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Lord, protect our constitutional requirements and may leaders ensure their integrity. We need godly men and women to rise up and fight against this, Lord.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The House Freedom Caucus has taken grief from leftists in Congress for using procedural moves to try to slow down the onslaught of lunatic legislation spewing forth from Democrats.

One of the favorite tools of the establishment uni-party (“swamp”) is the “suspension” bill. This process is used almost every week to pass pieces of legislation without a constitutionally mandated quorum of House members on the floor, and without recording how individual members vote. Instead, bills are passed by a “voice vote” while only a small handful, sometimes just two, members are present.


In one recent week, Democrats were attempting to pass 21 bills with only one Republican and one Democrat on the floor.  . . .

When two House Freedom Caucus members showed up on the floor to go to work we doubled the number of House members in the House chamber.

The Democrats would have used the suspension tactic without our presence. These bills were not simply naming federal buildings, but everyone was substantive. One of those bills revised how banking laws affect income from marijuana dispensaries. That is a substantive bill on which the American people ought to be able to see how their elected representatives voted. . . .

It is worth emphasizing that these bills are being passed out of the House, either to go to the Senate for a vote there, or to the White House to be signed into law, with just a couple of House members on the floor and without a recorded vote.

Many members of Congress are surprised to find out that we don’t take a recorded vote on every bill that passes out of the House. . . .

But, Republicans should particularly use the tools that we have to slow down the advancement of the wildly Left policies by House Democrats.

In order to put the brakes on the left’s 21 bills, HFC members requested that each of those bills receive a recorded vote with a quorum being present.

The Democrats response was to change the rules! They crammed the bulk of the 21 bills into one large bill and then voted to suspend the rules on that bill.

Disappointingly, a majority of Republicans voted to pass the new omnibus version of the suspension bills, along with every Democrat.  . . .

We are at a crossroads for America. Isn’t the direction and salvation of our nation reason enough to pull out the stops? . . .

As Democrats speedily try to push America over the cliff and turn us into Venezuela, Republicans should be pushing back as hard as we can. And that includes using the procedures and rules of the House.

Share your prayers and comments below about how to take action against this!

(Excerpt from The Hill. Article by Rep. Andy Briggs. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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Cindy Ashlock
May 6, 2021

Lord, deliver us from these unrighteous rulers. See their pride and arrogance. Lord, if they will not repent, remove them from leadership in America. Father, Your foundation is truth and justice, which it appears they do not take into consideration. Deal with them accordingly. Let them reap what they sow. Deliver America. Let all fraud and lies be shown for what they were. Uncover all the fraud in Arizona as it pertains to the election. Then let all the other states in question, uncover all the fraud. Let Your TRUTH prevail. Father, remove the unelected ones sitting in the White House. Place the truly elected President, Donald J. Trump into the seat he won.
Give Trump the wisdom, humility, and courage to return when it is time. In Jesus Name.

May 6, 2021

Lord Jesus, Remove the scales from leaders in Congress that know You, and those You are drawing to You. Lord we know for two long, there has not been a focus on You or on the representation of the people to bring justice to this land.
Often their is staff on the Hill who leading and guiding leaders falsely as they, oh so well, understand the workings of Congress to a great degree.
Lord Jesus, let those that know You be emboldened to Stand on Your truth, and not depend on many who god is not the Lord of lords and the King of king. EMBOLDEN the leaders You have raised up and appointed to their positions, to Stand Firm and Not Waver to pressure. Let those in each state across this nation who know You lift them them up and pray for You Wisdom to prevail in every decision. Expose the works of the adversary even more to the leaders. We know the adversary is louder than ever as he knows his days are numbered. Satan, the Lord rebuke you! You are a liar, a deceiver, and the truth is NOT in you! We know you have already lost and, even now are being ground into dust beneath our feet. Trusting in You Lord Jesus! Let the Ones, who are called by You, to stand ever Firm, having put on the Full Armor of God. Praying Always and Interceding for our Leaders. In Jesus’s Name. Amen

May 5, 2021

I have a question:
Does Congress not have regular hours to be in session? Why are only two people in the room? If a person were elected to a position, shouldn’t they be in the meeting room all the time the House of Representatives is in session?

Cristina Conlon
May 5, 2021

Amen, Sister! I pray that your voice be heard not only by IFA Intercesors but by every christian that is called by His Name. I Thank God for your obedience to say it as it is. To Him be the Glory, Amen!

May 4, 2021

Lord, every last one of them holds evil in their hearts. It will take your divine intervention to brings these hooligans to their knees. I pray the scales fall from their eyes.

David locke
May 4, 2021

Dear Lord,

Please raise a wall vs. these unconstitutional and downright dangerous actions of the radical left, deluded by their obsession with power.

Raise up bold, courageous and strong Christian leaders to oppose these attacks on our national foundation,

in The Name Above all names,
Jesus Christ The Lord,


May 4, 2021

I have read all these comments and prayers from my fellow intercessors. So now here is what I have to say and to pray. First of all, I believe our Lord has been calling godly men and women to go to battle for U.S. Constitution, The Bill of Rights. and the world’s instruction book, the Bible, which never changes in its relevancy. Second, I will not be voting for Republicans nor Democrats going forward (I never miss voting for an election!) I will be voting for individuals who have same beliefs as I have. Pride, power, greed, complacency, lawlessness, shredding of the Constitution, taking people’s rights away (like mine in Eatonton, GA but the battle is NOT OVER). The real prayer needs to be for the so-called Christian folk all over America who need to quit sleeping in the pews of the churches and go do their civil and godly duty of voting for individuals who are running for office with the platform that matches our Judeo-Christian values!!! NOT DOING RESEARCH ON CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE AND NOT VOTING IS A SIN OF OMISSION, WHICH IS JUST AS MUCH AS A SIN OF COMMISSION. The blaring example of being silent, complacent, and not caring, is when the world allowed 6 million Jews to be destroyed in the Holocaust. Now the church is silent and has been a very long time since the 60’s and 70’s not standing up against ABORTION, INFANT INFANTICIDE, TORTURING OF BABIES, LETTING THEM DIE WHEN THEY ARE BORN, THROWING THEM IN TRASH CANS AS THOUGH THEY ARE THINGS AND NOT HUMAN. AND THE CHURCH DOESN’T THINK THEY HAVE ANYTHING TO REPENT ABOUT???????? WHAT ABOUT CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING? WHAT ABOUT PEDAPHELIA?? WHAT ABOUT PORNOGRAPHY????? WHAT ABOUT THE MARTYRDOM, TORTURE, IMPRISONMENT, ORGAN HARVESTING, EUTHENASIA HAPPENING ALL OVER THE WORLD? WHAT ABOUT THE CHURCH THINKING THAT THERE IS A SEPARATION BETWEEN GOVERNMENT AND CHURCH???? THE SEPARATION THAT SHOULD BE THERE IS THAT THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT GOVERN THE CHURCH, BUT THE CHURCH RAISES UP PEOPLE IN THE GOVERNMENT. HELLO?????????? God invented righteous government. The government, according to the Bible, is that it is on His shoulders. If we don’t vote in God’s people, then the government will be on satan’s shoulders. WE HAVE WHAT WE HAVE TODAY BECAUSE WE ALLOWED IT!!!!!!!!! So my prayer is that the true disciples of Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMachiach, our Savior and Messiah, will RISE UP TO BE WHO GOD CALLED YOU TO BE IN THESE LAST DAYS, IN THIS LAST GENERATION, BEFORE THE CHURCH IS RAPTURED AND JESUS RETURNS TO FULFILL THE BOOK OF REVELATION. If you call yourself by His name, then you must be reading His Living Word, the Bible. If not, I pray Holy Spirit will pierce your heart to accept Him as your personal Savior today because we do not know the hour of His return. Repent (turn away) from your sin, confess with your mouth that Jesus took all the sins and sicknesses of the world on Himself as the Sacrificial Lamb, was beaten, tortured and hands and feet nailed to a cross, died, was buried and rose from his borrowed tomb on the third day, stayed on earth to meet with His disciples and first Acts church started, before He was taken up in the clouds back to the Third Heaven, where He sits at the Right Hand of His Father God, and where He intercedes with and for us everyday. Jesus’ work was finished on the cross. He transferred His power and authority to us when He sent Holy Spirit when He ascended into heaven. He is alive and well today. But He left the world in our hands to be His disciples to continue to bring ALL NATIONS TO CHRIST!!!!! Those who evangelize the Jews who have not recognized still that Yeshua is their Messiah will be greatly blessed. If this article is too long for you, that is too bad because I was born in 1950 when there was NO MICROWAVE. I love you!

Rev. Ramona Stonecipher
May 4, 2021

I pray this year will be a ‘wake up’ call to all you elected officials. I pray you will somehow see that the citizens you represent are getting their gut full. So many of you act like governing is just a game. You have people out here losing their businesses, many very ill, literally fighting for their lives. Their jobs have been ripped out from under them, they’ve lost everything. Many are sitting in hospitals begging their doctors and God, to save their babies lives. The list is endless. You’re sent to DC to fight for these people! What’s the matter with you? Where is your heart?
These people supported you when you needed them. What are you doing? You’re enjoying your ride, at their expense, and we find out you don’t even care about what ‘touches’ them/us. I pray God convicts you of this sin. And I pray you all will have a ‘Come to Jesus’ moment and again take pride in your leadership position. I pray God will bless you with wisdom and a ‘sense of responsibility’ to your constituents, and you will again serve faithfully. May God’s grace fall upon you. Amen.

Rev. Ramona Stonecipher
May 4, 2021

It is so sad that our elected officials don’t care about their job anymore. Just throw out the rules and get the job done. If someone did that to them ‘personally’ they would throw a fit and seek justice! Shame on all of You! I am a life-long Republican. I am sick and tired of people in my Party, who I work hard to get you elected year after her, not doing your job! For you to just roll over and vote to suspend the rules like the
Democrats is appalling! All of you deserve to lose your jobs! It can happen.

May 4, 2021

Dear God, we need Godly men and women to fight against this and I pray that You please raise up such persons. Protect our constitutional requirements and may leaders and ensure their integrity. We need more Godly people in politics and government, ones who will be honest and will uphold our Constitution. Give us courage to stand up and push back more against these unconstitutional actions. In Jesus holy name I pray, Amen.

May 4, 2021

Lord God,

Maker of Heaven and Earth… the great deceiver is working overtime to destroy because he knows that his days are numbered. Lord, grant us all wisdom and discernment to navigate the circumstances of these last days. In all wisdom through Your Holy Spirit give direction and guidance to those on the frontline. Help us to encourage and support them in prayer and participation in our communities. Forgive our sins and lead us to repentance. In our complacency much ground has been stolen from You but we know this is only temporary. Help us to shine the light of Christ and to not grow weary of well doing.(Gal. 6:9). “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end.” (Eph 3:20-21) we pray in His perfect Name! Amen

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Laura Taylor
May 4, 2021

Holy Father you are a just and up right God who hates wickedness! As your people we repent of any complacency or unwitting compliance with wicked schemes happening in our country. You see all. You hear our prayers and promise to answer us when we cry to you. So, we cry out and claim that thus weapon if deceit and this sneak attack of the enemy through the passing of acts without a recorded vote or the necessary amount of representatives will fail, in Jesus name! This weapon formed against our country and your people will be thwarted and of no effect. We ask that you give wisdom to the representatives who cherish our country and Constitution. Reveal to them, in the most amazing ways, the schemes happening in Congress and give them Your boldness and strategies to bring about righteous, just and truthful votes. In Jesus mighty name, amen!

D Epstein
May 4, 2021

Father, There’s just too much evil in our nation and this world.
Raise up men of God. Give them courage to fight for the Light.
Hear our prayers Lord!

Sharon Culp
May 4, 2021

Praise You Lord for being Sovereign over all things. We lay the Leadership of the United States of America at the foot of the Cross. We seek healing Spiritually, Emotionally and Physically over them.
Lord today I humbly ask for God fearing men and women in this Nation to ride up and take a stand against the corruption, evil motivated agenda’s of this leadership.
Proverbs 11:3 The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity. 1 Peter 3:16 “Keeping a clear conscience, so that those who deal maliciously against good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander.” Proverbs 12:22 “The Lord detests lying libs, but he delights in people who are trustworthy.”
Proverbs 21:3 To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. 2Corintians 8:21 “For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord but also in the eyes of man.”. Lord call those whom will walk according to Your Word, equip them, speak through them and take back the ground we have given to the enemy. Thy will be done here on Earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. Amen by

Pamela Jean Emery
May 4, 2021

Lord i pray that godly men and women women would stand up and be counted on to do their job. The one they were elected for, not to sit in their offices while Congress is in session. Remove the evil ones and bring godliness, truth and the willingness to fight for the America as she is supposed to be. One Nation Under God.


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