On March 7, pro-life evangelicals for Biden wrote an open letter to President Joe Biden, calling on him to “honor his commitment,” telling him they “feel used and betrayed,” pointing at the exclusion of the Hyde Amendment in the Democrat’s $1.9 trillion CCP virus relief package.
The Hyde Amendment is legislation that took effect in 1980 to prohibit federal funds from being used to perform abortions, with exceptions for life-saving situations or pregnancy resulting from rape or incest.
“We are very disappointed about the COVID-19 relief package’s exclusion of the Hyde Amendment, a longstanding bipartisan policy that prevents taxpayer funding for abortion,” the letter reads.
“We’re even more upset that the Biden administration is supporting this bill. As pro-life leaders in the evangelical community, we publicly supported President Biden’s candidacy with the understanding that there would be engagement [with] us on the issue of abortion and particularly the Hyde Amendment.” . . .
“The Biden team wanted to talk to us during the campaign to gain our support,” the letter reads, “and we gave it on the condition there would be active dialogue and common ground solutions on the issue of abortion.
“There has been no dialogue since the campaign.” . . .
Bill Donohue, president of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, said in a press release that the “patently anti-Christian” legislation would allow “gay rights to trump religious rights.”
He said that although the act claims to be about “ending discrimination,” and that may indeed be the intention, the repercussions would effectively secularize religious entities and force adherents to violate religious codes of conduct. . . .
Kansas City Archbishop Joseph Naumann said in a recent interview that Biden should acknowledge that his support for abortion contradicts his professed Catholic faith.
“The president should stop defining himself as a devout Catholic, and acknowledge that his view on abortion is contrary to Catholic moral teaching,” Naumann said.
“It would be a more honest approach from him to say he disagreed with his church on this important issue and that he was acting contrary to church teaching.”
Biden for decades supported the Hyde Amendment but reversed the stance in 2019. “If I believe health care is a right, as I do, I can no longer support an amendment that makes that right dependent on someone’s ZIP code,” he told a crowd at an event that year.
Share your comments on this open letter from Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden. . .
(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Article by SAMUEL ALLEGRI. Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
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No disrespect to prolife evangelicals but you ARE being used. Words are cheap and in the case with Biden, his respect for the unborn is meaningless without actual “works” to back up the words. COMPLETELY MEANINGLESS”!! Joe is not in charge – therefore his words can say one thing while those working for him impose their agenda of death on our nation. And it means simply one thing… abandon the party they belong to and align / support other legislators (even if it’s a different party) who support, create and protect life both unborn and born.
It’s not rocket science. No one should support someone in office who’s words don’t align with policy.
I find it troubling that anyone claiming to be Pro Life could have voted Biden.
If this group had done their homework, they would have seen the patterns in this administration and cast their vote otherwise. So many had not voted for President Trump due to his crass comments and tweet, but failing to see the policies that he supported were all good for America including his strong stance for LIFE in the womb. This group needs to repent of their ignorance and thinking that a person who has done nothing but lie during his political career–which is captured in numerous news archives–would do anything but lie to get their vote.
Father God, these evangelicals were used for their votes only. They were lied to and misled and these acts capture or summarize much of what is being said and done in our nation. Lead us into truth and justice Father, so we can return to advancing the good news of Jesus Christ and experience the liberty and the freedom that our founding fathers covenanted with You to bring about. Expose ALL the lies and all of the corruption.
I pray that President Biden would come to repentance and seek God’s will for many things that have not
been going in the right direction in the name of Jesus. It’s not just pro-life but he crosses the line in many unBiblical ways. God please get thru to him and his team.
Please forward our Christian values in this country, to Life, Liberty, and Freedom. God will never bless a nation who kill unborn babies,Dear God forgive those who are a part of this, and never use my tax dollars to support this horrible act.
How can you be a “pro life evangelical” and vote for Joe Biden? It is impossible.
This is not all bad….now this group will know Joe Biden will lie and sense no consequence.
Next time voting comes around, they will be the wiser and can turn around their thinking on him and our
current government. Our God is FULL of mercy.
“For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ.”
“And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.”
2 Corinthians 11:11-15 NIV
“Pro-life evangelicals for Biden.”
Yeah, right.
What did the Catholic Church think was going to happen. Those who don’t stand on Complete Biblical Truths, uncompromising and unwavering in their relationship with Jesus. Are made Fools
Why would a true Believer of Jesus Christ even consider voting for Biden?
Aren’t “pro-life” supporters of Biden an oxymoron?
This breaks my heart. Mario Murillo tried desperately for months to warn them. I tried to talk to my friends and family. What both of us got in return was mean, hateful comments from these folks, as well as “unfriended.” Thank you, God, for taking over and waking them up now. I’m praying that friendships and relationships are also restored.
My goodness, what did these people expect. Are these supposed “conservative supporters for Biden” really that gullible?
I better watch my words I could get mean here. I will just say this. Anyone who calls themselves a Christian and votes Democrat, I question that they are saved. Maybe cause I’ve lived long enough, been a follower of Christ for decades and seen the evils of that Democratic party, they are AntiChrist, I believe this.
No Christian has any business voting for God’s enemies. You will be judged. Just because they call themselves Evanglicals means nothing. Jesus said “My Sheep hear my voice and none other will they follow”. He also said “You know a tree by it’s fruit. A good Icannot produce bad fruit and a bad tree good fruit”. Seriously, You are Democrat and vote for this party that is against everything good and holy and of God, you are a liar. You need to get saved. I would die before I voted Democrat. I have some issues with the Republicans, but on a whole, they are not AntiChrist. Some maybe but on average they are not. And that was me being nice about this subject.
Couldnt agree more!
I was hoping the Catholic church and the Catholic community would call him out on this issue. They should have supported President Trump! He was the most prolife President we ever had. Hard way to learn a lesson with four years of this!
This current Pope is not the Pope of yesterday. He seems to support Abortion and gay marriage
Yes and the whole LGBTQ Community. We are to Love and witness to the person but hate the sin they are acting alone. With the current Pope leading so many Catholic down the wrong path, this reminds me of one the churches mentioned in Revelation. It’s really sad, the Church is being cleansed
It’s beyond me that anyone who is an “evangelical” could support Biden. How can you support the democrats at all, with their agenda that is clearly not pro Christin or pro-life?
As I said in my post above I question that they are saved. To be that fooled, to actually believe that party of Satan would be honest and do the right thing is beyond reasoning. They have no spiritual discernment it appears. I’m sorry I don’t suffer fools well. Anyone who is in that party and votes for those people who support the most evil of actions, cannot be saved. God will not be mocked. They will be judged on judgement day. We are to stay clear of any that call themselves Brethren of the faith and live in sin. To be a Democrat today and vote for these ProAbortion, proPervert Democrats is to be an enemy of God Almighty. I pray and we all should, they repent. May the Holy Spirit draw them out of darkness into the glorious true gospel. “Be Holy as I am Holy”.
It’s sad, but many Christians of ALL denominations were blinded and bamboozled in their discernment and logic. It had to be spiritual darkness that caused them to have amnesia to President Trump’s support and actions for pro-life, Israel, and religious freedom. They were so focused on his tweets and personality that they pteferred preferred Biden to him. No surprise at all concerning Biden’s backtrack. Hmmm…look at his track record so far since inauguration! We need Divine intervention for sure because we “ain’t seen nothing yet”!
Also, the Democratic party platform said what they believed and what they would be pushing! They are doing it and those who voted for them wished them “God-speed”!
How could any or allCatholic Bishops, Priests or Popes Not already have publicly Excommunicated Biden and Palosi
It is a mystery to me and I’m sure other Catholics as well!!!!!!!
Since ‘Quid Pro Quo’ Joe has documented corruption which he has willingly participated in with his family [brothers & Hunter] in Ukraine, China, Iraq, Romania… perhaps he is being blackmailed by his ‘handlers’ to do as he is told, or else! Whether or not he is carrying on with Obama’s agenda of ‘leading from behind’… In his case, leading from the basement, with the agenda of ‘Making America Last’.
Thankfully he and the radical Dems are now fully exposed and our nation is now ‘Woke’, but in the righteous way! Our LORD Jesus Christ has not given up on America, and NO! we are not under judgment as a populace. What IS under Divine Judgment is ‘The Swamp’ & their handlers ‘The Deep State’ and their controllers ‘The NWO Globalist/Luciferian Cabal. SOON The Greatest Awakening in the history of mankind will explode on the world scene, and WOE, WOE, WOE to the forces of darkness and their minions in the earth… SELAH!
Do you know of ‘The Rule of Seven’?
Be blessed & edified:
The democratic plateform was easy to read and told of its support for abortion. Abortion is a golden calf to the democratic party and they are linked to planned parenthood. Abortion is an altar of worship to this party and is linked to profit, greed and an anticrist spirit. I decree exposure over America to what abortion really is and holocaust would be a good description. Groups that could not see this obvious fact and association were blinded to truth and hoodwinked. Many people are sorry now as the most corrupt government in history is here and needs to be taken out. God is in control and the prayers of the righteous availth much. God is the god of justice and sin has its penalty. Jesus Christ is Lord over America. This can change in a day.
I stand in agreement Nancy. I continue to hear Red Sea moment in my spirit. When all looks totally hopeless and the enemy thinks he has won, that is when our God Almighty does his best work.
Yahweh is the God of Moses, Joshua, Gideon, Noah…when all seemed lost our God showed up in a mighty way. I pray that he will step in to correct this illegal election and remove the evil in Washington. Praise God and let us soon be one Nation under God once again.
I am in agreement with you. One can put a thousand to flight and 2 can put 10 thousands to flight and we have lots of agreement here. I agree with the red sea miracle, the boat miracle of Noah, all the battle victories, the passover miracles, and Jesus is the God of miracles. Oh how we trust in you Jesus. There is no other. The horse and rider he is thrown into the sea. There is a mightly wall of water that will crush and drown the enemy of America. I decree and declare full blown exposure of the enemy by Almighty God in His Esachar timing as you direct oh most Holy God, the one I reverence above all things. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is LOrd. He is Lord, He is LOrd, He is risen from the dead and he is LOrd.
These religious leaders were duped by Biden and the Democrats. If I, a Catholic, could see through Biden, liberal, Democrat lies, why couldn’t these educated evangelicals? I did my research, didn’t they? Also, They already had Pres. Trump who agreed with the Hyde amendment and was doing many good things for our country and it’s citizens. I partially blame some of these evangelicals for the situation our country is in now!!!!!!!!!!
I would really like to know what they were thinking – a corrupt and evil political platform will do “what ever it takes” to get votes – including lying! I encourage all to pray about repenting for siding with an evil political platform and voting for that political party!
It is likely I am not the only evangelical Christian that finds it almost impossible to believe that anyone who votes for someone who supports abortion is a believer in Jesus Christ! It’s hard to say that; it’s harder yet to understand that unborn babies are the victims of their ignorance. Believers have to get stronger and more adamant about fighting against Roe v. Wade and all the other abortion laws before they are codified and nothing can ever be done. Their blood is on our hands if we just keep letting these laws pass and voting for people who stand for the culture of death!
The reason “Pro Life evangelicals” feel they have been used by the Democrats is, BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN,!! WAKE UP! How could any Christian look at what the Democrats platform believes in and EVER vote for them! This makes no sense! Just take the Democrats at their word. They will NEVER be Pro Life or Pro Constitution, etc. How can anyone be that deceived? Especially a Christian!
If anyone does anything to hurt one of these little ones, they might as well have a millstone hung around their neck and be drowned in the sea. I would not want to be them!!
Father God Almighty, You are all KNOWING. NOTHING is hidden from you. You are Light and Truth. You are Mercy and Love.
Abba Father shine your light in all the secret places and expose the evil and corruption within. Biden and most in his party and administration appear to be supporting evil and the enemy at every turn.
He signed an executive order on day 1 to give billions of dollars of OUR funds to pay for abortion around the world. Now they have brutalized God’s laws on one man and one woman. Young people are so brain washed some of them don’t know if they are male or female and Biden is ok and supports this. This is resulting in many transgenders with severe depression, and high incidence of suicide. This is more killing of our children.
And it will only get worse as they push their agenda to allow children to receive sex reversal hormone therapy before puberty and gender transition surgery WITHOUT parental consent (or even knowledge). PURE EVIL!!!
Pres Trump worked for 4 years to bring down child sex trafficking. Biden has already opened the border and is allowing unaccompanied children into the country. Is anyone asking why? PURE EVIL!!!
This will result in more killing of our precious children and they have used, abused and tortured in the sex trade.
Father God, we cry out to you for your Love and Mercy. People must repent and cry out to our Lord and Savior for forgiveness. How anyone who calls themselves a Christian could have voted for this sick and wicked administration is beyond comprehension! I declare and decree that this evil killing of our little ones and the unborn must stop. Those perpetuating it need to be brought to justice. God can forgive and have mercy but there is no stopping the justice that is coming.
Thank you Abba Father for exposing this darkness for all to see. Thank you for wisdom and discernment. Show us the way to be strong and stand up for Your Word. All Glory be to God Almighty.
Be lead by the Spirit of God and HIS WORD and not by man…The Word of God is quite clear on the shedding of innocent blood…need to read the Bible evangelical leaders…also His Word says in
Romans 3:4…let the Word of God be true and every man a liar…I believe this is a case of buyer’s remorse because these leaders put their trust in man…The Democrats unanimously signed on to Abortion even late term…Biden is a Democrat…hense…if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck…IT’S A DUCK!!!
I pray no Christian who voted for Mr Biden/ Harris is in any position of authority in any Church.I also pray that any person in a Church under their leadership gets away now.The false teachings are evil.Find a Bible believing Church.On judgement day we will all be held accountable.I will be judged in many ways, thankfully killing babies will not be one of them.These Biden/ Harris voters knew exactly what they stood/ stand for and supported him anyways.
I believe that some churches especially in African American communities were convinced to vote for Biden, because he was President Obama’s VP without knowing the facts about a candidate. Also, it was a coordinated attack to convince many African Americans that President Trump was a racist. You hear something enough, people will believe it. False teachings and witchcraft through mind manipulation. Pray without ceasing saints of God!
This man only holds the title of president. He is a shell of a man and is obviously incapable of making any decisions of his own. Currently, we have no president, at least not one capable of steering the ship of state. He made all sorts of promises to all sorts of people that he either had no intention or ability to keep. A Roman Catholic who supports abortions is not a Roman Catholic. The two are mutually exclusive. Lord, I pray for Mr. Biden’s well-being and recovery. May he hear your voice and seek your guidance as he contemplates the signing of executive orders, promotes legislation that is toxic, and attempts to lead a nation rather than force an agenda.
I agree!!!! Also, We are seeing EXTREME ELDER ABUSE of Biden, in the use and misuse of him by the Democrats. His wife needs to speak out, even if they have threatened her.
The saddest thing is that we, the American people have no idea who is pulling his strings. We know it isn’t the Holy Spirit guiding his actions. There is simply too much evil being done through him. Sadly, he is the instrument in the hands of some bad people.
How can a Pro-LIFE person, ( especially anyone who considers themselves Evangelical). ( Evangelical for who or what) ???, Ever vote for the Democrats!!!
I agree with you Bill. How can a Christian endorse any administration that is anti God, anti everything that is truth…
Totally., agree . They hated a Trump., so instead voted for a party that kills babies ., is pro equality act and anti God
On the day of Judgment God will charge everyone, who voted for Biden as an accomplice to genocide. This is because aborticide is genocide. One of the reasons the Dems love to murder unborn babies is because Hitlery Clinton worships a demon goddess that demands child sacrifices. Hitlery’s spiritual advisor, Jean Houston, also worships that same demon goddess. She even trained Hitlery to become a necromancer. You can find the proof of this in Jean Houston’s writings, which Rabbi Jonathan Cahn cited in his book – The Paradigm. It is gross hypocrisy to claim to be pro-life and vote for a Devilcrat. Their political party was founded by a satanist in the Illuminati. They’ve been working since the founding of their party to enslave the world under communism. Proof of this is in Des Griffin’s book – Fourth Reich of the Rich. Des was a personal friend of mine, so I know the integrity of the author of this informative book. Because the FBI director got me started investigating communism in 1962, I could write a book about these things, but I need to keep this as brief as possible. People, who voted for Biden, need to repent before God blots their name out of the Book of Life.
President Trump was 100% PRO-LIFE and they turned their backs on him because they didn’t like his tweets? The Book of Revelation talk about this type of church. It’s called the church of Thyatira. They decided to lay in bed with Jezebel and now, they are seeing the repercussions of that. These Evangelicals better repent or things will not end well for them.
If these “used” leaders are that stupid they should resign.
When you make deals with the devil, this is what happens. We MUST stand strong on the Word of God, without compromise. God is fully capable to make a way where there seems to be no way. He doesn’t need our “wheeling and dealing” to accomplish His will.
How can you profess to support the democrat ticket when they were very vocal in attempting to remove God from their platform in 2016. Furthermore the democrats supported abortion rights (Planned parenthood) and their ilk. You need to research your information before you foolishly support someone who advocates for death of the unborn; please repent and confess your sins and then ask for WISDOM!
https://www. evangelicals forbiden .com/
Should that be “forbidden”?
I am sorry for anyone who was sucked into this.
If you want to uphold the Lord Jesus Christ, you have to uphold His Word in the Bible and not get taken by the false science/philosophy of the dishonest men of this world.
EG. The geologists will tell you about the geologic/atomic ages of creation, but they won’t tell you that the speed of light/radio-active-decay fell exponentially since the creation of the world to its current steady, and slightly oscillating value — hence millions of atomic years compress into thousands of actual years.
This is an example of incomplete/partly-hidden knowledge/science that some allowed to destroy their faith.
But God’s Word in the Bible is true forever, even if we don’t understand everything about, we need to uphold it and believe it, for the sake of God’s honour and glory (and to protect from getting deceived!).
And social gospel is false gospel – don’t you think people should get saved and let/seek God’s work in their own lives?
I loved Mario Murillo’s blog today on this letter. He was right on when he said pro-life evangelicals for Biden was akin to saying we are godly atheists- it’s an oxymoron. How long is part of the church going to think they can belong to this world.
Biden told them what they wanted to hear and they believed it no prayer
no seeking God just believing in man the Bible says not to put confidence
In man
The naivete of believers is astounding! Hosea, speaking for God, said “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” What folly! Christians are so easily ‘taken in’- deceived. We are merciful people, and in our yearning to help people and desire for peace, we make stupid decisions and become a laughingstock for the world’s entertainment. A very wise Christ-follower I know has a rule of thumb in relationships – “trust but verify”.
Agreed, that’s why we Christians should never be compromising in our faith.
I am sure that there is a hush in Heaven over the evil of this administration.
To even call it an “administration” is a joke.
I am even more sure that the holiness of God is not lessened by the work
of these evil people. On the contrary, God is showing us what true evil is!
Not so enticing, after all! Right!!!
He is also listening to hear the words of trust and faith in Him that will come
forth from those who really belong to Him.
Excellent commentary. Right on point. Trying to look at this in a positive way, this has become an opportunity for true Christians to go to the cross and show Him our faithfulness and trust.
Agreed. I am even wondering if God is using this administration as a black and white example for the left group to see just exactly how sad things are in the dark (ie, when ‘they’ get their way). And that this is THE time for Christians to shine that bright light into that black hole. Wake up USA, things are very dark, when you don’t have Jesus. Romans 8:28. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Sometimes God tolerates these things to happen to be used for his purposes, and or teach a lesson.
Thanks. I am glad when Godly people stand in agreement
and demonstrate faith in our faithful Lord and Savior.
Hosea 8:7
New International Version
7 “They sow the wind
and reap the whirlwind.
The stalk has no head;
it will produce no flour.
Were it to yield grain,
foreigners would swallow it up.
Why do they feel betrayed? They knew what the democrat party stood for! Elections have consequences. Biden will have to step down soon enough and we get Harris! How did they not see this coming? They didn’t like Trumps arrogance and tweets. I don’t either, but I’ll take his leadership and love for America and newfound faith over anything the dems have to offer.
So true! Pro life democrat is an oxymoron. We got what they asked for. May God help us.
Not completely, Senator Bob Casey can still be regarded as pro-life. But I believe he is now the only one in Congress. Manchin caved.
I am very upset with anyone who calls themselves Christians and voted for Biden. They need to repent. He, Harris and the Democratic platform was and is pro killing of babies and anti Christian or anything that has to do with the true living God. They are especially against the Word of God.
I’m praying that the people who voted for them realize they have blood on their hands, they need to repent.
Amen! Biden made it PERFECTLY CLEAR that he was going to OVERTURN EVERYTHING that President Trump did during his administration. …and he did that on day one. What Biden is doing now, and the anti-American activities that the democratic party is known should have been one big reason to vote for Trump.
Only God can turn this around for the good of the United States.
We shouldn’t be surprised when this president lies about important issues. I wasn’t a fan of President Trump’s tweets, bad language and his of firing people on twitter. But Biden supporters should be missing President Trump by now!
That’s what we should March for. We are the voices of the unborn children.
We need to rise up and not sit back any longer.
There has to be an awakening in us as Christians first before we can change our nation back to what we were supposed to be.
A God fearing nation.
We as Christians need to carefully consider what platform we vote for. We do not vote for a person, its all about what they support and stand for. Trump was the most prolife president and now we will lose all and more he did for life. Biden and Harris made it clear in the debates and speeches that they were both pro- abortion why did Christians even consider their vote? Our country and the church need to repent and ask God for forgiveness for allowing abortion to start in the first place. I pray God wakes us all up for what we are doing as a nation. EVERY life and baby are created by God for a purpose and on purpose and we nave NO RIGHT to kill the unborn or the elderly or anyone. Life and death is God’s decision not ours.
Any true Christian expecting a promise from the Democrats for equitable treatment to be honored is deluded. For proof of that take a look at HR-5 bill that has been passed in the House along pure Party lines. Or consider the two outrageous impeachment trials of President Trump. How about the way Kavanaugh was abused during his confirmation hearings?
The Republican Party is not the party of God, but the Democrat Party is most certainly the party of the Devil — at least they are doing much of his work. Anyone making a deal with the Devil (as these Evangelicals for Biden claim to have done), shouldn’t complain when they are betrayed.
Pray for mercy from the Lord, for you will get none from Biden or the rest of the Democrats.
First of all I find it appalling that so called evangelical pro lifers supported such a dark and evil administration!! To be evangelical, would mean you are possibly a believer of the Word of God. I find anyone that stood for, voted for or supported the Biden/Harris adminstration clearly are ignorant of the lefts liberal agenda for America!! Everything this administration has done and plans to do is anti-God. Lord, those who say they are evangelical need to refresh their hearts, souls and minds about what Your Word says!!
I pray that God would unveil our eyes to see the truth according to His word. Unveil the eyes of the church and wake each one of us up to fight for truth. Help us to love as You love God. Help us to hate the sin, but love the sinner with telling the truth. Thank you Father that you have helped these Chrisitans see the lies spoken to gain trust where it didn’t belong.
The way to decipher the two candidates is to do your research about them and pray. I’m not sure how a true Christian can vote for Biden/Harris.
Thank-you to IFA for your voter guides. You did the research, compiled the facts which made it so easy so we are without excuse. I am so grateful for all the work IFA does which helps me live a godly life.
I have this to say to all these so-called Christians who voted for the Harris/Biden ticket: SUCKERS!
Perhaps we would all be better served to pray for righteousness, truth and spiritual discernment for those who profess Christ as Lord and Savior and to humble ourselves, repent and pray for a mighty move of the Holy Spirit for repentance, and salvation for the lost and revival in our nation. We need to be missionaries to our own nation. Mercy prevails over judgement.
Why on earth are you surprised? I’m not. He is a pro-abortion president. Any bible believing, Christ following person should never vote for these demonrats.
I am not surprised either, we all knew what the Biden admin believe in.
However, the fight is not with the people, but with principalities in heavenly places.
Those “demonrats” that you refer to are people, without Christ. Rather than call them names, pray for them. Jesus loves them just as much as He loves you!
Yes, pray for them daily. The decision made affect us all. Pointing fingers never work check out Adam, Eve and the serpent. What God says He means. God is faithful and will help and sustain us. This in no surprise to Him. Finally, the Body of Christ is awaken to righteousness Let’s get ready to rumble Ephesians 6:10-20. No more sleeping. Amen
We thank You, Oh Lord, for calling the church to repentance. Your mercy has preserved us, and You show it again to those who have been wrong or have sinned. Continue drawing in a dramatic way, those who have wandered from You and those who have been deceived. May we always show Your love and mercy, as You have shown love and mercy to us!
Amen, thanks for expressing this (and putting it into perspective). This is the time to reach out to them, identify with them as sinners, and kindly encourage repentance, while remembering this too is a gracious gift. This is not a situation that calls for condemning the action alone, it calls for reminding both ourselves and them of the greatness of God’s grace.
One of my favorite hymns on the topic: Wonderful Grace of Jesus
When Former Acting President Biden chose Former Senator Kamala Harris, that should have been ‘the road is closed due to flooding’ sign. When it comes to life, he couldn’t have chosen much worse. (Maybe Becerra or Newsome) Anyone who voted for him after this choice either was willfully ignorant or too busy to research (and thus too busy to vote). For this there needs to be repentance, not simple remorse. If we have another opportunity to have even close to honest elections, we should realize this is an merciful gift from a loving Father. (Call and write to prevent HR 1 from passage in the Senate, if it passes, then we can forget any pretense of ‘free and fair elections’ unless either the SCOTUS declares it un -Constitutional or something more drastic happens.)
Heavenly Father, deliver us from evil.
The whole mess is infuriating to me, to set my head straight, I read 2nd Corinthians 10:4 – 18 and listen to Twila Paris’ Rescue the Prisoner
What did the traitors expect? Baby killers don’t keep promises.
Wolves in sheep clothing. No matter what label you paint it..”Evangelicals for Biden” are nothing but wolves! What do you expect if you yourselves call yourself a Christian from one side of your mouth, and support abortion by your vote from the other side. Entering a contract with demons.
Wolves in sheep clothing are everywhere in our nation today. Oh, God, give us wisdom and discernment to see and know and how to act righteously and not judgmentally. I so want to say, “I told you so” to so many Christians who thought Biden was the answer. Please forgive me for my self-righteousness and help me forgive those who voted for evil which seems to be overtaking your church. But God, you are the all-powerful, omnipotent One. You are not surprised by this. Open the mind of those who voted for Biden/Harris, convict their hearts and light a fire in them to take action to stand up for your ways and truths. Let your church rise up and step up. May we truly be the salt of the earth and light of the world.
Well at this point the things that I can say are: people are out of work, the economy is suffering, and they’re trying to make the economy even worse, the perversion that’s coming out of Capitol Hill and being forced into school district is unfathomable, the agenda of The Democrats is very clear to destroy as much as they possibly can add to go after anything that’s Godly!
At the evangelicals as they called them selves caused this to happen simply because they wanted abortion. But they wanted it on their terms. Killing is killing! It doesn’t matter what the excuses I have seen the excuse to have an abortion change so many times it’s like a deck of cards.
The fact is there’s no care or concern for the baby and there should be. But when you have people who say they know God, believe they know the word of God and it’s not just the Catholics either it’s across-the-board in all denominations that are a part of this terrible stuff it’s happening right now to this nation. And it’s all because they wanted to kill babies. They wanted to kill that’s the bottom line and it doesn’t matter if you like what I say or what I’m not saying that is the truth and that’s the bottom line.
So here’s my very strong recommendation, get away from them. Just because they called them selves evangelicals does not make them Christians in any way shape or form. I would even venture to say they’re not much different from Joe Biden.
It’s coming to the point now where Christians need to develop their own relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. You need to know Him for yourself!
There was a prophecy not too long ago that the truth like this we’re going to start coming out. And that’s exactly what we’re saying. We’re beginning to see people for who and what they truly are. No more are you going to find evangelicals and Christian leaders shaking hands and exchanging money and exchanging promises behind closed doors not anymore. It’s all being brought to the light and praise the Lord for it!
If you were in these churches and you know these people are doing this and you’re a part of it then that something you’re going to need to deal with yourself between you and the Father God. But if you were in these churches and you were not a part of this stay away from the leader ship stay away from these people that are a part of it don’t allow them to have anything whatsoever to do with you. Your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ is so precious, so special, so incredible, do not cheat yourself out of one minute of knowing the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and walking in a fulfilled relationship with him by having anything to do with these people over there. You lift him up in to the hand of the father God and you let it go and you walk with the Lord Jesus Christ! You focus on him you follow after him you love him and you allow him to love you.
But you have nothing to do with these people whatsoever wipe your feet of them and have nothing to do with it. When you give your ties you give your ties to the father God even though it’s going into that plate you give it to the Lord Jesus Christ. If they come back and say hey we need a love gift I didn’t make it to the bank today you know you’re not responsible for that. Your salvation is one of the most wonderful things that the Father God so loved you so much that He gave you His son you excepted Him now you enter into him and nothing else!
Can you come to the realization that these evangelicals and Christian leaders came into an agreement with Joe Biden and did not care about your future. They wanted to talk about abortion they wanted to talk about killing babies they didn’t care about anything else and look where we are today. Their pride, their ego, their selfish self-centeredness Is what brought us to where we are today. You realize that. And then you sit down and make a decision.
A decision that will affect you for the rest of your life and I want you to make a decision for Jesus. Make the right decision for Him.
My husband and I went to a rally in 2020 in Washington DC. As I watch the people come across that stage on the big screen and read scripture I can tell you right now they were A handful only of true devoted Christians in that bunch. So our lives as Christians are not based on what people want to say from a stage. Our lives are based on the Word of God and with the Lord Jesus Christ says!
God Bless You
Oh Lord thank You for waking up the body of Jesus Christ! Some of us were never asleep, some of us were awakened in recent years, and some awakening now and in the future. Help us to receive our brothers and sisters in love and grace as we share truth with them. Holy Spirit You are welcome here!! Come and fill us Lord with your glory and presence. Teach us what to do and make us the hands and feet of Jesus on earth. I pray for an outpouring of love for the Body of Christ. Strengthen us Lord and protect us. Forgive us for our complacency and help us to move forward for you Lord that you may be glorified on this earth. Lord, we pray for every baby in the womb today that you would protect every one from the enemy who comes to steel, kill, and destroy their lives…. Jesus be with each one and protect the purposes and plans that you have for every child coming into this world and all children here now. Thank you Lord Jesus for your blood that saves and speaks louder than the bloods of Abel crying out from the grave. It is in Jesus Name I pray.
“bloods” is not a typo- it is the generations lost because of the murder of one. Forgive us Lord.
You knew the Democrats are for abortion and they have taken God of their platform. You must wake up and seek Gods forgiveness for signing a contract when you went to vote for Biden.
Oh…voting for & expecting a career politician in bed with the CCP to honor the Hyde amendment…how quaint. And how completely naive. All life is expendable to leftists, and President* Biden is being managed by leftists.
Shame on you for being surprised and feeling betrayed! Biden let his views be known and you were deceived! All you had to do us look at the platform! I’m sorry this sounds harsh but its been very frustrating for those who saw the writing in the wall!!
I’m sorry, but they should have “felt used” the minute he chose Kamala Harris as a running mate. There is no surprise here. May God forgive us.
That is what you get when you vote for a “nice guy” who kills babies verses a brash guy who cares about life. Confess your sins you double minded and repent and may God have mercy on your soul!
Unfortunately many people, including those who call themselves Christians, couldn’t get beyond the brashness of Donal Trump. Like the Pharisees, they care more about the outside of the vessel than the inside. Spiritual discernment is not evident in their perspective.
To even entertain the notion that Biden would not promote the Leftist agenda is ignoring the 500 pound gorilla in the room. The man stands for the party that actually booed God at a DNC . Why would the so called Evangelicals believe anything of the contrary is beyond me. Did their hatred for Pres.Trump go so deep that they,at all cost,would vote for anyone to remove him? Biden and Pilosi need to stop calling themselves Catholic,but that will never happen as some think that they are operating within the will of the Lord.Their moral compass is so in need of recalibrating that they are upside down and don’t even know it.Soon we will be at war again in the middle east and on the wrong side of that too with Israel left to defend themselves.Shame on the U.S.for not backing and defending Israel!
Well,it would seem that buyers remorse has hit hard now that reality has set in. Anyone who says they are pro life and votes for a Democrat is either in denial or just not that concerned about life as a precious gift from God. Truth is that they too have blood on their hands and we as an opposition have been far too complacent in that regard. God forgive us and bring us back into Your presence and favor.
I’m sorry, but what did they expect? Honesty?
Maybe these so called “Pro-life evangelicals” need to seek the Lord God for wisdom & discernment so they will not be deceived by the wolves. Any Christian who desires truth and seeks the Lord & asks him will receive it. Thats why Jesus sent us the helper to guide us into all truth. Makes me wonder… do these so called Evangelicals who endorsed Biden walk with our Lord Jesus?
I don’t fell bad for these fools. And that is what the Bible would call them.
If you sleep with the enemy, you are going to get screwed.
Unfortunately there are consequences to every action. No one sins in isolation and now we all feel the effect.
Isn’t “pro-life evangelicals for Joe Biden” some sort of non-sequitor? That they admit to believing there was any truth behind the so-called “Biden campaign” tells all. The time to call him out was before the election! Those individuals don’t have basic perception it seems, far from having spiritual perception or ability to honestly lead as ‘evangelicals’. They and their flocks have helped bring us to where we are today in America. May God have mercy on us, and may all professing Christians seek Truth and humble themselves before almighty God that He may be able to work in them (us) for His purposes!
I pray the scales will drop from ALL eyes with regard to abortion—it is flat out MURDER. Call it what it is…MURDER. The end of a life…that includes pre- and full-term abortion. Yes, women can choose what to do with their own bodies but not the fruit of their coupling. May the Lord forgive us ALL in this nation.