbors house. Their son was there with his Russian wife and her two sons. She told me her two sons won the lottery to come to America and she couldn’t believe how both of them won! Then she started telling me how the Americans should help Russia. That we should go over there and help liberate her people. She went on and on and I finally said why should American mothers sacrifice their sons to liberate Russia. Have your two sons go back there to liberate Russia~! She gave me the dirtiest look. Oh Well
Good for you. The people who come here illegally because their country is in such bad shape. Need to fight in their own country to change it. Instead of coming to America and trying to bring change .
Ayyyyyyyyyyyymen. Great come-back.
so very true. I agree with President Trump: we need immigrants who can contribute to our society not drain us.
AMEN! Exactly how I feel! If I went to another country to live, wouldn’t I have to learn the language and their laws and live by them. Or would I go and try to change everything so it would be like where I had come from? I don’t care if your black, white, pink, purple, orange, or blue. That has nothing to do with it. If your a decent person and think America is good enough to go to then you should adjust to our lifestyle. I don’t think too many Americans are standing in line to get into other countries in this world. Don’t try to take down what others have fought and died to build.
Yes, this is not the UN, it’s the US. If you’re so “diverse” that the flag of the country you’re in offends you, then why on earth are you here? I’m sure there’s an airport within driving distance, and I’ll be happy to help you with your luggage.
Well said
This should serve as an example for all patriots. For too long we have been complacent and cowed by those who brand everything
That is patriotic and bible based as hate speech. We need to be bold and proud . . . But loving as well!
I started wearing clothes that have our stars and stripes. I recently bought a bathing suit that looks like it was made of the American Flag. I’m proud of our country. I know we have many problems, but from what I see around the world, it is no wonder people want to come here. They can. Just enlist in our military forces for two years, show your respect that we even allow you to do that, and become a law abiding citizen. Key word here is citizen, not parasite.
Amen to that!
Dear Lord thank you that we have people that truly believe in our country and that we are under you. Please help remind those that thinking being a diverse community does not mean they should lower the standard of our great nation. It was born by men of different faiths, but had you in mind. May those people stay strong and help reverse the ill gotten decision of the council.
I’m getting to the point where I believe it should be a requirement to become Christian to enter this country as this country was found on Christian principles and this is why our nation is a great nation!
What a very sad move in the name of diversity. If those who are passing this kind of legislature feel this will be more inclusive they are living with their heads in the sand. This brings more division to our nation and does not promote unity among people groups. When someone comes to this land and declares citizenship they are taking on a new life and are not asked to forget the nation they are coming from, but to help enrich the beliefs of that nation they have come into. We are becoming more a nation that is led by domination, intimidation, manipulation of few. How tragic that in the pursuit of liberty these people groups have come to this ideology. The Sovereign God has blessed us as a nation and my prayer is “that repentance and brokenness we find our salvation and rest.” Restore us as a nation and as a people.
Please Lord help those Council members get the courage to do what is right and recognize that they allegiance needs to be to the USA otherwise get out of office. Thank you Lord that there were people to speak up and stand up for the flag and this Country. Let this be the first of many stands that we take to respect and pledge allegiance to our flag and our country. And I am an immigrant! A legal one that loves this country and have no problem pledging allegiance to it!!!
Farce is a comic dramatic work using buffoonery and horseplay and typically including crude characterization and ludicrously improbable situations.
Lord God this is what I see happening in too much of our society! Lord help me love you enough to do your will; even that of a Living Sacrifice of doing Matthew 5:44