I Prayed have prayed
Lord, help us stand in the authority and power of the High Priest as we intercede. In Jesus’ Name.
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Intercessors stand between heaven and earth, even as the Great Intercessor Jesus Christ did — and does. And in that place of spiritual warfare, we don the spiritual armor of God that Paul describes in Ephesians 6:10–20.

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Perhaps fewer intercessors will be familiar with the garments of the high priest, as described in Exodus 28. The Lord led my faith family, Westchester Chapel Church of the Nazarene, to study these garments several years ago.

To dwell with His people, the Lord taught the Israelites how to worship Him. The priests — especially the high priest — mediated between the Lord and the Israelites. They were intercessors. Exodus 28 details the high priest’s garb, made by skilled craftsmen “for glory and beauty” (see Exodus 28:2, 40). The high priest needed to wear these garments to minister before the Lord in the tabernacle.

Since every Scripture verse is useful for teaching, we know that the Lord is teaching us something relevant for our lives through these verses. I learned that the priestly garments comprise a powerful prayer akin to that of the spiritual armor; I now pray those garments onto myself daily, same as the armor. In my mind’s eye, I pray them on in the order in which I would physically put them on.

The Breeches and Sash

All priests wore linen breeches — a sort of undergarment — when coming to the altar. The breeches fit closely, from waist to mid-thigh. A linen sash cinched the breeches at the waist.

The linen was cool so that the priest would not sweat, even in the hot desert. Sweating, Genesis 3:17–19 reminds us, is the mark of toil. The work of the priest was supposed to be pleasant and wondrous, as in the beginning — before sin marred the earth.

In biblical times, not everyone wore undergarments, as they do today. These particular undergarments — made of the finest Egyptian linen, appropriate for entering the presence of a king — were intended to cover the priests’ nakedness, “lest they bear guilt and die.” The root of the word for undergarments means covering.

To the ancient Hebrews, public nakedness was equated with shame. And this shame was not a feeling of embarrassment, as we think of it today, but rather a status of disgrace. Such disgrace stemmed from the failure of a person, or of some object in which the person trusted.

Because of the sin of Adam and Eve, humankind now needs covering from the disgrace of sin; the fur the Lord provided in Genesis as a covering required bloodshed to secure.

The sash ensured that the priests were not exposed when walking up the ramp to the tabernacle’s courtyard altar, or later, up the steps of the temple.

The breeches — the garment that protects from shame — and the sash of dignity remind us that we need the covering of the Lord Jesus Christ’s blood to approach the Lord. By praying these breeches and sash on, we receive these garments of grace and dignity to cover the shame and disgrace of sin. Our prayers are powered by a right relationship between us and the Lord.


The Tunic

All priests wore the tunic. (Some translations, including the ESV, render this as “coat.”) Men and women in the ancient world wore tunics too, which generally covered them from neck to feet. The priests’ tunics were woven in a block-like pattern with fine, almost silky, linen, which would have set them apart from other Israelites, whose tunics were usually made from coarser materials.

In biblical days, the heavier the garment, the greater the glory. On the annual Day of Atonement, when only the high priest entered the tabernacle’s inner chambers, he lay aside the weightiest portion of his garb, wearing only the linen undergarments, tunic, sash, and turban (discussed below). In doing this, the priest prefigured Christ, who lay aside His glory and splendor to come to earth and atone for our sin.

The tunic — a garment of humility — reminds us anew of the Lord’s humility. When we pray it on, we ask the Lord to cover us with humility so that our prayers reflect this attribute of the Savior, thus countering the demonic spirit of pride that would otherwise compromise our prayer.

The Robe

Only the high priest wore the robe of the ephod. He pulled the garment over his head. Pomegranates, fashioned from blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, hung from its hem. Pomegranates were a symbol of fruitfulness in ancient Israel.

In between each pomegranate, craftsmen hung a small bell made of gold. In those days, no one would enter a king’s court without being announced. The bells served to announce the high priest’s entry into the Lord’s inner chamber.

This garment represents the beauty, fruitfulness, and sound of praise. Constructed of a single piece of fabric, the robe pictures the continual nature of praise.

The beauty of the robe reflects His beauty, fruitfulness, and splendor. When we pray this lovely robe on, we commit ourselves to praising the Lord as we enter into intercession.

The Ephod

The ephod, also worn only by the high priest, was his garment of service. Made with blue, purple, and scarlet yarn and fine linen, the ephod had shoulder pieces upon which onyx stones rested. Craftsmen inscribed the names of the tribes of Israel — six on each — on the stones in birth order. The stones, set in gold filigree, faced up “as stones of remembrance” to the Lord.

Wearing this garment, the high priest carried the Israelites before the Lord. This again foreshadows Jesus, upon whose shoulders government rests, and who lives ever to make intercession for us.

When we pray on the ephod, we assume the responsibility of representing people to the Lord. We also accept the right and responsibility to govern on earth in accordance with the Lord’s Genesis command.

The Breastpiece and Urim and Thummin

The breastpiece of the high priest picked up the colors of the ephod, with the added splendor of multi-colored stones set into the front. These stones represented the tribes of Israel and were set in gold filigree in birth order in four rows of three stones. Gold rings and chains attached the breastplate to the ephod, holding both garments firmly in place.

Though some translations call this the breastplate of judgment, the sense in the Hebrew is more of justice. The high priest wore this before the Lord over his heart, bearing the people’s needs before the Lord and also before men. The Hebrew torah tradition asserted the stones and gold harkened to the garden of Eden when man was innocent of sin.

Into the back pocket created by folding the fabric of the breastplate, the high priest placed the Urim and Thummin — instruments of choice. No one really knows what these looked like, but biblical references indicate they were used to seek the Lord’s will or decision upon some matter of prayer. Urim means light. Thummin means perfection or wholeness. Like the breastplate, these rested upon the high priest’s heart.

The breastpiece and the Urim and Thummin represented the high priest’s core mission: to intercede for the people, seeking that the Lord’s kingdom and will would come into their lives. That this mission rests upon the heart is a picture of how love empowers all kingdom mission, especially prayer. Again, we see Jesus in this image.

When we pray on the breastplate, we enter into our mission, seeking the Lord’s kingdom and will for those we represent. We ask the Lord to engrave on the stones of our breastpiece the names of those for whom He wants us to intercede. We ask Him to activate the Urim and Thummin — correct choices and godly decisions — in the people’s lives.

The Turban and Gold Plate

The Hebrew root for turban means to wrap or bind around. The linen turban was a long kerchief that wrapped around the high priest’s head into a majestic form. In biblical culture, head pieces connoted authority.

The high priest tied a gold plate over his turban and forehead. Engraved on the plate were the words, Holy to the Lord. This served to consecrate the worship, the high priest, and the people to the Lord.

Again the turban and gold plate anticipate Christ’s authority and holiness. They also anticipate the priesthood of believers, to whom Jesus delegated all authority, and whom He also calls unto holiness.

When we pray on the turban, we assume the full authority of the Lord Jesus Christ in our intercession. When we wrap our heads with the gold plate, we call upon the Lord’s power and grace so that we will be sanctified unto Him.

Like the armor, the priestly garments are powerful reminders of the rights, responsibilities, privilege, and power that the Lord grants His intercessors. Over the years, I have found the garments to be far more than a word picture; they are a means of accessing authority and power.

What do you think about “praying on” these priestly garments? Share below!

New York City–based Joyce Swingle is an intercessor and a contributing writer for IFA. With her husband, Rich, also a contributing writer for IFA, Joyce shares the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through theater, speaking, writing, and film. Prior to going into full-time ministry, Joyce worked for about 20 major magazines and now works in pastoral ministry and Christian counseling. This article is used with her permission. Photo Credit: Canva.

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Rochelle Lee
March 4, 2025

I never thought about praying on the priestly garments but this is informative and helpful. Thank you. and God Bless.

Alicia Renkema
July 18, 2023

I pray for another great awakening to happen in our country, in Jesus, the High Priest of all, Yeshua, Amen & Amen

June 16, 2023

Jesus did what the Levitical Priests could never do. Hebrews is clear that Jesus is the High Priest. Therefore, as the Bride of Christ, we may enter in the Holy of Holies, through Jesus alone. In heaven, as the Bride, we will rule and reign with Him. Today, we must fight in Jesus, through Jesus, because of Jesus, and be led by Him. I love that the Bible says that in Jesus, we are seated in heavenly places. We are to take the authority that Jesus paid for, that has been delegated to us, and we are to walk in His authority by following Him.

June 14, 2023

This was powerful enough to preach to every church in America. When you look at the High Priest clothes and then you look at what Pastors now where on the pullet and TV – they should be ashamed! I was taught to give your best to God not only for the minister but to the congregation.

Christine Stott
June 13, 2023

Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick. – Luke 9:1-2

Don R Hoover
June 13, 2023

This is a very imformative and looks to be a good teaching that is our heritage in the Lord. I am saving this to teach it in a group teaching in my home group. I think it will help us protray how the Lord is asking us to come before Him in intercession for others and our nation.

Christina Du
June 13, 2023

As New Testament believers, we too are “Kings and Priest” to our God. We also have garments we have been granted to wear in the spirit realm. These garments give us a place of authority and activity in that dimension.

I have come to realize I have some Authority as a judge in the spirit dimension. I try to measure my words because of this Authority. I also recognize that I can make decrees because of the position I have been granted. The truth, however is so can you. Again, the Apostle Paul writing to the Corinthian Church said those who are spiritual can judge. (1 Corinthians 2:15)

There is a place in the Courts of Heaven that we are to operate from. From this place in the Courts of Heaven, we can issue judgments, decrees, and decisions. Heaven needs God’s people to take their place as judges in the realms of the spirit. When we occupy these places, our words of decree and declaration can cause things to shift. Things will move in the invisible realm so that which is visible can line up with Godly order. We can do this from the Courts of Heaven as those who have been granted the right to judge!
The following is a decree, declaration, and petition you can give to the Lord and His Courts to help you move into this position as a judge.

“I come before You Lord, who is the judge of all the earth. As I stand before Your Courts, I request the right to take my place as a judge in Your Courts. I desire Lord, to be able to release judgments that will set in order Your Kingdoms will on earth. I desire Your passion for justice to be seen on the earth. You Lord, are just in Your nature and person. The justness of who You are is the source of our patience. Your Word declares in Revelation 13:10:

He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity; he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

I thank You Lord, for Your Justice. I wait for Your Justice to be manifested on the earth. This is my patience and faith as one who belongs to You. Thank You so much.

As I take my place as a judge, I allow the Holy Spirit to “judge” me and chasten me according to Your Word. I invite and yield myself to the searching of the Spirit. I welcome the Holy Spirit’s work to reveal and take out of my life any log or beam that would not allow me to see clearly as a judge. I ask that any wrong motive be removed from me. I want to give only righteous judgment before You.

As a judge in the spirit realm before You, I ask that I might take my seat. The place You have ordained for me to occupy, I by faith take that place. I ask that any mantle and anointing associated with this seat now come upon me. I ask that I might function in the fear of the Lord as a judge in the realm of the spirit. Thanks so much Lord, for allowing me to make decrees, issue declarations, release prayers, and present petitions before You.

I ask Lord, that things would come to divine order in the natural as things shift in the spirit with these decrees. Lord, may breakthroughs come because of You allowing me to function as a judge from the Courts of Heaven. Thank You so much for this honor and privilege. In Jesus’s name, so be it!

Releasing The Force Of Faith Decrees
Speaking Words that Carry the Spirit & Life of Jesus

Compiled by Larry Sparks

Bill Johnson, Robert Henderson, Tim Sheets, Jennifer LeClaire, Brenda Kunneman, Jody Hughes, Tommy and Miriam Evans, Jon and Jolene Hamill

Prayers, Confessions, And
Declarations That Hit The Mark.

Feel free to copy and paste it everywhere!

June 13, 2023

What a beautiful reminder of what Christ did for us and how we are called to be like Him

Christie Olafusi
June 13, 2023

We pray for the state of GA, Father let righteousness reign in our state. Lead Governor Kemp to stand for truth and justice in this state and for President Trump right in regards to 2020 election.

June 13, 2023

Thank you so very much for sharing this information! I am delighted to pray it now—such a blessing!

Bery Bryan
June 13, 2023

The Lord has been reminding me of my priesthood in Him- to intercede for others and bring them to Him. This is a timely article and embellishes the lesson for my heart. God is calling me to a new level of prayer commitment in these days. As a friend of mine says ” pray the price”

Greg Carter
June 13, 2023

Thanks Joyce, how wonderfully woven are the Covenants and our responsibilities to align with Yeshua our High Priest and Intercessors!

    June 13, 2023

    Should read “Intercessor”! Spell check interference…

Frank Testa
June 13, 2023

Very interesting reflection on the past Jewish High Priest. Just a thought: Some advice to Christian women who dress shamefully in the house of the Lord with tight jeans or chorus girl short dresses. Maybe we should start there rather than such an exalted reflection.

Mary Beth
June 13, 2023

Thank you for drawing our attention to the meaning of the High Priest’s garments. Both the priestly garments and the armor are beautiful pictures of those attributes we receive as we (according to Romans 13:14) “put on, or clothe ourselves with the Lord Yeshua the Messiah”. He is our Salvation, our Righteousness, the Author and Finisher of our faith, the Good News we share as we go, the Word, the Truth – and He covers the shame of our sin, and saves us by grace not by our own works as represented by the linen garments – we become clothed with humility and praise as we recognize His great gift to us – we can then walk in His delegated authority and pray as Holy Spirit directs in accordance with His will and purposes and His divine nature. What an awesome privilege and calling.

Mary Meens
June 13, 2023

Revelation 1:6 states that Jesus made us kings and priests to his God and Father. The indwelling of Holy Spirit gives us authority to make decrees as a king and intercede for others as a priest. I would submit that the historical information on priestly garments is interesting and appreciated, but the power does not come from garments but from the indwelling Holy Spirit.

    June 13, 2023

    The article did not say the power came from the garments. In the Old Testament, the power did not come from the garments. They are simply symbolic of a heart attitude, humility, total dependence on God, and so forth.
    This article was very informative and a wonderful reminder of our High Priest Jesus and who we are IN Him.

Katharina Oriol-Mendoza
June 13, 2023

This was very powerful and refreshing to read the depth of the garments as a covering as we are Kings and priest as described in Revelation ..
Being able to enter in His Holy Presence with all humility and acknowledgement of carrying in the prayers that would set captives free as we apply these spiritual garments takes on a whole new meaning now
Thank you!!

Janice Rhodes
June 13, 2023

I liked the visual diagram but it won’t print out. Thanks for a great articel.

    June 13, 2023

    If you’re on your phone, touch & hold the picture. It should ask you to Download. Then you skulls be able to print it. On computer, right click the picture and save or print.

    John Haydin
    June 13, 2023

    I took a screen shot so I would have a copy in my photo folder to expand for a better view.

Katharina Oriol-Mendoza
June 13, 2023

This was very powerful and refreshing to read the depth of the garments as a covering as we are Kings and priest as described in Revelation

June 13, 2023

The insightful content of this article will enhance and enrich my intercessory prayer life. “Prayer is not the preparation for work; it is the work [toil].”

June 13, 2023

Such a beautiful, unforgettable revelation of the. Lord’s intricate weaving of prayer, worship and humility in the lives of His beloved people. How blessed we are to be clothed in the Lord’s garments of Praise and Adoration in the Presence and Power of His Holiness. Thank You Joyce for sharing this with us. God Bless you and Rich abundantly.

Gladys Inzofu
June 13, 2023

Father God, Son , and Holy Spirit we thank you for life and all that is in it. We thank you for the evil that is around us, help us to be strong to fight through the power and authority you have given us. May it be that through this power that you may be manifested in our nation, in our leaders and the whole world. The evil will not conquer you for you already triumphed over it and ashamed it. You are indeed God forever. May your rugged church be born again through all these chaos and Father continue preserving your end time saints in the name of Yeshua Yamachia.

Ileana Chapman
June 13, 2023

This is so beautiful and meaningful. Thank you for sharing such wisdom, and showing the depth of God’s love.

June 13, 2023

Beautiful insightful and anointed word.

June 13, 2023

Good Morning Lord & friends of Jesus✨
As our brothers & sister’s around this world; we too suffer as they do- Not to shrink back.
‘ You – King Jesus – the Only Way, Truth, and Life this side of Heaven!’
💗 Fear of the Almighty is what puts everything else into its perspective. There is no fear in perfect Love!
As You, The Almighty of all things to come guide and supply – all my need-to-know, “prayers”.

‘Forgive me Lord, for looking for a sign when it’s all coming together right before my eyes.’
All i need to know is You are for me (Rom8:31) and fear is not my future, “You are”! (Brandon Lake & Chandler Moore).
‘ Prepare me, & those who are in You, daily in purring on our Armor’ Eph 6:10-20. “Thank you”, that we washed in “Your Precious Blood 🩸 King Jesus!”Eph 2:13

“You masters, do the same [showing goodwill] toward them, and give up threatening and abusive words, knowing that [He who is] both their true Master and yours is in heaven, and that there is no partiality with Him [regardless of one’s earthly status].”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭6‬:‭9‬ ‭AMP‬‬
Thank you, for allowing me another day in your presence!🙌🏻🙏🏻💗
In Jesus Name, Amen.

    June 13, 2023

    Sorry- praying not purring 😁💗

      June 13, 2023

      🙏🏼Maybe praying to God is like us hearing our kitten purr, a deeply contented sound, even when we pray in anguish, God hearing us pray- lets Him know we love Him.

Anne Conolly
June 13, 2023

What a great teaching! Praise God for His mercies, they are new every day. We enter His courts with Thanksgiving in our hearts! Great is His faithfulness!

Janet Drawhorn
June 13, 2023

This is a good article on priestly garments. Jesus is our high Priest. We war from victory.
Ephesians 6:10-17
That is what I put on daily.


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