Today is the National Day of Prayer! Across the nation at noon everyone is reciting the National Day Prayer, in unity.
Here is the prayer:
ALMIGHTY GOD, our Heavenly Father, we look to You alone for the future of America. By Your providence, You have placed each of us here at this time in history to be in this nation. Thank You for this blessing. Thank You for America.
BUT ABOVE ALL, we thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. It is in His name, we come to You as we intercede in prayer for America.
FORGIVE US, OH LORD, for the sins we have committed against You in America. We are failing You by dishonoring one another through our harsh and bitter words about each other. We are failing You through broken relationships. We are failing You by devaluing human life from conception until death. We are failing You with the division in our nation.
LORD, WE TURN FROM these sinful actions and refuse to live this way. Please forgive us now and help us to choose love over hate, unity over division, and life over death. WE CHOOSE to live by Jesus’ words: Love One Another. Therefore, upon the authority of Your Word in John 13:34, “Love one another. Just as I have loved you,” we pray for
a future America that will choose to love willfully, sacrificially, and unconditionally just like Jesus loves us.
WE PRAY FOR THE CHURCH in America to love one another. Empower each church to be full of love for one another. Ignite a revival of love for one another. Since we are to be known by our love, help us to love one another.
WE PRAY FOR EVERY FAMILY, EVERY WORKPLACE, EVERY COMMUNITY, AND EVERY CITY IN AMERICA to choose love. We believe there is power in love. We believe love is the better way. We believe love is God’s Way. Oh Lord, change families, workplaces, communities, and cities through the power of love. Raise up a Love One Another
movement across America.
WE PRAY FOR ALL ETHNICITIES AND PEOPLE IN AMERICA to love one another. Lord, tear down every wall of division and change any attitude that divides us today. Bind up our nation’s wounds and may the transforming love of God lead us to the day when justice will roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.
WE PRAY FOR YOUR LOVE to surround America. We pray for Your love to surround and protect us in every public setting and private place. Protect us from harm.
WE BELIEVE ALL OF THESE THINGS, OH LORD, represent our deep need for the next great move of God across America. We ask You alone for the next Great Spiritual Awakening in America. Please, oh God, wake up Your Church and revive Your people today. We ask You to begin a mighty spiritual awakening in every town, every city, and every county in America.
WE NEED AND DESIRE THIS SO MUCH, THAT BEGINNING RIGHT NOW, we are choosing love and forgiveness, love and restitution, love and healing, love and unity, and a future that will be transformed by the power of unconditional love. When we belong to You, we belong to love. We choose to Love One Another!
IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, the only Savior and Hope in this world, we pray. Amen.
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The heavenly father I thank you for this blessed day of prayer for you and for all the intercessors who are praying this day father God we love you we love our nation father we ask you to protect our commander and chief Donald Trump father I beg that people stop all the lies and the deceit and the will to destroy him and he is cabinets. Heavenly Father watch over him keep him safe and his family stop all the lies and the deceit and the corruption saw the film their hearts with love enjoy messy wisdom guide them safely wherever they go look after that family. Oh Jesus I cry out to you you have helped me have a beautiful life without you it would not be possible you have extended my life father you have healed me from being so sick I sometimes wonder father if I deserve all that you have done for me I get on my Bended Knees and thank you Father from the bottom of my heart for what you have done for me the blessings and the Miracles that you have given to me and my family and my friends I’m so thankful Lord I love you so much. Father God watch over my friends and my family father heal the sick watch over the homeless help those father who hurt from diseases remove their pain father only you can do that I pray for my pastor and for my church I pray father that all decisions that they make are exactly what you want and nothing else I pray for their honesty Mercy and why stem I pray father for no discrimination in our country. In Jesus name amen
I am in agreement with all of these powerful prayers. I pray God that You would mature Your Bride, The Church, so that we are conformed to Your image, Your heart, Your mind, and thus Your love, Your works, Your mission.
Let us put away childish and selfish ways, and be so united to Your great heart of love that we accurately re-present YOU to the world. When YOU are lifted up, You will draw all men unto you! John 12:32 -“when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to Myself.”
Lord, pour out your gift of repentance, enabling us to truly, humbly TURN from all of our wicked ways. Grant us a holy awe and reverential FEAR of the Lord. May it blanket our nation and globe, that we may cry out: Lord, YOUR WILL BE DONE on earth as it is in heaven! We are SO grateful for who YOU are to each one of us… and that it is Your will that none should perish, but that everyone will come to repentance. THRUST out laborers into Your great harvest in the United States and the globe. May your KINGDOM increase, and may YOU be glorified in all things… in our hearts first, and then in our words, deeds and actions. Grant FAVOR upon all righteous ones who carry Your heart. May they be elevated to positions of even greater influence, fulfilling YOUR will, and helping bring our nation back to Your righteous principles and way. We love you, Lord. Thank You for the privilege of prayer, and that we may join YOU our Great Intercessor, in releasing YOUR heart and will upon the earth. It is in Your name, the matchless name of Jesus Christ, that I add this prayer, and join in agreement with the other precious and mighty prayers that have been prayed. Amen.
This prayer is a one size fits all. Instead, Starting with the church, each believer should get before God asking Him to search us and know us and show us the hurtful ways in us that have contributed to the brokenness around us and to lead us in the way everlasting. “Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give rest.” Matthew 11:28
Blessed Father we give thanks that we have a Father that loves us and wants only the best for us and yet we turn away from Your love and look to the world for what we think love is. Forgive us for our foolish hearts. Thank You that we have people in our lives to remind us that You are the way to true love. John 3:16 says “That God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”. Every time we are tempted to say or do something to hurt someone may we remember what God sacrificed for us. Amen
Lord,I agree with these prayers. May the love of the Lord flow through our lives. Wake up the churches to fear You and honor You in their messages. As we do that the Great Awakening will begin. We ask that it will be even this year but You know the right time. Raise up more and more intercessors to join in honoring You, repenting of our sins, which are many, and bringing You back into all the areas of our government and lives. Restore us to honoring You and not man. May You be glorified in our lives, churches, and nation. As we do that Your love will flow. Thank You, Heavenly Father for what you are going to do. In Jesus precious name, amen
Beautiful prayer thank you for posting it. May the next generation know that God so loved the world that he gave His only Son to die for our sins. Lord I thank you that you first loved us. That you have called us and set us apart. Make us a remnant people who serve you first then all else will line up to you good and precious will. You are Lord of Lords, King of kings, The Great I AM. You are unchanging you are the same yesterday, today and always, because of this we can rely on you to hear and answer us in our time of need. Lord this nation needs You to come heal our land. We ask that you start with us first those of us to confess to know you. May we be seen as the light in the darkness as you intended us to be. Start in the leadership of the churches and work your way down. We ask that all the evil that is being done behind closed doors be brought to light. Remove any and all priests, preachers, rabbis that are living in open rebellion to your Word. I ask for a special hedge of protection for the Jews in this nation and across the world. Be a ring of fire around them Lord I ask that you send the sweetness of Your Spirit to minister to those in the recent synagogue shooting. May the know that the vast majority of Evangelical Christians love them and see them as Gods’ choose people. May the rest of American realize that what you said in your Word regarding the Jews is to be followed which states I will bless those who bless you and curse you. We thank you for President Donald Trump and his bold proclamation that the Golan Heights belong to the Jews, and we thank you that our embassy is now in the Holy city of Jerusalem. We love you today and thank you for the freedom to pray. We thank you that we can trust in you to move in our behalf. You are the Almighty God, our Beloved Brother who was Broken for us. You are the Creator of the Universe, the Divine and Door to the truth, Everlasting Father, Faithful Witness, full of Goodness and Mercy, Holy and Pure, Immanuel God with us. Just in all your ways, King of Kings, Lover of our souls, Merciful and Mighty, Name above all names, Only begotten Son, Prince of Peace, Redeemer and Repairer, Sweeter than honey in a honey cone, You are our Treasure, Unchanging, our Victory, Worthy of all our praise, You are Yahweh and we love you. Amen.
Oh, Lord, how my heart breaks reading this politically correct prayer. Father forgive us of our pride and self reliance. Lord, only you can change us. Lord we have no power to love on our own. We need You, Jesus. I cry out to You that your Holy Spirit draw the hearts of the people in our nation. Lord, open their hearts to Your word.
I pray that we humble ourselves and see that we are paupers capable of nothing on our own. Lord, let us see our evil pride, our evil deeds, our evil hearts and let us confess and repent. Lord may we commit our walk to You and seek Your will in all things. Help me be salt and light. Help Your people to be salt and light. Let them realize that with Your empowerment, their lives do make a difference in the world.
Lord, when I came to you, I only cared about my healing and my hurts. But Lord, as I have grown closer to You, you have shown me that others need help, and You have used me to minister to their needs. I pray that Christians will seek less of themselves and more for You. Amen
Amen & amen!!
Lord Almighty! only your Love can truly unite us as a nation.Thank you Lord for bringing us together today in your love.We Love you Lord Jesus.
Yes,I agree in prayer, also that we may return to a nation that honors God and chooses to be obedient to his will! May God continue to protect our nation from evil!
Thank You, dear Lord, for Your goodness and mercy to us.
Thank You for raising up Intercessors for America.
Please bless, guide, and protect this organization.
Please continue to use them to glorify Your name.
Thank You for this great day when people can come together and pray.
Please protect the young and innocent today. May they learn of You.
In Jesus’ name,
Beautiful prayer. I will join you in this unified prayer to the Lord, and speak these words over and into the heart of our nation today. God bless America.