‘Prayer Opportunity’ From President Biden
‘Prayer Opportunity’ From President Biden
At this year’s State of the Union address, President Biden was caught on a hot mic saying he wanted a “come to Jesus” meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Many were disheartened by this news. In Israel’s time of need, our country is speaking out against our ally instead of boldly standing alongside it.
One intercessor, however, saw these words as a “prayer opportunity.” We received the following message from her:
I believe the following statement from President Biden is a prayer opportunity:
The Western Journal reported this story: Handler Forced to Step in as Biden Begins Spilling Dirt on Hot Mic After State of the Union Address
As I was reading this article, the stories of Balaam from Numbers 22, and of King Saul in 1 Samuel 10:11 came to mind.
These two men were used by God to act and say differently than they and others expected of them. President Biden has declared a “come to Jesus” meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, so let us petition GOD that HE use President Biden to speak words of blessing and truth over Israel instead of cursing and death.
Our God never changes; what He has done in the past is still applicable for us today!
Has God given you any specific prayers for Israel, America, or the relationship between the two? Share them below!
(Photo Credit: U.S. Embassy Tel Aviv – Vice President Joe Biden visit to Israel March 2016, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)
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Interesting. Do you REALLY think that Biden has any idea what he is talking about? I pray that he has his own “come to Jesus” moment. God knows how badly he , our nation, and Israel all need this to happen. What satan meant for evil, God turns it for good. This is our hope. Thank You, Jesus.
The so-called “hot mic” seems very staged. I pray Biden and Netanyahu both TRULY do come to Jesus (the written word of God) humbly in Spirit and truth repentance, as well as the Obamas, Clinton’s, Bush dynasty and Trumps as well. Father you humbled and convinced Nebuchadnezzar, humbke and convince our political leaders as well of yourself, your sovereignty, and your Glory. Father i agree with this article, that you can move the mouths of our politicians to speak truth and blessings over our nation. Please do these things for your church and your glory.
We know that You have ONLY allowed this corrupt government to rule so that Christians would AWAKEN from their sleep and stupor and ARISE AS YOUR CHILDREN and bear the Image of Likeness of Christ Jesus in our land much better than we have! ABBA! We REPENT for the vast multitude of our sins, not the least of which is the “blood money” sent to bring harm to Israel from our government–given to Iran, Hamas and The UN directly-which helped build tunnels in Gaza. Father, Your AMERICAN EKKLESIA stands on the Isaiah 62 Wall and we ask that YOU INDEED FULFILL YOUR WORD for YOUR COVENANTAL PROMISE of Genesis 12:3. REMOVE the DROSS and WICKEDNESS from our government who OPPOSE YOUR GOOD and GRACIOUS PLANS for the JEWISH PEOPLE, for there is a WONDERFUL UNITED REMNANT of Jewish Believers and Arabic Christian Believers MANIFESTING the GLORY of MESSIAH and YOUR WORD in The Land!
It is written that “YOU ALONE remove rulers and raise UP rulers. YOU KNOW what is hidden and LIGHT DWELLS with You.”(Daniel 2:20-23) We know from 8/21/2017 to 4/8/2024, America will have been given 7 years for REPENTANCE to RETURN TO CHRIST. On 4/8/2024, Your Eclipse, because You ORDER the Celestial events (Psalm 19, Psalm 89) will pass through EAGLE PASS, TX area, 6 Ninevahs (and 1 in Nova Scotia, Canada) and “LITTLE EGYPT”, IL to highlight idolatry in America. We cry out to YOU to STRONGLY RELEASE the HOLY SPIRIT to PROD AMERICANS CHRISTIANS to AWAKEN for JUDGMENT BEGINS at the HOUSE of the LORD! (Ezkekiel 9:4, 1 Peter 4:17).
Your Aleph-Tav Eclipses of 8/21/2017, 10/14/2023 and 4/8/2024–comes exactly 14 days BEFORE PASSOVER 2024–and “14” is the number all through the Bible for MESSIAH…is a sign for us to REPENT, get behind our GOSHEN DOORS and KEEP VIGIL for CHRIST IS OUR PASSOVER LAMB of GOD (Exodus 12:42) as You move over our land and RENDER JUSTICE to those who MOCK YOUR HOLY NAME.
On 11/15/2022, YOU COMMANDED two American prophets living in Israel to COME DROP the PLUMBLINE of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUSNESS from Isaiah 28 and Psalm 99 over America. ABBA, we receive it, with “humility, contrition and trembling at YOUR WORD.”(Isaiah 66:2) “NO WORD of YOURS ever returns null or void, but it ACCOMPLISHES that for which it was sent!”
Lord Yeshua, You revealed that the ALEPH-TAV “Sign of Jonah” has as its motto: “REMEMBER the former things those of long ago (The EXODUS); I AM GOD and there is NO OTHER; I AM GOD and there is NONE like ME. I make KNOWN the End (Tav) from the Beginning (Aleph), from ancient times what is STILL to come. I say, “MY PURPOSE WILL STAND, and MY GOOD PLEASURE I WILL ACCOMPLISH”(Isaiah 46:9-10) We pray, LET Your PURPOSE be that AMERICA REPENTS and CRIES OUT to YOU, OUR ONLY KING. LET Your Good Pleasure be to forgive us and bring us OUT of the grips of those who “think they are pharaohs” to again KEEP our vows to be a Land from brings YOU GLORY and ADVANCES the GOSPEL.(Mayflower Compact). “NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE with YOU!”(Luke 1:37)
SOME will continue to mock and oppose YOU, but Father, YOU ALWAYS TRIUMPH! You told me in a prayer time recently, “RECOUNT MY TRIUMPHS back UP to ME!” (I now share these with my beloved brothers and sisters…as we STAND with ISRAEL as ONE NEW MAN (Exodus 12, Ruth 1:16-18, Romans 9-11, Romans 11:11, Eph. 2, Rev. 7 and Rev. 19)
YHWH, You triumphed over evil and FLOATED Noah and his 7 family members ABOVE the FLOOD, because obedience brings BLESSING and SETS us ON THE HEIGHTS! YHWH, You triumphed and brought DOWN the TOWER of BABEL when Nimrod built it to raise his horn defiantly against You—You scambled their wicked tongues and confused your enemies! You triumphed over wickedness, perversity and idolatry in Sodom and Gomorrah and RAINED HAILSTONES & BRIMSTONES-wiping that perverted city from the face of the earth! You triumphed and completely routed all the Egyptian “demonic gods”, Pharaoh and the entire Egyptian army and for good measure –openly MOCKED Ba’al Zephon, “Lord of Darkness”, at the mouth of the Red Sea, in The Exodus. You triumphantly parted BOTH the Red Sea and the Jordan River so the Israelites could pass TWICE on DRY GROUND!
You gave SUPERNATURAL INSTRUCTIONS to Joshua. You had them MARCH AROUND for 7 days with shofar blasts of the ram’s horns-BECAUSE You are a COVENANT KEEPING GOD! They sounded the shofars for 6 days and on the 7th day the WAR CRY SHOUT COMMAND was GIVEN at DAYBREAK!(3am-6am). You intervened and BROUGHT DOWN the WALLS of JERICHO! You triumphed over demonic strongholds! No razorwire or structures at the White House will KEEP YOU AWAY from YOUR PLANS-for AMERICA is YOURS–YOU will HELP US keep our vows from our PILGRIM ANCESTORS from 1607, 1620 and 1630.
YHWH, You brought Joshua, Caleb and Israelites to triumph over the Amorites, Hittites, Girgashites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Jebusites and Hivites. YHWH, You triumphed over Goliath and his 4 brothers through David slinging a SINGLE STONE! You triumphed at the Battle of Siddim—the forerunning battle for Armaggedon! YHWH,Y ou triumphed at the Battle of Ai. You triumphed over the Amalekites at Rephadim, hearing the prayers of Aaron, Moses and Hur.
You triumphed over Haman and his 10 sons via the decrees of Queen Esther and Mordecai. You NEVER CHANGE so at PURIM 1946 You triumphed over and hung the “Amalekite” Nazi director of The Nazi Final Solution & his 10 accomplishes-just like You did with Haman & his 10 sons! YOU REPEATED YOUR “PURIM” TRIUMPH…come DO SO AGAIN this PURIM in 2024, for the sake of YOUR HOLY NAME and the SAKE of the PRECIOUS REMNANT of BELIEVERS in Israel and in America!
YOU never reward ANTI-SEMITISM or those who commit & persistently pursue the 7 DETESTABLE things! (Proverbs 6:16-19).
You were not mocked then…and You won’t tolerate being mocked NOW!
“The sins of the Modern Amorites globally and in America, have reached a level…that YOU WILL RELEASE YOUR RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENTS upon those who mock YOUR NAME, YHWH! (Genesis 15:16) You love Justice and You HATE INIQUITY!
You triumphed over Sisera when Yael nailed a tent peg to his head. You triumphed over the Midianites with only 300 (SHIN) Gideonite warriors. You triumphed over the Amalekite Ziglag captivity of David’s family and belongings—successfully helping him take back EVERYTHING with only 400 (TAV) warriors. You triumphed over Jezebel, and the dogs licked at her blood…just as was prophesied. You answered Elijah’s prayer in 1 Kings 18:16-45 and triumphed over the 400 prophets of Ba’al—and You had Elijah pursue them, just as did with Joshua and the 5 wicked kings (Joshua 10) —BOTH JOSHUA and ELIJAH STOOD on the NECKS of the enemies of ALMIGHTY GOD because YOU ALWAYS TRIUMPH!
Via a MIGHTY WARRING ANGEL, You triumphed and wiped OUT the arrogant 185,000 soldiers of the Assyrian Army. You triumphed over Amalekite schemes and plotting and shut the mouths of hungry lions to protect Your Beloved Daniel. You triumphed against idolatry and Yeshua, You were the Angel of the LORD in the FLAMES with Hannaiah, Azariah & Mishael in the furnace—because You REWARD DEVOTION and RIGHTEOUSNESS! You triumphed over Rome and brought an end to the cruel Roman Empire. You triumphed and defeated the Greco-Syrian Army & Antiochus Epiphanes IV via the Zealous Maccabean Remnant fighters—and they CLEANSED THE TEMPLE and RESUMED WORSHIP SERVICES to YOU!
Jesus, YOU TRIUMPHED OVER DEATH, RESURRECTED and ASCENDED into POWER SEATED at the RIGHT HAND of OUR HOLY FATHER and FULFILLED all 300 of the prophecies for Your First Coming! You will bring to fulfillment to every one of the 150 remaining prophecies for Your Second Coming! You triumphed and REPEATED the HOLY LAW that “you reap what you sow” and brought shame and death to Hitler & Mussolini to end World War II. There is NO empire, no wicked nor illegitimate regime, no king, no human plan nor strategy, no virus, no germ which can triumph over YOU, YHWH! THERE is BLOOD on the MERCY SEAT from OUR MESSIAH to cover our sins of “wrongdoing, rebellion and sins” (Exodus 34) IF WE WILL ONLY REPENT.
What You did for our Biblical Ancestors and our Pilgrims Ancestors (Psalm 84:5)—You will do so for the American Ekklesia-YOU CHANGE NOT (Mal. 3:6) and YOU ALWAYS WORK with REMNANTS! I KNOW MY GOD! (DAN. 11:32)
Let us remember that Biden, the demoncrats, and RINOs are all following satan’s plan. To think these people will suddenly repent of their sins and become God fearing is part of satan’s plan so the God loving people will relax their prayers which satan can not withstand. Biden, the demoncrats, and the RINOs are only thinking of keeping their power which they love above all else
Amen, you the TRUTH
I grabbed onto that phrase that Biden said too; and smiled and said, “YES, Biden, it is time for you to come to JESUS and have a Come to JESUS time with HIM as well. HalleluYAH !!
Anyone who exalts himself shall be brought low; anyone who humbles himself will be doing the work of his Lord. May our president humble himself and do the will of our God and our Savior Jesus Christ. The current president of the U.S. is judging The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a man after God’s own heart. So we pray that the president will do the will of this country which was founded on Christian Judeo principles. May B B continue to be blessed by our Jehovah and finish the work of decimating Hamas (Haman). Israelis have never been an aggressor to begin with. They have been sharing their land with Palestinians since 1948. It is time Palestine quits bullying Israel. May our Almighty God intervene and show his glory and have mercy on us. The U.S. stands with Israel. God blesses those who bless Israel. In Jesus Name. Amen
Father, we do pray for President Biden as he plans to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu. May he give words of support for Israel. Close his mouth on anything that would undermine Netanyahu’s stand. We pray for strength for the Prime Minister and wisdom in dealing with Hamas. May we as a nation continue to support Israel. Deliver than from Hamas.
Biden needs a come to Jesus meeting. The sooner the better. He’s a shame to our nation yet we know he doesn’t think for himself. Gaza needs to be cleared out completely. Taken back into Israel’s domain and if the nations need a Palestinian state for peace the neighboring nations can do that . They have lots more land than Israel. Our money should not be going to any nation or organization that is an enemy to Israel. Wake up America.
I totally agree with the intent to curse being turned to blessing and am praying God will do again what he did for the Israelites millennia ago. I saw, however, something else. I understand the context of the phrase “come to Jesus” meeting, but I also want to pray this literally, that not only will Benjamin Netanyahu come to Jesus as his Lord and Savior, but that all Israel will as well. That especially struck me when I heard Biden say it. And I agree with Jan Stevens and am also praying Joe Biden will “come to Jesus.” Time is getting short.
Heavenly Father, I ask that You would invite and lead President Joe Biden into speaking words of blessing and truth over the nation of Israel and their leaders. Let Your word of instruction wash over our President and administrative cabinet; Micah 6:8 He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? We thank You for Your hand of sovereignty and grace. May blessings abound and evil be ended. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
I pray that President Biden will have his own “come to Jesus” moment and humble himself and seek His face and truly know what a “come to Jesus moment “ is and not just an expression.
Judgment Day will be great for some and devastating for others. Biden is one of those others.
Thank You for prayer points.. We use them to pray our evening prayers.. We know not how to pray and this helps us understand how to pray. Thank You
“Our God never changes; what He has done in the past is still applicable for us today!”
Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away.
Deuteronomy 30-https://biblehub.com/hcsb/deuteronomy/30.htm
v14 But the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you may obey it.
Romans 10:8-10 “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the word of faith we are proclaiming: that if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess and are saved.
Dear Father, You are El Olam, the Everlasting God who long ago called Heaven and earth to be a witness against the sons and daughters of Israel. You desired they return to You and obey Your commandments. You gave them the choice of life and death, blessing and cursing. They were told to choose life, to love You, and to hold fast to You because You are LIFE. The Word is very near Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Biden, I pray You will etch it upon their hearts just as You did Your commandments in stone. May they confess, believe, and be saved. I ask this and so much more in the Name of Jesus Christ, who is the resurrection and the LIFE. May my prayer glorify You, Triune God of Israel, America, and all nations. You are Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen
Our Father God , we ask that you continue to show yourself strong for your people Israel and for their wise Prime Minister Netanyahu as he seeks to make wise decisions to protect and build up his nation against terrorists. Please guide him O God and bring support from other nations , especially the United States as well as within his own country! . Please O God help the people of Israel realize what they have in Netanyahu and stand behind this strong leader to take firm stands and decisive action against the enemy in this present hour and preparation in deflecting future assaults . Protect and defend Israel O God!
We pray these things in Jesus name. Amen
We lift you up Bibi. We pray great strength, integrity and anointing on you dear Prime Minister. According to the Lord, you are anointed, chosen, and appointed by God for such a time as this. We pray that God will continue to strengthen you and sustain your great love and confidence toward you people. We pray you will guard and protect them with all diligence and wisdom. God bless you Prime Minister. Christians everywhere know you are blessed of God, and we pray, love, and support you. Sincerely, Barbara mcdermott
Hallelujah, AMEN!
Father, let America stand with Israel. As Your Word teaches us. This country was founded upon You and we have stood with Israel, fix hearts toward Israel in this time of need. According to Your Word let it be done.
Let the voice of the LORD be heard. The Mighty One of Israel can soften or harden hearts, turn necks, change minds. Arise, O Lord, and let Your enemies be scattered. Amen.
Lord Jesus, let your purposes in this situation between Biden and BIbi be done. Please use this situation for Your honor and glory. Thank you, Jesus.
Lord, God Almighty, we pray that Joe Biden’s current authority as president of the US would be a channel for the manifestation of the plans and purposes You have preordained through his presidential office term. We pray that Joe and Bibi WOULD have a Holy Spirit-filled Jesus meeting! We pray for a global leadership Holy Spirit-filled summit! We pray that the only words Joe Biden hears and repeats are those You speak. Let his mouth be an instrument that resounds Your will. By faith, we surrender all the thoughts and words of members of Congress and the US Supreme Court to the obedience of Christ Jesus. Yes, Lord, let the world leaders be deaf to the instructions of the wicked ; rather they would hear and repeat Your instruction throughout the world-wide airwaves. We pray for Holy Spirit revival throughout the world! Be exalted, Oh Lord, in every nation and tribe! In Jesus’ name, amen.
Amen! I agree!
From Mary’s lips to Your ears Lord, may this be so! Amen and amen!!!
Amen I agree.
Based on a report from Tony Perkins on his ‘live from Israel’ broadcast yesterday, it appears that Prime Minister Netanhayu’s “Come to Jesus” moment has already taken place, occurring when Tony offered a prayer for him in a face to face meeting. Thank You, Lord.
Thank you for sharing Stephen!
Oh My Lord and God, may the words prayed over Prime Minister Netanyahu fuel changes and life into dry bones.
FATHER GOD joe biden needs a “come to JESUS” moment! Please let him repent of all of his lies told daily and all of the destruction he has put on everyone in America, and let him “come to JESUS!” FATHER please send laborers to him, his family, his entire cabinet, all of the military leaders, every Democrat and many Republicans in JESUS NAME! Let them repent and all be saved so the times of refreshing can come on them from the LORD in JESUS NAME! Amen!
In agreement, Amen!
Yes-let it be so! Amen!