Pray for President Trump and his family as the Lord leads you.
“Whoever boasts himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain” (Prv. 25:14).
In your lifetime, have you had people, well-intentioned as they may be, make glowing promises to you but never deliver? It hurts all the more if we’re in a desperate state at the time.
In his campaign for President of the United States, Donald Trump made many promises in our nation’s intense battle against left-wing liberalism. Has he made good on these pledges or did he merely blow smoke with what Scripture calls “false gifts” to get elected? What follows is not partisan fantasy but pure fact.
We do need to be realistic with what can be accomplished in these polarized times. Additionally, leftist-leaning, dishonest news outlets (newspapers, periodicals, cable/network news and much of the Internet) have been grossly negligent in both ignoring and underreporting our president’s achievements.
The news media tells us, “We give you the truth!” yet through deliberate propagandizing in line with their liberal agenda or focusing on failures rather than spotlighting successes, we’re left with a false impression concerning reality. A recent study reported in the Washington Post revealed 91 percent of network Trump coverage was negative!
Media Research Center revealed months back that the three broadcast news programs spent a total of 353 minutes air time on the false narrative, of Russian “collusion,” compared to one minute on tax reform and five minutes on the improving economy.
This is not broadcast but rather narrowcast news! As a communications major I lament the disgraceful state of journalism today. How far we’ve fallen from the days when CBS anchor Walter Cronkite was called “the most trusted man in America.”
The viciousness of attacks on our President is unbelievable! USA Today labeled him “uniquely awful” … “sickening”… “not fit for office”… “not fit to clean the toilets in the planned Barack Obama Presidential Library…” (Dec.13, 2017 editorial). The “Hate Trump” industry, employing character assassination, anonymous sources not corroborated, and totally compromised FBI “investigations” is very serious corruption endangering our nation’s future!
Giving Honor Where Due
Regardless of opinionated and uncharitable attacks by the media, Scripture instructs us to give “honor to whom honor is due” (Rom.13:7). Let me do just that by reminding us of five gifts Donald Trump gave us this year. I ask that you read and post this in fairness to the Trump Administration working tirelessly on our behalf.
1. Confronting Corruption
Corrupt officials had Jesus over for dinner and a lawyer was jolted when He told them they were “fools,” “full of extortion and wickedness.” “You insult us!” declared the attorney. (Lk. 11:37-46). Likewise with our president, we often wince at some of those late-night tweets, but isn’t it refreshing to have someone tell it like it is?
Whether it’s calling for the Washington Post to fire a reporter using a deceptive event photo, calling out officials as “lawless” in disobeying federal law, challenging recalcitrant athletes who dishonor our flag or simply standing up to deceptive commentators and threatening world leaders, our commander-in-chief is unwavering in his commitment to “drain the swamp.”
2. Reviving the Economy
Trump, won 84.3 percent of the counties in America. Masses were tired of escalating debt, reckless entitlement spending and a stagnant economy for eight years under Obama’s smoke-and-mirrors subterfuge where especially minorities suffered.
The American economy is now roaring: businesses have created almost 1.5 million new jobs; the stock market is setting records; deregulatory initiatives have given businesses renewed confidence; unemployment is at a 17-year-low; tax reform will help hard-working middle-class families; the wasteful debacle of Obamacare will end; billions in American wealth parked overseas is returning; the jobless rate for workers over 25 without a high school diploma is “lower than any time since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began tracking the figure in 1992” (WSJ Editorial 12/10/17); Hispanic unemployment dropped to 4.7 percent, the lowest in U.S. history; lopsided international deals were jettisoned and American energy unleashed by ending the war on coal and approving significant pipeline projects; therefore, we’re experiencing the fastest job growth in decades!
As an accomplished businessman, Donald Trump knows how to improve economic conditions. We can all celebrate that his tax reforms double the standard deduction for married couples to $24,000 plus doubles the tax credit for children to $2,000. That’s something to celebrate!
3. Putting Conservatives on Courts
President Trump has appointed originalists (not revisionists) to the courts who uphold the Constitution and our God-given liberties. He put Justice Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court (to the dismay of socialists and secularists) and 13 judicial nominees have already been confirmed.
Because of praying patriotic Americans and counsel from The Heritage Foundation, we are witnessing the reshaping of the entire federal court system which will impact our nation for decades. Federal judicial appointments are for life and he selected relatively young ones who aren’t “activists” intending to “fundamentally transform America.”
- Restoring our Military, Law Enforcement and Global Respect
Our President has taken decisive action to ensure our safety and security as American citizens. Instead of capitulating to the demands of rogue nations and engendering suspicion towards public defenders, he has prioritized readiness with Iranian and North Korean threats, addressed Islamic terrorists exploiting lax immigration policies (remember New York attack last week?) and stood up to despotic dictators. He has also stood unapologetically with those enforcing our laws, securing our borders and serving heroically in the Armed Forces.
This Administration is on record putting our veterans first and rebuilding our military after inexcusable cuts during Barack Obama’s term. President Trump has signed the largest increase in defense spending in ten years and significantly reduced illegal immigration!
After years of inaction and embarrassing defeat from ISIS (which our former president was reluctant to even name), Secretary of Defense, Jim Mattis said Trump “delegated authority to the right level to aggressively and in a timely manner move against enemy vulnerabilities.” The result has been the clear-cut defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria and the collapse of its caliphate.
Mr. Trump told the FBI Academy on December 15, that this year the Department of Justice arrested and charged 4,000 MS-13 gang members and the Department of Homeland Security captured 800, an 83 percent increase from 2016!
Instead of succumbing to intimidation from North Korea and bribing Iran with hundreds of millions in a “nuclear deal,” President Trump has brought unprecedented economic and diplomatic pressure to bear on North Korea while putting Iran on notice that we would not certify the disastrous “deal.” “Peace through strength” has once again been communicated worldwide and many of our NATO allies are contributing again to our common defense.
President Trump‘s recent courageous declaration that America unites with Israel in recognizing Jerusalem as her capital and that we will finally move our embassy to this sacred spot is monumental and aligned with ancient biblical prophecy.
- Rebuilding a Culture of Life
While Obama, Hillary and Planned Parenthood have unequivocally supported the reprehensible policy of taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand untill the moment of birth (contributing to an unbelievable 59 million unborn babies being dismembered in the womb!), Mr. Trump and his Administration have opposed this barbaric policy.
Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council said, “Donald Trump has done more to restore a pro-family, pro-faith culture in eight months then George W. Bush did in eight years!”
Our President’s leadership team consists of nine Christians with conviction who are committed to the sanctity of human life. He appointed a conservative Supreme Justice and originalist judges; one of His first executive orders blocked foreign aid being given to nations supporting abortion; he supports defunding Planned Parenthood; and, most importantly, he’s on record as a defender of the unborn.
In Bullseye, I stated the following: “We don’t vote for candidates simply because they uphold the sanctity of life; they must be called and competent. Yet this does reveal a person’s moral character and ethics in a very clear way. I personally have a conviction to never support a candidate who endorses abortion. [See for the video and chapter on this issue along with the 29 other hot button issues.]
Here’s the Deal: President Donald Trump was elected because of the “God Factor” as Billy Graham’s son Franklin Graham explained. While the “Never Trumpers” are relentless in opposing him, let’s continue interceding for him as Scripture directs and celebrating his gifts to us in this beautiful holiday season.
“Merry Christmas!” as THIS President encourages us regularly and unapologetically to say! (By Larry Tomczak, IFA Board Member.)
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God, I am so thankful for President Trump! We learned early on that he was going to need our prayers! He has proven to be a “gem” or maybe a “diamond in the rough” as we all are! I know our nation is going to continue to be blessed because of our President’s position on Israel. Oh, the excitement in my heart over the promised move of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem! God, you measure things in modules of 50 years. How beautiful that in 1967 Jerusalem was reconnected to Israel and now 50 years later the embassy will be moved there. All things are in your hands. God, please use this move for your glory! In Yeshua’s priceless, matchless name, Amen.
In Daniel (2:21) we are told that “He sets up kings and deposes them”. God in His sovereignty, has installed some who are, and some who are not, Christians to his places and has removed some who did not honor Him in their lives. He is able to protect Donald Trump, Mike Pence and all of those He has ordained to lead America at this time in history. God is the lifter of our heads (Ps 3:3). He alone can protect and fulfill His plan for individuals and for our nation (Jer 29:11). We continue to pray for revival and another Great Christian Awakening. Revival starts in the house of the Lord. Awakening is the result of revival in the land as we return to God and pray and He heals our land.
May our God and Father have mercy on us and pour out His grace upon our land. May He restore a culture of life, may He lift up traditional families; may He draw us all to himself. He WILL accomplish all He intends through Donald Trump and nothing can stop Go’s sovereign hand!
We love our president more and more each day…..what a noble, courageous, righteous commander in chief!!! We lift him and his family in our prayers and we pray the cloud of deception that is prevalent will dissipate. Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous.
Politics are under the rule of the Prince and Power of the Air, as long as Christians do not take that ground. There is no safety in The Republican or Democratic party, for they are mere men against Principalities. Lord give your children your discernment that goes beyond personal feelings. Help us to totally back this President realizing it was you who instated him. Thank you for this extra season of grace for America, help us to rise up to continue to plow the ground so that the seeds of righteous change that the President throws out, weather haphazardly or diligently done, will bear much fruit to God’s eternal kingdom. Help us to keep his back, for he is making the Enemy of our souls very unhappy. Bless him for blessing us your children and Israel your chosen. In Jesus name, Amen.
Yes. Amen!Huge shout out to Nikki Haley who really was a WARRIOR these past weeks (all year really). Praying for God’s continued Hand on her & praising God for her courage & willingness to step up and out. This is an example of what we need in the high places. Praying for ALL.