The House Judiciary Committee has voted out the Equality Act of 2019. It now heads for a vote on the House floor with 240 co-sponsors, which means its passage is virtually certain.
The legislation amends all major civil rights law, including the 1964 Civil Rights Act, to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” along with race, sex and religion as classes that are protected from discrimination.
There is so much wrong here it is hard to know where to start.
My dictionary defines psychosis as “a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality.”
We now have a majority of members of Congress who are prepared to pass into law that the sex individuals are born with ā their chromosomal and physical reality ā will take a back seat to how those individuals choose to define their own sexual identity. Henceforth, we’ll be done with the idea that there is some objective reality independent of what of any particular individual decides it is.
I once complained that our society was denying morality ā right and wrong. Now we’re beyond this. We’re denying reality in its entirety.
Please, read again the definition of psychosis. We’re simply going crazy.
My impulse is to turn to heaven and pray to our God to save us.
But even the reality of our God, to whom the signers of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 turned for “protection,” and to whom they pledged “our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor,” is widely being brought into question.
The situation is dangerous. Hopefully, this disaster will be stopped.
First, let’s appreciate that this is oppression dressed up in language of freedom and justice.
Religious freedom goes out the window if this bill becomes law.
It explicitly defines itself as overriding the Religious Freedom Restoration Act that can protect people, such as Christian baker Jack Phillips, from being forced to do commerce that violates their Christian convictions.
There will be no more legal protections for Christians in commerce or in any other circumstance to enable them to avoid complicity with behavior that for them is sin.
A bizarre list of behaviors will become legally protected and enshrined in a new America that will be the total antithesis of the ideals of liberty envisioned by its founders.
I will have to start to worry that my little granddaughter will encounter a man in the restroom who has a right to be there because he thinks he is a woman.
Under the guise of civil rights, our public schools will be forced to teach this sexual nihilism as truth, and teaching the traditional values that have held the American family together will become an actionable offense.
We’re talking about civil tyranny, not civil rights.
Civil rights law was designed to protect human dignity by preventing individuals from being reduced to pre-existing realities not connected to their personal choices, such as race. Now with this law, the sexual behavior they choose, and the sex they decide they are, will receive the same protections.
There is a spiritual as well as a legal price that we’re already starting to pay for this insanity.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports the U.S. birthrate is the lowest it has been in 30 years. The general fertility rate, the number of births per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44, dropped 3 percent from 2016 to 2017, to a record low.
The CDC also reports a 33 percent increase in the rate of suicide from 1999 to 2017.
The culture of meaninglessness, driving perverse legislation such as the Equality Act of 2019, will destroy us.
We must vigilantly fight to prevent it from passing into law, as we recall the words of historian Arnold Toynbee: “An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide.” (For more Star Parker, visit or
We must let our representatives know that we oppose this legislation. Don’t watch from the sidelines while our nation commits suicide. Click below to send a message.Ā
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Amen to all these prayers. Open the eyes of the blind and stir up the indifference of Christians in America. God have mercy on America for your people’s sake!
Amen to Gene. Thank you Father that our battle is truly not against flesh and blood as it says in Ephesians 6. We must pray and fast in order to pull down strong holds.
All of us know people personally who are caught up in the lies about equal rights and not knowing who they are in Christ. We must continue to love them and speak the truth to them in love and as the Holy Spirit leads.
God bless all of you for caring and praying!
We must write to our Senators indeed. But, first and foremost Christians need to get on their knees and plead for a rebirth of true Christian love in this country and throughout the earth. Nothing but revival will change us as a nation , repentance must start in each of our hearts.The USA has been infiltrated by evil,immoral people. They don’t know God .
” Woe,to those who call evil good and good evil.” Is 5:20 . We must pray that these people’s hearts will be changed and they will follow Jesus Christ.
To stop this insane legislation, pray for repentance and revival, beginning with the Church, especially in the area of sexual immorality. Then vote in 2020. It is pretty clear who is behind this sort of legislation and who isn’t.
Father in Heaven, it has begun. You told us the end times would look just like this. Father, thank you for being honest, sincere, trustworthy and easy to understand. Your word tells us that this is how it happens. Jesus is our only hope. He told us that no man comes to the Father but through Him. You make a way where there is no way. Your children, Yours, those who belong to you, cry out Abba, Daddy don’t let this happen, not our will, but yours Dad, be done. Your daughter, I sit humbled by the accuracy of your Word. 10And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand. 11He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
12And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
For men will be lovers of themselves, they will not listen to sound doctrine. We are eagerly awaiting the King’s arrival. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen
Received reply from Indiana Rep Pete Visclosky. He totally disagrees with the ways of YHWH. He is voting this will pass. YHWH, I pray for Rep Visclosky now that You would encounter him in a way that he has never encountered You before. I know You know the ins and outs of him and the whys he is the way he is. I pray that you, Almighty YHWH, touch him and that he is changed by the transforming power of Yeshua The Messiah. This is something only You, His Creator, can do. We have no power over him, but You, dear YHWH, do. I pray Your power of change strikes him now. I pray he no longer is a POW in the camp of the devil, and that he will be redeemed by the Blood of Yeshua Messiah to will and to do Your good pleasure and not the pleasure of man, himself or the devil. Lord YHWH, I ask that You reign in Rep Pete Viscloskyās spirit and life. All things are possible thru You, and I pray with full trust that this comes in agreement with You that Pete will become a man of YHWH. I pray with full confidence that You hear my prayer and the prayers of all Your people to rescue Pete and all the representatives that are on the side of evil. In Yeshuaās Name I pray. Amen.
Just received reply to letter sent to my representative, Angie Craig. She co-sponsored this bill and will push hard to see that it goes through.
Love and agree in harmony with all the prayers in this chain. Thank you brothers and sisters. If any are led to add fasting from time to time let the Holy Spirit guide you with liberty. Consider singularly or jointly and still secretly with others as often occurred in the Scriptures, obeying Jesus. Best to stay in the “secret place of the most High” from Psalm 91. It will add power. Please recall Jesus said, “When” you fast”. It seems Jesus considered it a normal operational activity in our wrestling the enemy. Remember from Ephesians 6 the enemy is not flesh and blood. It’s not the people. It’s the only leader out there when people turn from the Lord. There are only two leaders. One is a created leader and is running out of time. Fasting and prayer are often mentioned in the Scripture when facing enemy strongholds. Remember Esther making her decision to stand after calling everyone to three days of fasting and prayer. It can add fervency. The nation of Israel was spared by that one person used by God as she went down to go up. Joy will follow as beauty comes from ashes, as the oil of joy comes from mourning and as the garment of praise comes from the spirit of heaviness. May all become sturdy trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord that He might be glorified. Have faith in God. Whoever would have thought Paul would become one of them that mid day when he left for Damascus in fierce determination to destroy the Christians. Whoever would have thought the King of that “wicked city” Nineveh, followed by the whole city, down to the man on the street, would have fasted three days out of fear for the impending judgment of God. Wow, what wonderful fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is good and clean and powerful and it is the the beginning of wisdom. Even the domestic animals did not eat or drink during that crying out to God as dread and trembling fell upon Nineveh. It is not by might. It is not by power. We must seek God, go after him. We must let our own stoney hearts be softened, It is the Holy Ghose. Please remember Zachariah 4:6. Our own cold hearts must be thawed and warmed. We must be able to shed a tear in our closets for the little babies all suited with their own DNA and totally distinct and beautiful people who can’t wait to show off their lives to the world. God will help us sob and sob as we think of their pain and attempts to escape so they can live. God can do it. This judgment must begin with the people of God. Think of them wanting to tell their Mommies and Daddies to please let them live and they will make them proud. How many professionals, how many best sprinters ever, how many scientists, how many master carpenters, how many teachers, how many professional athletes, how many of every endeavor have not been able to exercise their inalienable rights and live and be held or if needed be adopted. Their blood is crying out. Even now they are undergoing what is really incomprehensible pain. In utero surgeons are doing elegant procedures on the developing little ones to be sure are using anesthesia even for those kind and well intentioned and purposeful procedures because they are pain capable. This brutal and fierce dichotomy we can bring to the Lord in prayer with tears. He can do it. He is greater than the one behind it who is a created being. It must begin with those who know the Lord. Let’s all keep seeking, going down in ashes, mourning and heaviness and the Lord will always hear us and lift us back up with the joy of the Lord as our strength. We must refuse to be divided with other believers. It takes two to divide. We must not insist on our own way. Where there is two or three, He is there in the midst. If any two agree, Jesus let us know His Father in heaven would do it. Romans Chapter 1 speaks of a reprobate mind. Once any people give their lives to the enemy’s operational plan to steal and to kill and to destroy the ramifications continue to go downhill, losing touch with reality and even common sense defying logic even to calling evil good and good evil which is the essence of this proposed legislation. The goodness of God can lead us to repentance and can lead to healing of our nation. Please keep believing. Please having faith and believing “God is” and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
Love these verses. You know them well. In Jesus’ might name, the name above all names. Love to all. Thank you for your faith. I was so edified by your zeal and prayers. Thank you for not fainting.
1 John 4:4 (nkjv) “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
1 John 3:8b (nkjv) “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.”
These swamp people must be removed or this will happen over and over and over again. Pray Pray and Pray more!
Prayer Warriors,
2 Chronicles 7:14 is our answer!! The church must awake from its slumber!!
What can we do? Contact our local church pastors, and their prayer teams to pray, fast, and humble themself!!
Encourage them to pray effectively, first for our president and all our leaders. Pray for good government!! For our cities, state, and our nation!! I encourage you to order many of the booklets Praying For The Government by Derek Prince based entirely on 2 Chronicles 7:14!! Put this tool in the hands of pastors and their prayer teams!! We are the Church, Godās people called by His name, and Jesus Christ our savior our redeemer. You can order the booklet through IFA or Derek Prince Ministries. A mandate!! A Calling, pick up the mantle and contact as many pastors and prayer teams in your cities and surrounding cities. Also let them know about IFA. The election is coming up quickly, letās get to work!! Blessings in Jesus precious name. Serving Him Together one great church body!!
Heavenly Father we need a miracle that this bill does not pass & that your people would have Your mercy & favor. Please give our lawmakers Your wisdom to see that this a is a destructive bill that will in effect discriminate against those of faith. Speak to them & help them to vote against this bill in Jesus Name we pray.
Heavenly Father, we in unity request your protection and intercession of this billš Please Lord we need your Help! āYou said in 2 Chronicles 20:15 āDo not be afraid or discourage for the Battle is not yours but Godāsā We stand in your promise! In Jesus name I pray, Amen
Amen! Most Holy God, King of heaven and of earth I agree with these prayers of the saints and thank you for Star Parkerās bold article.
I stand before You and repent for the sins of our nation and ask for mercy. Your judgments are upright for You are righteous. Your loving kindness and mercy are over all Your works. I ask You to reveal Truth to those in darkness and to gift us all with repentance, humility and boldness to speak out about injustice.
Praying in agreement!
Father, your creation is being decimated. Father reveal yourself to those that have this power over us that they may know your fury and that they may change their votes. We know you have warned us. Please warn them once more. You are our GOD. Bind up their ghastly god and toss him back into the pit LORD. Let us help those that are lost to find their way back to you LORD. We ask this miracle of deliverance from this ungodly sin to be written in their minds as your words are being written upon their hearts. Make it so LORD. Amen
May the co-sponsors of this bill who are in reality male or female wake up to Reality. May they have āwarningsā from Heaven and acknowledge the red flags of this seemingly fair legislation. Please oh God ruler of all intervene. To You be dominion forever and ever amen. Open deaf ears. Give sight to blind eyes. May the Truth set these people free from the deceptive lies of this age. May we all fear God not manās political correctness. Your word is true from the beginning and everyone of Your righteous judgments endureth forever.
My newly elected representative from the 3rd district of Kansas, Sharice Davids, identifies as lesbian. We wrestle not against flesh and blood.
Father God, have mercy on us! You have given us a sound mind so the fact that WE (as a people) HAVE LOST OUR MIND proves that the evil one is prowling around seeking whom he may devour. As a people called by Your Name, by the Power of Your Holy Spirit, You have given us the mind of Christ Jesus! Raise us up Lord as Your army, fighting that good fight. We do not fight as the world does for the weapons we fight with are mighty through You and they will tear down the strongholds along with anything that has set itself up against You! Thank you LORD that our victory is in You. Send forth Your Light and Your Truth and let them guide us!
Amen. Total agreement.
I join in agreement. Thank you, Lord, that victory is ours. Amen.
Oh YHWH! I along with so many others cry out to You to heal this insanity that has overtaken the minds of many in our government and citizens. I pray against the forces of evil that have been assigned to these people in power that stand contrary to the ways of You, YHWH. In Yeshuaās Name, I pray for a Your perfect will and work in the USA. I pray Your people will seek Your direction in prayer and action as You advance Your Kingdom purposes at this time in history. May a Great Spiritual Awakening strike this Nation. May the purpose of the enemy of Christ be used by Christ to defeat all evil intent. May evil be reversed unto itself for its destruction. May life in Christ remain in this country. Amen and amen, in Yeshua HaMashiachās Name, by the power of the Ruach HaKodesh for the complete glory of YHWH!
Agreeing with Dianeās prayer
May all reps who support this bill come under great conviction and repent of their godless decisions.
May righteousness be restored.
Amen , praying in agreement with you. May God’s will be done above all things.
Abba, Father, have mercy on us and our nation. Awaken the consciousness of our lawmakers in Congress and bring them to their senses to represent the people in America with Godly wisdom and direction from You, Father, so that Your will and purposes will be accomplished. Bring unity across our nation with a spiritual voice crying out from Your Kingdom to save this nation from decline and destruction in these evil intents and purposes. Thank You Father, for we know itās being done. So be it! Amen!
Dear Heavenly Father, Please intercede on behalf of those of us who still believe and put our trust in You. We know that male and female are created by You. It doesn’t matter what a person “thinks” they are. What the are is what You created them to be. Please, please help us, God.
In the UK we have a similar equalities act which was enshrined in law in 2010. It is the thin end of a very large wedge. I will pray that you have more wisdom in the US and this doesnāt get passed.
Dear father God, please intervene in this situation and stop this insane legislation from becoming a law. We praise you because you are all knowing and all powerful and nothing is impossible for you.
I pray you will act and defeat this bill. Let your people pray and you act through our prayers to defeat HR 5.
We believe and say that no weapon formed against us shall prosper.
In Jesus Name, we pray.
Standing in agreement Amen & Amen!
Holy Father. We cry out unto You for mercy! Hear our pleas for this foreboding insanity to be entered by Your Sovereignty now! Crush this bill! Do what is necessary to stop this from going forward. Cause thousands who live in Your Light to respond we pray in Jesusā Name Now!
WOW! Who would have thought we would be fighting INSANITY at it’s best! For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. We must stand strong in prayer and supplication in the Spirit of God…..I have to remind myself of this constantly!!!
Amen! We know from Scripture that these days are coming; but I never thought it would be in my lifetime!
Father God. YOU are almighty God. I believe you could hold us from falling.
Here it is. We still have a hope if we do what the word says.
I pray I may and we may be blessing the LORD as never before through our lives. For night is coming when no man can work.