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Thank you God! Praise you for choosing a President that sees the importance of faith and the role of churches in our nation for such a time as this.
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President Donald Trump says he wants churches to reopen as quickly as possible as they are so important to the “psyche” he believes if they remained closed in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic “you’ll break the country.”

“We want them (churches) to reopen. I mean literally, I just got off the phone with CDC and I talked about churches. I said, ‘I want the churches to open.’ And the people want the churches to open, and I think you’ll have something come down very soon from CDC. We want to get our churches back and our country is coming back,” Trump told reporters during a round table meeting of African American leaders in Michigan Thursday.

He said while statewide shutdowns which began in March helped prevent up to 2.5 million people from dying, “it’s time for our country to open again.”

“I think you’ll start with churches, I think you’ll start with some other states that have been very resistant. You have a lot of, unfortunately in this case Democrat governors, I think they think it’s good politics to keep it closed. But what are they doing? They are hurting themselves. I don’t think it is good politics. They are hurting themselves. They are hurting their state and it’s not good,” Trump said.

“I think they are being forced to open, frankly. The people want to get out. You’ll break the country if you don’t. And I think they look at it as a possible November question. It’s not a November question, it happens to be very bad for them,” he added, alluding to the upcoming general election.

When asked if he was prioritizing the reopening of churches over other establishments, Trump explained that he believes the work of the church is “essential.”

“Churches, to me, they are so important in terms of the psyche of our country. Beyond to me, I think they use the word essential. Churches are essential. People want to be in their churches. It’s wonderful to sit home and watch something on a laptop but it can never be the same as being in a church and being with your friends,” he said. “They want to have it opened and I think that’s going to be happening very shortly, very, very shortly. So that (CDC guidelines) will be put out maybe tomorrow. Maybe today.”

A senior White House Official told NBC News that guidelines for the reopening of places of worship have been cleared by the White House Counsel’s Office and they include recommendations such as wearing gloves while distributing Holy Communion, social distancing and holding virtual services as a last resort.

While the majority of churches nationwide followed orders to suspend in-person worship services as the coronavirus pandemic has killed more than 90,000 people and infected more than 1.6 million in the U.S., a vocal minority of churches have challenged the orders as First Amendment violations.

Some churches, even though they complied with state orders and reopened when they were told it was safe to do so, have been forced to shut down again as they registered cases of coronavirus infections in their congregations.

(Used with permission from The Christian Post. Article by Leonardo Blair.)

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May 29, 2020

I’m so disheartened to see the church close after opening. Do we close Walmart or Costco if someone becomes infected with the virus that has been there? Isn’t that basically what an essential service Is supposed to be? A service that stays open, regardless? I can’t find a church that is open even though they are now “allowed” to open. Come on people of God! Where’s your faith, where’s your strength? It appears as if very few churches have the Faith in God that they preach about. There are “churches” in other countries where the government comes in to arrest or kill them for worshipping, yet they STILL worship TOGETHER! The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. My fear is the Lord, not the virus! I pray for the leaders of churches to have the bravery and strength Daniel had when he was told he couldn’t worship God anymore but yet continued to do so. He didn’t hide, or change his location. He did it the same way he had his whole life, by the window knowing others might see and what the end result would be. Father God, I pray for YOUR Devine wisdom on your church body and especially the leaders. I pray for your protection on the people ministering and attending these churches as they open up. Mostly, I pray for strength and determination for the church leaders to continue to lead people to you despite attacks from the enemy, to hold steady in their fight even though they feel they are faced with the lions den of fears. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    Jacque Prentiss
    May 30, 2020

    Amen Britta. I agree. Where is their faith? I have seen
    Christian’s who are afraid to go back to church because of fear. But they don’t have a problem going to walmart etc. They were upset when they closed churches & now they have become complacent. “Forsake not the assembly of yourselves”.

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