Whether or not you are attending a prayer observance today, there are two things you do right from your home to celebrate the National Day of Prayer.
First, send a message to your elected officials that you are praying for them. It’s not difficult–click the link, enter your name and address (required because only constituents can use these kinds of systems to send messages to elected officials) and click once to send your message to all your state and federal elected officials.
Second, pray in agreement with IFA staff and intercessors who are praying at the Capitol Building in D.C. today. What follows are the prayer points we will be using today.
Our prayer assignment:
Pray for the 2019 National Prayer Observance (NDP) on Thursday, May 2
Our prayer strategy:
Release blessing, favor, and Kingdom increase upon the event and those participating so the atmosphere will be permeated with God’s presence and heaven’s glory. (Rather than “pulling down strongholds” for this assignment, we believe our prayers of apostolic blessing have great power to displace any works of the enemy.)
Our prayer posture:
We come in a spirit of humility and honor, listening as much as speaking, coming to a oneness of heart and mind so our agreement will “command a blessing” from heaven (Ps 133).
Prayer Points:
• Pray for the NDP Committee and all who are helping to coordinate the event.
• Pray for all special speakers and presenters in all of the various prayer gatherings across the nation (50,000 plus gatherings).
• Pray for those attending on-site and the government officials observing the event.
• Pray for the livestream to impact and influence all who watch, for the glory of God.
1. FORGIVING GOD, we come to You in repentance of our sins in America and ask You for forgiveness, grace, and mercy.
Against you—you alone—I have sinned and done this evil in your sight. (Ps 51:4)
Completely wash away my guilt and cleanse me from my sin. (Ps 51:2)
-Father, we confess to you our many sins as a nation . . .
-Lord Jesus, call your Church in America to repentance and a spirit of humility . . .
2. LOVING GOD, we pray for all people in America, and especially the Body of Christ, Your Church, to love one another.
Love finds no joy in unrighteousness but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends. (1 Cor 13:6-8a)
-Lord, forgive us for not honoring one another . . .
-Father, help us see the Body of Christ the way You do with each one doing their part . . .
3. POWERFUL GOD, we pray we will love You and each other so much that we will agree clearly, unite visibly, and pray extraordinarily for the next Great Spiritual Awakening in America.
Besides this, since you know the time, it is already the hour for you to wake up from sleep, because now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. (Rom 13:11)
-Father, give us Your love that inspires and empowers us to walk together towards a common goal . . .
-Holy Spirit, come and ignite the Bride to be fully alive, fully engaged, and fully walking in the power and authority of heaven to bring transformation to this nation . . .
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This year the Lord has granted me the honor of setting up a 12 hour prayer vigil on the NDP. I set up 8 stations focused on our nation, our churches, our families, the harvest a station to reflect and listen to God speak to our hearts. Each prayer moves from station to station . with prayer cards to keep us focused on subject. All request are based and given scripture to read to allow the Holy Spirit to create a prayer in us for the points of prayer. Many handouts are left on each station to help prayers continue in prayer for the country and so forth. This was something the Lord had put in my heart many years ago and last year an open door came. The presence of the Living God was with us throughout this day and those who participated were blessed. My prayer is to help the church grab hold of the life line He throughs us and to experience relationship with a personnel God who wants, who hears and desires us to bring all things to HIm. ” For the enemies of is people are many but our eyes are on the LORD”. Thank you for all the encouragement and prayer helps I received from your ministry and to God Be The Glory. Toni Kushner, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Thank You, Heavenly Father, for hearing the prayers of Your people for America today. We desire to be the nation You want us to be. Father, I ask that we would see the results of our prayers to love one another beginning right now. Father, Your love gives us Hope for the future and teaches us Your way. Father, if we truly loved one another there would be so much peace, joy, prosperity, unity, freedom from fear, and every good thing that You desire for Your people. We would be helping those in need, caring for the lonely, helping the sick, and rejoicing with those who are rejoicing.
Father, I ask that we might see a manifestation of Your love in our government. May the members of Congress work together for the good of the people. May these men and women do their jobs to the best of their abilities. Dear Lord, let Your love begin to flow throughout the Congressional buildings. Let our laws glorify You. In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen
Our holy and loving Father in heaven, on this national day of prayer, like many fellow believers, I approach Your throne of grace with confidence because of my Savior Jesus Christ with humility yet also with hope knowing that we can receive mercy and find grace in our times of need. Forgive us all our sins Father and turn us from our wicked ways: for not honoring Your name, for idol worship, for defiling marriage You ordained in the Bible, for murdering babies in mothers’ wombs, for confusing younger generations with gender identities, for abusing drugs, for destroying integrity and common sense…
Help us Father according to Your unfailing love and faithfulness that when we repent our sins against You and turn away from our wicked ways, You will hear us and heal this land. We cannot make the turn on our own, Father. So please empower us with Your Word of truth, for only Your truth can set us free from the bondages of sins and drive out the lies of darkness that have blinded so many minds. Revive your people, Lord Almighty! Reign in this land through everyone who calls upon Your Name and desires to honor You in everything they do, be it our President, Vice President, all in public offices, and everyone of us at home or in public realms. Our hearts’ desire as Your children is that Your Name will be lifted up high and exalted in this land of the free we call our home. In Jesus’ victorious Name I pray, amen!
It is you, Lord, who is in control of repentance and revival. May your plans be fulfilled for this nation, for your bride, the church, and in each of your believers’ lives. We pray for a renewed passion for divine truth, wisdom and love. For a cleansing of the pulpits from social issues to expository teaching of your word. We look and act too much like the world. We have sinned exceedingly by looking to the things of this world instead of the completely satisfying relation we may have with you. When we walk in your will and your way, we are blessed above all people. Your glory and beauty is what we seek and pray we may be the instruments you use to show others, to draw them to you.
I come before your throne our mighty Creator who authors all life, to worship you only. We Americans today prostrate ourselves before You only and submit to your Will to love as You, our Father love us. 3:16
Father God we come to you today & pray for our nation our president & vice president Congress and All that hold a position that makes decisions for the future of our country. Father your word says that if we pray & repent of our sins & turn from our wicked ways that you will forgive us of our sins & heal our land. Oh Father God we need desperately for our people to turn their hearts to you & recognize their evil ways & turn their lives to you. Father, I set in place now ahead of time the prayers for the right person to run & be placed in the presidential office. Father all the things going on right now is really bad, but you are still on the throne & I thank you for your love & that people will open up their hearts & receive that love. We your people ask right now Father God for protection for all your people. Father God I come against this division between the Republicans and the Democrates.In Jesus precious and holy name. Amen
In Jesus name, I agree. Amen
It is written, “If My people, who are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from the heavens, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will heal their land. 2Chronicles 7:14
Holy Father we come to you with humbled hearts asking you to hear our prayer , not only for our nation but for Your Church. May we seek your face with all our hearts,and love each other as you have loved us.
I agree and pray with The Body of Christ in the United States of America. Praise God who is Faithful And True. May God’s Plans and Purposes for allowing America to be birthed as a Nation come to pass.
I pray with our nation that Christianity triumphs over the evil forces seeking to destroy it. Standing hand in hand with Israel to blight out hate and destruction of our churches and synagogues!
Please Lord hear our prayers to save our country and support our President.
Agreeing with Ginger Moore’s prayer for our Nation and Israel
Amen! I agree with Ginger in prayer, Oh God. Forgive our nation and deliver us from those who seek to destroy our nation, In Jesus Mighty Name. The Name above all Names. Amen
In the precious powerful name of Jesus I agree. Kingdom of God come in more fullness. More love. More mercy. More grace. Let Your love fill us and expand our boundaries thatYou may be made known throughout our land. Amen
If My people who are called by My name will humble them self and pray. Thank you Lord, for clarity!! You said if “we” would humble ourself!! Many opportunities are given to us to humble ourself!!
Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Regarding others more important than ourself. Listening more intently to another person, rather than planning what we will say!! Being lowly in mind, esteeming and lifting up the other person, with no thought of ourself!! Submit yourself to one another.
How many times a week does the Holy Spirit bring these opportunities for us to humble ourself?
We also can humble ourself through fasting!! Psalms 69:10 I humbled myself by fasting. Esther, Daniel, David humbled themself by fasting.
Father, we will look for opportunities to humble ourself!! Help us to make it a marathon and not a sprint. Give us the desire to fast according to your word. You hear our prayers and answer us in Jesus most precious name.
I agree amen!
This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
My heart isoved, Oh Lord, to cry out to You in agreement with my brothers and sisters here today. Forgive us for glorying in the failures of others in any setting, anywhere and at any time as if it made us better. Only as we seek your kingdom and the success of others can we fulfill the greatest desire of your heart.
Praying the power of the Holy Spirit to move mightily!
Thank you IFA for this article and it’s prayers. Thank you for making it easy to send prayers to our elected officials. You are truly a blessing to our generation.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your mercy and grace and for Your love that covers a multitude of sins and the authority You give us in prayer. Please continue to send Truth to expose the lies in our country-the Light to expose what’s in the darkness. Thank You for these United States and forgive us for allowing untruth to take over so many areas of our lives. Guide all of Your children to prayer and love each other that the world would see and be drawn to Your son. May the favor of the LORD our God rest upon us, establish the work of our hands for us, yes establish the work of our hands. Glorify Yourself this day LORD. Amen and amen.
I am in complete agreement Judy.
Praying for unity and humility among believers to pray for our nation. We plead for Your mercy on us Lord God us as we have fallen so far away from You. We know it is You and You alone Lord God who can change our hearts. Please Lord change the hearts of this nation from hearts of stone to hearts of flesh who love You!
Yes Lord! Hear our Prayer! Forgive our sins and heal our Land! Bring glory to your Name! We are your people and You are our God! Blessed be the Name of the Lord! Amen
Praying in agreement.
Amen and aggree
Thankfully praying as the scripture reminds me that YOU and YOU alone FATHER GOD are forgiving, loving and powerful. So I humble myself and pray. May this day of prayer be a sweet savor to YOU and begin a cry from “We the People of this land” in repentance and return to YOU our first love.