I Prayed have prayed
Dear Father, I lift President Joe Biden to You. We ask that You guide him the way You would want him to go. Give him and his closest counsel; discernment, understanding and knowledge. No matter who is in office you will always be sovereign overall because you love America and the world. In the Name of Jesus we pray.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Leadership matters and never is leadership more tested than in crisis.  The news of our brave Marines and service members losing their lives in Afghanistan while protecting the vulnerable breaks our hearts and devastates their families.  These tragic circumstances remind us why we pray for those in government leadership.  Their actions and judgment have life and death consequences and we need to pray for those in authority.

It is in times of crisis that leaders can reach their breaking point.  They are called to do much. In times of crisis, with little sleep, they are more likely to realize that they are limited and need God’s help.  We pray because it is the one thing we can do when we feel helpless and feel our ability to act in natural ways is limited.  God’s Word reminds us of the supernatural outcome we accomplish on our knees: “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16).

That promise and those words alone should keep us on our knees! Our prayers avail much! Crisis is also the time when people who rarely turn to God ask for prayer and seek Him!  A common phrase we hear is, “There are no atheists in foxholes.”

People in this country and around the world are depending on us to pray. Tragic incidents like this remind us why we pray! Bad things happen when the church loses its focus on prayer. So many wonder, “What can I do to make a difference?” Prayer makes the difference!

We have much to pray about; right now our brave soldiers and their families are depending on us to pray.  Government leaders and their staff are working around the clock to respond to countless phone calls, texts, and emails from the friends and family of those trapped in Afghanistan, begging for safe exit for their loved ones.  At the same time, leaders are responding to a pandemic and senseless mandates which are creating crisis right here at home.

As we pray for our President, Senators, Representatives, military leaders and their staff, and service members, please pray for strength, wisdom and for God to make Himself real in their lives. As they humble themselves and acknowledge the Author of wisdom and help in their time of need, we can witness hearts change and God help them experience His power in their decisions.

Crisis can bring spiritual awakening to many in government and save lives.  They need prayer at this time more than we realize.  Psalms 2:10-11 says ,”Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth.  Serve the LORD with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.”

You can go to ifapray.org where we have numerous free prayer guides you can download today to assist you in praying for Government Leaders including Top U.S. Officials, Praying for Government and Pray for the Military and for Afghanistan.

Be sure to visit the new Pray for America’s Leaders website to pray for your state leaders and those from all over the Nation!

And join us live on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:15 pm ET —IFApray.org/LIVE or (713) 775-7430.

How are you praying for President Joe Biden? Please share in the comments section.


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August 30, 2021

Dear Lord, I pray for Joe Biden and that You would convict his heart of sinfulness. Guide him the way You want him to go and I lift him up to You. Please change his heart, along with Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shumer, and others, please I Fervently pray that You would convict and change these people’s hearts to Your truth and righteousness. The choices that are made havelife and death consequences and prayers are needed for those in authority. No matter who is in office, You will always be soverign overall. Let us pray without ceasing! In Jesus Holy Name I pray, amen.

August 29, 2021

This man, Biden, has wanted to be President for as many years as I can remember! He has always been arrogant and “full of himself.” Biden has always believed he is the smartest man in the room, even though, he is not! God clearly says, “pride goes before a fall!” Biden has spent a lifetime blaming everyone but himself for anything and everything! He has also, spent a lifetime, being one of the most corrupt politicians there is! For those of us who have watched him over the years, and I have, we know that America is in deep, deep trouble because of him and his “crew.” He is a “puppet,” who would have done anything to be President, and he has! Even after the horrendous misery he has unleashed on Afghanistan and the United States, and the world, he is still incapable of taking responsibility! He and his administration have put us in an unbelievable situation, and I believe, that is their goal. There has never been anything like this in our history!
Having said all that, I CAN pray that God will make Himself real to Joe Biden, because God Almighty is his only hope and our only hope!

Jo Martin
August 29, 2021

Heavenly Father… I pray for hearts of repentance from all of those that have committed treason against our nation . I know only you can change their hearts . I pray for righteous leaders to rule our land Lord . I pray that you will remove this evil administration that is trying to destroy this nation. I thank you for the exposing of evil, for the removal of evil leaders and for the healing and restoration of this nation . I decree America is a Christian nation founded on Christian principals . I declare in the name of Jesus America is the land of the free and the home of the brave in Jesus mighty name Amen !!!

Victoria Z
August 28, 2021

Father, in the name of Jesus i lift Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their entire cabinet and the USA military leaders and soldiers, i pray you visit each one with deep and inescapable conviction of their need for you and wisdom and discernment from you. Father even the harshest most sinful kings of Israel had moments when you were able to break through to them, you alone know each heart and what each one needs to convince them of their need for salvation and forgiveness, and desperation for the help to make decisions that will be the best for America and Afghanistan with little or no loss of life, Father if there are sanctions or other shrewd ways to war give our leaders those ideas. I pray for the terrorists that you would reach them and touch them with deepest conviction as well.Father you word says there is a time to kill, war can harden people regarding loss of life but I pray your holy spirit would lead all involved (USA leadership, soldiers, terrorists) the place of such grief for the loss of life that they cry out to you in deepest desperation to intervene. Father in Jesus name.

Santos Garcia, Jr.
August 28, 2021

I beg to differ with the hopeful premise of this article. The Biden administration is corrupt to the core! The sock puppet in the White House IS illegitimate and knows full well that the 2020 election was stolen with massive Voter Fraud throughout the entire nation… ALL 50 states! Our true President Donald Trump left the Presidency [temporarily] with a clear Plan for Afghanistan Withdrawal: Remove ALL Americans FIRST, followed by ALL legitimate Afghani partners, then remove or destroy military equipment, and last of all remove the military. This botched operation IS by design… This may be hard to swallow because it is such a nefarious and evil betrayal, but I believe that it is the startling truth!

The Left worship Lucifer… and those that don’t in reality are all heartless robots who do what they are told, since they don’t believe in YHVH GOD and therefore continue to promote full term abortion including partial-birth abortion. The entire COVID manipulated effort does not sanction the true remedies of Ivermectin & HCQ with Zinc & Vitamin D. The open southern border is allowing massive Drug trafficking, human trafficking, and foreign terrorists infiltration throughout our nation! WAKE UP AMERICA! Can WE not see that this is an orchestrated NWO Globalist [Global Reset- see weforum.org] plot to destroy America? Therefore MY Prayer is:

Holy Father, expose the corruption in this renegade administration and ALL the bad actors that MUST be prosecuted for Treason against our Constitutional Republic. Reveal the truth in all areas of our American society that is falling apart at the seams… and all in less that 8 months! Awaken ALL of our American citizens to the truth in each area of compromise. I ask for Your Mercy and Grace for our wayward nation, the last beacon of hope in a corrupt world system. In all humility with tears of grief and great sorrow I plead the Blood of Jesus over our entire United States of America, and know that You are not done with our Covenant nation… In Jesus’ Name and for Your Glory ALONE… AMEN!


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Toni Kushner
August 28, 2021

Even though I did not vote for President Biden, and I believe others are directing his moves, I pray for his clarity of mind, courage, boldness, wisdom and mostly for his salvation and deliverance from those who may be using and manipulating him. Th Lord reminded me of King Nebuchadnezzar, who after being driven away from people and ate the grass like cattle in a dessert. When this time was over, raised his eyes toward heaven and praised the most high God. All things are possible and I pray for his salvation for this is the heart of God, “that non should perish.”

August 28, 2021

Dear God, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Linda Rice
August 28, 2021

Bind all evildoers and those in authority under the control of antichrist.

August 28, 2021

God is at work in the affairs of men and nations.


Lisa Highberger
August 28, 2021

Lord you gave us power and authority over the earth through the atonement. I declare in the name of Jesus that all the governmental leaders will act with kingdom values. Bless them with divine appointments so they will see the truth and turn from the ways of the world. Amen

August 28, 2021

Readers, I have posted my comment twice and twice it has been removed. It was neither offensive, unChristian or in violation of this platform’s policies. It DID disagree with the premise of the article. The moderator is acting just like Facebook or Twitter: censoring opinions they do not agree with.

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Diane G.
August 28, 2021

Here is one of my prayers for our leaders.
Father, thank You that You are always in control. You know the end from the beginning and all we have to do is keep on trusting You and obeying You. We must abide in You and keep faith and Your teaching. Help us to know You better ànd please guide our prayers always. We want to be effective for Your kingdom in everything we do.
Father God, Lord, thank You that You have opened my eyes to what I had unconsciously been relying on in our country – its leaders, the rule of law, the constitution, etc. But You are the only One to be relied upon. Father God, please grant the gift of repentance to the wicked in our government. Grant them godly sorrow that leads to repentance unto salvation. Lord, open their eyes to see what’s at stake for their own souls. And Father, once they have turned to You, protect them with your mighty army so they can show the fruit of repentance. And surround them with godly men and women who can influence them for good.
And for the righteous in the government, please grant them joy, strength, influence, protection, and perseverance to continue.
Thank You, my Lord and I ask this in Jesus’ name, amen and amen

Carol Wright
August 28, 2021

I am convicted by reading this article to pray more regularly and with more conviction and intensity for Biden and his advisers and administration. I do believe that God is able and mighty to pull down every stronghold. I thank God for this reminder through reading this just now. Believing for God’s protection for our nation and the world. Amen

August 28, 2021

Yes, of course, I am praying for President Biden, and all the other mislead people in our government. We are dealing with the pure evil of the satanic spirits that have been infiltrating D.C. for some time now. Please, give cause to President Biden to allow Holy Spirit to convict him of his sinfulness. Open his eyes to the damage that he has created in this nation. Give him cause to repent of the evil that is being perpetrated by his actions and decisions. Set him free, Lord. In Jesus’ name.

Lydia B. Miller
August 28, 2021

Joe Biden is suffering from dementia!
His cognitive skills are not healthy, he certainly should not have been put in this position.
In the past he was always corrupt but I would think he is shaken emotionally, because he feels the responsibility to a certain degree. I see him in this whirl wind,spinning in circles trying to figure out what is happening but not really grasping what is taking place.He is a puppet!! He seems so frail.
Everything that is going on needs so much divine intervention, we can’t even comprehend what needs to take place. We need a new president and I believe some people had a real eye opener to his incapability of leading, aside from his health, he seldom used wisdom in the past. Many are seeing that he does not have skill with foreign relation, but his health is rapidly declining!
I am praying that God would use this to birth humility in his heart.
God can touch his heart in ways that we can’t imagine. I think with the millions of Americans praying he would be convicted.
It is time though for him to leave office and I pray for divine interception with the previous election being stolen, that God would move soverneily to replace Trump. The Supreme Court carries a huge responsibility, so we should pray God would convict people on the Supreme court, that He would breathe a healthy, Holy Fire over them until they awaken and are convicted!! While God can certain move in many creative ways, I see the importance of praying for the Supreme Court.
We can pray that as long as he is there, God would give divine protection for his mind, restore his physical health and call him to repentance, Lord break his heart for what breaks yours!! That God would reveal Himself in special ways so his eyes can be opened and his ears can hear! God knows better how to reach him than we do. There is much that enters into all this, may God be God in Joe Biden’s life!

    August 28, 2021

    I agree. But also please bear in mind if Mr. Biden is removed, Kamala Harris would take his place. Some believe the laughter she exhibited this week, when asked about Afghanistan, was a nervous laugh. I would argue just the opposite. It felt, in my soul, like glee. I think, God in His mercy, has kept her from being in such a position of authority. I say all of this to emphasize your portion of the prayer that asks the Lord to reinstate that which was stolen from ‘We the People’.
    Good prayer!

August 28, 2021

Brothers and sisters in Christ, there is a false assumption in this article and that is that Joe Biden is cognitively capable of understanding and consequential reasoning. He is not. So pray for those using him like a ventriloquist uses a dummy… and read Rod Dreher’s book Live Not by Lies. Any one who has watched Biden’s press conferences can tell that something is terribly amiss. I will pray that God exposes deceit and emboldens those in government seeking to do His will.

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August 28, 2021

Thank you Jesus! I heartily agree with this Lord! I am still hoping President Biden was bowing to you in this moment, seeking Your forgiveness for listening to poor advice and seeking Your will, Your way thru this very dangerous, challenging time for both the U.S. and Afghanistan. You work all things together for the good of those called according to Your purpose and know You care for us. Bind those spirits holding so many captive, lawlessness and lies and jezebel, and loose Your Spirit we pray Your LOVE, HUMILITY, and SOUND MIND be added to all, to comfort those people who have suffered such great pain in recent days and bring to Your justice swiftly those who have done evil in Your sight so a spirit of repentance would harvest a worldwide revival for eternity…in Jesus name….Your glory Lord.

    August 28, 2021

    Amen!! Love this prayer!! It tracks with Psalm 125:4-5. Great job!

Maynard Beck Sr.
August 28, 2021

Please take a look at the message I received from a dear friend of mine last night – Pastor Les Lawrence:
His reference to Proverbs 18:10 took me back 30 years to a song we used to sing at the Church I attended back in Texas
Have a blessed

Arlen Williams
August 28, 2021

Thank you. Joe Biden needs to come clean, we can pray for that. There is no President Biden.

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