I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray that You would protect the privacy of all Americans. Stop the federal government from stealing anyone's data.
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Even as CEO Elon Musk resisted, the government still forced Twitter to hand over the former president’s data. 

From The Daily Wire. Special counsel Jack Smith has reportedly gained access to an “extraordinary array of data” from Twitter about former President Donald Trump’s personal account on the platform, according to newly unsealed court records.

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The fight to gain access to the account happened in January and February before Twitter was renamed “X” and was met with stiff resistance by owner and then-CEO Elon Musk. …

POLITICO reported that Twitter was ordered to turn over the following information to prosecutors:

  • Accounts associated with @realdonaldtrump that the former president might have used on the same device.
  • Devices used to log into the @realdonaldtrump account
  • IP addresses used to log into the account between October 2020 and January 2021.
  • Privacy settings and history
  • All tweets “created, drafted, favorited/liked, or retweeted” by @realdonaldtrump, including any subsequently deleted.
  • All direct messages “sent from, received by, stored in draft form in, or otherwise associated with” @realdonaldtrump
  • All records of searches from October 2020 to January 2021
  • Location information for the user of @realdonaldtrump from October 2020 to January 2021 …

What do you think of this news? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Jeff Swensen/Getty Images)

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Charlie Bugge'
August 20, 2023

I pray for Divine Intervention,a power move of the Holy Spirit that restores biblical laws and values throughout our country and destroys the lies and deception of the evil one. LET GOD ARISE AND THE ENEMY WILL SCATTER ! JESUS IS LORD !

Rondell Showell
August 19, 2023

As I was in prayer for former President Trump, this is what the LORD revealed to me. “Just as Moses & the children of Israel were lead to the Red Sea, followed by Pharaoh’s army; so is Trump before the courts, followed by Biden family. As the outcome at the Red Sea, watch the outcome in the courts.”

FATHER I pray that you will bring justice and deliverance to your people and our country; just as you did for the children of Israel. LORD thank you for your hedge of protection around President Trump and keep him in your perfect peace. Allow him to totally submit to you and to hear and obey your voice. In the Name of JESUS, I pray, AMEN.

August 19, 2023

Welcome to communist USA
Every knee and kingdom shall bow to are Lord Jesus

Christine Stott
August 18, 2023

Oh Heavenly Father, we voted Trump into office in the last election but You would not let us have him. It is probably because we do not deserve him, since we continue in our evil idolatrous adulterous ways. We continue to worship everything except for You, we worship our money and our jobs and our bodies and our homes and our children and our fancy vacations and fancy cars, we have taken our eyes off of You, The Source of Life, and we have focused on the things You have given us which is absolutely adulterous and idolatrous. I apologize on behalf of my own guilt taking part in this evil behavior.

    August 18, 2023

    I worship GOD alone only! I also support Donald J. Trump because he is who GOD has put on me to support! GOD has given all of us free will! THE 2020 ELECTION WAS STOLEN! THE DEMOCRATS CHEATED! I WITNESSED THE SWITCHING OF NUMBERS WHEN TV STOPPED BROADCASTING ABOUT MIDNIGHT! WHEN THEY CAME BACK ON ABOUT 6 AM, BIDEN HAD TRUMP’S NUMBERS FROM THE NIGHT BEFORE! STOP BELIEVING THE LIES OF PEOPLE THAT NEVER TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT ANYTHING! Maybe I should go to court and jail also? Since when can we not have the freedom to dissent with anyone’s or everyone’s point of view? Trump stands in the way of the globalists which includes Pence and Barr also! Ask GOD, HE will tell you the truth about everything in JESUS NAME!

Priscilla Meyenburg
August 18, 2023

A scripture that says as we ask and pray Gods words say: “Psalms-138-7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right hand delivers me.” AMPC- version
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me;
You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies,
And Your right hand will save me.
The Lord will accomplish that which concerns me;
Your [unwavering] lovingkindness, O Lord, endures forever—
Do not abandon the works of Your own Father! God we know the enemy is after Donald J Trump, because He is Your David and You Father God have shown Your Trust in Him. But First of all, I want to Thank You for Your continued protection upon His life, giving Him strength, patience, love! I have not taken all of this for granted. Father I still pray for DJT that He never takes Your plans with complacency, but with Your strengths. God I ask You to speak to His heart and instill that quiet voice these words: My plans for you will come true if You walk in My Provisions, My Dreams, My Purpose. God I know You are always Faithful and You always answer our Prayers. Father God I know You saw His (Trumps) latest AD against the enemy of this America, I heard and saw words of Hope, Him standing strong, speaking Love from the deepest part of His Soul, He isn’t just saying these things to win another election after the stolen one in 2020, God, You know His Heart He truly loves America and the people that has been here for Years. God, I lift up words of prayers 🧎‍♀️ that DJT will feel the presence of the Holy Spirit speaking to Him, He must keep Gods plans, because (His) Your plans alone are the best for us. As the words spoken in verse 7-8- I shout out praise because I feel Godly power in these words “7
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me;
You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies,
And Your right hand will save me. 8.
The Lord will accomplish that which concerns me;
Your [unwavering] lovingkindness, O Lord, endures forever—
Do not abandon the works of Your own hands.” God is all- seeing and all- knowing- all- Powerful – God You know President Donald J Trump You know His on going fortitude, He will not stop until this mission is accomplished by Your Hands. Father we ask You to Stop the information that the enemy will glean from the Twitter account of DJT, they twist words and untruths, then share with Judges, other DA,S to promote the narrative of information to influence them of their lies. My trust is in the Lord that His hand will see Victory IN all of these Indictments-that they will set DJT Free. Psalms-94- “ O Lord God, You to whom vengeance belongs,
O God, You to whom vengeance belongs, shine forth [in judgment]!
Rise up, O Judge of the earth;
Give to the proud a fitting compensation.
O Lord, how long will the wicked,
How long will the wicked rejoice in triumph and exult?
They pour out words, speaking arrogant things;
All who do evil boast proudly.
They crush Your people, O Lord,
And afflict and abuse Your heritage.” V12 “
Blessed [with wisdom and prosperity] is the man whom You discipline and instruct, O Lord,
And whom You teach from Your law,
That You may grant him [power to calm himself and find] peace in the days of adversity,
Until the pit is dug for the wicked and ungodly.
For the Lord will not abandon His people,
Nor will He abandon His inheritance.”
Psalms -91 is My continued prayer for this nation and DJT is to Give US back Our Freedoms and a New walk with Christ Jesus. (“Security of the One Who Trusts in the Lord..) “91 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand].
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust [with great confidence, and on whom I rely]!”
For He will save you from the trap of the fowler,
And from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you and completely protect you with His pinions,
And under His wings you will find refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and a wall.
You will not be afraid of the terror of night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
Nor of the pestilence that stalks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction (sudden death) that lays waste at noon.
A thousand may fall at your side
And ten thousand at your right hand,
But danger will not come near you.
You will only [be a spectator as you] look on with your eyes
And witness the [divine] repayment of the wicked [as you watch safely from the shelter of the Most High].
Because you have made the Lord, [who is] my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
No evil will befall you,
Nor will any plague come near your tent.
For He will command His angels in regard to you,
To protect and defend and guard you in all your ways [of obedience and service].
They will lift you up in their hands,
So that you do not [even] strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread upon the lion and cobra;
The young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot.
“Because he set his love on Me, therefore I will save him;
I will set him [securely] on high, because he knows My name [he confidently trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never abandon him, no, never].
“He will call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will rescue him and honor him.
“With a long life I will satisfy him
And I will let him see My salvation.”
Father God I just sent Your Words as My request for the situation we are in to Save America and Make America Better than It Was. Why? (Because You Will Be Included.) Hallelujah! Hallelujah We cannot Do This Without YOU. We Love You! V. 22-23- Gods promises- “ 22
But the Lord has become my high tower and defense,
And my God the rock of my refuge.
He has turned back their own wickedness upon them
And will destroy them by means of their own evil;
The Lord our God will wipe them out.“ AMP- Remember our Covenant with God- “Remember] that you were at that time separated (living apart) from Christ [excluded from all part in Him], utterly estranged and outlawed from the rights of Israel as a nation, and strangers with no share in the sacred compacts of the [Messianic] promise [with no knowledge of or right in God’s agreements, His covenants]. And you had no hope (no promise); you were in the world without God.” Bring God back into Your Lives as You Pray for others!!✝️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🇺🇸🧎‍♀️

Sandra Redding
August 18, 2023

This goes into the privacy of many other persons, far beyond the scope of the investigation.

August 18, 2023

Evil personified!
James 4:12 “There is One Lawgiver who is able to save and Destroy”

August 17, 2023

These attacks on my president who loves God and America make me very sad. Justice will prevail. The good people of God will continue to pursue justice for President Trump, and all others in this world. He deserves gods, green earth and freedom.!

August 17, 2023

If they can do it to him they will do it to us! They are so corrupt I pray that the Lord brings them to their knees! Enough is enough. We do not want Socialism in our country. We want God in our country.

August 17, 2023

Father, we are your children. We have watched you expose the corruption of those who want to harm us and destroy our great nation. We watch in amazement as your hand touches them and puts nonsense in their mouths. They freeze, they lie, they talk gibberish. They can not continue their evil. Your hand will rise against them and they will be destroyed. Please protect Donald J Trump and his family and all of us as we struggle through this injustice. In the end, God wins! In Jesus name, amen.

August 17, 2023

Our Father in Heaven, We, your children, know of your great kindness and your long-suffering, but we read in the scriptures where you brought destruction to the wicked, and Your kindness to your people resulted in death to those who wanted to destroy your children. In your loving kindness Lord, I ask you to do whatever needs to be done to protect President Trump from the wicked schemes that are being enacted against him. In Jesus Name, and for Your glory and greater purpose, I ask Lord GOD Almighty for Your divine intervention.

August 17, 2023

May GOD show Himself mighty to help President Trump and thwart ALL the plans and schemes of the enemy.
And may GOD help each one of us, too, because if the President isn’t safe from schemes to thwart his GOD-given purpose then neither are we!

August 17, 2023

There is true evil in this country, and evil men and women are trying to control people, by punishing them out of existence. It’s Donald Trump now, it will be all of us next. This country needs prayer, and repentance of sins, before it’s too later, and the church better stand up and do what’s right!

Sandy M
August 17, 2023

I pray Congress will supeona Hunter and Joe Biden social media accounts.
In Jesus` Name. Amen

William Donahue
August 17, 2023

Dearest LORD, please expose all form of corruption in all forms of politics. We ask that all believers in these areas pray for YOUR WILL BE DONE. We know YOU give all that are hiding the truth to repent and ask for forgiveness, the same for us as well. We pray, YOUR WILL BE DONE, in The NAME OF JESUS, we pray amen. Thank YOU LORD.

August 17, 2023

Dear Jesus, Please help!!!


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