I Prayed have prayed
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Several weeks ago my husband, Bobby, who is a local community pastor, had a significant dream. He was meeting with the pastors from our city when several large angels dropped down from the rafters with a message. They looked at the gathering and told my husband, “They don’t know the battle that’s coming. They are unaware.”

As the dream unfolded, the angels started forming smaller groups with these pastors, based on their interests and relationships. It appeared their connection with one another was organic in nature, not planned or coordinated by a campaign or project. The heavenly host was drawing these pastors together for heart-to-heart connections with one another to help prepare the way.

After a while, Bobby asked the largest angel if there was anything else they had to say. The angel then said, “People must move from being consumed about their natural health, to being consumed about their spiritual health.”

Bobby sensed that “natural health” referred to more than just a preoccupation with one’s physical well-being. It had to do with the attention given to human desires, fleshly pursuits, and temporal matters as opposed to a concern about the spiritual man and eternal realities. It was a call to pay attention to one’s spiritual well-being and depth of perception and not focus so much on things that are temporary.

So, we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18)

As watchmen in our community, we knew this was a prayer alert to take seriously. I also believe this is a reality in many other communities across the nation. The pastoral community is largely focused on caring for the sheep and addressing physical, mental, and emotional needs of the Body. This is certainly a part of their grace and their call. And yet, if the spiritual leaders in a city do not rightly discern things according to the Spirit of God, they will be caught unaware of the true battle in the heavenlies (see 1 Corinthians 2:13). If the spiritual man is not built up, the people of God will not have the wisdom, strength, or needed spiritual authority to stand against the enemy in the battles to come.

We know we are already in a spiritual battle in this nation. We see corruption and deception being exposed; but it’s not just in Washington D.C. The devil’s agenda is targeting many cities in this nation, looking to find footholds in the land. This has already happened in numerous communities where anti-God legislation is now the rule of thumb and biblical conservative values are being voted out of the city books.

The only way for this to stop is for local leaders to rise up with one voice and say “No.” The only reason our spiritual adversary continues to take ground is because the righteous stay silent and pastors are hesitant to get involved. There is a rise of local Pride parades, Drag-Queen story hours, acceptance of the Islamic ideology, stripping of parental rights, same-sex bathroom laws, and the list goes on. These realities are no longer in some foreign country or metropolitan city. They are taking up residence in any town that lets them.

The doors that have been opened by the politically correct are now allowing anti-God and anti-faith initiatives to flood communities and towns that were once considered “safe.” My husband’s dream should serve as a wake-up call to local pastors as well as other spiritual leaders in communities to look outside their own front doors to truly “see” what is happening. Though the practical needs of the flock will always need attention, there is a spiritual war going on and it’s about to get bigger if no action is taken.

Being a part of the pastoral community, I can vouch for many pastors who ARE taking heed, praying for their cities, getting involved in their communities, and taking a stand for righteousness. But there are many who are still unaware, and simply not ready. There are many who are ill-equipped to lead the charge and take the necessary steps to empower the people of God in their cities. They need our prayers and our support.

Pastors also need one another. Unless you walk in their shoes, it is impossible to understand the pressures and overwhelming responsibilities these pastors face. Many are simply not gifted to be charismatic leaders or cultural change agents. They are primarily shepherds and truly love their sheep. Unfortunately, there are also those leaders who have no vision for their community as much as a drive to grow their own ministry. It is only when the Holy Spirit captures their heart that any shift will occur.

Every city will be different and every community will have a unique strategy and vision. Even so, the common thread among the many communities that are experiencing God’s favor and blessing, is that the pastors not only work together, but truly value one another. Ultimately, it will not be the carefully crafted city-wide campaigns that will bring lasting change, but the heart-to-heart connections of the local Body, starting from the top, that will create a covering of protection and power that no spiritual adversary will be able to penetrate.

What is most needed is a deep-felt hunger for spiritual things. As the angel told Bobby, we must all become more conscious and aware of the things of the Spirit and our role in these spiritual conflicts. We desperately need a move of the Holy Spirit that not only wakes us up, but fills us with a passion and zeal of the Lord that compels us to speak up, lead the charge, and prepare the way for Kingdom transformation.

(Editor’s Note: IFA seeks the Lord for discernment in selecting all of the information we post, and especially when sharing prophetic words. We encourage you to ask the Lord whether and how prophetic words may apply to you personally or to the Body, as well as how to pray. Every prophetic word is to be tested by each believer, in accordance with 1 Jn 4; 1 Thes 5:1; and Acts 17:11.)

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Jo Ann VanCamp
August 18, 2019

Amen. Just yesterday there was a massacre of 45 children at local abortion facility- there were 2 saves. There were faithful Christians there praying. My prayer is all churches- mine, please Lord- will wake up, speak up and pray up! In Jesus’ Name. Amen

    Ed Densmore
    August 18, 2019

    AMEN. Andrew Strom sent this some time ago and I added a bit to it:

    I got this the other day and someone finally put in words what ministered to me what I am looking for!!!!

    May HIS SPIRIT and HIS WORD come together as one in respect, honor, in Unity, in LOVE, without fear, and without control.


    From: “REVIVAL List”
    Reply-To: [email protected]

    The world awaits a move of God that truly brings together
    the strong, piercing preaching of the word along with miracles and
    healings. For too long these have been separated into rival camps.
    Smith Wigglesworth prophesied about a last great Revival- “There
    will be evidence in the churches of something that has not been
    seen before: a coming together of those with an emphasis on the
    word and those with an emphasis on the Spirit. When the word
    and the Spirit come together, there will be the biggest move of the
    Holy Spirit that the nation, and indeed, the world has ever seen. It
    will mark the beginning of a revival that will eclipse anything that
    has been witnessed within these shores, even the Wesleyan and
    Welsh revivals of former years…”

    Reply Report comment moderated
August 18, 2019

Amen Jacquie!

August 17, 2019

O Gracious God from Heaven, You know all about the trials of this Earth, our nation and communities. We repent Lord of allowing the corporate church to silence Your Word. We repent of allowing sermon after sermon to be given by feel good, motivational speakers that lack a desire to spend time in Your Word, getting to know Your character and imploring their congregations to do the same. Lord, we have become a stiff necked people, choosing to feel good and comfortable with our sin instead of pouring out of ourselves, being sickened over our sins against You or merciful Father. Lord, I pray for these pastors/preachers to quit wasting their time and ours on man made sermons. May we as believers implore them to teach expositionally from Your word. It is sufficient. Your Holy Spirit is what we need, not a fake programs and entertainment. Lord You are separating the tares from the wheat. But You are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in love. Therefore You will not dessert us, You will never leave nor forsake us. So I pray, it begins with our hearts, our motive to know You more deeply. I challenge my Brothers and Sisters to search their calendars and watch their time, devoting it to what is good, what is pure, what is right in Your eyes. Lord, the social mess of the day will take care of itself, because that is not beyond Your ability, but we must first put our own house in order. Maybe that means church discipline, maybe that means lessons on what sin is to You, our pride, out selfishness, our unbelief all manifest into the awful witness that the church has become today. Father, may we see sin and rebuke it in truth and love to our brother, may we repent of our own sin and no longer grieve Your Holy Spirit, and give is the faith to follow through and do Your will on Earth as it is in Heaven. We are your hands and feet, we are Your body. May we be willing to let You lead us not into temptation, but delivering us from evil that lurks around every corner. Father, an autopsy has been done on most churches in America and found them to be spiritually dead, they just dont know it b/c they fake their own CPR every week. May we run from those buildings as though they are on fire, and seek true, Bible believing Brothers and Sisters to pray and fast with.
Would You raise up a coordinated group of Spiritual Leaders to have a voice across this nation and may seek clearly and purely Your direction. By Your Spirit You admonished them through Your Prophets, yet they paid no attention. Lord God, give us ears to hear & heed the warning. In Jesus name would You not let all this hardship seem trifling in Your eyes. Amen

Paul & Evelyn
August 17, 2019

remarkable. I just wrote this, concerning a dream I had last night, (and then I see this article above!): —— THE “STORM”
August 17, 2019
Something very odd happened last night. In the middle of the night there was a rush of wind through the window that stirred me awake. Usually this signifies a strong “storm” is coming. I got up and began to lower the windows. A little later some rain began to fall and so I had to close the windows some more. But the full force of the storm did not come. Now I raised the windows some!

But throughout the night I could “hear” the rumblings of a storm at a distance. It was odd in that it neither seemed to come nor go off in another direction. It just continued to rumble. It was as if the “storm” was in a “holding pattern”. The day dawned; sky is blue!

Likewise, there is a “storm” brewing around America. The Lord has been warning me on a continual basis since early December 2017. And again recently just 2 nights ago, and then last night I was EMPHATICALLY and STRONGLY telling people: “COME ON! LET’S GO!!” when at first they were not listening to/heeding my WARNING. Even the headlines indicate that there is trouble in America. People have to GET READY. Steve Hill of the Brownsville revival in Florida was warned in a vision that there is an “avalanche” about ready to kill MILLIONS within the “ski resort” or church.

This has been a continual pattern for about 20 years if not longer. The Lord warned of a coming “storm” prior to “911”. He cited greed as a major reason. People would not listen. Then came the tragic consequences of “911”. After that, it was “judgment pending”. Would people wake up? No, except for maybe a brief time. Then they went right back to their greedy ways. They propped up another “house of cards” – the subprime mortgage market, NINJA loans, derivatives. It collapsed towards the end of president Bush’s term, and now even a greater level of TRAGIC CONSEQUENCES would follow with a horrifically long recession and a man with an homosexual agenda, and working with the demonic, would be elected president!! Some people woke up!

And God mercifully provided us with Donald Trump. In response to this magnificent miracle, there has been a demonic explosion, and a fierce attack on the president. Then, before the midterm election in 2018, the Lord warned of another “storm”. Did people listen? Tragically, the House of Representatives went to democrat control, and they have continually resisted president Trump’s agenda. There is strong resistance to even resolve the “open sewer” on our southern border. The headlines are horrendous. There is a “storm” brewing. There have even been natural storms, one after another hitting America, putting a serious dent in people’s “earthly treasures”.

While many patriots have awakened across the country from their slumber, and they clearly see the evil plans and schemes of those in the democrat party, on the left, and those of the global cabal, too many still don’t see the “beam” right in their own eye!! The “love of money” is the “root of all evil”. People can see the greed and corruption in democrat politicians, but they don’t see the same greed in their own lives!

President Trump is a “window” – an “open window” of God’s mercy to America, a window of opportunity which He has provided for the country. It is an opportunity to address the real issue in America. It is the sin of America. It is all the greed in America, all the covetousness (idolatry), all the selfishness, and all the apathy. This is the enemy of America. There is greed in government, greed in businesses all over, and yes – greed in the church. There must be REPENTANCE. The country must turn to God. People spend considerable time, effort, and $$ building their earthly homes instead of their heavenly home. They are more materialistic and earthly -minded than heavenly -minded. Businesses focus on profits, not on the customers, employees, or their community. Grocery stores even sell products which are not healthy, promoting sickness and illness, all to make a profit!! Advertisers cover up and lie to promote a product, service, or business. Church leaders abdicated their responsibility to the poor and needy to the government! Pastors signed an “agreement with Satan” (the 501c3), bowing to government, to get a “bribe” they probably did not even need! Instead of standing up to evil, many a church leader even embraced the “prosperity prophets” in their midst! Many pastors do not challenge the rich, they appoint them!! Is it their tithes that they prefer over the Word of God? In congregation after congregation, there are huge economic disparities among the congregants. Where is the love? How is greed going to rebuke greed?!!

“COME ON! LET’S GO!!” This country must turn from its sinful, greedy, self-centered ways and return to our strong Christian roots. We must put God back into the homes, in the schools, at the work place, in the public venue, on the streets, in the music industry, and throughout the culture. People must give their lives to Jesus Christ, and to His service.

We must have revival in America. From what I see from other “storms” which have hit America, and from examples in the Bible, people can remedy a horrible situation, and even avert a “storm” through repentance and consecration. Thus, I sincerely think that whatever “storm” that is brewing around America now can be averted if the people react. It is God Who can protect us from our enemies, heal the land, and restore America and its values.



Karen Secrest
August 17, 2019

I’m amazed at how overwhelmed pastors are by the needs of people in the community.
My daughter is one who has walked away from the church because no one cares. In one sense shes right since there are few willing to volunteer their time to help others. In my daughters case there are few who feel qualified in any way to help with special needs children.
However, i have been aware for years of those who want constant attention that’s not forthcoming. Those are the ones you want to tell to get up and help. Sweep the floor, pray for someone else, get off your eternal me horse and move on. Sigh….

August 17, 2019

God is raising up culture changers, but the “church” doesnt recognise or support them. Many of them are entrepreneurs, business leaders, and if the church would support them in prayer and finances, they could advance quickly. Instead they are fighting alone, standing alone, praying alone.
When God says “behold I do a new thing, will you know it?” – most Christians CANNOT see, do NOT know it.

Teresa Farrell
August 17, 2019

Amen I recently left my church and nobody cares and the pastor never called or asked why. I told a sister who was a pastor and she said ok. I have tried to be in the body in buildings , nobody cares anymore , so I sit at Jesus feet and do bible study with other people .

August 17, 2019

Lord, thank you that we still have faithful Pastors willing to take a stand, but we need more! We need the watchmen on the wall, they see the danger and prepare the flock to stand in prayer against the enemy! I’m not seeing that, in my city, Lord awaken this city and many others to pray and do your will! Stand in the gap! Preach the word in and out of season and see a reward of harvest for the kingdom! Holding back the darkness by exposing the light of Gods standards!
Lord you are el Shad- Dai! You are our protector and you are our shield! Shield us from our enemy coming at us from all sides! From with in our nation and with in the church even, where paganism has crept in where homosexuality or sexual sins have crept in! Where we go to church to sit but not do! Not to help those in need and to help those hurting! Where diverse has crept in and has been accepted! Lord delusions are strong and taken over our internet, our businesses, our TV and entertainment! Lord! Wake us up to the deception and help us to spend more time in prayer rather than entertaining ourselves! Lord protect us from the left trying to lie to our children about communism and protect us from the nations rising up against US! Lord help us to know the end is near, and the devil walks around as a roaring lion seeking every Christian he can devour! Let us be ready and prayed us, seeking your face! Amen!

    Charleen Ray
    August 17, 2019

    Amen ! Agreed Father God speak truth to your faithful ones, call them into position to reach beyond when they hear your voice & obey with courage and boldness.

    August 17, 2019

    “When the enemy comes in like a flood the Lord will raise up a standard against it . “Your kingdom come your will be do do. Earth as it is in heaven.”We are the standard and part of the kingdom.y

      August 17, 2019

      Thank you! Also it’s a good day to pray for Muslims completing their pilgrimage to Mecca, as they are seeking dreams & visions from Allah. Pray that they would instead have dreams and visions from Jesus instead. As many are coming to Christ as a result🙏🏻🙏🏻

        August 17, 2019

        Amen! We need to pray for more Muslims to have an encounter with Jesus through dreams and visions or any other way the Lord chooses to reveal Himself. Also, let’s pray for our brothers and sisters in the persecuted church many of whom are from Islamic background. May the Lord strengthen them so they overcome evil. May we, in the west, wake up to our reality and be more like them, who, every day chose in spite of their circumstances, to deny themselves, take up their crosses and follow Christ. We have compromised the Lord’s word due to our ignorance of the Word; we have been seduced by the spirit of Jezebel; we have been silenced due to fear of men. It is time for the church in the west to wake up and see that we still have time to overturn and overcome. Let’s spend time in the secret place with the Lord filling our cups with His anointing oil, study the Word of God, reflect on it, pray, intercede, talk to others about the second coming of the Lord and the coming judgement. The harvest is ready, we just need to fill ourselves with the Holy Spirit and go out and proclaim His word. It is the time to speak up and call things for what they are. If evil, evil, if good, good.

Alan K. Veasey
August 17, 2019

Pour out your Spirit and redeem your flock, O Holy One. None of us are awake unless you awaken us.
Many more of need to be prepared for the battle is now? Bring your self glory and allow us to participate
under your leadership.

August 17, 2019

FATHER THANK YOU FOR BRINGING TO OUR AWARENESS HOW NEEDY WE ARE OF YOU, Lord I decree that we have your wisdom and understanding, your revelation, we see with your eyes, hear with your ears. I declare our hearts beat in union with yours, I declare right now you are placing our hearts next to yours to beat in union with your heart. I declare a breaking down of walls, of any and all separations Father, that keep us at odds..I declare we speak with one voice and we echo your words, Lord.
WE SAY YOUR KINGDOM COME, YOUR WILL BE DONE IN ALL THE EARTH..WE SPEAK BLESSINGS OVER THE EARTH. THE BLESSING OF REALLY KNOWING THE HEART OF THE FATHER, KNOWING YOU AND WHO YOU CALLED US TO BE. What I see is like heart surgery, hearts placed side by side in order to begin beating in the same manner. the organized religion has, for to long, not gotten involved in social things..we have pulled away and allowed the enemy to take ground. BUT, I declare this ground we will recover and take over and fill, the land, the atmosphere, with the reality of who God is, with His unfailing love and forgiveness. We must remember, it’s not people we hate,but the spirit that operates behind the scenes..

Ken Budz
August 17, 2019

Lord You are our Shield and our Stronghold. You are Rock and our Leader. You created us to bring You glory. We are opposed by an evil enemy that creeps in little by little. We see thongs and hear things that we never have before. Millions of children are aborted for freedom and convenience. This plus so many sins are so piled up it stinks to high heaven. Lord prepare us all Your faithful for what is yet to come. Mold us more into the likeness of Your Holy Son. Please fill us daily with Your Holy Spirit. Enlarge the borders of our hearts so we can receive more of Your compassion to share with others. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

August 17, 2019

Father -All praise to You. You are the One who leads us,equips us and gives us everything we need for life and godliness. Jesus, You are the Head of the church. We are in a desperate hour. There is attack on every side and within. How we need you to show us how to fight the battles that surround us.Please help us to live in the truth of the gospel and then to live that out to the world around us. The enemy has taken much ground in the public square. We have allowed him to take control of schools, universities, the media and the movie industry. Many leaders in our nation have pushed you out of the public square. You were central when this nation was being founded. Your Word was the text book for people to learn to read. And today many of your people don’t read your Word. Help those of us who are called by your name to be consistently in your Word and shaped by it. Help us to live in the truth that we need the gospel everyday. Help us to be your voice in the domains that were mentioned in the article- abortion, drag queen story hours and the issue of decreasing parental rights.Help parents to become involved. Help your people to be uniting in prayer and together to stand against the onslaught. Help us not to be distracted and unconcerned. Lord, please raise up a groundswell of believers who will stand together against the tide. Help us to be strong in the Lord and in the power of your might. Strengthen us to put on the whole armor that you have provided.to make us able to stand firm against all of the strategies of the devil.

    August 17, 2019

    Praying in total agreement with all you have prayed. Amen and amen!

Evelyn Green
August 17, 2019

We also need to make sure we speak the truth in LOVE. Not judgement.

Norma K.
August 17, 2019

My concern is…..there seems to be the tendency to pull back from, to disengage from the culture war, to the extent of in some cases, reprimanding those who do….Prayer is our primary call, yes, to get direction, to minister to the needs of the saints, etc. but when “ the enemy comes in like a flood,” who is equipped, ready and willing to be the vessels “raising the Standard against him”..? We have been taught primarily to be, “ harmless as doves”, but lacking in “WISE AS SERPENTS”! Father God open the eyes of our Pastors and church leaders that our “light” not be confined only to pulpit venues and denomination exclusiveness….Give the shepherds vision beyond the maintenance of the sheepfold! We were told to “go out into the world”.. There are Goliaths out there trampling the pastures and polluting the ‘still waters’, taunting & bullying, and they need to be challenged, engaged, and brought down, with the zeal of David!

    August 17, 2019

    Yes, so true. Lord energize Your people to know when and how to engage to spread Your truth and to act on the lies of Satan. Show us how to respond to the evil being exposed in our country and world. Help us be prepared for the spiritual warfare that is going on around us. Strengthen our faith and resolve to stand for Your Truth. Amen.

Larry Hammett
August 17, 2019

WOW! So True! I am thankful my pastor has this vision and is bringing this call to the church through the preaching of The Word! May more pastors and church leaders get this same vision!

August 17, 2019


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