I Prayed have prayed
Lord, protect us from communism in our nation. Help our nation to be ruled by Biblical values.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

In these days of shut-down economies, massive government aid to a majority of the population, and the propping up of institutions and corporations by a central bank and government, it is perhaps necessary to ponder this prophecy by one of the grandfathers of Soviet Communism, Leon Trotsky, about how America would spearhead the advance of Communism in the future:

“Now dawns the new epoch of an independent class movement of the proletariat and at the same time of—genuine Marxism. In this too, America will in a few jumps catch up with Europe and outdistance it. Progressive technique and a progressive social structure will pave their own way in the sphere of doctrine. The best theoreticians of Marxism will appear on American soil. Marx will become the mentor of the advanced American workers. To them this abridged exposition of the first volume [of Marx’s Capital, which Trotsky compiled] will become only an initial step towards the complete Marx.”

-Leon Trotsky

(Excerpt from Joshua T. Charles.)

Share your comments about this 1940 proclamation from Trotsky—is this what we are seeing in America?

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July 14, 2020

It is time for the silent majority to be silent no more. We have what we say and decree. Let’s start acting like the Ekklesia and not be a mouthpiece for the enemy. This country has been birthed in the shed blood of Jesus and patriots.

Let God arise and may His enemies be scattered, may his foes flee before him. May you blow them away like smoke—as wax melts before the fire, may the wicked perish before God. But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they be happy and joyful.

We war by worshipping and declaring His righteousness and justice over this nation. We stand in repentance for the evil being done and plead Jesus’ righteous blood over it. Cleanse us, O Lord.

Kim C
July 14, 2020

Starting to wonder about Intercessors.. a few things lately .. raising some eyebrows. Praying for our Nation and that GOd sees his people rallying togther.. that we can pray for time .. and to heal.

Cathy Mack
July 12, 2020

I break those words off of America. She will not cave to communism and Marxism. She will return to her roots of Christianity.

Jerry Hoagland
July 12, 2020

Go to Amazon and buy “Agenda” and “Agenda II” for about $25 for both DVDs (I was able to find Agenda II with Curtis Bowers on YouTube for free). These videos explain how America is racing towards becoming a Communist country today. These two videos are wake-up calls for us from a conservative point of view. Then go to the Communist Party of America website and check out the Party Agenda – everything in the Agenda and Agenda II is happening in America today – https://cpusa.org/party_info/party-program/. Dems and RINOs either knowingly or unknowingly supporting the CPA goals. Incredible! You will be shocked!!

July 11, 2020

In the Name of Jesus, I rebuke this “word curse” off America! God’s Word says we must agree with Him and speak His word out of our mouth….”call those things forth that are not, as though they were”! We should pray but NOT SPEAK AGREEMENT with evil words spoken over America! AMERICA BELONGS TO GOD! For the last 10 years God had me drive to different places here in Texas claiming the land for Jesus…before the rioting, storms, Coronavirus…over schools, neighborhoods, cities, etc.
I didn’t understand it but obeyed….now I see why!
We all MUST FOCUS ON WHAT WE WANT TO HAPPEN….not what we don’t want! We must SPEAK LIFE, WHOLENESS, HEALING AND REPENTANCE OVER THIS NATION! What we talk about. we give Life to! What we don’t focus on (racism, riots, violence)…will die!
God said we will be ensnared by the words of our mouth…so SPEAK LIFE not Death over this great NATION!

    Mrs D
    July 11, 2020

    i, too, rebuke this curse. Like you, for several years the LORD has had me driving daily around and praying for the same numerous locations including schools, churches, businesses, certain residential areas and the like in the state in which i live. You said it all when you said, “We all MUST FOCUS ON WHAT WE WANT TO HAPPEN….not what we don’t want! We must SPEAK LIFE, WHOLENESS, HEALING AND REPENTANCE OVER THIS NATION! What we talk about, we give Life to!” Thank you so much for confirming that which GOD has put undoubtedly on many hearts throughout this land. As i drive and pray i will remember that there are multitudes of others doing the same. GOD BLESS YOU and the places for which you pray!

    Cathy Mack
    July 12, 2020

    Amen!!!! In total agreement.

Chary Horton
July 11, 2020

God forbid!!

July 11, 2020

We break those words and that curse off of The United States of America now and forever in JESUS name by JESUS blood shed for us! We break every scheme and device of the enemy off of The United States of America now and forever in JESUS name by JESUS blood shed for us! We decree ps91 and ps 23 into and over The United States of America! We call forth the purposes of ALmighty GOD, YAHWEH, into and over The United States of America now and forever in JESUS name by JESUS blood shed for us! We call forth the Destiny that GOD has ordained for The United States of America now and forever in JESUS name by JESUS blood shed for us! Amen!

Rene George
July 11, 2020

I had a dream 15 years ago about all of this . God is exposing what is going on and what can happen . Trump is going to do a second term and America is going to prosper like never before . I’m praying for the outpouring! This is a global thing going on because He is waking up His people ! We need to respond ! Do we want the ring that is betrothal to our King or do we want a ring in our nose that will lead us into bondage ?
The answer is the ring on the finger . He is coming back for a bride without spot or wrinkle . He’s coming back for us church and the next revival, is the rapture !

Jerome J. Telep
July 11, 2020

I believe that the total corruption of our educational institutions at every level has paving the way for this to happen for the last 60 years. Unless we seize control of these institutions from the corrupt educationists we willnot be able to stop this from happening!

July 11, 2020

Oh Lord, Lord of Heavens Army, I pray that our nation would have no other God but you!

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for His inheritance. (Psalm 33:12)

But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love. (Psalm 33:17-18)

In the Precious Name of Jesus, I pray.

Susan Parsons
July 11, 2020

Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you Father God for the Blood of Jesus. I pray the Blood of Jesus cover our nation. May Hope Arise in Jesus. May the fear of the Lord consume the people of God to bring wisdom in everything we do, say, or think,In Jesus name.
May we surrender everything to you and pick up our crosses to follow you. May the lost be found so we can all rejoice with heaven for every soul that is saved. Thank you Jesus we have the Spirit of the Lord that brings Liberty.
In Jesus name the spirit of communism must go. Nothing can take away the freedom that God has given His children. To live is Christ to die is gain. We use this season as a time to prepare for the Harvest. May we have our feet shod with perfect peace in Jesus name. Our heads covered with the helmet of Salvation.
In Jesus name,

July 11, 2020

Oh, Lord wake us up to pray and repent to stop communism spreading in the United States, to pay attention to the
signs of warning we ave been given.

Alan Veasey
July 11, 2020

O Lord our God, holy and true, You are the only answer to this crisis. Thank you using America greatly in the past. Send your prayer warriors to win the battle with the forces of darkness, for the glory of your name.
May your harvest of souls continue and accelerate, Lord.

Dorothy Ter Horst
July 11, 2020

Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm fueling communism. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground in Jesus name, Amen.

July 11, 2020

A prediction straight from the pit of hell itself! If this is what you expect and accept this is what you will have!

On the other hand, you can stand up to the enemy and say, ‘Enough is enough!’ Jesus has defeated the enemy and given His church His own authority. Do you think He wants us to use that authority, since as He says in Luke, ‘I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means harm you!’

Life and death are in the power of the tongue! What you say is what you get! Be careful what you allow to come out of your mouth!

    Delilah Bruch
    July 11, 2020

    I’m sorry, but this smacks of breeding fear. It’s a psychological tool. Christians do not fear, we pray and believe. I realize we need to know our enemy so we can pray effectively, but I detected a spirit of fear here. If you pray in fear it won’t work. We will continue to pray in faith.

    Karen Wilson
    July 11, 2020

    I absolutely agree. We gave authority to cancel the plans of the enemy…In Jesus name! We must NOT come into agreement with the plan of the enemy! Greater is he that is on us than he who is in the world.

Karen E.Kendrick
July 11, 2020

Lord let this NOT be so!
As America goes..so goes the world!
That is why you’ve raised up an army of INTERCESSORS ..to COUNTER the enemies evil plans..let us be DILIGENT in our offerings of INTERCESSIONS to You NO MATTER THE COST..RENEW OUR STRENGTH for we cannot do it alone…


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