As many are joining in Franklin Graham’s call to intercede for the President this coming Sunday, June 2, 2019, we invite you to pray this prayer. Share it with your prayer group and consider using it in corporate gatherings so we can pray as one voice for President Trump.
H e a v e n l y F a t h e r ,
We come today as the body of Christ in this nation, to lift up our President, Donald J. Trump. As many voices rise up against this one You have set into office, we lift up our voices, with one heart and mind, to stand in agreement with heaven’s purposes concerning our nation. (Ps 133) We stand by this President who has declared this nation to be under God’s rule and authority and seeks righteousness and justice for our nation. (Ps 89:14)
We welcome and embrace the fear of the Lord as the standard for all righteous rule and repent for the ways in which we have bowed to the fear of man. Cleanse our hearts and renew our minds that we may walk in the light of Your truth. (Ps 43:3) We ask that President Trump would delight in the fear of the Lord in order to walk in the power of Your might and the wisdom of Your ways. (Mi 3:8) May righteousness and faithfulness be his portion so that he may render righteous judgments according to Your Word. (Is 11:3-5)
We ask that President Trump would show no fear toward the evil that assails him (Is 8:12), but rather overcome it with a zeal and passion for Your laws which bring life and liberty to all. (Pr 10:29-32) May he love Your Word and seek your wisdom diligently (Pr 8:17), remaining open and teachable to godly counsel and heaven’s wisdom. (Pr 1:7) We thank You that his heart is in Your hands and that You will direct it according to Your will and purpose. Grant him increased grace and blessing as he heeds your voice and obeys Your word. (Pr 21:1)
We declare over President Trump that he will have true judgments by the Spirit and not according to man. (Is 11:3-4) We declare that he will possess heaven’s knowledge with shrewdness of mind in making right decisions for the good of the people. (Pr 8:12) Fill his mouth with good things (Pr 16:9-13) that he may speak what is true and right. (Pr 8:6) We pray that he will use his God-given authority to execute justice and establish righteousness in this land for the sake of Your glory and Kingdom. (Gen 49:10, Ps 60:7) We declare that he will rule in the midst of his enemies, not backing down or wavering due to threats or intimidation (Ps 110:1-2, Eph 6:13). May his ears become deaf to the assaults from his enemies and may those who seek his life answer to You for their wicked ways. May he know that it is Your hand and Your sovereign purpose that is keeping him and sustaining him in his divine commission. (Ps 38:12-15)
Keep President Trump, and those who serve him, safe from the enemy’s snares and free from the accuser’s traps. (Ps 141:9-10) By Your great hand, Lord, deal with those who oppose righteousness and justice so that all men will know it is You alone who is sovereign and true. (Ps 64:6-9) May the fire of Your presence burn up all Your enemies and consume all those who stand against You concerning our destiny and inheritance as one nation under God. (Ps 97:1-6)
Thank you, Father, for hearing our prayers and empowering us as Kingdom ambassadors on the earth. From the highest office in the land to the least known among men, may we all seek to know You more intimately, serve You more passionately, and praise You more fully so that all men will be saved. Through the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.
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May the G-d of Abraham smite the son of Satan who resides in the “white house”.For he is truly the anti Christ.
All of his followers are doomed to spend eternity in hell.
Biden is the winner in 2020. Trump will end his days in prison.
Andrew, I think you’re on the wrong site. You’d be MUCH more comfortable
if you were on a site for atheist or anti-Americans,where you’d fit in better. Because you’re obviously
here for no reason than to pick a fight. You’re not here to pray for the
president, that’s obvious. President Trump goes nowhere unless GOD says so.
If GOD wants him to be president until 2024, GOD will make that happen and
you might as well give up. Trump acknowledges God and Jesus Christ, he’s
pro-LIFE (SO IS GOD), and he’s doing a great job all around. He’s doing what
other presidents failed to do and should have done, and that’s making our
border more secure. He’s making the rest of them look SO BAD, and setting
the bar really high, and that’s one reason they don’t like him They also don’t
want him around because they know he’ll do what he promised and that’s to
drain the swamp, and that makes them nervous because they know THEY ARE THE
SWAMP he referred to. TRUMP 2020 and GOD BLESS AMERICA
Ah yes, another righteous person who cannot or will not spell out the word GOD. A person who does not understand the fact this country was founded “under God” and we pray that it will remain “under God”. There are many that want to destroy our foundation based on Christianity and replace it with Fascism, the true children of Satan. For the fascists “wanna be”, read the world history of the 19th and 20th century. Oh, but you will probably say you do not need to because none of that ever happened anyway.
What “church” were you indoctrinated under?
YES! Psalm 66:1 Make a joyful noise unto GOD, all ye land. Because he hears our prayers for all. GOD BLESS AMERICA
You sound so sweet and I love that scripture you
referred to. God bless you and your family now, and
Matthew 19:19
Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.
Dear Heavenly, I agree in prayer with the thousands of those who call you Lord, for President Trump today. I ask that he will honor you as Lord and surrender every aspect and dimension of his life to you, including his body, soul, and spirit; and that he will receive your life and your love and all the grace and mercy he so desperately needs.
Please prompt president Trump to “bow his knee” to you and submit to your authority. Please prompt him to humble himself, so he recognizes his own inadequacy and rely upon the strength and power of prayer on behalf of our nation and on himself. May he be like King Hezekiah, who when faced with opposition, called upon the Lord for deliverance on behalf of his people praying, “Now, Lord our God, deliver us from his (the enemy’s) hand, so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you alone, Lord, are God.” (2 Kings 18:19)
I pray you will direct the heart of our President and turn it whichever way You choose. (Proverbs 21:1). I ask You to direct his heart and mind to make decisions according to Your ways and your will for America.
I thank you Lord, that America was founded at a time when Americans were ruled essentially by Your law written on their hearts because they loved You and followed after You. I pray for a fresh outpouring of your mercy and grace upon Your people of this fine nation to turn and follow you. I trust that President Trump will abide by the America’s rule of law and our Constitution.
I pray that You will have Your way with those who influence our President’s decisions, that they will speak in agreement with Your Word. I ask You to send laborers filled with the spirit of wisdom and might, godly counsel and insight, to surround our President, his Vice President Pence, as well as his Cabinet members. I also ask You to remove from positions of authority those who stubbornly oppose righteousness, and replace them with those who will honor You.
Please “put a guard over President Trumps mouth and a watch over the door of his lips.” (Psalm 141:3) I pray that no unwholesome talk comes out of his mouths (or Twitter account), but only what is helpful for building up the one in need and bringing grace to those who listen. (Ephesians 4:29)
I pray for divine protection over President Trump, his wife, his family, and all his associates. I agree with Isaiah 54:17, “Lord, please do not allow any weapon turned against our President to succeed. I trust You will silence every voice raised up to accuse him. Avenge those who fight against our leader.”
Dearest God, Holy and Victorious Trinity, thank You for our President and the amazing effect that the power of concentrated and corporate prayer. I pray that we, as the people of God, confess our sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. (James 5:16)
Thank you for your faithfulness to hear and answer our prayers. May we be (continue to remain) joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. (Romans 12:12)
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
Beautiful prayer!
Thy will b done.
Lord I pray that you will bless our president. Keep him safe and help him turn this country around and I pry you will strike down those that are trying to destroy our country. God Bless America and God bless Trump for working so hard trying to make it great again. AMEN.
I agree with everything you said. Let president Trump do his job. So far job well done. All of this name calling isn’t necessary. He has done a lot of good for the country. Keep going Trump!God Bless America. God bless you and your family, Trump. 🙏
Amen God Bless president Trump he has so much hatred against him-than any other president
Amen! We love our President! We are so thankful that the Lord placed President Trump in office. We will continue to pray for God’s provision of grace, protection and power upon His life and his family.
Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that you watch over and protect our president and his family. It was a miracle that he won over the others, but you made that happen for a reason and I’m glad you did. God, please take away all evil spirits and surround him with many blessings.
Here is another hate filled comment by a Hillary voter. Learn how to pray to your God, not Satan.
Robin Mauro…what kind of a person asks God to strike our President dead?!? There are no words that can describe what a disgusting human being you have shown yourself to be. God WILL hear your prayer, and you might be surprised at who He actually does strike down! May God forever protect our President from people who wish him ill, as you have.
What kind of a person prays such an evil prayer!
You are in ignorance. You are praying against a duly elected President who is anointed by God. In your blindness you are coming against the Holy Spirit. Repent and be saved or suffer the consequences of the ignorant and rebellious.
I pray that he will find kindness and compassion in his heart for himself, ALL people, animals and our environment. I pray that he will find wisdom in protecting our democracy as a government of and for the people, ALL people, including immigrants who seek safety and asylum and people of color. I pray that he finds the pathway to expressing dignity for ALL people–women and people who are disabled. I pray that he learns the power of truth-telling and being authentic with himself and the people he SERVES. I pray that he finds peace and love within himself and brings that to the world. I pray that he knows the joy and freedom of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Kia, you took the prayer right out of my heart!
Your will be done, Heavenly Farther !
My Lord in heaven please protect our President Donald Trump and his family. Please let him to continue to drain the Swamp of all that want to hurt him and our country. My God bless the USA and our President.
Lord we ask you to give President Trump the wisdom and knowledge he needs to continue to fight for our country We ask your protection on him and his family as they are being persecuted in this administration. We ask you to stop these that are trying to harm him and breaking your commandments by telling untruths on him and his family. Lord we know you see each heart and what’s in it and we ask that justice be served on these evil doers especially those who have no regard for precious lives. Father you know the future but you said in your Word if my people will humble themselves and pray you will hear our prayers and heal our land. God we need healing today and we know you can bring this about. We know you can shut the mouths of lions and protect those in the fire as well as any problem we have you are bigger than these. So today Lord we ask your blessing upon this man you have allowed to have this office and allow him to continue the task before him for another term We also ask for him to be wise in those who are advising him daily that they will see the truth and give him good advice and not play God. This world is so corrupt God but we know we have a Savior in your Son Jesus Christ. One day he will return and claim his kingdom but for now we ask your blessings on President Trump so he may continue to lead and guide the people so this country can survive and these evildoers are put out of office and Christian men and women will replace them. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer and thank you for your Saving grace and mercy you grant us. Inrhwy Son’s Holy Name we pray. Amen.
God bless our president Donald Trump and all those who stand beside him. Lord forgive us of our sin and make us the nation that worship’s God in Jesus name amen.
Amen 🙏 Lord be with our President & His Family in these times of trouble, wrap your arms around them & keep them safe in Christ name I pray.🙏
This is a beautiful pray and even though I pray for him and his family every day, I hope he stands strong against evil and continues his good work for the USA.
Amen, sister in Christ, Rosemary
Amen! I am in agreement with this prayer.
I am so proud to see all these prayers going up for our President Donald Trump and his family.I pray for him and his family almost everyday.Thad God would watch over them and cover each one of them with the Precious Blood of Jesus.I pray that God will send the precious Holy Spirit to Donald to give him Knowlage,wisdom,understanding how to run this Country and make it great again In Jesus name I pray.
I pray for president Trump that he will see that God is protecting him and that he will have a another 4 yrs to be president he is a smart man and really cares about America we will as Americans keep him our prayers and our hearts God bless him in Jesus I pray Amen
Heavenly Father, Thank you for the technology that allow us to join hands across this great nation to join together in prayer for President Trump, his family and the situation in our nation. We pray that our prayers are in right alignment with your Holy Word as we know that our only hope is in your saving grace and mercy. Thank you for the gift of reconciliation between you and your creation through the death, burial and resurrection of your son, Jesus Christ. Please bless, protect and save all those that join their voices today in prayer, help us to be bold and live for you. In Jesus name, AMEN.
Beautiful, Amen
I have my alarm set for 8p.m. Every night to remind me to pray for peace for our country, our President Trump and Vice President Pence and their families, our troops, first responders, citizens, and our families.
Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name! We praise you and thank you for allowing us to pray to you for our President , our Nation and citizens of the USA! Please forgive us of our many sins,(Abortion, lies, dishonesty, cruelty and disrespect to our President and his Family and many, many other sins! We pray we will cease doing them and learn more of your desires for us–that we will put you first in all aspects of our life and follow you for ever. In Jesus Holy Name we pray, Amen.
I pray everyday that our President will continue in strength and in purpose to continue to Make America Great again in spite of the slander from those who hate him. I pray that God will guide him every step of the way as he does so. I pray for Gods protection over him, the First Lady and all of his extended family. I praise our loving and mighty Lord God in Heaven for His love and His Holy Spirits guidance. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
Amen and Amen
Thy will b done.
In total agreement, amen!
Amen and Amen!!!
Lord I ask that you continue to wrap you shield of protection around President Trump and his family. Protect them from injury and false accusations. Be with him and guild him to serve one nation under God.
Please bless our President as we pray this prayer today.
Thy will b done.
amen and amen. It is done.
May God’s will be accomplished, May we all learn to listen and pray. Pray for discernment and clarity of mind and thought. I pray for grace and mercy as none of us deserve your grace, but are forever grateful for your Mercy. Amen.
That God will continue to give President Trump guidance in all decisions and never waver from the truth. We pray for you everyday Mr. President.
God Bless you and your family.
thank you for the opportunity to pray, in the name of Jesus Christ in Unity with my Brothers and Sisters who honor our President. There is STRENGTH and POWER in PRAYER and UNITY!
We prayed for a man like President Trump in 2016. We need to pray for his strength during this difficult time as those who don’t care about God or his ways are trying to take him down.
The recent events that have taken place shows our how our country is heading down a very dark place.
We need God’s intervention again and hopefully he will hear our prayers.
I prayed this beautiful prayer to our Heavenly Father. God bless us all .✝️✝️✝️
I prayed this prayer for President Trump in agreement with all of you. Praying also for his family – that God’s strength, comfort and peace surround them.
I lift up our wonderful President Donald J.Trump & VP. Michael Pence and families in prayer daily . Decreeing psalms 91 over each one and families . Decreeing psalms 23 . Stripping the enemy of all his power armor and weapons against these leaders.Binding up cancelling demonic assignments against each one and family . Cancelling witchcraft assignments nullifying with the blood in JESUS name? I cover each one and families in the blood .angelic hedge , Hosts sent to expose uncover all withe House of Representatives Nancy pelosi , church shumer and Muslims in congress trying to oust Him impeach . I command their attempts to impeach to backfire on them and enemies work be exposed in them . I loose angels of Judgement to bring the evil doers to Justice ,loose Warring angels battalions around Trump & Pence and families in JESUS name . I send the Hosts command to guard and protect each person each Family . I decree and declare Donald J Trump & Michael Pence our leaders steps are ordered of the Lord each step to align our gov’t with Gods will . Asking for wisdom in all our country affairs . Asking for divine strategies to remove Pelosi, Shumer , Muslims and all obstructing justice and to halt the infiltration of Muslims in our gov’t and in our country in JESUS name .i decree and declare Trump will finish his term in office and be re-elected inn2020 Decree Trumps a 2 term president in JESUS name .
I agree with every word in the name of our precious Lord Jesus. I pray for president Trump, his family and Mike Pence and his family also many true conservative, loyal Constitional leaders. Today God awoke me at 4.00 to pray. Thank you God that you answer prayers. How many churches reminded their flock of this monumental event?
Thank you for our president and all men and women in authority that we may live peaceful and Godly lives.
I pray for President Trump as he stands for life, Israel, family, the constitution and our military that he would call upon You and listen to how You answer him regarding issues today. Please impart to him the strength that he continues to need to be steadfast, unmovable, and abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that his labor is not in vain when it is You Lord.
Lord, you see the trials, temptations and threats that he and other Godly leaders face daily, please impart Your wisdom and boldness to navigate through the issues each day that they stand for righteousness.
Lord, You know our president is just a man who needs Your help, please give him an instructed tongue that he may proclaim the words You give him as Your ordained leader to stand for Godly ways. Bless him, his family and staff with deep, abiding love for You.
May the lost see Your hand of power, experience Your love and come to know Your great love for them, as well.
Thank You Lord for Your answers, in Jesus name. Amen.
As we pray this word, may the Lord hasten to perform this word concerning our President and our Nation.
Lord look down from the Heavens and protect our country and may we live by abiding of the 10 Commandments . We Pray for our President and his family and all of their supporters in restoring our country’s from evenly foe. Lord hear our Prayers and guide our President in all aspects of Yoirn law. Amen
We pray this in agreement and may you keep President Trump free from deception and betrayal. Please place even more hedges of protection around him. We claim Your will for the 2020 election. In Jesus name, Amen.
As daily, but esp today with others across the nation, I pray for the protection and wisdom of our president and thank God for blessing us with him at this dark time. I also pray that those who are lying, distorting, and committing fraud in an attempt to overthrow him will realize the evil surrounding us at this time and join us in repenting from our sins and keeping America great.
Amen! Lord hear our prayers.
Thy will b done.
May we speak only His Word daily as we honorand worship Him alone.
My we speak as one voice as we hear Him. Mix faith with action with the word. Fight from the point of victory given us by His promises.
Thank you God for giving us President Trump! Please continue to watch over him & his family, & keep them & all of us safe! Amen
Praying that God will continue to use this president to help “expose the hidden works of darkness”. Praying that God will “deliver us from evil”. Praying that our president will “call upon the name of the Lord” and be saved…he, his family and our nation.
Amen! I am in agreement with this prayer.
A lovely prayer. I pray for our President quite a bit. I am thrilled today is dedicated to offering prayers for his safety and fortitude when facing his demented Democrat foes. So AMEN to the prayer. Thank You!
Wonderful prayer, we need God so much to heal our nation. Please protect our President and help him to help us. Amen
Precious Lord, your word states if my people repent of our evil ways you will hear our prayers. Please forgive us for not seeking your will and desires daily! May we not be afraid to speak your truths in love and grace, even if it means the rejection of those who don’t believe! Please send a revival across this Nation with fellow believers crying out to you. Please be with President Trump and his family. May they be open to your leading, and seek you in all things!! We love you Jesus and we pray for your guidance, strength and wisdom for all of your children. May we be bold in loving and serving you!Thank you Jesus in your precious name Amen!
Wow-seriously? Praying for our president to fail and be jailed is praying for the demise of America.
No man, or president, is sinless. God help anyone who calls for judgement on another without examining their own hearts. He was not elected because he was perfect. He was elected because he proposed the best path to lead our nation out of the Godless, sinful, and chaotic chasm it was spiraling into.
President Trump is an imperfect man ( as is everyone on this planet) and is in need of prayer for guidance ( as does everyone on this planet). President Trump’s actions are to stabilize the nation and biblically lead the US.
I WILL pray for him, his family, the United States, and anyone who calls for his failure.
We are meeting under the cross at 11:30am at Prairie Ridge Church in Ankeny if anybody from the area would like to join us. Please come!
Will be praying!!!
Thank you for this prayer template!!
Awesome prayer, I’m ALL IN
We are meeting under the cross at 11:30am at Prairie Ridge Church in Ankeny if anybody from the area would like to join us. Please come!
[…] For a prayer guide go to […]
[…] For a prayer guide go to […]
May Our Great God Bless our dear Leader, President Trump and his great family. We are blessed by his abundant amount of work and we are more free because of his following the Biblical ways. Thank you dear Jesus for the many salvations that have occured. We pray and declare President Trump you are covered with the full armor of God which includes the Shield of Faith which destroys all the fiery attacks of the enemy! HALLELUJAH God you are Great. In Jesus Name
Wonderful prayer. As I read through hateful comments on here, shame on you people. Wanting our president to Fail, is like wanting the boat you are in to sink? And that boats been sinking a long, long time. I’m glad we’re finally doing something about that.
I’m not only going to Pray for Our President, Our Nation and our leadership on June 2nd. I’m going to continue to pray daily for him. The only President in my lifetime actually making the Lives of ALL American Citizens better & better each day!
Isaiah 54:17 KJV- No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
And for the ones being hateful towards praying for Our President:
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 KJV- Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
But also know…that anyone, ANYONE can pray this, gets rid of their evil ways, & you too get to enjoy Salvation & Redemption.
John 3:16 KJV- For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Joining my heart in prayer for our President Donald Trump on this day June 2, 2019 with all those praying this prayer and other prayers given. Lord God you are our only hope and you have put this man – not a perfect man – in authority over our nation. He looks to you for wisdom, guidance and direction daily and has asked us to pray for him, so here we are today as fellow believers joining in prayer. Hear this prayer Lord and send your Holy Spirit to fall upon not only President Trump BUT all those who seek to destroy him and all this country was founded on. Remove the scales from their eyes, Lord. In Jesus Name I Pray!!
Amen,.what a wonderful prayer,and God hears our voices. He loves us and He will continue to protect our President and family all those who surround him, What a time to be living and witnessing the power of God moving through this countrymthrough our President Donald J. Trump. God bless you all for praying on this day Hallelujah, All Glory To God
I agre with you, Joyce Phillips. As a born again Christian, I’ve been appalled by this president’s actions, behavior, evil decisions regarding children torn from theirparents,obstructing legal investigations, praises for dictators and his foul language IN PUBLIC . I pray for him but I will not characterize other Christians who disagree with him as evil. The word of God applies to all of us, not just a select few. What one has reaped, he will sow.
There is a great blindness caused by the leftest, so much that those who have been deceived by it are easy targets to the lies. It’s obvious that President Trump is a good president. Let’s not be blinded by the lies and plots of the leftists. May God have mercy.
What a powerful prayer! Also there is power in prayer when said by
many. Thank you God for sending your soldiers to fight the enemies and the evil ones of this world. This could be our last chance to save all in which God created.May God Bless our President and May God Bless America. All Glory be to God.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
May the Lord hear us pray this prayer answer this prayer according to His good and perfect will. Amen
Joining my heart in prayer with this grea body of Christ followers. God’s will be done on earth as in heaven. May his truth and justice and Grace prevail.
Amen…if God be for our President who can be against him?
A very scriptural Prayer
No. I will not pray for just the President. I pray for all Leaders of thus great nation. I pray God uncover the truths that are buried under lies, deceptions, and manipulations and coruptions. Let us stand on “In God we trust” God please help the leaders of America and all nations. Please lead and guide them to be honest,to have good character and moral values. Help us Oh Lord to know you, for you know all and see all. Amen.
So what sin is the Pres doing every day? And how should we know this? What films and print do you refer to? And do you not sin? If you sinned only once in your life, you are equally guilty as those other men you mentioned. We are all sinners!
Did you know that if it were not for Trump being our Pres right now you and I would not be as free as we are right now. You and all of us owe God and Trump a huge thank you. The Bible tells us why in Genesis 12:3.
Because Trump is keeping our nation’s part of this deal by
befriending Israel,
God is keeping His promise to bless us, even though we do not deserve it. I am thankful that God stands by His Word. If He did not, we would not be free to go to our churchs as usual or to speak against a president. We would soon be under inadequate rations for everything we now take for granted as is true for Cubans right now. Women would be forced to accept rape orbeatings from their husbands,
if under Sharia Law. Or would be treated like Jesus’ and His apostles were if we came under rule of another nation or the current Dem candidates. Read Genesis 12:3 again. It’s a promise from God. Be thankful that God gave us the man He did this term, and pray that the same man gets another term. Pray for protection for Trump and His family unless you want to see God unleash His wrath on the USA sooner than need be. The combined prayers across this land are also necessary for God’s promise in 2nd Chronicles 7:14.
“Did God want us to pray for them?”
Answer: YES!
YES! we are to pray for “…ALL who are in authority” (1 Timothy 2)
Like him or not, Donald Trump is the President of our nation. I will pray that he may be led by the power of God’s Spirit. I will pray that he may have wisdom from on high. I will pray that his family may be protected from the vicious verbal and vitriolic attacks hurled at them on a daily basis.
If Donald Trump is not genuinely saved, I will pray for his salvation. Regardless, he is (as every other leader of nations) under the providential hand of a sovereign, almighty God. We will pray that his heart may be guided by God’s grace. We will pray that our nation, indeed, our world may experience God’s mercy and know peace.
This is the most positive prayer I have heard, thank you.
Will pray for you to know the truth…🙏♥️🇺🇸
God can use anyone he chooses to accomplish his work. It’s not up to you to decide whether he is a Christian or not. God looks at the heart of us all. The bible says we are to pray for those in authority over us, we are to pray for those who persecute us and yes even offend us. Ask yourself a question. Was Jesus selective about loving us? He loved us even though he was rejected, persecuted and crucified. He loves you too. Our President, whether you like him or not, is a fellow human being who needs and is just as deserving as anyone of prayers.
Abraham wasn’t a Godly man. David surely wasn’t a Godly man. But, they turned their hearts toward God even as they made terrible, human mistakes with their families and for themselves. And God had them in His care, and they were powerful forces for God’s purposes.
So your comment is WAY off base.
How long ago was it that he said that? God changes people. Look at all the men in the Bible that were “sinners”: Saul was a murderer of Christians yet God saw his heart and struck him blind on the road to Damascus, Saul then believed in God. His name was changed to Paul and he became one of the greatest disciples of Christ. Remember Samson? He disobeyed God and became a prisoner of the Philistines yet God used him to destroy the Philistines. Don’t forget about David. He was an adulterer yet God used him and he became a great King.
My suggestion is that you get your Holy Bible and read Matthew 7:5. Here it is, in case you’ve misplaced your Bible as you find it necessary to condemn others.
“You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”
And, thank you, Brother Graham; I’m printing and praying 🙏🏻 this yesterday, today and tomorrow. More than once a day! Blessings!!
Through ur Holy word we r instucted 2 pray 4 our enemies…apparently some people still believe they r without sin and can not recognize over 70 yr. no one until Pres. D. Trump recognized Ur Holy city Jerusalem. Praise U Abba Father Adonai 4 the steps Pres. D. Trump has taken 2 preserve religious freedom and right 2 life 4 those who can not speak 4 themselves. Thank U he begins each day with prayer. Thank U 4 forgiving my sins as all have sinned & come short but through Ur redemption plan people can still repent and receive a new heart. Amen
I agree with this prayer for our President Trump! Truly he has been chosen byGod for such a time as this!
Thank You, Lord, for strengthening him and encouraging him to keep on standing strong, not wavering!
Bless him and his family! In Jesus Name Amen!
Amen LORD!
Agreeing in prayer for our president. I also pray these scriptures over him:
But no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment you shall show to be in the wrong. This [peace, righteousness, security, triumph over opposition] is the heritage of the servants of the Lord [those in whom the ideal Servant of the Lord is reproduced]; this is the righteousness or the vindication which they obtain from Me [this is that which I impart to them as their justification], says the Lord.
Isaiah 54:17 AMPC
Like the sparrow in her wandering, like the swallow in her flying, so the causeless curse does not alight. [Num. 23:8.]
Proverbs 26:2 AMPC
Passing this on in every social media format I am in. Praising God for His Goodness and Mercy.
Where two or more are gathered….
To pray this prayer every day not just this Sunday…
as we speak there are those cursing us hourly…we can forgive, love, bless and do good plus intercede.
Greater is He within us than he that is in the world.
He is mighty to save.
His love never fails.
We Rejoice the victory is ours….
Peace to each one…the battle is the Lord’s and He Triumphs in every situation.
This is a great format to pray daily not only for our President but also for the leaders of other nations so that they can bless their people. When we stand in agreement (Matt 18:18-19) God pays attention and does the needful.
Through our God we shall do valiantly, it is he who treads down our enemies. We’ll just sing and shout the victory..Christ is King! 2 Chr 15:12.
This president is not willfully abusing or harming the citizens in any way.
Lord Jesus, we humble ourselves before You! Search our hearts Jesus/Yeshua! We praise You, Lord, for allowing IFA to set a platform for us to unite in prayer! May Your Word and Your Will go forth in Spirit and in Truth as You move throughout this – Your Nation. Be pleased O Lord, our God to manifest and establish Your prayer in John 17, esp verses 20-23. All Glory and Honor, Power and Praise belong to You, our One and Only King! Job 42:1-2 Establish the work of our hands and cause the enemy to come under Your feet!YOU are Lord of All!
Thank you for verses to pray for our President, God be with you
I will be praying for President Trump and our nation on Sunday June 2nd. Lord help us!
Father I agree to watch over the president, his family and his administration. May you find the forces of darkness and free the forces of your light on him . Bless his wife and family and heal the wounds that have been inflicted on them and fill them with your love and peace, in Jesus name amen.
I lift up my President. I thank you Lord for providing him to us. Keep him safe and give him wisdom to lead us in the days ahead.
May the Father, Son and Holy Spirit bless, protect and direct President Donald J Trump.
Praise God! How HE has called so many to prayer from all walks of life. Is not our God amazing? The unity of prayer, seeing the mass number of others praying together gives us immense hope for what God is going to do in and through our president and for the USA. Since He has called so many to prayer, we all get to watch Him moving! His WORD IS A LAMP UNTO OUR FEET AND A LIGHT TO OUR PATH and will not return VOID! THANKS BE TO GOD!
This is the best prayer I have read concerning the President. So many do not mention a word concerning justice. We want justice for President Trump and for us, the righteous, from our enemies and this prayer requests it. Thank-you well done.
We pray for our land and the President that was sent to be our Leader. No man could have the success President Trump has had without a strong backing of prayer and the desire in his heart to serve the Lord and depend on his leading. Lord we thank you for your blessings on so many in this administration that relies on your hand that guides them. May we all hold them up in prayer, in Jesus name and for his Glory….not our own. Amen
Praying for Our Chief Commander
& His Administration
& Vice. Gods People
We will be United Together As One!
Thank you everyone
Putting this together to pray❤ John 1:2
Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.
This is How We Fight Our Battles!!
Lord God I pray we would love you so much that obeying you would be more important then any sacrifice we would need to make to do 2nd Chronicles 7: 14 because only obeying you can save us from the insane being in charge of deciding what is Mental Health
AMEN! Father, thank You that obedience is more important to You than sacrifice. May the desire to obey because of our great love for You continue to increase exponentially throughout the Body of Christ as each of us seeks to know You more and more. Thank You that YOU desire and enable us to FIND You (the real YOU) as we seek You.
Thank You, Father, also for finding such a willing and surrendered BELIEVER in Wanda and giving her the courage and confidence to share the revelations You have given her. May her steadfastness and faithfulness continue to increase and may Your words to and through her continue to bring increased understanding, boldness and transformation throughout Your Body. We pray in the Mighty Name of JESUS, Your Anointed SON.
Wonderful! Thank you!!