Preparation Time Is Now! — for Non-Dummies
Preparation Time Is Now! — for Non-Dummies
History records the invasions of countries whose citizens were caught unprepared, invasions that brought devastating consequences that lingered for lifetimes. My father came from Poland and saw his country become one such victim.
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On Sept. 1, 1939, at 4:45 a.m., Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ Party (the Nazis), launched its blitzkrieg (“lightning war”) on an unprepared Poland. Some 1.5 million troops stormed that nation by land, air, and sea.
The Polish people were overwhelmed. German tanks steamrolled into the country; the Luftwaffe bombarded homes and trains, and Poles were mowed down with vicious machine-gun fire. Cities were torched as women and children screamed hysterically. In a month, Poland fell as Hitler gleefully celebrated victory and World War II exploded with its death and destruction.
While ministering in Poland I stood near the shoreline and pondered what it must have been like when an unsuspecting people paid a terrible price for not being prepared.
The prudent man sees danger and hides himself, but the fool goes on and suffers for it (Proverbs 22:3).
Israel at War
Recently, my wife and I saw the film Golda, starring Helen Mirren in the role of the 70-year-old Golda Meir, Israel’s prime minister when Israel was caught unprepared for a vicious attack with the potential of her country being completely destroyed. Millions of lives hung in the balance during the 19 days of the Yom Kippur War of 1973. She once said: “Not being beautiful was my blessing — it forced me to develop my inner resources.” She employed those resources to miraculously lead Israel to victory as they pledged “Never Again.”
And yet, on the 50th anniversary of that war, Islamic terrorists, financed by Iran (which has sworn to “wipe Israel off the map”) launched its horrifying bombardment with over 6,000 missiles. The attackers came by land, sea, and air to kill over 1,100 Jewish men, women, and children and to wound thousands more in a barbaric, demonically inspired assault.
After Donald Trump neutralized ISIS and Taliban jihadists, Biden extended an olive branch to Iran, the gorilla in the room, pledging $6 billion to them for a flimsy agreement not to develop their nuclear capability. This comes after he avoided Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN, refused to host him at the White House, and when the surprise attack began, his State Department issued an initial “Israel should not retaliate” statement. (Sen. Ted Cruz denounced that statement, so the White House walked it back!)
Israel is now at war, having taken off the gloves knowing that it must bring about the total destruction of the military and leadership of Hamas, reduce their launching site of Gaza to rubble, retake the territory, go door to door attempting to rescue every hostage, capture every weapon and kill every jihadist who resists.
The morning after this event, called “Israel’s 9/11,” The Times of Israel and observers worldwide looked on questioning how the intelligence failure and colossal lack of preparedness caught Israel with its Iron Dome off guard once again.
Time of Preparation
The Biden administration’s open borders has brought 8 million unvetted illegals into America. Over 100 on our Terrorist Watchlist were caught, but hundreds more slipped in. These have formed sleeper cells that are readying for a future coordinated surprise attack. It’s not a matter of if, but when. Alert!
God is a God of preparation, especially regarding the end of times and the Second Coming of Jesus! He prepares us by telling us specific signs, many occurring today. In His personal example, Jesus said: “I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). He taught the parable of ten virgins (see Matthew 25:1–13) in which five were foolish but five were wise because they were prepared. God preserved in sacred Scripture how Egypt was saved amid a horrible famine because Joseph prepared the people (see Genesis 41:1–15).
Concerning the times and the seasons brothers, you have no need that I write to you. For you know perfectly, that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. When they say “peace and safety!” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape. But you, brothers, are not in darkness, so that this day should overtake you as a thief (1 Thessalonians 5:1–4).
Do we understand that God placed us in a new era where things are getting more serious and dangerous each day? It’s time to throw a grenade at ignorance, passivity and silence, learn lessons from history and hear “what the Spirit says to the churches” (Revelation 2:29). It’s time to awaken and prepare for some climactic end-times events! God is waking up His people to what’s unfolding on our watch and telling us to learn from the lessons of history.
Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them.
That’s why I’ve done a series of commentaries for those of us resolving to be “non-dummies” in this time of unprecedented shaking. We’ve tackled “The End Times;” “The Dangers of Deception;” and “Exposing Progressivism.” Ahead, we’ll examine “The Seduction of Socialism.”
3 Must-Reads
Readers are leaders, so, to those wanting to be informed influencers in this pivotal time of preparation, I highly recommend these three resources to keep you on the cutting edge.
- Letter to the American Church, by Eric Metaxas author of Bonhoffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, is, in my humble opinion, the book of the decade! “This book is like a bucket of cold water thrown into the face of a sleeping church,” states Erwin Lutzer on the cover. The parallels of the 1930s German church with the American Church is a chilling, prophetic warning we must heed.
- Live Not By Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents, by Rod Dreher, explains how totalitarianism today isn’t based on violent takeover but psychological manipulation. The author is called “a breathless messenger sounding an alarm” laying out how to discern and resist the progressive socialism steadily taking over our society.
- Killing the Witches: The Horror of Salem, Massachusetts, by journalist and historian Bill O’Reilly places us with the Pilgrims on the Mayflower in 1620. We’re catapulted into one of the most frightening episodes in our history where individuals who spoke contrary to cultural “authorities” were systematically removed without due process. The witch hunts we witness are being replicated today in shocking similarity through the “cancel culture.”
Here’s the deal: Non-dummies sense in their spirits that we’re living in perilous times but also in days of great opportunity to advance the gospel! Let’s be ready as events unfold and God reveals His strategies to those who are humble, praying, engaged, informed, and staying prepared. Let’s learn lessons as the Polish people did from what happened to them 75 years ago, and what Israel experienced 50 years ago and is now experiencing once again. For us in America with Pearl Harbor and 9/11 as wake-up calls, heaven forbid we push the snooze alarm and go back to sleep. We can’t, there’s too much at stake in what may be the closing days before Jesus returns.
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Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 years, an IFA board member, a bestselling author, and a public-policy adviser with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see Hear his weekly podcast here. Photo Credit: DNY59/Getty Images Signature.
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Amen and Amem
We realize there are authority figures governed by their pocketbook. We also need awareness of the saboteur in our government and the Kenesset.
We have not had war on our soil, but we will. No one is watching the northern border. The president wants free housing but we have a recruitment shortage. Instate the draft
.a job as ND housing and maybe a slowdown in the south.
The Lord reminded me HE is faithful.
Recall Achan and All his companions disappearing in a seismic instant. But also 4 million Naxi arm u lost their lives in the winter snows outside Mos c ow o r maybe Sisera, commander of cannanite forces being killed by Jarl, a woman with a tent peg.:
Our God is Faithful
We cry Mercy, Mercy, Mercy? Along with the Angel of the Lord. Plan a quiet? Cold, snowy Christmas and CELEBRATE THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD.
The Word of God says, “you have what you say” Our profession should be in Faith ISAIAH 54:17. Say what Gods Word says about the situation. That Word in Isaiah tells us we are the righteousness of God, NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US WILL PROSPER. Believe it, Receive it, say that . Use your Faith and Speak it until it manifests. Gods Word is truth let it do it’s work. Don’t cower to the world to ignite fear. Reach for the Bible to get free with Gods truth that has light for life. Eat there food to enlighten the spirit. God loves all His children. He wants all things good. Faith speaks His truths.
Proverbs 22:31
People are always saying GET READY. The thing is – and am I the only one who feels like the person who says it is either vague or never says a word about HOW to get ready. Or WHAT to do to get ready. It’s kind of bizarre to even think how would I be prepared to have my baby be beheaded? How do I GET READY to see Chinese soldiers marching up to my front door with guns drawn. How do I GET READY to watch people murdered in the streets with so many bullet holes, blood is making puddles. How would I GET READY TO watch girls raped by one soldier after another. Really?? Really?? C’mon already. Nobody ever says HOW to get ready. I read my Bible, I worship Jesus, I speak in tongues. BUT would I really be READY and not go into shock to watch my loved ones beheaded?
I feel the same. For me, I just pray that Jesus keeps me strong and to not be afraid. To wait patiently for Him to deliver us and to let me be a light. Also, to pray nonstop for those who don’t know Him yet and for Him to come soon. I also pray that He defeats His chosen people’s enemies and that His name is glorified.
Mary, I understand your feelings completely. Accounts on video in the ’80s before videos were popular, ,recorded on camcorders about preparing for end times were considered eccentric. When the internet came in in the 90s there were smatterings of that talk but it was still considered eccentric. My rededication date in the 90s-,1991 June 23rd.. whereupon I began to think of these things thereafter.. met with conversations about people not being sure whether or not Jesus would return in 50 to 100 years ..but there was never a preparedness mode or emergency mode.. it was always turning the conversation to “are we being obedient to Jesus and serving mankind” and the thought of anything political or being involved in the system with any christian influence was always thought of as being non-compliant or not being holy. Since after the year 2000-in 2006 specifically -,when you tube started-,there was a big increase in the curve of learning and being exposed to Preppers who had been way before us digging their heels in-, and had already had 10 to 15 years or more of all kinds of preparedness activities.. even then the first people that were gathering their resources together were considered extremists and alarmists.
I know that I wanted to do it in the worst way- but like many other things in our way of life- it takes real estate- places to store things- in storage facilities or a safe in your own home- even if you’re an Apartment renter you have a place to put something.. and it seemed to me what made the most sense was the pre-packed food that we hear about now- which really there are good quality ones like the company -4Patriots-..
In referring to your original sentiment about the danger that is upon us in protecting our families-, what goes along with prepping is moving to an area that is more isolated- but you will have to be ready to dig in and dig a basement ( bomb shelter)and that kind of thing ..and there were even YouTube channels about that-, in particular ..
…I can’t remember the name for it..but people even chided him and made fun of him- and called him an eccentric..but it turns out he was right.. now for those of you reading this they’re saying that I am discounting or not acknowledging my first loyalty to Christ -,well that’s not what I’m saying- of course Jesus is our Rock -,but that is in our spiritual life- that is in us presenting ourselves as good Christian workers-, willing to talk about Jesus and not being in fear about that-, doesn’t mean we’re not supposed to take action- it’s the same as people saying we’re not supposed to be involved in local government-, as though we were supposed to be separated from our duties in that area.. which has resulted in the mess we’re in but-, for our sister Mary and others-,I will say that even if we were all perfectly prepared with food water and shelter and moved to a safer area in the mountains-, or something, that does not exonerate us- or we do not have to abdicate our position in being workers of Salt and Light- and really what is indicated ,..actually, is that we do not do the above-, and that we really just walk out into the streets down to the cities and start preaching ..not afraid- or being involved in our local church groups or any type- of ministry that spreads the gospel -and” if we really trust Jesus we won’t be concerned about anything”- except our daily food and water and shelter and going out and doing the walk with Jesus, and whatever form is presented to us without being stressed out about it at all. And ideally if we can do both that is great.. and many people have. The whole point of military-age men from China and other countries deluging our borders( and being warehoused in Texas and other holding areas) is that they know that if there are swarms and hordes of Violent Men roaming our streets very few people be able to stand against them.. now I know that there are millions of armed people in America- mainly men and also women- though.. but I thank God for them- because if anyone can protect a citizen, it will be the armed and militia that are citizens- and that’s what it calls for- the armed and militia that are citizens.
So Mary if you don’t own a gun.. I would get one as soon as possible and learn to use it.. there is an organization that teaches safety and the legal use of the firearm and when I think of it later I will post here on IFA ..I’ll come back to this article and post it ..I think it’s uscca.. concealed carry training. Also remember Luke 19 where Jesus says to occupy till I return-,that means being involved in all areas.. not only our personal welfare and preparation- but still going out and being about Jesus business ,so it’s not an easy thing by any stretch of the imagination- but ultimately in the face of our calling and the reality of what we * facing- as our time draws near..the challenge is to walk through it- remembering, that the definition of courage-, is walking through whatever we’re walking through, in spite of being afraid, and still doing it-, that is courage.
I will confess I am very concerned about being slaughtered like the videos we’ve seen from Israel- and of course it is so much more heartbreaking,..worse for the families out there and people that have children -,for those people I would say it would be wise to seek shelter.
But ultimately it’s not about that. and.. I’m not saying I can do it.. but that’s what we’re called to ..facing the final challenge, trusting the Lord. I will also confess that it is sad to say the only actual example that I have seen in my memory is from 2021 when all those people were on the tarmac, at the Afghanistan airport .and they were singing worship songs, as they walked in theline to be martyred
Amen & Amen!