I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we want our government to be fair to Israel. Keep any government employees from discriminating against Your people.
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A DHS asylum officer was found to be posting pro-Hamas sentiments on social media. Has that officer’s bias bled into her governmental work?

From Breitbart. Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas belligerently refused to answer questions about the agencyā€™s appointment of a HAMAS supporter to an office that he created to fast-track citizenship approvals for migrants.

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ā€œHas she been fired?ā€ Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) asked Mayorkas during a hearing at the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Mayorkas refused to explain his departmentā€™s treatment of Nejwa Ali, the asylum officer who was placed on leave after she used social media to celebrate Hamasā€™s terrorist attacks on Israel on October 7 that murdered more than 1,400 people.

ā€œI am not in a position to speak to an ongoing personnel matter,ā€ Mayorkas insisted. ā€¦

But Mayorkas also refused to explain his hiring process for new Asylum Officers, or his decision to expand the power of low-level Asylum Officers to fast-track migrants into citizenship.

How many cases did she adjudicate? ā€¦ Did she adjudicate any cases involving Israelis seeking asylum in this country? All Let me just point you to what else she posted on social media where she drew attention to the fact that she is an immigration and asylum officer, [saying] ā€œ#immigrants, #asylum seekers, #Palestine, $RefugeesWelcome.ā€ This is on her LinkedIn post where she has her professional affiliation posted.

So I think the American people deserve to know: Has Has she admitted, contrary to law, individuals who should not be in this country? Or denied Jewish refugees ā€” whose genocide sheā€™s advocating ā€” [the] asylum that they deserve an answer.

The scandal highlights the conflict in Mayorkasā€™s sincere and simultaneous policies of accelerating worldwide migration into the United States while alsoĀ guarding AmericansĀ from attacks by those migrants.

This high-risk policy has been starkly exposed since Hamasā€™s attack on October 7, as many migrants ā€” and sympathetic ā€œwokeā€ Americans ā€” are denouncing Israelā€™s hard-nosed self-defense policies in the Gaza strip. ā€¦

There is little trust among GOP Senators of Mayorkas. In many prior Hill hearings, Mayorkas has stalled GOP questioners and even argued that the border is secure.

Shortly after the Hawley exchange, for example, Mayorkas tried to blame his mass migration on an ā€œunprecedented level of migration in the hemisphere.ā€

Sen. Mitt Romney(R-UT) responded, tartly:

What led to that unprecedented level of immigration illegally into the country happens to coincide with your becoming Secretary of the Department that is responsible for border security and President Biden becoming president. The key factor that has changed here is your administration. ā€¦

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(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Washington, DC — May 27, 2005 — Detail of the Homeland Security Flag. This can be used on FEMA publications. Photo By Bill Koplitz/FEMA photo

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November 6, 2023

Lord, root out the wickedness in high places. Give us righteous people in the gates of influence who will hold these people accountable. Confront them with truth and remove unrepentant evil doers from their positions of influence, to the praise of your great Name.

November 4, 2023

Since itā€™s getting close to election time, I guess Romneyā€™s trying to act more MAGA. I wonā€™t work.

November 4, 2023

Worthless Alejandro Mayorkas needs to face the wrath of God’s punishment for his heathen negligence and ignorance of American citizens, the sooner the better!

Grant Windholz
November 4, 2023

Yes Lord God, with this confusion and spiritual warfare with this war fighting Hamas and not the Palestinians. America, support Israel! God’s chosen people šŸ™!

Karen Secrest
November 3, 2023

May she personally experience the Beadt and come to know the truth.Repentance and saving Grace instead of Judgment.

Mary G.
November 2, 2023

Sad to see just 22 years after 9-11 we are empathizing with terrorist’s organizations. There should be no place in the USA for those that want to destroy this country. The Bible states, “those that bless Israel will be blessed” and we will stand on Israel’s side even if our government wants to take the other side. Now they are calling for attacks on America and Americans wherever they are in the world. But yet, we have an open border. I’m glad God our Father is in control, and we can rest in him. Praying for Speaker Johnson and a change in this administration so all the wrong our current politicians have done to America can be reversed and we can abide by the laws our forefathers set for this nation. Praying daily for elected officials of any town, state and government agency to seek God’s wisdom in the decisions they make and fight the good fight of faith.

Paulene Dougherty
November 2, 2023

Hamas breaks into Israeli homes and beheads babies in their beds, Jewish students fear for their lives on college campuses and our illustriious government is worried about ” islamophobia”.
We are being governed by people who have been turned over to a reprobate mind

Sheila Price
November 2, 2023

As much as I support and pray for Israel, I don’t know that I can agree with this prayer. Praying for Yehovah God to keep government employees from doing anything… is that not taking away their free will. God would not do that. Could He open their spiritual eyes and ears to help them see and hear truth so they can make better informed decisions? Yes… and that is what I pray for.

November 2, 2023

Face it folks, a great number of our federal government people are flat out crooks and haters of both America and Israel! Our only help is JESUS CHRIST! Oh yes! I do believe prayer is our only way out of this current den of thieves in our government! Many in the House of representatives and the senate are holding meetings and interviews with the crooks, but nothing seems to get done! No one seems to get prosecuted or removed or impeached! However I’ve got a GOD and HE is always on my side! HE will fight for us as we ask HIM to and we hold our peace! FATHER GOD YOU know the crooks involved in every aspect of this crooked government and we ask for YOU to remove every last one of these people in as public a way as when one angel killed 185,000 enemies of CHRIST! FATHER GOD please vindicate us as YOU expose and remove every crook in our government as soon as possible! Help us to remember that this is YOUR battle and not ours! Thank YOU for walking these crooks out of office and into prison publicly one by one in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!

Deb Lewellyn
November 2, 2023

Shame on them The Bible says whoever curses Israel curses God

Mari Williams
November 2, 2023

Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done.
Lord GOD, I pray for justice for the American people who want YOUR will to be done in this land. I pray that YOU will remove from government in Washington D.C. and in all the cities and towns of this land every person high or low who refuses to obey YOUR Holy Scriptures which inspired the Constitution–Please LORD, remove those people who are partakers in wicked schemes that would ultimately bring destruction to this magnificent country. LORD GOD, strengthen the righteous, strengthen the USA armed forces, and strengthen the police forces, and the firefighters, and all who do YOUR will, but most of all Father GOD, remove from the pulpits of America those who were NOT called by YOU, and call YOUR people back to prayer and holiness.

RenƩe McDannel
November 2, 2023

With Americans being targeted and held hostage by Hamas anyone who is posting pro Hamas propaganda is not worthy of American citizenship! Perhaps, revoking their ability to be under God in this our one united nation America ; is a prayer point to bring before God. Enough is enough.! Homeland security demands no less than our loyalty to the citizens of our nation as well as our Israeli Allieā€™s!

November 2, 2023

When will Christians VOTE?
Millions to Not do their DUTY!
Wake up to the EVIL Doersā€¦
DNC is destroying America!
LIARS,seen on all ACTā€wordingā€
Do Not Side with HAMAS or remain silent and be MARKED (Ezekiel 8)

November 2, 2023

Lord Jesus I pray that the DHS pro-hamas person be removed from her position and that another person who is non-bias fill her post. I pray for honesty, transparency and integrity for the DHS agency. Also, cause Secretary Mayorkas to be removed too so that a more responsible person can take his post. In Jesus name šŸ™

Judy Knight
November 2, 2023

Father, I pray for our government that you guided our founders to establish. I thank you for the longevity you have given us. Satan is using every strategy to turn our good points into weaknesses to destroy our beautiful attempt at democracy, How can we stand against so many attacks inside of our country? I pray our citizens and politicians will put on the full armor of God described in Ephesians. America exists only because you have been our leader, God.

May our elected officials follow the founding fathers’ example and seek your guidance and blessing on their decisions. We give you the glory for both our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution and the incredible survival of this country. Each document was completed only after you answered the prayers of the deadlocked Founders in that little church. What an incredible godly heritage we have!

Please continue to fill our nation with revivals and your Holy Spirit. Any victory or success has been because of your work in our hearts, Father. May Jesus Christ, our Savior, always be the dearest friend of all in our nation. Thank you for this nation. Amen

    November 2, 2023

    Right on Judy Knight !! Beautiful prayer. And I agree, Yes and Amen! I would add that as we appeal to the LORD of the Heavenly host, He will cause us to run towards the Goliaths with all of the provision He has given us. Even a small stone in a sling was effective in bringing the giant to the ground. Now we have the blood of Christ and the powerful Word of El Shaddai.
    He heard the cries of His people when they were in bondage. He sent them Moses to lead them out. The Father has given us His Son to lead us forth. THEY come in deceit, hatred, murder, lies, and all manner of evil intent. WE come in the name of The LORD OUR GOD. In the flesh we are weak, in the Spirit we are mighty. We will not be discouraged. Lord, our eyes are on YOU !

November 2, 2023

A traitor to this country who is blatantly violating his oath of office deserves the penalty for treason. Death!

Brian lynch
November 2, 2023

This behavior is appalling on behalf of this “government” official. I agree, that they need to be terminated. This is totally unacceptable. If she isn’t terminated, it wouldn’t shock me. How someone can show support for a terrorist group like Hamas, simply is CRAZY. It is symptomatic of the evil, depraved state of affairs in the current U.S. government. Lord Jesus, I pray for Your will to be done.

November 2, 2023

She should be fired immediately! And he should be impeached!
The number one concern in this country is the open border policy expedited by the Biden administration.
I would ask our representatives: why is this being allowed to continue?
I continue to seek our Lord’s will regarding this concern.

Angela Wilson
November 2, 2023

It angers me that this party is so hypocritical and tries to get away with so much UNDERHANDED evil! Yes, I know the source but it is still angering that this Secretary of DHS conducts himself as if he has the right to deny us answers. If this was a Republican in this position, the Democrats would have rallied hard to see him disposed of… Pride will usher in his destruction!

I pray, Father, root out the evil! Cause these knees to bow before You or remove them. They are not worthy to be in positions of leadership.

Nobody blindsides You, catches You off guard, or out maneuvers You. These people will find themselves fighting against YOU!! NEVER victorious and a dangerous place to be! Uproot, tear down, and destroy so that good – AND AWAKENING AND REVIVAL can be planted and built up! In the name of Your Dear Son, amen.

    Theresa Tucker
    November 2, 2023

    I agree wholeheartedly, we also need to pray that We The People who serve God and are made righteous by the blood of the lamb run for all government offices.
    Lord, I pray you put the believers in place who are qualified to lead America and who will listen to your voice, and act on our behalf.
    Please send more men and women like Speaker, Mike Johnson, and Father, please restore the rightful President even before the election if it by your will.

Bernadine Reid
November 2, 2023

Father in Jesus name let every Terrorist cell group and those who are against Your beloved Israel šŸ‡®šŸ‡± be exposed. Hamas refugees be captured and their plans thwarted. In Jesus name Amen.

Sharon Fisher
November 2, 2023

Thank you Heavenly Father for removing this woman and others who are not like minded and unified with the strategies of Heaven that the United States government rooted in the Constition of our nation must implement at this critical season.

November 2, 2023

This entire democrat run administration are terrorists. Home grown terrorists. You should prepare yourself for war right here on your own grounds. This is what happens when the democrats aren’t held accountable for their traitorous actions. Kinda like getting a participation trophy šŸ† or a reward for bad behavior.

November 2, 2023

Lukewarm patriotism..also called sunshine patriots, in U.S. leadership.
Actually traitors

November 2, 2023



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