I Prayed have prayed
Our God, You remove and set up rulers as You desire. Raise up a righteous leader in November who will love and honor You.
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How are you praying for our next president? Has God given you a vision? A prayer strategy? IFA wants to know!

Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.


At such a tumultuous time as this for our nation, prayer is needed more than ever. Here’s what IFA intercessor Paula Hammock is praying:

The Word says that God is the one who removes the proud from positions of authority, and that He exalts those who are humble. I command blockages and hindrances to be placed before any person, including Michelle Obama (along with any other seat that has become available for this yearā€™s elections), if that heart is proud and set on the destruction of this nation. I declare that the seat of president of the United States will be occupied by a humble, just, and good person whose heart is set on Godā€™s purposes and who is willing to fight to see His agenda prosper. I declare that we are a nation whose God is the Lord! And as for me and this country, we shall serve the Lord. Come, Lord Jesus, come into the government of this nation. Rule and reign through Your kings and priests, here and now. In the mighty name of Jesus, upon whose shoulders the government rests. Amen.

Paula left this comment on one of our recent articles, titled “A Woman in the White House? The Path for Michelle Obama.” You can respond to her prayer or leave your own by clicking the link.

Has the Lord given you prayers like that one? We’d love to hear them! Share in the comments below!

(Photo Credit: doidam10 via Canva Pro)

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Sharon W
March 12, 2024

Father God, you alone know the heart of a person. We pray for truth to prevail in our elections. We also pray against any satanic infiltration within IFA. Unite the hearts of your intercessors. Give us discernment to know when and how to respond. We come against and bind all spirits and words of confusion, discord and disunity. We cancel and nullify any satanic assignment against IFA. We unite together in the fear of the Lord. We pray from a place of victory that Your Will be done in the elections. Thank you Father that You are in control. In Jesus Name. Amen

March 11, 2024

I am praying for RFK the underdog,

March 11, 2024

I am praying as much for the American Christians as I am for a godly president … although we surely need a godly president! In II Samuel 15:1-14, the people of Israel allowed themselves to be conned into picking a leader that aligned with their perception of the injustices done to them. We must learn God’s ways and elect and support a president that will help us deal with the hard work of restoring our culture. Regardless of who is elected, the economy is likely to take a bad turn next year and we must accept the consequences of the actions of recent years, learning to redeem the times, rather than selfishly react to the “reality therapy”.

Darlene Estlow
March 11, 2024

Father, I thank you for this prayer. I also ask you to choose our next president. And not only him, but each senator, congressman, and state and local official. You called Cyrus who was not a godly man, but he was the one you chose to free the people of Israel. We ask for the person whom you choose to lead us in this fight. And we worship you for who you are, Sovereign King and Creator, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. May we honor you with everything we say and do.

Carol R
March 10, 2024

GOD has already raised up such a man whether you like him or not! Donald J Trump! If I know this, why not others? It reminds me of when GOD told Samuel to give the people what they want! And they got Saul who they regretted wanting and getting! Keep desiring “another’ and you may just get what you want which was, just like back in Samuel’s day, not what GOD had planned! FATHER GOD please direct this election in November and let no cheating go on! Let YOUR CHOICE GET BACK IN OFFICE in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

    March 11, 2024

    How do you know that Trump is not the Saul for whom people asked?

      March 12, 2024

      I look at their fruit. I see that DT worked to stop child trafficking, that their were no threats of global war, that the economy was doing well, that minorities had low unemploymentā€¦.look at their fruit! I also remember the story Jesus told of two sons. One always SAID he would do what his father told him, but didnā€™t. The other was less agreeable and argumentative, but actually obeyed his father. Which was the true obedient son? Look at their fruit!

    March 11, 2024

    Please pray for RFK JR.

Kelli Robertson
March 10, 2024

Iā€™m praying for our intercessors to be united in prayer coast to coast and border to border. I pray that in each time zone, we pray 24/7 for our election and safety of our country.
I pray for the release of angels across our land to protect us.

Charlene Pontoriero
March 10, 2024

Lord God Almighty, I come before you, acknowledging our sins as a country, knowing we merit your justice. As a country we have left you and gone after other gods. As Christians, we have also all too often left distractions of this world keep us from coming before you, pleading for our country in these times. We know that our country is in a precarious position, with so many internal and external threats to our safety and sovereignty. So many people, both in our country and abroad, have our destruction in mind and have been working to accomplish this.
God, we humbly ask for your forgiveness for our fellow countrymen and ourselves. We come before You, asking for Your mercy, Your forgiveness. Lord God, You know what we deserve, but I ask for Your mercy, Your protection over my country, my countrymen, and the upcoming presidential election. I ask that You do a mighty work, raising up a humble man who follows You with all his heart; give him Your wisdom, strength, courage to run this country as President. Lord, I humbly ask that You defeat those who would destroy
Lord God, You know that plans You have for my country, for all Americans. I ask for the courage, strength, and whatever we need to follow You in the coming years. You know that other gods have blatant in their work in this country, that many people have been deceived, and/or willing following these other gods. Soften the hearts of my countrymen, turn our hearts to You- draw us, urge us, compel us to turn to you. Help us defeat the distractions of our life, to completely dedicate our hearts to You.
Lord God, I humbly ask that Your will be done, Your plans be accomplished, and that You would hear, and answer my prayer. I thank You for all my fellow Christinas who have been lifting up our country before You. Give us strength to keep lifting up our country, asking for Your mercy, Your protection, knowing we must follow You with all our hearts, minds, and souls. Stir up all Christians in my country to plead for, intercede for our country. I thank You for all You have done for us, for all the mercies You have shown us in the past, and for what You will do in the future. You are our mighty God, above all else. Amen.

March 10, 2024

…AND.. it has already been established through many events and prophecies that Donald Trump was appointed for such a time as this whether you like him or not he has all the attributes you guys are talking about and the capability. And believe it or not the people of New York loved him and he was very popular everywhere before he became president.. so many people are functioning in a hypocritical State of Mind concerning him.. and the rest of the people just did not know who he was before he became known around the world as a presidential candidate. If, the globalist can be stopped from interfering with this campaign and with his presidency.. he can fulfill the duties of his office in a miraculous way

    March 10, 2024

    Many of those prophets have since apologized for those prophecies.

      March 12, 2024

      Please look beyond what the media tells you and consider his fruit. I see that DT worked to stop child trafficking, that their were no threats of global war, that the economy was doing well, that minorities had low unemploymentā€¦.look at their fruit! I also remember the story Jesus told of two sons. One always SAID he would do what his father told him, but didnā€™t. The other was less agreeable and argumentative, but actually obeyed his father. Which was the true obedient son? Look at their fruit!

March 10, 2024

If the Christians in this country had been truly looking for a man who had a humble heart, someone who had been tested in his faith in the public arena for decades, who had been tested by disappointments and by political pressure, but someone who had politician know how, then Mike Pence would be the one leading with delegates for the Republican nomination.

    March 10, 2024

    We cannot allow any evil persons into the White House.. Under the auspices that they might get saved and become good. We are already in judgment because of our transgressions.

    March 10, 2024

    When Mike Pence was in the lineup of people being interviewed by Tucker Carlson.. and it was many people that were being interviewed.. he came right out and said ..under the pressure of the interview.. that he does not care about America

March 10, 2024

I think too many are thinking that if we get a president in office who believes what MAGA believes that the country will change direction. While a president, if he has the right kind of personality, can influence people, by himself he cannot pass laws or realign where money is spent. Presidential degrees are something which were intended to be used only during war time or national emergencies but have been misused to force change and because they have been misused are easily blocked by the courts, overturned by the next president or unenforceable because congress does not release the funds. It would take a move of God to so change the way a significant number of people think to the point that the culture of this country could change.

And I wish to point out that not everything MAGA believes necessarily lines out with the teaching of the Bible. Some of what they believe is entirely political. For example, their attitude toward Ukraine is based on faulty reporting by journalist who have never been to Ukraine or talked to the people living there.

Yes, it would be good for us to have a Godly man who has spent a lifetime growing deep into the Lord, someone who has been tested for decades, who is filled with Godly wisdom, but someone who also the worldly wisdom, which is necessary for a political leader. However, there is none available.

We need a move of God. And we need a leader who can return us to the values we once stood for, who can also unite us and who is able to deal with international pressures. We need a leader who is a communicator, who understands international policy and who understands economics.

Lord, raise up a leader who can lead with understanding and wisdom!

    Paula Hammock
    March 10, 2024

    I agree for the wisdom from above (wise as a serpent yet gentle as a dove) and for the understanding necessary to fill this seat of authority. I’m also asking for life for our country and for God to bring good out of all the bad. I wish I could say there was a perfect person with all the necessary qualifications and pedigrees who could fit the bill, there’s not one – not even a MAGA, or a Joe Biden. However, God can work through a humble and just person – one who has not hardened his/her heart to the ways and purposes of God. Through all their faults and limitations, God can achieve great things. He also orders the steps of the sinner and can place them in high positions of authority; example – Pharoah. Either way, I would rather pray and vote for a good and just person, and lose, than do nothing and a prideful, hard hearted person lead us into more chaos. I declare, no matter who gets in office, His plans are established because they will stand forever.

    Keep standing for righteousness – not a person, or a group. People will always let you down.

      March 10, 2024

      Face it! Who would you choose? Mike Pence is about as saved as my car šŸš—! If you have not the faith to believe for who GOD raised up, just pray GOD’S Will be done in JESUS NAME!

        Paula Hammock
        March 11, 2024

        I believe a good and just person is who God wants – His desire/His will – humble not prideful. And, as far as I know, Mike Pence is not on the ballot.

      Darlene Estlow
      March 11, 2024

      Thank you for your prayer. It is right on!

March 10, 2024

Sad to say but if our prayer is to block any but a humble heart that it would all but eliminates the two present contenders for president.

A person can have a humble heart but that in and of itself is not enough to make a world class leader who has to have the understanding of politics, economics, history, diplomacy and people as well as the self-control and boldness to lead. And at this point, probably military strategy as well. And while it would be nice if we could have a Godly man who is filled with the wisdom and boldness necessary to lead, it takes a lifetime to prepare such a person and time for such a person to gain favor. Afterall, we have not ever encountered the like of George Washington in many generations.

Lord, reverse the course of the election and bring forth someone to lead our country that can unite us. Find someone who has the wisdom to confront the complicated international crises that we face. You know what lies ahead. You know the interworking’s of the men and women running for office. Cause the best one to find favor. Cause this person to grow spiritually. Find a way of deepening their relationship with you.

March 10, 2024

Our Father,
We pray for a good surprise from you in this election season. God, bring us a leader who is person of prayer, a person who loves you, a person capable to lead our country with wisdom, common sense, power, authority, and all godliness. We pray for a president who calls for a solemn assembly in this country, that we all fast and pray, and seek your face on the same day as called for by our national leader.


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