Alistair Petrie is an apostolic leader who has ministered in many nations around the world teaching on prayer and national transformation. In his book, A Sacred Trust, Petrie shares four types ofĀ defilement from Scripture which can bring curses on the land and the people who live there. Even after the cross, when these ungodly practices take place in a community or region, whether from the past or the present, they open the door to demonic assault if there is no repentance or change of heart. It is only when we humble ourselves before the Lord and acknowledge these evil practices, that the sin is erased and the defilement is cleansed.
O Lord, according to all your righteous acts, let your anger and your wrath turn away from your city Jerusalem, your holy hill, because for our sins, and for the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and your people have become a byword among all who are around us…O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive. O Lord, pay attention and act. Delay not, for your own sake, O my God, because your city and your people are called by your name.Ā (Daniel 9:16-19 ESV)
Petrie encourages intercessors to identify these defilements that may be affecting their community and say prayers of repentance and cleansing in order to take back the land and prepare the way for revival:
Idolatry: Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs. (Jonah 2:8)
- Idolatry is worshiping anyone or anything other than God. Possible idols include specific classes of people or races, political parties, having a higher education, the accumulation of money or a reputation among men, religious institutions or icons, social status or worldly entertainments, etc. We must confess any idol which has received more attention or focus than the Lord in our lives and ask Him to cleanse our hearts, renew our minds, and restore our first love back to Him.
Immorality/Fornication: The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:19-21)
- These practices not only reveal a rebellious spirit, but mock the holiness of God. When immorality is left unchecked, the church loses its authority on the land. We must confess any known sins associated with the acts of the flesh and apply the finished work of the cross in its place. We must also then replace these practices with humble submission to the Lord and demonstrate our desire to pursue a holy and righteous life. As we walk in the fear of the Lord, He will pour out a fresh love in our hearts that will burn away the flesh and replace it with a fiery passion for the King.
Untimely Bloodshed: Do not pollute the land where you are. Bloodshed pollutes the land, and atonement cannot be made for the land on which blood has been shed. (Numbers 35:33a)
- Bloodshed comes through murder, crimes of various sorts, sacrifices associated with cult worship, any war on the land, abortion practices, etc. Bloodshed also opens the door to spirits of anger, rebellion, bitterness, jealousy, rage, criticism, etc. Not only must we confess these defilements; we must displace their influence by walking in the opposite spirit in how we treat others and care for our neighbors. We must pray for unconditional love, selfless service, and a covering of peace among the people in our community and region.
Broken Covenants: The earth is defiled by its people, they have disobeyed the laws, violated the statutes, and broken the everlasting covenant. Therefore, a curse consumes the earth; its people must bear their guilt. (Isaiah 24:5-6)
- There are consequences to promises not kept. These can include broken contracts, agreements, treaties, and spoken agreements between individuals, groups, or organizations in the land. These may be covenants from past generations that continue to impact the people on the land, or current covenants which go against God’s Word. We must acknowledge any covenant that has been broken and determine to make things right among those impacted. We must also break covenant with any individual or organization which is not in line with God’s purposes. God will never break His covenant with us, but we can break our part of the covenant with Him when we are joined with any unholy or broken covenant.
If we are to see our nation transformed by the power of God, it must start at the community level. As intercessors pray over their own communities, wisdom and insight can be sought in regards to these defilements, even from previous generations, and how they may be poisoning any well of revival. In addition to prayers of repentance, Petrie also recommends taking communion on-site as a way of rededicating our land back to the Lord.
The Lord will establish you as His holy people, as He promised you on oath, if you keep the commands of the Lord your God and walk in obedience to Him. Then all the peoples on earth will see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they will fear you. The Lord will grant you abundant prosperityāin the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock, and the crops of your groundāin the land He swore to your ancestors to give you. (Deuteronomy 28:9-11)
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Agreeing with Vicki.
Coming humbly before the. LORD on behalf of our nation.
LORD forgive and heal our land
Psalm 33. 1-7.
Father God, we repent of the idolatry of entertainment and sports, of watching more of tv, and spending time knowing the stats of the famous than we know of Your love. Come Monday, may the talk of at the watercooler be of Your grace, Your Mercy and of love for our Savior Jesus than of the things of this world.
May we praise and proclaim Your name, Your goodness to us and the cleansing of Your blood on the cross to save sinners like me from the deserved wrath of God. May those that call upon Your name in times of trial be willing to proclaim Your saving grace in times of excess or content.
May we examine ourselves according to Your Holy Scripture, knowing the standard by which we will be judged and may we repent! Repent of the pride, the selfishness and the unbelief that leads us to walk through life with the carrot of idols ever before us. Instead O Lord, we pray to You, rebuke us not in Your anger, nor discipline us in Your wrath, be gracious to us O Lord, heal our dry bones, cleanse our souls, delivering us from being content to live lives rebelling against You, against Your word. Father, raise up men for the pulit unafraid to speak truths to their sheep. Awaken Your Church O God to arise, walk in Your Spirit and go forth throughout the land declaring victory in Jesus name! Amen
Yes and Amen!
I hear you loud and clear !
I had a dream a month back . My husband and I were at a stop sign , waiting. He was in the frivers seat and In the passengers seat . I looked down and I saw the truck slowly filling up with water . I looked up and there was a mountain of water coming our way . I looked at the drivers seat and my husband was not there . We couldn’t go anywhere because my husband wasn’t in the driver’s seat . I looked in the back seat and he was asleep . I tried to wake him up by back handing back and forth , pulling his hair . He finally woke up . I showed him the wall of water coming our way . He got into the driver’s seat . I had to make sure I had my keys and a certain jacket on . We were floating down the street in this wall of water , but the truck was getting filled up and I awoke .
I asked the Lord to speak to me in His word . He gave 1 Corinthians 10 .
It is dealing with exactly what you are talking about ! I’ve been praying for years for salvation, healing and deliverance for my family , friends , and neighbors. There is such a deep sleep in Christ. it’s going to take a serious backhand in the Spirit to wake up people. Earthquake ?
I don’t know what it will take , but us individually need to stand our post . Whatever our calling is , it comes down to obedience
2 Chronicles 7:14-15 . God is watching and we need to be watching too !
I asked for Wisdom this morning. Your writing certainly clarified several issues affecting family and community.
An issue in elections is an owner who wants the city to buy hazardous land that has been a source of contention for years
Blessings on you and yours
Father FORGIVE us. Give us repentant hearts and minds, and draw us to You as never before. Pour out Your precious Holy Spirit over us, and this land, and guide us into a heart and mind that LOVES You above ALL else and a will that surrenders to YOUR will, as we humble ourselves before You. May it be so, in the name of Jesus, amen.
Father God, we exalt your name above every name, your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Forgive our foolish pride, for putting material things before you. forgive us for putting man before you.. Where there is bitterness and resentment let there be love and understanding. forgive us for Hating instead of showing your love to one another. Restore whats been broken in our community, school system, our political system. Would You come and heal our land… we exult you above all… āIf my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.ā
āā2 Chroniclesā¬ ā7:14ā¬ ā
God please forgive America for trying to take prayer out of schools and trying to remove your commandments that teach our children good citizenship at its core and would have prevented much of the evil we now witness in society forgive us Oh Lord for standing back as Christians and not fighting for these Freedoms when they were first attacked as well as the rights of the unborn forgive us oh Lord. We repent of the sin of apathy. Forgive us as Americans for desiring the American Dream if fine homes and fancy cars or possessions rather than seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness Oh God be merciful to us. Forgive is for using entertainment in our churches to draw large numbers to build kingdoms for men rather than deciples for Christ obedient even to death as many have given their lives around the world for not denying Christ or are imprisoned now for their faith. May they be delivered Oh God. Forgive us for caring more for ourselves than others in real need nearby that we can help. Deliver us from our selfish self centered ways and open our eyes to true riches of faith , hope, and love. May we repent and turn from evil and do good for you are good. God Save America.
Amen ! I stand in agreement with all prayers spoken for the prayer points . May Godās people continue to join together in prayer for the transformation of nations n foremost for America to be A role model for God to the nations of the world . May the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ be lifted high in This nation , amen š
Father, I am in agreement with those who pray for our families, our schools, our government. Turn the hearts of the people to You Lord. May we be transformed by your Holy Spirit. Amen
Father I agree with the above prayers! Please help us, Your people who dwell here in the USA. We repent of idolatry, homosexuality and the need to feel sorry for their sin, we repent of fornication, adultery, and every sexual abomination that an evil human mind can conjure up, we repent of apathy in the church, the thought that āsomeone else can do itā, perversity, laziness, the desire for anything that exalts itself above you. Hear our cry to You, Father. Help us individually to turn from evil in our thoughts, words and actions in Jesus Name amen
I agree in Jesusās Name. Amen!
We Stand United in the Beautiful Armor of Your Son Yeshua! (Ephesians6:13-18). We repent of our wickedness and rebellion and cry out for the souls and Spirit of this One Nation under God!
We can come to You because of Your great mercy and compassion.
How precious and wonderful is Your loving kindness O God!
In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and confidence shall be your strength (Isaiah 30:15)
Thank You Father for hearing our cries!
Father God, all existent One to whom all praise and worship and glory belongs, may Your light shine in the darkness! For you are the Father of ālightsā from whom comes all good things, in whom there is no shadow of turning…Though you created it, You are not shackled by time, and when we are in Christ, we are also not shackled by time….your Kingdom is not of this world and we submit to You we turn from our self sufficiency, self rightness, and bondage to our own understanding, to YOU! The IAM, the ever existent One! You are Love, You are Life, You are the beginning and the end! You are all in all. It is not Your will that any man perish, but that all should come to repentance….and to the knowledge of the Truth. We take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of .God and speak over our families, and our communities and our land, that the curse of idolatry and all bondage from sin and the effects of sin be exposed to Your light! You alone separate light from darkness by Your Word. Your Word is that 2 edged sword, Your Spirit is the catalyst that brings it alive! JESUS, we bless Your name, the name above all names! For You are the living Word! That at that name, the name of JESUS, every knee shall bow ! Amen!
Amen and Amen!
There is a great need for repentance to sweep our land, starting with the church. God, wake us up to renew our desire to repent!