I Prayed have prayed
Reading Time: 3 minutes

One of our IFA intercessors sent this dream a few days ago and we believe it is a call to pray for President Trump as he continues to confront corruption and evil intent in the high places of our government.

In the dream, this intercessor saw President Trump preparing to speak at an event and waiting inside the house of a woman who was down-trodden and poor. Parts of this house were being remodeled as it was in shambles. The room he sat in wasnā€™t being fixed up and was horrible and dirty.

In the dream, this intercessor began to clean out the trash in a corner of the room when she found a ā€œslipperā€ ā€“ a ā€œhouse shoe.ā€ It was torn from top to bottom and smelled awful. When she looked inside, there was flesh still in it and it looked like someone pulled their foot out, leaving their flesh behind. There were maggots crawling all over it. ā€œIn disgust, I threw it down hurriedly and it flipped toward the feet of the President. I ran over and got it and threw it outside and away from him. During this entire ordeal, President Trump was sitting alone in that room reading a paper and did not seem to be affected by any of this.ā€

We ask you to pray into this as the Holy Spirit reveals Godā€™s purposes. I would propose to you that the symbolism in the dream represents the ā€œswampā€ that Trump is trying to clean out. The ā€œhouseā€ that he is waiting in refers to the underlying structures of the ā€œswamp.ā€ The ā€œfleshā€ found inside this ā€œhouse shoeā€ could represent those sin and flesh issues that have made this place of government corrupt, thus drawing evil forces (ā€œmaggotsā€). Those who have served in this place have left a stench that needs to be cleared out.

Of even greater concern is the fact that these ā€œhouse slippersā€ tried to get on President Trump. I believe this is the focus of our prayers. We know a tactic of the enemy is to find a weakness or crack in someoneā€™s armor in order to attack and take hold. We must pray for President Trump to strengthen his own heart and soul in order to deflect any attempt of the enemy to take hold of him and cause him to ā€œslipā€ in his walk. We must also pray that he becomes aware of these spiritual attacks and not dismiss them prematurely (in the dream he was alone and totally unaware of what was happening). The fact that Trump was even willing to sit in this crumbling house is telling.

Realizing that this can all be subjective in nature, we ask that you simply pray into this and ask the Lord to reveal His purposes in this regard. We know that President Trump needs prayer. We know that God is cleaning ā€œhouseā€ and that enemy forces are seeking to devour and destroy us. I encourage you to use these scriptures to lift up our president and those he works with in this season of clean-up:

  • Pray that President Trump would be aware of the enemyā€™s schemes (Rom 16:17-18, 2 Cor 2:11; 11:3-4).
  • Pray that President Trump would put on the armor of God to withstand enemy attack (Eph 6:10-20, 2 Pet 1:2-4).
  • Pray that President Trump would not be swayed by flattery or deceitful schemes (2 Pet 2:3, Rom 16:17-18).
  • Pray for those around President Trump to rightly watch out for him and stand with him (Prov 4:23, Matt 26:39-41).
  • Pray for the Trump household, that Godā€™s presence would overshadow relationships and family connections (Prov 4:23, 1 Cor 13:4-8, Col 3:12-14).
  • Bless the Lord for the work He is doing in cleaning out corruption in high places (2 Chron 19:7, Is 61:8, Rom 2:8-11).


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Susie. Rauth
June 28, 2019

Tho he enters the house no bad touches him.he isrelaxed waiting.church rise up.stand for life for life and right.enouth killing ofbabies.Their flesh rots.Trump not guilty of.Didn t touch him.Will it touch you.?

Wanda Kinzeler
December 29, 2018

“President Trump was waiting to speak inside the house of a woman who was downtrodden and poor.” This speaks of President Donald J Trump’s calling from Isaiah 61. He has the same calling as Jesus did when his ministry began, which is really the same calling of the entire bride of Christ. This is a scripture that every True Believer should have memorized and written on the tablet of their heart. Isaiah 61 1 – 4 “For the Lord has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, to bring up the Brokenhearted, to Proclaim Liberty to the captives, the opening of the prison to them that are bound, to Proclaim the favorable year of the Lord, the day of Vengeance of our God, to comfort all that mourn, too give unto them that mourn in Zion, to give them Beauty for Ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the Garment of Praise for the spirit of heaviness, that they might be called Trees of Righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified. 4 and then they shall rebuild the ancient ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations…”

“House was in shambles” the entire house represents the nation. The United States which is in a complete spiritual, natural and financial shambles. On Earth as it is in heaven. The church in America has abandoned their first love for the love of the things of this world. The Believers in America have heard the word of God but they are like unto the seed that fell by the wayside and upon the rock and upon the thorny ground. Some of the word it has fallen on America has been stolen by the wicked one , other seed has not endured through tribulations and persecutions , and much of the seed Has been destroyed by the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches that have choked out the word and it has become unfruitful.
As a result, despite the foundations of this nation being based upon the word of God, most of that word has been choked out or destroyed and the nation has fallen into a state of almost total disrepair.

“Room he said in wasn’t fixed up and was horrible” this shows our President’s humility and willingness to go into the worst parts of the nation and situations because of his great and unselfish love for America! This goes along with another word for Donald J Trump that he is like Moses. He was raised in the pharaoh’s court so he would know the ways of pharaoh. But after a while the riches and the wealth of Pharaoh’s Court no longer satisfied and he found his true calling and true family, in the family of God. Just like Moses was told to set his people free from an appearance of the Lord in the burning bush, so did God appear to Donald J Trump as he watched two buildings burn to the ground in New York City.

Just as Moses was opposed even by his own people so has Donald J Trump been opposed even by the church…

But just as Moses’s in Exodus 17 9 – 16 lifted up his arms until Heaven during the battles so has Donald J Trump lifted his Hart and his trust unto God in the battle for America. Yes, just as Moses was unable to keep his arms up alone neither will Donald J Trump be able to win this battle on his own . Just as Moses needed an Aaron and a Hur to hold up his arms so must those who are mature in the Lord and true intercessors lay down everything they have put their hand on to to come to the battle and hold up the arms of our President through intercession and travail.

When “the intercessor in the dream began to clean out the trash in the corner of a room”, the intercessor represents the church in America who has only just begun to clean out the trash in America. They have only just barely started to clean out the trash in one tiny corner of only one room of the nation as their hearts are still full of the love of the deceitfulness of riches and the things of this life. But just as when the intercessor found the slipper, and saw how disgusting it was on the inside so has the church since they have finally started to try to clean up the nation finally began to see the absolute spiritual, moral, and physical decay that has set in to our nation. The slippers represent the foundations. Even the foundations of our nation is now crawling with maggots from the attack of the enemy Upon Our Nation.

The slipper was full of Rotting Flesh and smelled of the decay of dying tissue because our nation is dying and rotting unless the church Rises to its call, the Decay will continue to spread across the entire house as shown by its own life like ability to flip itself towards the President and even try to attack him.

President Trump was sitting alone in the room reading the paper because he has already 100% lay down his life for the sake of the Brethren and for his calling to this nation. He knew the State of Decay it was in and he cannot concern himself with the attacks of the enemy but must continue to study the daily tasks at hand and focus on the job he has been called to do. He cannot allow himself to be overwhelmed by the attacks of the enemy so he must continue to wave them off and believe that the Lord will raise up those in the church who will now begin to clean up the house of God and the state of our nation.

Moses could not have caused the Israelites to Prevail over the amalekites without Aaron and Hur and so can Donald J Trump not caused America to prevail over the Deep State and over its enemies without the church arising to her feet!

If ever there was a time for the spirit of Ezekiel to arise and command dry bones to live, it is now!

If you are an intercessor and have ever felt the call of God on your life to be an Esther and to risk your life for the nation it is now!

If God has put you in a place of influence or position or power or wealth that you could use for the sake of the Kingdom do not store your riches on Earth where rust does corrupt and thieves break in and steal but rather now is the time to arise and put your talents to work for the sake of the Kingdom!
For perhaps you have been put into the palace for such a time as this!

If you have ever felt that you are a Joseph and your life has had you unfairly put into prison and accused and removed from your rightful inheritance, yet you have stayed faithful to God and you have practiced his presents and know how to enter into the throne room and listen to the voice of God and receive wisdom through visions and dreams, then the time is coming for you to rise up.

If you have ever felt that you have a calling to evangelize preach the gospel to all the world then it is time to forsake the things of this life and to fulfill your calling…

This nation is in shambles and unless the church Rises to her feet and intercessors are raised up who will stand in the Gap to the point that Moses stood where he said unto the Lord, Lord destroy not this nation that you have created and called for your purpose but rather lay their sins upon me and blot me out from The Book of Life…

This dream was not just a vision of how we must pray for Donald J Trump but it was a vision of the state of our nation as well and the state of the church who has allowed the nation to fall into disarray!

Without the church Donald J Trump cannot repair this entire house on his own!

For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then will relief and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place, but thou and thy father’s house will perish; and who knoweth whether thou art not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?’ Esther 4:14

October 20, 2018

President Trump is the main focus here. Everything speaks that he smells and is rotten, like the maggots yet people try to help or pray, but he shows he is oblivious to this stink of his speech and actions. Sorry Trump supporters, but I have been interpreting dreams for 20 years. This also shows that the Church who follows him is old and crumbling and despite you trying to help, you are involved in his uncleanness.

    Susie. Rauth
    June 28, 2019

    Tho he enters the house no bad touches him.he isrelaxed waiting.church rise up.stand for life for life and right.enouth killing ofbabies.Their flesh rots.Trump not guilty of.Didn t touch him.Will it touch you.?

Rebecca Betts
October 19, 2018

Amen. And the slipper that flipped toward him might trip him up. Father make Presidentā€™s way sure and his path straight, as he is guided by the fear of the Lord and wisdom

Maura Jenkins
October 18, 2018

When I read this I felt like ā€˜houseā€™ in ā€˜house shoeā€™ represented the Whitehouse, and the flesh/maggots left in the ā€˜houseā€™ (shoe) are those in the Whitehouse from previous administrations – from both sides of the aisle, that are sharing secrets and undermining his authority. On the outside a slipper seems comfortable, but in this dream on the inside of something you trust as supporting you, you find flesh/sin/maggots. Those trying to harm him. Iā€™ll be praying.

October 18, 2018


Debi Settles
October 18, 2018

Before the election I had a dream that candidate Trump was leaving a hotel-I was in the dining room adjacent to the door he was leaving from. He seemed to have such a PRESENCE!! Suddenly I was in his room, and realized heā€™d left some things behind…an old black and white picture of his two older sons(I had no idea how many kids he had at that time) and a Bible, and twelve 100 dollar bills. He was told heā€™d left these things and he said the Bible wasnā€™t his, it was his wifeā€™s…he said the sinā€™s picture was ok to stay there-and some room service girl was gonna be really happy with her tip!!! He was so jolly as he said this last part. Then right as he was leaving, he turned around and looked at the group of people I was with and pointed and said ā€œhey can you ladies help get this mess cleaned up?ā€ Not realizing or maybe not caring that we didnā€™t even work there! But we hurried to help-suddenly realizing for the first time it WAS kind of s dumpy place!
Dreams are strange things,uh?

Regina Wilson
October 18, 2018


October 18, 2018

I have gotten similar messages regarding the Church. Confirmation. Also a word regarding evangelicals against President Trump.

Patricia Colvin
October 18, 2018

I got a witness by the Holy Spirit of this dream before the elections, I a word from the Lord, about the using President Trump to clean out the corruption from the White House, but not just in the White House, but in his body of believers, there has been so much corruption in terms, of what the Pastors are doing in the name of
Jesus, that Jesus said, “as I use President Trump to clean out the White House, so I am cleaning my Bride up, for I am coming back for my Bride without spot or wrinkle”. We do need to pray for President Trump on a daily basis, and I for one for pray for him and his whole administration that he will have wisdom, and understanding, especially for the mid-terms coming up that every seat will be taken by the Republicans, it will be a clean sweep across the land.


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