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I Prayed have prayed
Our God, You go before us and make the crooked places straight. Give us wisdom to prepare for whatever may come our way.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Last week, I awoke to find I was one of the tens of thousands affected by the AT&T power outage. My cell phone could not make or receive calls. After a couple hours, it could no longer send or receive texts. I had meetings to attend and people I needed to call along the way — and this outage greatly affected my day, so much that it caused me to begin pondering steps I might need to take to prepare for a communications breakdown.

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For years, I have heard prophecies about an interruption in our communications systems, our phones, and the internet. While I used to think this highly unlikely, I now think it most certainly a possibility. Last week felt much like a warning to me.

Many of us take for granted how much we use our phones and what a necessity they have become. For some, they are our lifeline to the outside world. If we are lost, Google will help us find our way. If we need emergency help, we call 911. If we need to check up on a loved one, we send a text. Communication is easily accessible even in some of the most remote parts of the world. However, when a disaster occurs, there is no guarantee that our typical forms of communication will be available.

Most people have no means of communication apart from their cell phones or the internet. In 2019, 31% of Americans still had landlines. However, a recent study showed that only 2% of Americans now have landlines. That means that if cell phones go down, they have no way to communicate. This can be a problem. But if cell phones and the internet go down, a landline would be ineffective as well.

While cell phone service is mostly reliable, things can and do happen, as happened this past week with AT&T. It seems that no one really knows exactly what caused the outage. Some said it was a solar flare, others said it was a technical error, and still others say they are still investigating the possibly of a cyberattack. What the outage did reveal is that losing cell phone service for a day or longer is a very real possibility.

There can be many reasons for the loss of cell phone and internet service: storms, high winds, natural disasters, fires, and yes, cyberattacks. When these things happen, it affects a plethora of areas. People depend on the internet for information as well as communication. Should the internet be attacked or go down for any reason, it would most definitely have a widespread effect. Think about all the places that depend entirely on the internet working properly. Those places would be crippled in such an event. Banks and grocery stores could not operate. Most business would be impacted. Communication would come to a halt. Phones would not work. Medical facilities would be impaired. It could be devastating. The long-term effects would be far-reaching.

2020 taught me a few lessons about being prepared. This recent outage taught me a few more lessons. Yes, these things can happen. They can last hours, days, or even weeks. The question is, how can we prepare for the possibility of losing the ability to communicate?

Last week, as I went to my appointments without any way to make calls or communicate, I couldn’t help but think back to simpler times in my life. When I was in my 20s, I didn’t have a cell phone — I know, that sounds crazy. But I remember going on trips without a phone or any way to make a call should I need to. Not having access to a phone never entered my mind. We have become so dependent on cell phones and the internet, however, that we can’t function without them. Although I was able to keep moving forward that day, it wasn’t comfortable or convenient.

Though we cannot control outages or disasters, we can control our responses to them. We can prepare. Natural disasters, outages, and even terrorist attacks are unpredictable. So, it must be our priority to learn to navigate through such happenings.  The very best way to go forth peacefully through an emergency or outage is to first have a good plan in place. Sit down and discuss this with your family and decide what you would each do in such an event. Create a family emergency-communication plan. Good preparation can take the stress out of an untimely situation such as this. Remember, mobile communications may not be reliable during mass catastrophes. To help our families stay in touch and reunite quickly, we should develop and practice a family plan. Here are some suggestions.

  • If you do not currently have a landline, you might consider getting one. Of course, this will only help if the internet continues to work. During the AT&T outage, I was able to communicate using my landline.
  • It is always a good idea to have cash on hand in case the banks are closed or you are unable to access your ATM or other mobile payment options.
  • Keep paper copies of important documents on hand. This includes a printed-out bank statement with your account numbers, printed insurance papers, a phone bill, a mortgage document, and similar necessary documents. Also, print out the phone numbers you would need if you were unable to access them via your cell phone.
  • It’s a good idea to have an emergency radio available.
  • If you take medications, it is always a good idea to have some extra on hand.
  • Of course, it’s always best to have at least two weeks’ groceries and water in your pantry, if possible.

If we learned anything from 2020, it is that unexpected things do happen. The world can change in the blink of an eye. However, this does not have to rattle us. We must remember that God has gone before us, and that He is with us. His peace is always available, and He will lead us and guide us in the way we should go. There is nothing to fear, regardless of what is happening around us. Still, we can exercise wisdom and prepare ourselves and our family. In doing so, we will walk through any disruptions with peace — being unshaken and undisturbed.

Are you prepared for a communications breakdown? Share your own tips, prayers, and strategies below.

Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, in Charisma Magazine, and on Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the hearts of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, to impart hope. Her daily inspirational writings are available at ANewThingMinistries.com. Photo Credit: dimaberlinphotos via Canva Pro.

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John C Quigley II
March 12, 2024

I awoke this morning with a need to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ, especially in lands where they were facing difficulties. So prayed for those brethren, especially those where many died every day at the hands of those who hate Jesus. I asked our Lord to hold each of my brethren in His grace and mercy, and especially those in Israel. I pray daily for Israel, and for the brethren there. O Lord, keep them in your safety, may they each don the armor of your word. In Jesus precious and holy name. Amen

Zoe Ella
March 4, 2024

We need to rid ourselves of the assumption (and consequent trust in) that man creates better than God and that because of our technology we can rely on those conveniences and also pretty much trust technology to help us do whatever we want. We need to rid ourselves of the addiction of living in Cyberspace, and to return to Nature God created and to the communities of people that gather when one lives in Nature and God’s creation. Technology and Cyberspace cannot replace God as the default trust and means of existence.

jacqueline o
February 28, 2024

Thankfully at every turn in our lives our Father God is El Roi, the God who sees. May we awaken to hear His mighty voice of love and clear direction from the Holy Spirit. Praise Him no matter the circumstances as Paul did in prison. God will provide all our needs according to His riches. Even what to say or not to say when persecution comes. God is faithful He never leaves us as a orphan, we are His children. Pray for the eyes of others to be opened to His great plan for their lives as well.

February 28, 2024

Keep your car filled with gas; pumps at the stations will not work if the system goes down.

February 28, 2024

There has never been a more affordable or easier time to get into amateur radio (ham radio). Find a local club and get licensed.
I am aware of a Mon-Sat net on 3.860 MHz, lower side band running Mon-Sat at 8:30p Eastern that opens with prayer. There must be more.

    R M
    March 5, 2024

    Tim, you are correct about amateur radio but nothing has been mentioned about using the older vacuum tube equipment…it would withstand a EMP disturbance better than a lot of solid state stuff since it’s harder to burn up the metal grid inside a vacuum tube from an EMP pulse compared to the P/N junction of a transistor, FET, or chip device. Especially military surplus gear designed for field use. We all know that hostile countries have EMP in their “bag of tricks” to knock down communication equipment. And the FCC refuses to regulate equipment quality other than the Part 15 spurious emission standards so go figure. TV sets these days are chinese throwaway items when they stop working…

Nancy Sullivan
February 27, 2024

Satellite phones can be useful in emergencies… (remember Maui?)

February 27, 2024


Scott Allen
February 27, 2024

Great words of wisdom Kim!
You might consider getting a GMRS hand held radio. They are more powerful than walkie talkies and CB radios we are familiar with. Cost is affordable. And through a repeater station in your area you can talk up to 30 miles. A great substitute for local cell phone calls. You can get a family license for 10 years online for only $35. Just go on YouTube or Google “GMRS radio.”

karen secrest
February 27, 2024

This reminds me of 1999/2000
when there was fear about the entire computer system going down. Even Pat Robertson on 700 Club
was fearful I l

The computer system did suffer but not th r way m r n expected. It left a hole big enough for hackers to have fun
That’s not been to t ally corrected but makes us aware.
I feel the Father saying. “Fear Not” Be it known the Enemy uses Fear as his greatest weapon.
Buy a throw away phone. And Rejoic r..

Gisela Mari Grant-Fuller
February 27, 2024

I also was affected by the AT&T phone shut down, this was a world wide shut down. It was the day for AI to be upload, that how much power she going to have and much more now that’s she Officially here and upgraded. This is why G6 was push so fast when G5 came out. You can not run a humanoid on a G5. Robots that can be controlled by using phones need a G6 networking.

How AI and IoT Power Preventative Maintenance

Soracom Welcome to Preventative Maintenance

AI, Remote Maintenance
As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, its ability to process data faster than a human operator made it an essential part of modern industry faster than anyone predicted. When combined with IoT sensors and the right connectivity technologies, industrial facilities, factories, and myriad other use cases utilize AI to help perform preventive maintenance on essential equipment.

Running equipment until it breaks down is 3-10 times more expensive than regular maintenance, and with the average cost of unplanned downtime hovering around $260K per hour (and the average equipment outage lasting 4 hours or $1.04 million), keeping your deployment serviced before an outage is more important than ever. And as early adopters have shown, the most effective maintenance programs involve smart devices, smart connectivity, and AI.

The Federal Communications Commission confirmed Thursday afternoon that it is investigating the outage. The White House says federal agencies are in touch with AT&T about network outages but that it doesn’t have all the answers yet on what exactly led to the interruptions.

AI was upgraded!!!

Concerns about AI tools fueled strikes by Hollywood writers and actors and legal disputes from artists to writers. Some of the most respected AI scientists warned that the technology’s progress was marching toward outsmarting humans and possibly threatening their existence.Dec 20, 2023
In 1993, Vinge predicted greater-than-human intelligence between 2005 and 2030. In 1996, Yudkowsky predicted a singularity in 2021. In 2005, Kurzweil predicted human-level AI around 2029, and the singularity in 2045. In a 2017 interview, Kurzweil reaffirmed his estimates.

According to the World Economic Forum’s “The Future of Jobs Report 2020,” AI is expected to replace 85 million jobs worldwide by 2025. Though that sounds scary, the report goes on to say that it will also create 97 million new jobs in that same timeframe.Feb 20, 2023
Know the truth and don’t believe a cover up lie that keeps you from knowing what’s really going on.

No Jesus, is not knowing Jesus. Know Jesus make Him the lord over your life, He coming soon. AI will soon be incontrol of everything you call your.

Pray for truth to our your younger generation in these end times days ahead of us.

Barbara Janicki
February 27, 2024

just curious – but we had land lines long before the internet existed. so why would land lines be affected if the internet was not working? It is hard to imagine not being instantly connected to those far away from us – but it wasn’t that long ago that we didn’t have instant access to anyone we wished. Remember writing letters? snail mail and phone booths are things of the past now. Somehow a whole country came into being without phones or internet – with hard work, sacrifice and the courage of exploration and standing up to tyranny from overseas – with hand written documents (Declaration of Independence, the Constitution) and in person meetings, a country emerged without the aide of phones or internet, which of course, didn’t exist at the time. Stores operated, goods were transported, crops were grown, things got done – so life was possible without the convenience of phones. It is hard now to imagine life without phones, only being able to communicate with people in person and therefore only with those physically near to you. But somehow the human race survived. I’m thinking now, the only one I can be assured I will never lose communication with is my Creator, my Heavenly Father – He will never leave me nor forsake me and He always hears me when I call to Him. In fact – “Before a word is on my tongue, He knows it already.” Like Job, He knows the way that I take. He will not lose track of me. I can always talk to my Heavenly Father and He is always speaking to me – (I just need to listen) The earthly powers that be, may be able to shut off human communication systems BUT they can do nothing to shut off or to prevent communication between myself and God or communication between God and His people. (and “we are His people, the sheep of His pasture”) this is the hope that sustains and drives out all fear. Thank You, Lord, that I don’t need a phone to know Your abiding Presence and spend time with You. You are always with me. You are omnipresent. (not just a phone call away – I can abide in You, the Vine!) Thank You for that very great privilege as Your child. http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com

    Gisela Mari Grant-Fuller
    February 27, 2024

    In Michigan my mom had to make her landline wifi. We had a landline but wifi only in mississippi, but I’m going find out if they still have landline.

      R M
      March 5, 2024

      The old copper land lines were very reliable but expensive to maintain, most of the phone company techs maintaining them have retired or passed on. The bean counters at the phone companies are removing copper and installing fiber to accommodate high speed internet and data services. I am rural and still on slow speed copper DSL because installing fiber in rural areas is not profitable to the phone companies.

Brian Lynch
February 27, 2024

Once again, Lord Jesus, we pray for Your will to prevail in this issue.

February 27, 2024

Erik Prince, the Founder of Blackwater is building a new cell phone coming out in May. Visit website at Unplugged.com. Because he’s a sharp military man who understands the importance of “coms” his new service may be more secure and certainly more private than our current cell phones. Hand held Ham radios are potentially another good option to link up with your most vital relationships. Of course, none of this replaces having strong faith in God. Loving thoughts and prayers are transmitted supernaturally. Zechariah. 4.6. Help us prepare and fortify ourselves good Lord.

February 27, 2024

I am no expert in these situations however I have been preparing for several years for this… thanks to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Things I have been doing:
*I purchased a handheld radio that has multiple channels with some of those being HAM channels. DC an AC so a solar charger will keep it running in case of power outages. It’s been programmed with HAM repeaters so that I can get in touch with my circle of closest friends.
*I have packed a “bug out bag” with water purification items, needed meds, cordage, cutlery, cover, container and combustion material, and of course self-protection items, a map and compass and dehydrated proteins and a foraging guide. an address book with telephone numbers and physical address of my family and closest friends. My Bible!
*I’ve got food and water set back to last at least 6 months.
It’s not a matter of IF, but rather a matter of WHEN. Be prepared!

Paul Kent
February 27, 2024

I have been truly blessed! Our Father has given me some wisdom and skills to make emergency plans. Many years ago I purchased a portable generator. Hurricane preparedness in Houston. Fans are good. The winter power outage showed me one space heater is not enough, we wired the house so the central heater can be used and eliminate extension cords throughout the house. We even shared power with the neighbors on each side of thanks to His blessings. Of course we had communication issues then but text worked well enough. Likewise God has blessed me with some intelligent to become a HAM radio operator. Now I’m working with the kids to be prepared as well. To share the skills and knowledge God has blessed us with. If it be His will, we will continue to learn and share our skills with others. Thanks be to God.

Mary Plantier
February 27, 2024

One day as I was looking at my phone walking across my living room floor I clearly heard from the Holy Spirit “I can break that thing if I want to.” Yes He can. Yes. We have become too dependent on technology and less dependent on trusting the Holy Spirit will speak to us and lead us and guide us in all things.

Phyllis Darling
February 27, 2024

Apparently I was told that there is a way to use the mobile cell phones of an outage….and that is a network cal liked Signal and there could be just 000 for emergencies….not sure but I registered with Signal there’s an updated app

Ted Bjorem
February 27, 2024

Some things we have no defence

I have lost access to Web when trying to warn
I’ve had text changed – praising You Lord THEY asked

Witches in Sydney claimed they and typed

Praising You Lord for the medical “healing” You gave on my CAT scan changing it from 75% tip of liver to s benign side rare

Thanking You Lord for Your care


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