I Prayed have prayed
Today, God, we stand in the gap for our brothers and sisters and we ask for great deliverance for them.Ā  Give them a God-encounter that they would come to know You intimately. Pour out Your spirit at every parade, celebration, and gathering this month.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Parades, activities and rainbows splash across the news as millions gather together to celebrate Pride Month throughout June. What should be our response as intercessors?

This year marks the 51st annual celebration of the LGBTQ communities across the nation.

The first Pride march was held in New York City on June 28th, 1970.Ā  Since that time, the month of June has been a time where those in the LGBTQ communities raise their voices in celebration of gay pride.

As a Christian, when I see a rainbow, I donā€™t think about gay pride. Instead, I am reminded of the covenant of God.

I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth (Gen 9:13).

Furthermore, the Bible tells us of the dangers of pride.

The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way and the perverse mouth I hate (Prv 8:13).

When pride comes, then comes shame (Prv 11:2).

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall (Prv 16:18).

Although many churches have changed their beliefs to be more ā€œinclusive,ā€ make no mistake, this lifestyle is not pleasing to God. It is sin, just as adultery, murder, stealing, and, ironically, pride are sin in Godā€™s eyes.

How then do we as Christians respond to Pride Month?

One group of over 200 participants established a Freedom March for those who have come out of the LGBTQ lifestyle. They gather and share their stories of the love of Jesus Christ and how He set them free.

This group and march began after Christians responded to the homosexual community to love them to freedom. That inspires me. So then, how do we respond?

With prayer.

With love.

Many of us have family or friends who are trapped in this lifestyle. I have found I can speak to them about the sin, while I continue to love them.Ā  Itā€™s only as we truly love and let His love flow from us that they will see God in us.

As Christians, the phrase WWJD (What would Jesus do?) comes to mind. Jesus always reached out to love the sinner, but simultaneously called them to repent of their sin. As the Church, we must learn to do the same.

I cringe when I see ā€œChristianā€ groups holding up signs saying, ā€œGod hates gays.ā€ God loves them, just as He loves us all and desires that we walk according to His Word. When the Church responds with hate and hostility, that is not the heart of God. The only answer is Jesus Christ and the deliverance that comes from Him

How should we pray? For the wounds and confusion of their heart to be healed so that they can know and walk in their true identity.

In response to their month-long celebration, will you join me in a month-long fervent commitment to pray for those trapped in this deception?Ā  Letā€™s pray that the wounds of their heart will be healed, identity confusion removed, their eyes opened, and their hearts turned to Christ.

May we take this opportunity to respond from a heart of love, so that through our love and desire for them to be set free they will turn wholeheartedly to God.

Letā€™s get involved with Pride Month this year by going before God in humility and pray for those in bondage. May their eyes be opened and may they come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior, their Master, and their Deliverer.


Father, we come before You today in the name of Jesus. God, we know you call this lifestyle sin.Ā  We also know You love the sinner so much you sent Jesus to die for all of us. We ask You today to send laborers across the path of all who are living this lifestyle. We pray that they would hear and experience the love of God and Your mighty deliverance. We ask You to open their eyes that they would see truth and turn to You. You said when You looked there was none to stand in the gap ā€“ today, God, we stand in the gap for our brothers and sisters and we ask for great deliverance for them.Ā  Give them a God-encounter that they would come to know You intimately. Pour out Your spirit at every parade, celebration, and gathering this month. It is the goodness of God that leads man to repentance, so we ask that You would draw them to You God. Holy Spirit, surround them and draw them to Jesus.Ā  This we ask in Jesusā€™ name.Ā  Amen.


Author Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kimā€™s message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, imparting hope. To receive her daily inspirational writings, go to www.anewthingministries.com.

(Photo by Canva)

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CM Brown
June 20, 2021

My goodness. It’s sad that the day has come where people have pride about their sinful lifestyle. It’s also sad that they took the rainbow, which is the symbol of God’s covenant, and use it as a symbol of their lifestyle that is totally against God’s word. Please, Father – touch their hearts. May their eyes be opened to Your truth. We all are sinners, God, in need of Your forgiveness. Thank you for Your love. Amen

June 20, 2021

What Obama did, when he was in office, putting the “rainbow colors” over the Whitehouse, was deplorable! Making any month a month of “pride” “gay,” etc. is just wrong. I don’t want a month declared for “heterosexual” etc. either. Trying to cram anything like this on people who have differing beliefs, is never a good idea. We need to understand, this is about causing DVISION, and it sure causes that!
God IS a God of love, but few want to believe He is also a God of wrath and judgement. The rainbow, is HIS rainbow, His covenant! He created it. It is not wise for anyone to celebrate what God is against.
A person has to be convicted in their hearts that something is sin before they turn, in repentance, to God! Celebrating something that God calls an abomination is not only foolish, it is sin. “God is not mocked……..”. I pray God will “open the eyes of our understanding.”

June 19, 2021

Lord almighty we pray that you expose the lies of the enemy. We ask that every believer would understand the role of perverted, unclean spirits that are going to the 3rd and 4th generation of families for unconfessed sins of the father. May the church and Saints understand how we profess the love of Jesus AND the need for repentance. My all believers be filled with your Holy Spirit so that we first look at our lives and repent. Then, may we be your hands and feet Christ, and tell them what and why you went to the Cross. Lord help the church and your Saints say exactly what youā€™d have us profess in this hour of great need.
In Jesus name we ask. Amen

Bettie Wray Holscher
June 19, 2021

We need to pray for all gay people to be saved. Their lifestyle is sinful and wrong. They need to be educated in the correct behavior that God expects them to follow. I am sad for them. It is one of the worst crimes of our society that we allow this to continue and destroy the lives of so many.

Glen H. Kippel
June 19, 2021

Please forgive me for asking, but if this is Pride Month, when is Greed Month, Lust Month, Sloth Month and Gluttony Month?

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Deb Korosec
June 19, 2021

I loved my son throughout his twentyā€™s into his thirtyā€™s while he was/is active in his gay lifestyle.I was always told by him that I would change my mind about people who were gay and I would agree with the culture that,ā€œitā€™s ok.We shared our thoughts about his lifestyle and how it was a sin.He told me he knows itā€™s a sin and walked out of my life.That was a year ago since I last saw him.
Letā€™s be aware that living out and sharing biblical truth means, we may have a sacrifice of a relationship.Even our own kids.
I pray throughout the day for him and know Christ is in control.Jesus said,ā€You will have trials in this life.ā€
James 1:2-4.
Jesus said,ā€I have come to draw a sword not peaceā€.Matt 10v34.
The Church cowards at this issue.Love those who are struggling with biblical truth.It will cost us something to be a witness.
Let Jesus be the dividing line in all that we do and carry our cross.

    Susan CC
    June 19, 2021

    Deb, your comment has moved me greatly. I heard the word bind as I read and remember Abraham being asked to sacrifice his son, binding him on the altar. Although it was a much different “situation,”
    I pray you will be blessed for your obedience just as Abraham was.
    I pray the Lord will unbind your son.
    I pray your son will reach out to you and let you know he is well.
    I pray you will be able to embrace him again soon. Your witness HAS truly has cost you but…
    I pray against division…Jude writes “during the acharit-hayamim there will be scoffers following their own godless passions. These are the people who cause divisions….controlled by their impulses, because they donā€™t have the Spirit.
    I pray your son would be bound by the Spirit of the Living God.The writer of Hebrews said it is a fearful thing to fall in the hands of the living God. But this is where we in Christ want to remain. May we all be in His Mighty Hands.

      Deb korosec
      June 19, 2021

      Thank you for your words of wisdom and prayer.I so appreciate it.

June 19, 2021

Here is a powerful message from Jessica Newsome who has come out of the lesbian life style. Her message on the walk is applicable to all of us regardless of sexual orientation.


June 19, 2021

I pray for the people that are trapped in these lies of the enemy, that their eyes will be open with The Truth of Gods Word.
The gay marriage law is a transgression against heaven to the law of marriage created and established by Our Lord between a man an a woman

Still the mercy of God is open to whoever comes to know Him, but it will come a time when it will be shut,
as Noahā€™s Ark.
We pray that their eyes will open to The Truth.

June 19, 2021

O Father God, I praise You for how You set us free. Lord You are so amazing. Help us to be like You in the world. Give us Your words. Show us how to love these ones with Your love but not compromise on calling sin what it is. Please Lord would You do a mighty work in pouring out Your Spirit, helping them to see the captivity they are in and bringing people from darkness into light? Show us how to join in with You. Thank You, in Your powerful name Jesus


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